Voting for the Troll of the Year 2012

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Moderators: Col. Khaddafi, iamabadman

Biggest 2012 Troll?

Gutter-Staff Pegging Chamber
The Leak
No votes
"Zombie" Zach
No votes
Hard Gay
No votes
No votes
The guy who asked to make CI private
Total votes: 12

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Col. Khaddafi
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Voting for the Troll of the Year 2012

Postby Col. Khaddafi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:05 am

Here we vote for the biggest troll of 2012.

Runner ups are:
1. Hannes
Hannes for many merits:

- Never being around.
- "This is why we can't have nice things"
- Not giving rianalnn full tech access
- Not activating Galspanic for the whole duration of his first admin tenure
- Thank you for thanking
2. Gutter-Staff Pegging Chamber

3. TomServo for trolling Woapalanne

4. The leak

5. "Zombie" Zach

6. Hard Gay

7. Nai for pretending he didn't knew who leaked ino to Kijin anfd kpaca

8. That guy who showed up in CI to tell them to make CI private because it was troll fodder
Originally posted by Galspanic on MTGS
I would still like to see the posts sent over to ( N_S ) and have the Salvation Gutter archived away and replaced with a link to MTGC.
Thank you for all the lies. Another fine display of integrity by iridium :thumbsup:

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Col. Khaddafi
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Postby Col. Khaddafi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:07 am

I voted for the Gutter-Staff Pegging chamber because it was the ultimate impossible troll and it was soviet-style staff trolling The Gutter
Originally posted by Galspanic on MTGS
I would still like to see the posts sent over to ( N_S ) and have the Salvation Gutter archived away and replaced with a link to MTGC.
Thank you for all the lies. Another fine display of integrity by iridium :thumbsup:

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Tom Servo
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Postby Tom Servo » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:57 am

I voted for that guy. :lol:
Eric, Ren and Jensen were activists
Heads loaded with theory, their hearts are filled with passion
Shared the same left wing politics
Liked the same music, they were part of the protest movement
Now, Anna presented herself as a feminist
Studied the way they talked and dressed
Fashioned herself an anarchist
Eric fell in love with Anna at the meeting of the crime think conference
He didn't know it but Anna was an FBI informant

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Col. Khaddafi
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Postby Col. Khaddafi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:25 pm

I still voted for the Gutter-staff pegging chamber because it was a long-standing troll on tenths of people. It was an unfunny as hell troll though.

If I had to post for the funniest troll of 2012, it'd be totes you Tom
Originally posted by Galspanic on MTGS
I would still like to see the posts sent over to ( N_S ) and have the Salvation Gutter archived away and replaced with a link to MTGC.
Thank you for all the lies. Another fine display of integrity by iridium :thumbsup:

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Postby Kaitscralt » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:43 am

Vote GSPC, bonus troll points to staff for berating and mocking me in CI when I opened up about my disappointment
Standard hobos who play budget garbage should be looked upon with suspicion.

Second Harkius
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Postby Second Harkius » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:25 am

I voted the 'CI private' guy because due to him banned users now need gimmicks to browse CI, creating more work for the beloved mod staff.

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Tom Servo
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Postby Tom Servo » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:04 am

I think "that guy's" name was thelatvianhammer
Eric, Ren and Jensen were activists
Heads loaded with theory, their hearts are filled with passion
Shared the same left wing politics
Liked the same music, they were part of the protest movement
Now, Anna presented herself as a feminist
Studied the way they talked and dressed
Fashioned herself an anarchist
Eric fell in love with Anna at the meeting of the crime think conference
He didn't know it but Anna was an FBI informant

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Tom Servo
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Postby Tom Servo » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:04 am

or something.
Eric, Ren and Jensen were activists
Heads loaded with theory, their hearts are filled with passion
Shared the same left wing politics
Liked the same music, they were part of the protest movement
Now, Anna presented herself as a feminist
Studied the way they talked and dressed
Fashioned herself an anarchist
Eric fell in love with Anna at the meeting of the crime think conference
He didn't know it but Anna was an FBI informant

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