[Primer] Riku Pod

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Postby birdunit » Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:25 pm

I had to replace Hinder and Spell Crumple. I put in Voidslime and the Pact of Negation. I have the typical 'goodstuff' Riku, tuned to fight alot of The Mimeoplasm so i opt not to play survival of the fittest or Fauna shaman =( but i haven't tried them yet.i do have the trinket mage package for relic of progenitus etc. and a scavenging ooze. have you tried sneak attack, its really fun especially with crystal shard and temur sabertooth. and if you haven't tried guided passage, i love it, since all the cards are good even the worse ones they can give you do something.

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Postby Jack » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:06 am

I had to replace Hinder and Spell Crumple. I put in Voidslime and the Pact of Negation. I have the typical 'goodstuff' Riku, tuned to fight alot of The Mimeoplasm so i opt not to play survival of the fittest or Fauna shaman =( but i haven't tried them yet.i do have the trinket mage package for relic of progenitus etc. and a scavenging ooze. have you tried sneak attack, its really fun especially with crystal shard and temur sabertooth. and if you haven't tried guided passage, i love it, since all the cards are good even the worse ones they can give you do something.
I have a Guided Passage but I don't play it, since it's very easy to end up with, say, Farseek, Sakura-Tribe Elder and Forest, or something similar since my deck plays about 3 ramp creatures and about 5 ramping sorceries. The card's mana cost means you'll rarely cast it on curve, and late game I'd rather have a card where I know what it's going to do. It's basically worse than random card draw, so you should just play Careful Consideration, Harmonize or Brainstorm instead. I'm actually looking to add one of those three to the deck in place of Recurring Insight. It'll probably be Brainstorm once I get more fetches. Also looking to add Birds of Paradise because Pod works a lot better with tokens when you have a 1cmc creature.
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Postby Stardust » Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:18 pm

If you're looking for a random 1-drop creature, Dragonmaster Outcast ain't bad.

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Postby Jack » Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:52 pm

I've also played Spore Frog and it was pretty good, since I noticed that my opponents would rather just attack other players than waste a combat step just to get me to sacrifice it. Still, Birds is really good because mana fixing and a turn 4 Riku are both very good.
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Postby birdunit » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:05 am

Nice point about birds im gonna try that, also reminds me of getting a Yisan, the Wanderer Bard chain going, have you tried that or to slow?. i tried brainstorm, i thought it was okay and i have 4 fetches. alot of the time with Guided passage people will give me an answer to a problem, i guess im comparing it to a non consistent 'maybe' tutor and not card draw.

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Postby Jack » Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:04 am

Yeah Yisan seems way too slow. It takes 6 mana just to get a Birds, 9 for a Fauna Shaman, 12 for Eternal Witness.
Thanks for the info on brainstorm.
Which is the best card: Harmonize, Careful Consideration or Foresee?
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Postby Jack » Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:45 am

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[Primer] Riku Pod

Postby Jack » Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:20 pm

If you're reading this, welcome to one of the least read sections of a forum that nobody visits anymore :)
Ummmm...Blade of Selves and Command Beacon seem super perfect for this deck. This isn't a beatdown deck, so I don't play equipment or auras (Skullclamp is basically a sorcery speed Greater Good), but Blade of Selves seems flat out broken here. I think it overtakes Sword of Feast and Famine in the category of "$15 equipment that this deck wants which I don't own."
Command Beacon isn't really better here than anywhere else, but it's still an auto-include in a deck that already has fairly good mana.
Not sure when I'll be able to pick these up. I don't really play anymore.
Other cards trying to find a spot in the deck: Birds of Paradise, Defense Grid (this could go either way, since it hardcore shuts down a lot of decks, and I do need my opponents to counter my other opponents' spells sometimes, but I'm excited about it)
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[Primer] Riku Pod

Postby Jack » Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:31 pm

Blighted Woodland could also be good
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