[Primer] Boros Burn

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Postby LP, of the Fires » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:43 am

I don't really like any creatures in the mirror. Just turns on searing blood.

Vs. control...different story, though Firedrinker satyr is often enough.
You gotta understand, I love the beatdown. I really do. I always have.

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Postby DXI-Edge » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:47 am

Well I needed something now that they are running Blind Obedience, so I ran it in the Firstblade slot

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Postby Purp » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:06 am

3-1 tonight with regular burn list at TNM.

Currently brainstorming something spicy for Invitational, will of course be influenced by what happens this weekend/articles from next week.

[deck]Creatures (14)

4 Firedrinker Satyr (Could be Cackler)
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
2 Spark Trooper

Planeswalkers (2)

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Lands (24)

10 Mountain
3 Boros Guildgate
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Spells (20)

3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Skullcrack
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
3 Warleader's Helix

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Postby TheCleaner » Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:44 am

Sup guys!
Played the Deck the last 3 FNMs, but i cannot remember all the matchups anymore:P
We are always about 10 to 15 players.

First FNM
Won against Naya Midrange, MonoB and another Deck, lost close 2-1 against FNM winning Wu Weenie. He had lots of BraveTheElements and i was one Mana short due to Judges Familiar. Got second place.

Second FNM
First match i drew against Esper because he couldn't kill me fast enough.
Won 2-1 against MonoR, and 2 other Decks.
Got first place out of 15, wich is quite big at our place.

Third FNM
Won close(!) against MonoR Devotion, and 2-0 against Wu Weenie and Rakdos Control. Lost to Mazes End. Way too much lifegain^^
In the Sideboard, i choosed to play pyromancers over Firstblades, as they are easier to cast and good against Control and Creatures. Second FNM, i saw a few Blind Obidiences popping out, and we have lots of Creature Decks at our place. They perfomed well, as they
provided me enough Chumpblockers against MonoR Devotion.
I think im gonna test them Mainboard. I just didn't like hands where i had no creature at all. It was kinda boring.
Might jump to PyroRed again.

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Postby cloudscraper » Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:22 am

Well I needed something now that they are running Blind Obedience, so I ran it in the Firstblade slot
isn't young peezy making their jaces (usually pretty bad) good?

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:35 pm

I'd just like to add that for the hour I tested 1 dragon and 1 vault in the board, it was awesome.
This pleases me - I NEVER bring in Viashino Firstblade in any MU's beside Control so I'll like to take on board the Dragon plan as well :D

I've been playing:

[deck]Boros Zurn[/deck]

(yes I know combining Z and Burn is so creative :stupid:)

If your wondering, I cut the Dancers and 3rd BO from my last list because I was losing to horrible blitz decks since I'm bad at drawing cards and tried to bank on Dancer even though they had open mana open (yeah high level top50 player of year for ya).

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Postby Purp » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:16 pm

Hey MDU are bringing in FDS vs mono black like last season?

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:28 pm

On the play, I like my 1cc (FDS) into 2cc (Ash) into 3cc (CP) and just win :yes: - on the draw, I rather just cut the Ash and fill my deck with Chains and BO/MM while praying I hit at least 1 CP during the course of the game.

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Postby GodzillaAteMe » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:09 pm

Jonnymagic: That's the exact 75 I was planning on playing tonight.

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Postby zemanjaski » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:29 pm

Well I needed something now that they are running Blind Obedience, so I ran it in the Firstblade slot
isn't young peezy making their jaces (usually pretty bad) good?
No, it's the other way around.
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Postby Toddington » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:50 pm

By forcing them to +1 when they should be -2ing?

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Postby zemanjaski » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:53 pm

Yes , this has only been discussed to death.

Need towel before the got, managed two perfect scores in my last two practice tournaments.
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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:27 pm

I'd just like to add that for the hour I tested 1 dragon and 1 vault in the board, it was awesome.
I very much like this sideboard plan, but here my concern is Blind Obedience. This is a board plan primarily for control, and Blind Obedience makes it worse. I'm wondering if pro-white is still just too good against control for us to care about it losing haste.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:22 pm

Yes , this has only been discussed to death.

Need towel before the got, managed two perfect scores in my last two practice tournaments.
Plus, it eventually forces them to sorcery verdict which is exactly what you want them to do when running burn instead of the old pyro red build focused on creatures. That, or you eventually snipe Jace and crush them.

I enjoyed the creature heavy game 1 version that the other thread was testing but if BO is really starting to show up, time to screw with my FNM meta again. I feel like I'm some sort of assassin silently strolling in there every 2-3 weeks, sweeping the place, and leaving my opponents dreading my unpredicitable but inevitable return. I like they have to put cards in their sideboard only for me
on just on the chance I come in.

About trouble, as someone who played the card a lot, it can be rather anemic since it's an unpredictable sorcery. I was more in favor of it when you had the option of casting the toil side but at this point, you need more impactful cards than that. I'm also against going reactive with wear / tear. I never fail to be disappointed with that card when I play it. It alters your sideboard plan too much around the need to draw it. Case in point, if blind obedience is everywhere, making firstblade a bad bear, then hoping to draw one of two cards, not have it countered or having a second one played to make 3-7 of your other cards live is...very optimistic and very unreliable. Either make the card suck by not playing into it or make them have it.

Contrast with a removal card like fated conflag which boarding it in doesn't alter the rest of your plan because you don't need to play it to make your other cards good. Also, if it has no targets, then your opponent has no board
state which is stopping you. If you have wear // tear with no targets, your opponent could be killing you in a variety of different ways (i.e. whip decks).

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Postby Purp » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:35 pm

Trouble is good on the play, horribad on the draw.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:00 pm

Plus, trouble does nothing vs Bx decks with thoughtsieze or duress. Firstblade works against all of that so we need a more general card.

Z, maybe there's another option out there?

Play young pyromancer, Play young pyromancer, Play young pyromancer, Play young pyromancer, Play young pyromancer

:evil: :D

Seriously though, YP does make those games more grindy vs control which I'm ok with but it's something to consider.

There's also guttersnipe but I really don't feel like paying 3 for that cost and we're back to it sucking vs Bx.

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Postby zenbitz » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:11 pm

I don't think it's awesome but I am going to screw around with my next few games 2x glare and 1x wear//tear in my sideboard over VFB. Reverse tech assuming everyone starts playing Blind obedience like Esper.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:15 pm

4 ash zealot
4 chandra's phoenix

3 shock
2 chained to the rocks
4 searing blood
4 magma jet
4 lightning strike
4 boros charm
4 warleader's helix
4 skullcrack

3 boros guildgate
3 mutavault
4 temple of triumph
4 sacred foundry
9 mountain


2 chained to the rocks
4 firedrinker satyr
3 satyr firedancer
2 blind obedience
3 young pyromancer
1 mutavault[/deck]

Alternatively, -1 searing blood main deck, -1 mutavault sb for 2 fated conflag sideboard. I'm less a fan of maindeck chains though.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:30 pm

I don't like Young Pyromancer. I feel like it pushes the game plan of the deck in a very different direction, and the only time we want to do that is for the control matchup; a matchup I think is good enough that we don't need to do so. Furthermore, I don't want to dedicate 7 slots of my sideboard to control. I already don't play FDS because it's too narrow (only comes in against UWx control decks) and I'm not going to play YP because, again, the only time I want it is against control. Against control we can devote a few slots to cards that are primarily good against control, but also have cross-matchup applications.

I like 1-of Wild Ricochet for this reason. It's insane against the mirror, which is becoming more common, and is very good against control. I also like 1-of Wear//Tear. I'm not on the creature plan against control, so I'm not leaning on it to take out BloB, but if I draw it I can blow up a
DSphere on my Phoenix. It can also come in against Hexproof decks or any deck that plays a backbreaking enchantment/artifact. Another card with cross-matchup use is Fated Conflagration. It hits most problem creatures they board in and kills planeswalkers. Obviously this card has applications in many other matchups. The only card that is dedicated to control in my sideboard is Mutavault. It dodges pretty much everything they can throw at it and it helps hit land drops, which are both very powerful against control.

I really like this type of SB plan, at least for paper magic, because control decks are much less prevalent in paper, but the board still has some tools against it.

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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:03 pm

Last night I was testing with 3 YP main along with the 4 zealots and 4 phoenix (playing 1 shock, 3 searing, 3 helix, and 3 chains). I actually really liked the way the deck felt. I may cut one more searing main or the last shock and try a 4th YP. My MBC matchup felt about a ton better and devour flesh was much weaker. Plus, I like playing early threats that require them to spend mana answering, or if they develop their board you can overrun them with guys and burn. I also like YP against the control MU, lets you play him and burn, and make them use verdict to answer YP and all your 1/1s. This way you likely have other threats after verdict as you didn't have to overextend. I am early in the testing with this build, but I REALLY liked the way it felt. Also, I have completely cut the VFB from my sb, as well as the spark trooper. With the extra creatures (I also have 4 SFD and 4 FDS in the sb), I just don't feel like
the VFB and Sparky are necessary, but again, early in testing this build. If anyone tries it out, please let me know what you think. I also have found (like most others) that the Fated in the sb is pretty versatile and plays fairly well in several matchups.

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Postby RaizeAren » Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:09 pm

Hi everyone, been lurking on here a while, reading to sideboard suggestions for tomorrow's SCG Open. I'm running a pretty standard sideboard as of now. I like the discussion that has been going on especially with the rise of blind obedience in control matchups. That being said i'm also not the biggest fan of Firstblade at the moment. However, I do expect the LA meta tomorrow to be decently control heavy so I'm not entirely certain what should go in its place if I take it out. Will also try Young Pyromancer tonight at FNM considering there are a bunch of control matchups at my LGS.

[deck]3 Satyr Firedancer
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Blind Obedience
4 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Viashino Firstblade[/deck]

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Postby DXI-Edge » Fri Mar 21, 2014 6:18 pm

4 ash zealot
4 chandra's phoenix

3 shock
2 chained to the rocks
4 searing blood
4 magma jet
4 lightning strike
4 boros charm
4 warleader's helix
4 skullcrack

3 boros guildgate
3 mutavault
4 temple of triumph
4 sacred foundry
9 mountain


2 chained to the rocks
4 firedrinker satyr
3 satyr firedancer
2 blind obedience
3 young pyromancer
1 mutavault[/deck]

Alternatively, -1 searing blood main deck, -1 mutavault sb for 2 fated conflag sideboard. I'm less a fan of maindeck chains though.
if you do those changes, you LITERALLY get my current list lol

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Postby JohnnyfnB » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:05 pm

I have a question. If my opponent targets my Phoenix with D-sphere and in response I shock it, he still controls D sphere, correct? I'm just asking to calculate for devotion. Thanks guys.

Playing this sb tonight. My shop has a ton of aggro decks and decks with big creatures. If I was playing a tournament, it would look completely different:

2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Blind Obedience
2 Fated Conflagration
2 Wear/Tear
3 Boros Reckoner
3 Satyr Firedancer
1 Wild Ricochet
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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:08 pm

If he plays d-sphere, once it resolves, he has to choose a target. If he chooses phoenix, you can shock it in response, sending phoenix to your gy. He controls a d-sphere which has no exiled cards, but it does count towards his devotion.

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Postby JohnnyfnB » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:09 pm

That's what I thought, thank you SD!
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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:36 pm

I don't like Young Pyromancer. I feel like it pushes the game plan of the deck in a very different direction, and the only time we want to do that is for the control matchup; a matchup I think is good enough that we don't need to do so. Furthermore, I don't want to dedicate 7 slots of my sideboard to control. I already don't play FDS because it's too narrow (only comes in against UWx control decks) and I'm not going to play YP because, again, the only time I want it is against control. Against control we can devote a few slots to cards that are primarily good against control, but also have cross-matchup applications.
YP is still very powerful against Bx, Wx and Rx decks. Monsters and blue devotion are the only two that I'm not super
excited about it in. I also like FDS on the play against Bx.

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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:39 pm

I have been liking FDS against Bx as well. I am on the many creature plan against that deck at the moment with 4 FDS, 4 Zealot, 4 Phoenix, and 3 (tho may go to 4) YP. Feels better to me than the few (or no) creature plan. Apply early pressure, finish em off with burn.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:42 pm

That's what I thought, thank you SD!
It also works in your favor if you have multiple phoenixes. In general, I try to avoid having a second phoenix on the board until I have mana up to remove one in response to sphere.

@DXI, no surprise there. I think I'm tempted to try mine only because I just traded for my 4th mutavault and don't have any fated conflags yet. Then again, I have $75 in store credit to use so are you still happy with them?

@Staind, on the draw though, I would avoid it. Too many ways they can keep you on tempo there.

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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:49 pm

Elricity- What do you play instead of FDS if on the draw against Bx?

For what it's worth, I have been pretty happy with Fated Conflagration as well. More expensive than mortars, and can't overload it, but it does get most the guys you want to get and the scry 2 is a nice bonus. The Jund Monsters deck runs 1 chandra I think, and I was able to take it right out with fated, which was nice (obv also good against other PWs). A little clunkier than mortars, but taking care of obz and polukranos in one card is pretty sweet and helps against some of the more problematic cards for this deck. That's my 2 cents anyway (and no, that's not my rapper name).

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:59 pm

Chain and YP for -3 shock, -2 magma jet. On the play, I would probably cut 2 more magma jet and maybe 2 searing blood. Maybe.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:58 pm

I don't like Young Pyromancer. I feel like it pushes the game plan of the deck in a very different direction, and the only time we want to do that is for the control matchup; a matchup I think is good enough that we don't need to do so. Furthermore, I don't want to dedicate 7 slots of my sideboard to control. I already don't play FDS because it's too narrow (only comes in against UWx control decks) and I'm not going to play YP because, again, the only time I want it is against control. Against control we can devote a few slots to cards that are primarily good against control, but also have
cross-matchup applications.
YP is still very powerful against Bx, Wx and Rx decks. Monsters and blue devotion are the only two that I'm not super excited about it in. I also like FDS on the play against Bx.
I understand that he's still very powerful, but I think he pushes our deck in the wrong direction when we're not playing against control. When we play against control he's a big source of pressure and a way to increase our longevity in a game and I think that's fine. But one of the reasons why I like this deck so much and think it's so powerful is because it cares very minimally about the board in a format that is very often about board presence. The ability to operate on an entirely different axis than our opponent is very powerful and prevents our opponent from interacting with us and stopping us from winning the game. When we play Young Pyromancer, we all of a sudden care about the board, and we start putting our resources into
a path to victory that our opponent can actually interact with. At least this is the way it feels to me when I think about YP in the deck. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe YP is actually an all-star that allows us to interact with our opponent's board while still implementing our game plan. I just don't like the idea of diluting our deck in any way, as it functions best when it's jam-packed with direct damage.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:02 pm

But I'll try and get some testing in and see how it performs.

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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:18 pm

BrainsickHater - I think it is important to play the deck that you feel it is most powerful, and I understand your concern. For me, I am not trying to play too many burn spells on turn 2 (maybe magma jet) anyway, so I like to drop a guy who pressures the board. Even if you are playing GR monsters or something, it makes it more difficult for them to tap out with caryatid to cast guys, etc., without taking free damage. Plus, you just get a ton of value out of your burn spells if you have YP out. With him and Phoenix, and SFD (in the right matchups), it feels to me like you are getting so much value out of your burn spells. I am playing YP md with Phoenix and Zealot, and I have cut a shock, the 4th searing blood, and the 4th helix for them. The deck is the same as before, still a ton of burn and that is the plan to victory. But, the creatures you have make your burn have added value, and free damage off guys is free damage.
At least that is the way I look at it. I am still a little early in the testing with the build including YP, but I was very happy with it last night.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:50 pm

I definitely see the attraction to adding the aforementioned dudes, and I definitely agree that they add HUGE amounts of value to your burn. I think that I'll have to play these cards and see for myself how they perform. It might be a matter of personal playstyle where playing more cards that aren't burn doesn't agree with me.

I would just like to add that I have played with SFD in the main and the side, and I definitely prefer it in the side. Something I found with this deck is that the large majority of the cards have an effect as soon as they leave your hand, and the more cards you have that don't, the more inconsistent and clunky the deck becomes. Personally, having the additional clutter in my maindeck feels very bad for me, and I much prefer for me to maximize the likelihood of me drawing burn-heavy hands and ending the game by outracing my opponent.

If Young Pyromancer works for you, that's great and go
at it. I love the card and loved playing PyroRed before BNG came out.

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Postby Staind Diablo » Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:56 pm

Cool, good luck. I run SFD in the side too, not md.

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Postby Elricity » Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:14 pm

When we play Young Pyromancer, we all of a sudden care about the board, and we start putting our resources into a path to victory that our opponent can actually interact with. At least this is the way it feels to me when I think about YP in the deck. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe YP is actually an all-star that allows us to interact with our opponent's board while still implementing our game plan. I just don't like the idea of diluting our deck in any way, as it functions best when it's jam-packed with direct damage.
This is not legacy burn. The board state or lack thereof matters a ton. It is not an "oops, I guess I comboed out 7 burn spells to your face". The exact reason that Viashino Firstblade was such a powerful card and Trouble isn't is BECAUSE it affected the board state. It was a boros charm that your opponent later had to answer with mana and cards.

Against control,
you want to put them in a position where they have to tap out or lose because our deck is built around killing them when they do. It's why Vizkopa or Thune can actually be a poor card against us. I know I won game day when a deck dropped it turn 5 and I proceeded to nuke them and finish them off with the creatures I already had on the board.

YP is a turn 2 card that they can either tap out and kill immediately or it builds up incremental advantage that can only be answered with Supreme Verdict or mitigated with Jace who is then devoted into sitting on the board doing nothing. Both give you a gigantic window to punish your opponent.

YP fills a role that Firstblade does without having to worry about coming into play tapped. I'm not certain if that means it's necessarily the right card yet but it's there

Disenchant doesn't promote this. It puts no pressure on your opponent to do anything. Chained to the rocks, mortars, conflag, etc are powerful because they tempo your opponent into continuing to
invest into the board state without slowing your plan. If you disenchant a blind obedience, any control player worth their salt is going to realize that you mulliganed yourself.

Ricochet has a chance but I suspect it only works on bad mirror players and not much else. I might be looking at that card wrong but I know wear // tear loses games in burn.

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Postby BrainsickHater » Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:33 pm

I said that YP is good against control. Against control making them have an answer to your continual board pressure is excellent. I just don't think I want to be playing the board as much against other decks, and I don't think I want to be playing YP just for the control matchup.

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Postby Rjayz » Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:45 am

Hey guys, just went 4-0 with the latest list from Zem (running 3 Chains and 3 Searing Bloods) at FNM, and the sideboard with 4 Firedancers and 2 Conflagrations. I played White Weenie three times and B/W Midrange once.

The WW games all three went the same way, racing each other game 1 and games 2 and 3 I dropped Firedancer on turn 2 and crushed them. One thing I noticed is that Judge's Familiar can represent a one-turn slowdown, but nothing too horrible. I found casting burn on my own turn to work best as they usually could cast Brave/God's Willing/Selesyna Charm on their turn, but tapped out at the end of their turns which I could punish badly. I'd feel a lot less confident without Firedancer, he makes aggro matchups a free win.

The B/W game was a bit odd, the guy mentioned he got the list from Starcity Games (the video where the deck wins against Burn) but didn't seem to put out a lot of pressure. Game 1 I had a
Chain for his Demon and just beat him down with Vault, game 2 he destroyed my hand with discard effects and ripping Fated Conflagration out of my hand but killed himself with Underworld Connections. Again, I had the Chain for his Demon, and didn't see any other creature from him. I can see the problems this

I noticed from the previous version of the deck the manabase seems more stable dropping one of the Vaults (might just feel like that), and that running a third Chain feels a lot better in that I tend to at least see one every game. Firedancer overperformed for me, but I'm not sure it's that good anymore if aggro decks start running some removal to deal with it. I didn't get an opportunity to test the other cards.

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Postby Khaospawn » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:33 am

Casually strolled in tonight for FNM. I tapped Mountain, extended hand with this:

[deck]The Fazzolari Special[/deck]

Going 4-0 felt good after a shit day at work.

R1: Mono Blue Devotion

I lose game 1, but win the next two games riding on the shoulders of Firedancer.

R2: G/R Monsters

My opponent stumbles on mana after I Shock the dork and Ash Zealots rip him apart. Firedancer and Boros Charms mop up Game 2 for me.

R3: Mono Black Devotion

nThose 3 Thoughtseizes may have ripped my hand apart in Game 1, but at least my topdecks were strong. In Game 2, he encountered a vicious Viashino after tapping out to play an Underworld Connections. The Firstblade pulled his weight and I soon had my first Viashino victim.

R4: G/W Lifegain

Terrible matchup, right? I get destroyed in Game 1 after he plays aTrostani. Who the fuck maindecks a Troastani? I bounce back in Game 2 to win it, thanks to 3 (!) Chained to the Rocks. In Game 3, I just embarrass his deck by landing not one, but TWO (!) Firedancers. There's no greater feeling than machine gunning creatures by simply casting a Boros Charm. :rofl:

12 points. Collect promo and $30 bucks. Good night, folks.
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
I rarely skip a Khaospawn wall of text because I know there is always piss at the end of the rainbow.

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Postby Elricity » Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:20 am

Doing a quicky report before I get on to other things. There were 4 burn decks there tonight although I think I was the only one playing blind obedience. One of them reads the DTR forums and we chatted a bit so howdy, person I talked to. :hi: Now get some blind obedience or I'll murder you in the mirror! :flame:

Went with this:

[deck]4 ash zealot
4 chandra's phoenix

3 shock
2 chained to the rocks
4 searing blood
4 magma jet
4 lightning strike
4 boros charm
4 warleader's helix
4 skullcrack

2 boros guildgate
3 mutavault
4 temple of triumph
4 sacred foundry
10 mountain


2 chained to the rocks
4 firedrinker satyr
3 satyr firedancer
2 blind obedience
3 young pyromancer
1 mutavault[/deck]

Match 1 vs RW

Game 1 she floods after I remove an Anax and Brimaz while holding an indestructibility and some other aura. Made the decision to go control to disrupt the heroic. -3 shock, -1 jet, -4 ashley, +2 chain, 3 dancer, 3 YP. Game 2, I get YP and SFD on the board and remove everything and finish her with an army of tokens and stuff.

Match 2 vs RW Burn:

Not the person I was talking to. She used one of the SCG builds that had main deck boros reckoner. Game 1, I keep a hand with 2 mountain and a vault. Draw a 2nd vault but never hit white mana and lose with helixes and charms in my hand after bottoming 2 cards early to dig for the white. Note to self, 3rd gate goes back in. I get to see the maindeck reckoner. -4 Ashley, +2 BlOb/chain like a pro. Game 2, we are trading damage back and forth when I get ahead but make a mistake of tapping out 2nd phoenix when I have skullcrack in hand reading her on not having a helix. She hits me with a spark trooper the turn before I draw blind obedience. BO stops her
phoenix from hitting me while I skullcrack her, extort, and recur phoenix for exact. Game 3, I keep a solid looking hand with 2 mountains, 2 searing bloods, skullcrack, phoenix, BO. Snap keep. I spend the next several turns not hitting a 3rd land and instead of wasting burn on my turn, I discard phoenix and recur with burn at the end of her turn. I finally hit a white source but at this point am at 3 and she's at 12 so I instead risk just burning her down before she top decks something. I avoid playing that phoenix for this reason. Finally I hit a 4th land, and back to back helix her and she flashes the 2 searing bloods she's been holding onto all game. Whew.

After the game, I talked to the mono black player who just died to the burn guy I was talking to later. Did a little information warfare and congratulated him on his decision to board out thoughtsieze. Yes, I'm an asshole.

Match 3 vs Jonny, GR monsters ish. He runs BTE and nykthos so that's a bit different.

Yep, playing against my friend
again. At least I didn't have to on game day. Game 1 he keeps a very durdly hand with no early plays until turn 3 domri instead turn 4 ghor clan while I'm waving him down with ash zealots and phoenixes. Remove the ghor clan when he fights an ashley, beat him to death. -4 skullcrack, -4 ash zealot, -1 boros charm, -1 searing blood (should have kept all 4 searing), +2 chain, +2 BlOb, 3 YP, 3 SFD. Game 2, he plays early bow of nylea and puts a counter on his carytid which makes my YP and tokens look awful. I never see a boros charm to kill the stupid thing in time before he floods the board with creatures. So...-4 phoenix, -1 boros charm, +4 skullcrack, 1 searing blood. I beg him not to draw bow. He mulligans with bow in hand, gets another anyway. I think he boards into 3? I land an early YP but this time he sees no carytid so my elementals can do something. He has the choice when I have 2 tokens to block YP with BTE but blocks a token instead. I draw another removal and eventually crush through his bow plus
a second one for double activation with 5 elementals. Suck it bow!

ID into top 8.

Top 8 vs Esper:

I get cocky and quite frankly don't want the wins enough. Game 1, I get him to 3 with a helix in hand and him on mana. Rather than holding it and going draw go, I run it into a dissolve and finish the game with him at 1 as I can't stick threats before his aetherling kills me. -4 jet, -4 searing blood (?), -2 chain, 3 YP, 1 muta, 2 BO, 4 firedrinkers. Why didn't I cut shock? I dunno. Game 2, he gets stuck on 3 lands and dies. Game 3, I land an early YP after the turn 2 mutavault hit. I get him to 5 and he lands BBV x2 and I can not quite get there as he dspheres 3 phoenix. I recall throwing away an early skullcrack because I tapped mana wrong when I meant to cast boros charm. I also top deck reveal another skullcrack thinking I'm as good as dead so he only swings with one. He admits he might have considered swinging with both which would have killed him. I congrats him.

I still have like $75 in
store credit I'm sitting on there anyway. Shrug.

So yeah, I liked YP but I also never faced a deck using blind obedience. Still, on the whole, YP won me matches that firstblade would not have. Apparently nobody at the store had them and/or knew to have them in. Apparently Monday is the more competitive night there is what the store owner says. Wear // tear, as always, would have been a shitty card all night. I will probably drop the mutavault in sideboard for conflag or mortars though.

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