Did you know these days the Called gets not a single post for 15days long, and when someone posts, its just Voltan or the occasional CharlieD or the nice wildlife guy (forgot his name).While Scumbag organizes the occasional raid, you need to see where he's coming from: his community of several years was destroyed under false pretenses, his name was publicly tarnished, and his friends were targeted one by one for selective treatment. He's got a lot of pride which is why he won't drop the issue, nor should he, until he gets an apology, not some half-hearted "we all made mistakes" platitude (this is also why I call him 'the Count of Monte Cristo). I know how he feels though, I was just as pissed after seeing Rianalnn destroy the Called, then the Gutter, then force out several mods including myself; however, while my grudge has died and now all I do is take easy pot-shots here, I empathize with Scumbag being annoyed at twerps trying to play
goofy internet politics under the guise of "forum morality".
That is another poster issue: For them the rules are just a mean of enforcing their personal agendas at the expense of the forum users at large (re: complaining at the Gutter and FoS for saying mean things on the internet about other people while at the same time doing the exact thing in the mod lounge threads). Hypocrisy at its finest.