TCG Platinum Event

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TCG Platinum Event

Postby Keftenk » Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:04 am

I'm new to the competitive scene, but have been playing MTG for a very long time. The most "competitive" thing I've done is FNM, which isn't very competitive. I've been looking to branch out and really see how far I can go. I've noticed that there is a TCG Platinum Qualifier event not too far from where I live in November, but I have a few questions about it. I noticed that these events award "TCG Points", what are those? Are these points I use to just bypass the entry fee for future events? Am I allowed to just walk in to this Platinum Qualifier and pay the $25 and play? Possibly winning? Is SCG the same as the TCG? I'm really eager to get into more competitive play, but just a little confused by all these "qualifiying" events and such...

Any insight would be helpful, thanks!

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Postby Mcdonalds » Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:58 pm

(your in the wrong section mind)

You use TCG Points to enter TCG invitational events (ala SCG Invitations or Pro Tours)

Yes you can simply walk into platinum qualfiers' and play, whether you win or not, up to you

No TCG and SCG are not the game

To my knowledge, the platinum/silver/gold qualifier things refer to the prize payout of the tournament, the lowest being silver the highest being diamond (too lazy to check :p)

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( G_R )
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Postby ( G_R ) » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:04 am

Moved to Magic General. Mod text is sooo manly. Better?
That explains why people keep coming over for chicken nuggets

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Postby Mcdonalds » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:43 am

Make it rainbow colored

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