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Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:05 pm
by Shalako
I recently started playing this game.

I've having a blast as the sad Mummy.
Originally posted by Rinaoto on MTGS
how2jungle 101

- Champions capable of jungling usually have some form of sustain (shields, lifesteal, etc.) This is so that they don't have to back until they hit at least lvl 3-4, and because they have to make do with just their jungle creeps, you have to make sure they last. As of now the standard jungle set up is Hunter's Machete and 5 health potions. They also have either a gap closer or a CC (Crowd control) to make pinning down the target easier. Amumu's Q for instance, is what makes him a threat in early levels.
- Each jungler has their own little "route" they would take to clear out the jungle camps. Some champs start out with red buff while some may go with a blue buff. Knowing which champs go which route will let you try and picture where that jungler might be.
- Only
gank a lane when you know you have a clear shot and the enemy laner isn't aware that you're ready to strike. Make sure your laner helps contribute to your gank or else it won't be as effective.
- Wards are your best friend and your worst enemy; wards placed at the right spots will let you know if the jungler is coming to gank your lane. Likewise, if they spot you, that's time could have gone into farming, potentially setting you back. Ask the lanes you're about to gank if the enemy has warded, and ask your laner to grab a ward or two on their first back. It's nearly impossible to pull off ganks if the enemy can see you, worse if their jungler is on their way to help.
- Junglers need to be fed information to plan out ganks. Work together with your support to know where the wards are planted and if there's any way you can manuever past them.
- A jungler's other role is to control the buffs and global objectives, such as dragon, baron, and towers. Taking down turrets gives you
a lot of map control, and objectives like dragon will give you a lot of gold to your team mates. Killing Baron Nashor will not only give your team a huge boost in gold and exp, but it will also grant everyone alive a buff that increases AP/AD, and health/mana regeneration. Dragon and Baron are extremely hard to kill alone, making it a team effort.
Don't gank a lane that's completely lost
Don't gank a lane that doesn't buy a ward on his first back to base.
Don't gank a lane that pushes but doesnt ward
Dump the midlaner that doesn't come to help leash
Always be prepared for enemy jungler to come counter jungling
Help the lane that is already winning and help them ward their surroundings.
Help out mid as much as possible, show your face even if you are just passing by.
Before Level 6, gank top at least once.
Communicate with your support player on where the enemy wards are.
Even if you follow all these commandments,losing games are still lost.(
there are games nothing can be done about. )
this is a p good guideline for jungling and most, if not all, should be followed. Junglers are team players, and they have to do what's best for the team along with the support.

lmk if u have any questions

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 3:35 am
by Captain Murphy
There goes the other games forum...

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:34 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Fuck LoL

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:35 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:15 am
by Captain Murphy
The community blows. I'd play with you though if you wanted to.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:58 am
by Alex
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries to do anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them. Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:25 pm
by ganderin_dan
Original DotA's community was better than HoN/LoL are now, IMO.

But I'll see myself out.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:04 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries to do anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them.
Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.
I'll give Riot credit for trying to stop the massive bad manners issues. but They can only do so much.

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:03 pm
by Alex
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries to do anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes
of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them. Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.
I'll give Riot credit for trying to stop the massive bad manners issues. but They can only do so much.
Exactly, the age old "don't hate the player, hate the game" is certainly not true here.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 1:59 am
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries to do
anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them. Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.
I'll give Riot credit for trying to stop the massive bad manners issues. but They can only do so much.
Exactly, the age old "don't hate the player, hate the game" is certainly not true here.
I think I would be more willing to try the game if I wouldn't be bombarded on my first match of LRN 2 PLAY NOOB, FAGOT(yes THAT spelling lol), or Insert every your mom joke.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:08 am
by ganderin_dan
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries to do anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes
of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them. Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.
I'll give Riot credit for trying to stop the massive bad manners issues. but They can only do so much.
I actually went to Riot's panel at PAX East this year re: "toxic behaviors & LoL," and while it was pretty basic stuff, the fact that they're putting a concentrated effort towards fixing it is pretty commendable.

Although, funny story, the first person in their 30 minute (!) Q&A was some middle-aged parent asking why there was no "report & quit" function, and despite the panel members politely trying to explain that MOBAs are a team game, thus quitting is not solving the problem, the parent continued to badger them about the pains of having to suffer through a game with said "
toxic behavior," whereafter he basically got pulled from the mic, hook-around-neck style.

I'm not sure there's a way to fix it. Anonymity+lack of real consequence=douchebaggery.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:25 pm
by Captain Murphy
Thats what you get in a completely free to play mmo

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:24 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Game wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt the massive amount of Bad manners and the fact so many dont work as a team in a TEAM BASED game.
Same can be said about basically all MOBAs, League of Legends is the only one I know of that actively tries
to do anything about its shitty community, though, so you have to give them that. When I played original DoTA the community was horrendous too, much worse than LoL. Heroes of Newerth wasn't much better after the beta was over either.

I don't really play online games anymore, but I played a lot of League when I WAS still playing them. Overall I can't complain, it's the exact experience I expected to get when I started.
I'll give Riot credit for trying to stop the massive bad manners issues. but They can only do so much.
I actually went to Riot's panel at PAX East this year re: "toxic behaviors & LoL," and while it was pretty basic stuff, the fact that they're putting a concentrated effort towards fixing it is pretty commendable.

Although, funny story, the first person in their 30 minute (!) Q&A was some middle-aged parent asking why there was no "report & quit" function, and despite the panel members politely trying to
explain that MOBAs are a team game, thus quitting is not solving the problem, the parent continued to badger them about the pains of having to suffer through a game with said "toxic behavior," whereafter he basically got pulled from the mic, hook-around-neck style.

I'm not sure there's a way to fix it. Anonymity+lack of real consequence=douchebaggery.
There is a way but it involves something deep on the system. Im not sure they could pull it off. They would need to not only take into account reports but also chat scans during ranked games. The problem really isn't the game or riot themselves I go to say its more of the fact the player base itself was very toxic before the game even existed. Not to really point fingers at a group or not BUT coming from playing many TCGs and other games ost of our toxic player base came from:
-Former yugioh players under the age of 18 or started playing before 16.
-Underclassed areas
-children not taught manners period
****- Gamers
that started playing mmo styled games before 16

That's just the run ins we had in other games. The **** one has been the main source. I feel many come into gaming and feel entitled to everything and have a toxic attitude before they even download the game itself.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:29 am
by Manasjap
The best advice I can give anyone for playing LoL is twofold:
- Play with friends: even when you play with one friend and 3 idiots you can still set up interesting gameplay moments and have fun
- Don't take games too seriously: Sure, it sucks when you do your best and dominate your direct opponent(s) and your team just fucks you over bigtime. Still, that should not have to mean that game is a waste. (see psychological mastery vs competition shit)
Usually, I try to respond to 'toxic' players by engaging them in normal conversation (not defending myself, or "see u sux to lol nab" stuff), start talking about the weather or some shit, make a lame joke to ease chat. Sometimes I end up ignoring the person anyway, but often it works to calm the rage a bit and sometimes get an otherwise feeding/raging team back together.

Also, learn how to farm damnit.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:37 am
by Bhikku
started playing this again out of boredom, im bhikkux on there

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:12 am
by Manasjap
I tend to play some ARAM from time to time. There's probably no one of you on EUW servers, right?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:05 pm
by Nuwen
Nuwen = gleighn
Fate = Fallen Daemon

We're mostly scrubs floating @ gold elo. Sometimes we spark a bowl and decide to build TTTs (Turbo Tiamat Teemos AKA lulz builds).

If you're serious about grinding the elo ladder, you'll need to be patient and realize that 4x randoms are just meat shields for you. Play a hero that efficiently spends gold (ADC, hyperbruiser top like Irelia or Olaf, etc) and take the first 10-15 minutes to farm strong and hard. Aim to have ~100 cs (approximately 5/6 each wave, not too hard if you practice practice practice) by 10 minutes, spend, and then start pinging group objectives with your team.

If you can't get your hands on a carry for a given game, don't ragequit or turn your brain off. Pick a hero with strong, low-cooldown CC. Throw your bankroll at VISION, AEGIS, and do whatever you can to keep the carries safe & positive-minded.

Wards are cheap and unlimited
in LoL, so abuse them. The treeline is immutable so the river can ALWAYS be controlled for 300g/3 minutes (4 wards). If your wards control key vision areas, you'll see opponents' ward placement. Skirt around their eyes with your CC buttons and say hi2u. Place wards optimally: ... t=3&page=1 - the SIEGE wards are especially important to turn your lead into victory. The base space in LoL is narrow and the towers are more vicious than DoTA. Ward over the wall and /giggle at bad people who walk into your CC and die.

Never have downtime. LoL/DoTA give you a lot of opportunities to spend your time as a travel tourist. Read your opponents and use vision to predict their movements, so you always know where to be ahead of time. Avoid falling into the responsive trap; don't follow your enemies around the map.
Instead, push out lanes safely and ping initiates when an opponent breaks off to respond to YOU. Keep track of enemy teamfight cooldowns and neutral spawns (buffs spawn every 3 min, Dragon 6, Rosh 8 ) in chat so your team knows when an initiate is a tarp.

Even BM people are playing to win at first. Stay flexible so the one-trick ponies aren't forced to do something they're bad at or don't want to do.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:53 pm
by Sasky
I got shafted to the asian servers and got stuck playing with idiots from Vietnam and China and promptly stopped playing this game.

Americans were wayyyyy better to play with when the game was still in beta.

I play that desert guy dude with the warp gate power. Malzahar or something.

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:09 pm
by Manders
I just made an account on it last week. MandersHex (fucking Manders was taken! :o ) I hardly ever play, and I never play with real people. Only bots.

I refer to myself as Champion Fodder. :(

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:18 am
by Alex
My name is ProbablyTerribad. It's true.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:23 am
by Manders
Damn, I should have thought of that first. :p

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:21 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
make gimmick and call it PromiseNotToFeed.... Procede to feed :B

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:45 pm
by Captain Murphy
Fuck LoL

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:26 pm
by Manders
make gimmick and call it PromiseNotToFeed.... Procede to feed :B

But I don't feed intentionally!!

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:13 am
by Mcdonalds
Ooo I play this

Master Yi is the fucking dumb.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:03 am
by Manders
What are everyone's thoughts on Sona?

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:30 am
by Guardman
What are everyone's thoughts on Sona?
Smash keyboard -> win games.

I'm Reifke Vlasir on LoL. I am currently Gold V and I can't play adc to save my life (or my champions life for that matter).

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:24 am
by Mcdonalds
Played Teemo, had fun, what sort of monster am I?

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:08 pm
by Sir Sapphire the 3rd
Played Teemo, had fun, what sort of monster am I?
One where we will break your fingers one by one.... SLOWLY

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:30 am
by Mcdonalds
Royal vs SKT, takin all bets

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:44 am
by Nuwen
We're watching the Championship @ a local bar. The future is now.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:22 pm
by Narcasus
Name is narcasus on lol. Currently plat 1, hit me up with an invite if you guys are ever lookin to play a game

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:29 am
by Mcdonalds
Season 4 starts soon

Thoughts, apprehensions, thoughts of ragequitting

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:14 am
by rezombad
I think it will be neat. I don't play very seriously, but the changes they've been talking about could be good.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:02 am
by Calamity
I'm excited about season 4, the new vision and jungle look real interesting. In theory there will be more skirmishes with the way wards work now.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:10 am
by Kazekirimaru
I forget this game exists for about half a year and then pick back up and kill things with Fiora like usual.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:36 pm
by Calamity
lol you play Fiora

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:39 pm
by Alex
I'm sad about the jungle changes because it likely means I won't be able to play jungle Draven anymore.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:06 am
by Kazekirimaru
lol you play Fiora

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:57 pm
by Kazekirimaru
Speaking of,

add me as Kazekirimaru if you want.