[Primer] Wolf Run Bant

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Colonel Nohman
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[Primer] Wolf Run Bant

Postby Colonel Nohman » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:39 pm

I'm writing this because... well, because this is my favourite deck right now. Wolf Run Bant became famous when Melissa DeTora took it to last Pro Tour. Unluckily, she went out against the future winner. After that, the deck declined a lot. Recently, Melissa has made up another list, updated. We're gonna analyze a lot of aspects of this deck, be ready!

First of all, Wolf Run Bant is the classic bant control deck that splashes red for Kessig Wolf Run. With that card, every creature is a huge threat that needs to be answered.

Deck Lists:

DeTora's first build:

4 Breeding Pool
3 Glacial Fortress
4 Hallowed
4 Hinterland Harbor
2 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Steam Vents
1 Stomping Ground
2 Sunpetal Grove
3 Temple Garden

3 Augur of Bolas
3 Centaur Healer
4 Restoration Angel
4 Thragtusk

4 Azorius Charm
1 Detention Sphere
1 Syncopate
2 Dissipate
4 Farseek
4 Sphinx's Revelation
3 Supreme Verdict
2 Think Twice

1 Gisela, Blade of the Goldnight
1 Detention Sphere
2 Garruk Rentless
1 Centaur Healer
2 Negate
2 Rest In Peace
3 Rhox Faithmender
1 Supreme Verdict
2 Witchbane Orb[/deck]

DeTora's Wolf Run Bant 2.0:

2 Angel of Serenity
3 Augur of Bolas
3 Loxodon Smiter
3 Restoration Angel
4 Thragtusk

4 Azorius Charm
1 Detention Sphere
2 Dissipate
4 Farseek
4 Sphinx's Revelation
3 Supreme Verdict
2 Think Twice

4 Breeding Pool
3 Glacial Fortress
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Hinterland Harbor
2 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Steam Vents
2 Sunpetal Grove
4 Temple Garden

2 Jace, Memory Adept
2 Negate
1 Pithing Needle
n3 Rest in Peace
3 Rhox Faithmender
2 Sigarda, Host of Herons
2 Terminus [/deck]


Loxodon Smither: Great body, cannot be countered and answer to Liliana/Rakdos Return. Much better than Centaur Healer for this standard. The block vs aggro gives you much more that 3 life, he's out of Searing Spear's range and put a lot of pressure.

Thragtusk and Restoration Angel: Always the same trick, always super efficient. Thrag helps us stabilize and his son remain after a verdict/spot removal. The Resto Angel can come out of nowhere, has a decent body and makes us gain even more life and a token.

Angel of Serenity: The main problem of Wolf Run Bant was that when out of creatures, the deck had no other ways to kill the opponent. This is the solution. Angel of Serenity can bring back all the needed fuel for late game
and it's a 5/6 body that flies. Unluckily, since the WWW cost, the deck cannot bring more than a 2x.

Augur of Bolas: early blocker against aggro and super-useful for finding what we need. Mana? There's the Farseek. Cards? There's the Revelation. Wrath? There's the Supreme Verdict. Also, good synergy with Resto Angel.


Azorius Charm: Auto 4x. Draw a card, lifelink to a creature or "your opponent skip a real draw". It's just insane and gain us basically a turn.

Farseek: Another auto 4x. Mana acceleration. Get your red source with this of fix your mana. Another top notch card.

[card]Sphinx's Revelation[/card]: Once more, a 4x. Who don't know this card? Lifegain AND card advantage. If you draw another one, it's hard to lose the game.

Supreme Verdict: 3x. Uncounterable wrath? Yes please. Turn 3 Verdict,
T4 Thragtusk and T5 Resto Angel is a lovely thing to do.

Detention Sphere: Chose an annoying non creature permanent and exile it. It's really useful against enchantments and plainswalker that are dangerous.

Dissipate: An all-star counter. It exile the spell, so goodbye flashback. Usually played after 2-3 turns since its UU cost.

Think Twice: A middle way between a filler and a good card. Usually this deck have few choises turn 2, so draw more is always useful. It has also flashback, so... why not?


Kessig Wolf Run: this deck is called Wolf Run Bant, right? This card makes every creature a serious thread to deal with, as we already said.


As Melissa said, this deck preys on Midrange decks and Aggro decks. So it's huge weak point is Esper. The sideboard is made for that.

[card]Rest in Peace[
/card]: Humanimator and Junk are staples now. This is the answer.

Negate: The first cards to take against Esper and control in general. More counters are always useful.

Terminus: More hate against aggro. It can also deal with undying and Reanimator, since putting their cards at the bottom of the library won't help them.

Jace, Memory Adept: More hate against Esper. Jace is huge against them. It also helps us drawing some more cards if needed.

Rhox Faithmander: Against aggro. Roadblock + huge life gain with Thragtusk, so we put ourself too ahead for them.

Pithing Needle: Once more, esper. It shuts down annoying plainswalkers and Nephalia Drownyards. With its cost, he's also much easier to cast, avoiding counters (apart Oblivion Rings/D Spheres).

Sigarda, Host of Herons: The hardest creature to deal
with....against Esper. No spot removal, no sacrifice. It's very hard to remove and it's always a 5/5 flying.

Other Options:

Prime Speaker Zegana: The latest version of Bant bring her as a 2x. Great body and card draw. If you run her, it's a good idea to cut a Revelation.

Garruk, Primal Hunter: A very good walker. It produces tokens vs control and it helps draw. Unluckily, Jace for control is much much better.

Selesnya Charm: The meta seems to slow down. With this charm you can deal a lot of threats: Obzedat, Thragtusk, Angel of Serenity, Olivia (after enough pumping) and so on.

Purify the Grave: This card should be really considered in place of RiP. While Reanimator can Abrupt Decay our enchantment, they have no answer against this. It's instant and has a ridicolous flashback cost. In my opinion, it's better.

Matchup Analysis[/

Against Aggro: good game 1, very good game 2. With wraths, roadblocks and lifegain we should handle this archtype easily. Game 2, with more mass removal effects and lifegain we should have an easier time.

Against Midrange in general: good game 1, very good game 2. As above, should handle easily this kind of decks. We have wraths, we have tempo gain and huge draws. After sideboarding, we can shut down Jund's plainswalker and have more counters against them.

Against Esper: poor game 1, good game 2. We already said that Esper is our worst matchup. Game 1 we have almost no chances. But since half of our side is made for Esper, we should take care of them much better.

Against Reanimator: even game 1, good game 2. Reanimator is a very good deck. We have wrath effects and Azorius Charm. We have good creatures to block with and we have Angel of Serenity game 1 to deal with them. Game 2 should be easier. Negate, Rest in Peace, Terminus and Jace to mill them faster are all cards that put us
in a better position.

Little Sideboarding Guide:

Coming soon
(Thanks to Sioux for the awesome signature)

Current decks:

Vintage: Megrim
Legacy: B/W Control
Standard: Wolf Run Bant 2.0
Modern: Jund Midrange

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Colonel Nohman
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Postby Colonel Nohman » Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:54 pm

I don't like Augur of Bolas in general, but especially not with so many creatures. The deck does need a good two drop like him to fend off silly aggro decks, but he's only disappointed me in Bant in the past. Maybe DGM will bring us a decent alternative.

I also prefer her original choice of Witchbane Orb to Pithing Needle, but there's good arguments and metas for both.
I don't know too about Augur.... The fact is that sometimes he gives me at the right time the Supreme Verdict/Farseek/Revelation/whatever else I need, other times he makes me put Thragtusk/Resto and so on at the bottom of my deck. But with all the draws and reshuffle effects I can deal with that.

About Pithing Needle, I still have to test it. Witchbane Orb was a
huge hit or miss. If countered/exiled is a problem. With 4 mana we can cast a lot. With 1 mana on the other side, it's not that huge loss. But as you said, it's very meta dependant.
(Thanks to Sioux for the awesome signature)

Current decks:

Vintage: Megrim
Legacy: B/W Control
Standard: Wolf Run Bant 2.0
Modern: Jund Midrange

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Colonel Nohman
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Postby Colonel Nohman » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:43 am

As I already said in FoS clan thread, I went 4-1-1 with this deck for a top 4 into out FNM win-a-box.

This deck is a house as long as Esper in not that played. I've tuned my SB like this:

-3 Rhox Faithmainder
-1 Pithing Needle
-3 Rest in Peace

+2 Witchbane Orb
+2 Detention Sphere
+3 Purify the Grave

For any more info/details about the tournament and the matchups, I'm at disposal.
(Thanks to Sioux for the awesome signature)

Current decks:

Vintage: Megrim
Legacy: B/W Control
Standard: Wolf Run Bant 2.0
Modern: Jund Midrange

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Postby Dodger » Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:52 am

How is this deck against American midrange/control? That's the control deck of choice at my LGS and it's played by a few guys. Just as bad as against esper or is it entirely different?

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Colonel Nohman
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Postby Colonel Nohman » Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:05 pm

How is this deck against American midrange/control? That's the control deck of choice at my LGS and it's played by a few guys. Just as bad as against esper or is it entirely different?
Unluckily I've never faced American Midrange since it's totally absent in my meta. I think however that with our weapons we can fight at least on their level. We have much better answers to them (aka hate against creatures) and so much lifegain that we can even sustain an eventually reckoner+act combo. Plus, our creature avoid their burns.

Esper is terrifying because of that damn Nephalia Drownyard. Luckily in game 2 we have access to more counters and Witchbane Orb that wrecks them (and reckoner+act). I think that other than that, the first one to be able to draw
Jace (and we have much more drawing) and defend him (also here we are in a better position) will probably win the game.

EDIT: It looks like the Prime Speaker hybrid is doing well: 1st Place at World Magic Cup Qualifier on 4/21/2013, deck by Joe Spanier:

2 Angel of Serenity
4 Loxodon Smiter
4 Restoration Angel
4 Thragtusk
2 Prime Speaker Zegana

1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

1 Forest
4 Breeding Pool
2 Cavern of Souls
2 Gavony Township
3 Glacial Fortress
3 Hallowed Fountain
3 Hinterland Harbor
4 Sunpetal Grove
4 Temple Garden

2 Detention Sphere
3 Azorius Charm
2 Selesnya Charm
3 Sphinx's Revelation
1 Syncopate
4 Farseek
2 Supreme Verdict

1 Centaur Healer
1 Detention Sphere
2 Rest in Peace
1 Azorius Charm
1 Dispel
2 Dissipate
2 Negate
1 Psychic Spiral
2 Jace, Memory Adept
2 Supreme Verdict [/deck]

I like this list at 98%. The only changes I'd made would be: -1 Sunpetal Grove (26 lands are too many for me), -1 Syncopate (as a 1x I don't get the
utility), +1 Selesnya Charm, +1 Supreme Verdict (aggro is still a huge part of the meta). In SB: -1 Psychic Spiral, -1 Centaur Healer, +2 Witchbane Orb (goodbye Esper and Jund), -2 Supreme Verdict, +2 Terminus (Nevermore naming Supreme Verdict is never funny if you don't have Detention Sphere).

Also, I've seen in some SB a 1x of Silklash Spider. I have to give him a try.
(Thanks to Sioux for the awesome signature)

Current decks:

Vintage: Megrim
Legacy: B/W Control
Standard: Wolf Run Bant 2.0
Modern: Jund Midrange

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Colonel Nohman
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Postby Colonel Nohman » Thu May 02, 2013 12:08 am

Little update with DGM. The cards that will help Bant for me are:

Aetherling: the final finsher for control decks. Counter it (Cavern of Souls?) or you'll never, ever remove him. Of course he should be casted when we have more that 6 mana open, so we can save him. Terrific.

Progenitor Mimic: Endless Thragtusk, Angel of Serenity, Restoration Angel? Yes please. Also useful as extreme measure vs some creatures (Geist anyone?).

Plasma Capture: Mana Drain 2.0. I know that Mana Drain is 10 times better, but I cannot think at Plasma Capture without the legendary card. Very hard mana requirement (GGUU), but countering a Revelation and make a bigger one or whatever else is priceless.

Council of the Absolute: has anyone said mirror match or Esper? Name Sphinx of course, but also blinking with Resto
Angel for versatility is great.

I still have to test better this:

Lavinia of the Tenth: wrecks aggro (time walk against them?) and open up for huge attacks, + huge interaction with Resto Angel. However we have already Supreme Verdict and Terminus for aggro.

Render Silent: another strict mana counter (WUU), with another interesting effects. Useful in the mirror and Esper, probably.

Restore the Peace: I've never liked cards that triggers when damage is done. But it may be useful against aggro.

Right now that's it for me, I'll update this post with my impressions after further testing.
(Thanks to Sioux for the awesome signature)

Current decks:

Vintage: Megrim
Legacy: B/W Control
Standard: Wolf Run Bant 2.0
Modern: Jund Midrange

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