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Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:03 am
by Enizzle
Alright so I'm reading alot about RDW, and I'm seeing colors splashed into it. Mostly B/W/U. I'd like the thoughts of some pros in here, as I actually suck quite badly at the game and don't know where to go from here. I have a deck assembled that has most of the staples of RDW (Goblin Guide, fetches, bolts, etc) but what to splash? Why? How do I want to play this deck aside from the "Throw everything against the wall and hope someone dies." Strategem? I guess just some insight would help.

Thanks alot.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:40 am
by Yannaria
Well there are four ways you can build RDW ouside of the core (Goblin Guide, Bolt, Lava Spike Rakdos Cackler etc)

1. Grim Lavamancer and Fetches (monoR)
2. Bob Burn. You splash black for Confidant and Bump in the Night
3. Boros Deck Wins. You get Lightning Helix, Boros Charm, Steppe Lynx, etc.
4. UR Snapcaster. This is basically UR Delver. You play 4 guides, 4 scm, 4 delver, 3 V. Clique then a bunch of burn.

you need fetches to play all of these decks, so if that's a concern you can brew a fetchless mono red.
but with the exception of Boros, you can get away with all of the red fetches and four shocks, a couple basic islands and Sulfur Falls for UR delver. For Bob Burn you really only need 8 fetches and 4 shocks.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:00 pm
by DarthStabber
Splashing black for deathrite shaman isn't bad, though that's better in burn than RDW.

If you do splash for deathrite you may as well throw a stomping ground or two in just to enable the lifegain. You may never use it, but the opportunity cost is low.