MTGS Promotion of the Year: The winner is the lapdog also by a large margin
MTGS Troll of the Year: We have a tie between three candidates: Hannes, the Gutter-Staff Pegging chamber, and Tom Servo Scumbag of the Year: In a surprising twist: Scumbag (with google a close second)
MTGS Gimmick of the Year: The winner is "Zombie" Zach[/mod:
335dgxod] again by a large margin
Lynching of the year goes to [mod]rianalnn for the way he cleaned house in the Called, with CI Warriors as a close second for the way they cleaned house with rianalnn. A double victory of sorts for rianalnn
MTGS mod lounge post of the year is a tie between the staff harassed by the userbase thread and the rianalnn mod re-application thread MTGS CI post of the year is also a tie between the Arcadic post labasting internet cowards and scumbags, and the lapdog professional account of the mass bannings MTGS most Internet mad member is Promatim, no competition
Leaker of the Year award goes to StarcityGames forums, again, no competition there
MTGS most creative banning goes to Scumbag by a comfortable margin
Most Malicious attack is a tie in between vbulletin and jonnyjonski threats upon the entire New York city
We have quite a few tie ins, you guys know what this means?