[Deck] Aggro Druid
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:08 am
I did quite well today with this list. Positive matchup against Patron, midrange druid, handlock, hunter variants, midrange pally, tempo mage and mech mage. Goes even with control warrior. Secret pally is hard if you don't get huge early tempo because a mysterious challenger at a neutral board state kinda just fucking wins, as it does against every deck.
If you're looking at the mana curve, it's the slowest aggro deck out there, but Innervate changes things. I like that the core is largely just midrange druid with the top end cut off and a low end added, so the cards are all so individually powerful. It helps with not getting entirely outclassed in the mid game.
[deck]new hotness[/deck]
Worst cards in the deck are Savage Combatant and Knife Juggler.
Deck may or may not want Loatheb.
If you're looking at the mana curve, it's the slowest aggro deck out there, but Innervate changes things. I like that the core is largely just midrange druid with the top end cut off and a low end added, so the cards are all so individually powerful. It helps with not getting entirely outclassed in the mid game.
[deck]new hotness[/deck]
Worst cards in the deck are Savage Combatant and Knife Juggler.
Deck may or may not want Loatheb.