UW Fish

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Moderator: LP, of the Fires

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UW Fish

Postby Jack » Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:41 pm

I've been messing around with this list on cockatrice a little bit lately:
[deck]UW Fish[/deck]

It's been really fun to play, and has great matchups against most fair decks. Delver can be tough if they land Cruise, but it gets a lot better post-board with Gut Shot.

I'd probably build this for my paper modern deck if I actually owned merfolk creatures.

For reference, here is the meta list. It doesn't play white, replacing paths with Master of Waves.

Sig by NBW.

Tire Aficionado
Posts: 2667
Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:36 am

Postby Jack » Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:09 pm

I also noticed that most lists started moving away from Cursecatcher. This is probably a good choice. Master of Waves is likely playable, and I'm still not sure if the white splash is helpful (Path is my only white card). Still this deck's mana base is so damn strong. I should probably play more white cards sb, since white has great sb cards. I'll likely throw in Rest in Peace over Spellskite and Disenchant over Steel Sabotage.
Sig by NBW.

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