I've been thinking about BW warriors myself, Bile Blight seems really well positioned at the moment with all the token decks about and BW warriors feels like the best shell if you want to be a beatdown deck.
My 2c:
- 8 CITPT lands is a lot when you are looking to curve out, I'd cut some of the barrens for swamps/plains (or mana confluence if you have any), maybe add an urborg. I'd also consider dropping down to 23 lands, as your curve is quite low
- I don't like Hateblade, it's too small to apply serious pressure, I'd cut it completely
- Chief of the Scale may be better out of the sideboard, you want to be killing your opponent as quickly as possible and this guy doesn't really help with that, but could be useful to get your guys out of drown in sorrow range for example
- I don't like Timely Hordemate, compared to other 4-drops in the format he is just too low impact. Hordechief is better imo or even Bellowing Saddlebrute
- My gut feel is Raider's spoils would be better as a singleton, I'd start with one and if it's amazing then try adding a second later on
- Cut banishing light for Hero's Downfall, the instant speed far outweighs the wider targeting options for Banishing light
This is the 75 I'd play:
[deck]BW Warriors[/deck]
Basically you want to prey upon the slower midrange decks by curving out as quickly as possible, so adding Scarhide is good here, as you will almost always have a T1 creature. Can also be a tempo play if you can bestow something, ideally a Tormented Hero. Having a T1 creature is doubly important because of Skullhunter. T1 1-drop in to T2 skull hunter in to T3 Chief or Marauder is your ideal start.
Decks like Abzan will be able to get bodies down to block, but you have Bile Blight and Downfall to clear the way, or failing that, Herald of Torment or Mogis Marauder to force through the final points of damage (NB- it's possible Marauder is really bad in a world of 3 colour decks, but I'd start with him and then cut if he's consistently not delivering the reach).
Game 2 you will want to bring in all 4 Thoughtseize to deal with sweepers, unless it's an aggro mirror, in which case seeker and festergloom come in. Erase is there to deal with Whip of Erebos or Ascendency decks (it's possible you want the full 4 depending on the meta). Suspension field comes in against Abzan to deal with Courser, Siege Rhino and Fleecemane Lion.
Few other cards I'd consider trying out:
- Pain Seer (card advantage engine)
- Brain Maggot (small body but could be good for removing an early problem card like Siege Rhino or Drown in Sorrow)
- Bellowing Saddlebrute (big dumb fatty. Can attack in to Rhino)
- Despise (good against devotion decks for removing their bombs)
- Glare of Heresy (good against Abzan)
- Spiteful Returned (reach, tempo)
- Grim Haruspex (sweeper protection)
- Nighthowler (good late game play)
- Dictate of Erebos (makes it very hard for opponent to block against you. Can flash in mid-combat)
- Whip of Erebos (good for racing, some CA against control. Downside is you don't have many good targets to whip back)
- Erebos (stops lifegain, draws cards for you)
- Athreos (sweeper protection, makes blocking hard if opponent is low on life)
- Master of the Feast (could be good against Jeskai, as they have very few answers to it)
- Grey Merchant (gives you reach, could be good in race situations)
- Ulcerate (no-one really plays it, so could be a good surprise factor)
- Sign in Blood (card draw, reach)
- Read the Bones (card draw)