Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:23 am
There's a well-known trust-building exercise is group therapy circles known simply as the "Open Ended Question," designed to give a minimum of information and from the answer given determine something about the person answering (the Rorshach inkblot test is another good example). I figure it might be fun to see what kind of responses I get here. Try to answer truthfully, and feel free to provide your own scenarios. There are, of course, no wrong answers.
You find yourself in a room. You are sitting in a chair, and there are other people in this room, making a lot of noise. The room is large and lit by spotlights, making some areas of the room very bright and others very dim.
Based only on this information, where are you?
You find yourself in a room. You are sitting in a chair, and there are other people in this room, making a lot of noise. The room is large and lit by spotlights, making some areas of the room very bright and others very dim.
Based only on this information, where are you?