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Rb Altac Bloodseeker

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:46 am
by Jasper
Rough draft for something I've been thinking about ever since Altac Bloodseeker was revealed.


They play creatures, you kill their creatures, and you kill them. This is still in the testing phase, and I'll most likely play something close to this at FNM. You really get to live the dream when you play Altac Bloodseeker on turn 4, then Searing Blood one of their X/2's. Might have too many Chandra in there, but she's my favorite card in Standard.

cards to consider:
Young Pyromancer
[card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]
Ulcerate and more copies of Shock. Reasoning is that this makes your turn 3 Bloodseeker combo more likely, killing a creature and attacking for 4 with haste.
Devour Flesh, because sometimes Hexproof is a thing.

Haven't come up with a sideboard yet, but Duress and Slaughter Games are the first to come to mind, along with Dark Betrayal.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:39 pm
by obliquespheroid
I arrived at a similar place to you when trying to build a Rakdos burn deck utilizing Slaughter Games to trump Sphinx's Revelation. Altac Bloodseeker is really quite good with all the cheap removal and burn available. It allows for a turn 2 Mutavault/YP play and then potentially a huge swing on turn 3 with with Altac Bloodseeker and Shock against a small creature.

I also think Stoke the Flames opens up new colour burn splashes. The following is the deck I will take to FNM/games day if my cards arrive in the mail on time!

[deck]Rakdos Burn.dec[/deck]

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:10 pm
by Toddington
Desecration Demon seems like a great creature for a midrangey list that plays more black than just a splash. I guess Mogis is too cute.

Rakdos Burn actually looks pretty solid...