Razzies Awards: The Rulz

Come vote in the Forum Awards

Moderators: Col. Khaddafi, iamabadman

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Col. Khaddafi
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Razzies Awards: The Rulz

Postby Col. Khaddafi » Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:56 am

Welcome to the 2012 edition of the MTGSalvation Razzies!
Nominations will be open up until the 10 December
Voting will follow up to the 17th December
Here are these forum awards rules: (I've spoilerized them for saving space since they are quite large)
Razzie Awards Rules
There are no rules, just have fun and keep it tongue in cheek guys! :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Galspanic on MTGS
I would still like to see the posts sent over to ( N_S ) and have the Salvation Gutter archived away and replaced with a link to MTGC.
Thank you for all the lies. Another fine display of integrity by iridium :thumbsup:

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