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Commander 2013

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:41 pm
by Manasjap
So Wizards released new commander decks some time ago, ... roductinfo

The new commanders all have some kind of unique mechanic specifically made for the format.
You have some that care about mana spent to cast:
[card]Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge[/card]
Marath, Will of the Wild
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
One that gains life even when in the command zone:
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic
And one that has an enters the battlefield trigger and an ability to put him onto the battlefield directly from the command zone:
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

All of them seem interesting to play around with!
Sadly I have not had the chance to play with any of the decks so far :( but that means there is more for everyone to discuss!
Do you like/dislike the new Commanders?
Are the other cards any good?
Did we need more Sol Rings?
What do we think about the day1 errata on Marath?

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:29 pm
by DroppinSuga
We played a "sealed" Commander tournament yesterday at the shop. Everyone had to use one of the new decks. We ended up with 10 players, every deck was played by at least one person. Prossh saw the most play and rightfully so. As the game went on, Prossh got out of control. It wasn't anything to have a 15/5 Flying Dragon coming at your face. Three people were eliminated due to Commander damage from the dragon.

I was the only one playing Jeleva and she's pretty nasty. I drew quite a bit of hate for casting her for 10 mana and making everyone exile 10 cards. The final 3 standing were: Prossh, Marath and the Esper deck, but he wasn't using Oloro, he used Sydri, Galvanic Genius

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:53 pm
by Helios
I've been playing with Derevi alot, and boy is she one tough cookie. Took out a ffa 3-way no sweat (my opponents were playing their own, stronger decks. I was playing the precon). My only issue with the deck is the quantity of mana ramp v. mana sinks. Finally took out the cards that are just blatantly bad and did some upgrades, intending to run it next time I get the chance.

Also really pleased with Oloro. That deck is so damn synergistic. Played several 1 v 1 games with Oloro and Derevi, and Mirror Entity turning everything into 15/15s was the only way Derevi won both of them (while at 5 & 8 life with Oloro having lethal on-board both games). Oloro was at 60-70 in each game despite aggressive attacks.

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:14 am
by Phil
out side of the pre constructed decks the new cards are in, I like these new legends for other decks.

Shattergang bros.=Great for jund stax or jund control
Oloro=Pillow fort control.
Derevi=Stasis lock loose your friends.dec