Corruption never sleeps. Unfortunately, I do.
Received letter from Iso re: Iso's corruption. Penmanship scrawled and difficult to read. Written under duress? Confession that Iso is in fact some kind of master scum manipulator, despite evidence to the contrary in his most recent game. Puppeteer playing Spam and his Goons seems unlikely. More likely that Iso was forced into writing this message. I believe his last line "Just trying to give our local journalist a scoop, ya dig?" to be some sort of code intended to pass on information Iso wanted to keep hidden. But if this information is a scoop, where can I dig? Riddles in the dark... riddles in the dark...
Will start in the blatherdome and take a big enough shovel that by the time I'm through digging, there won't be any moderators left to stop me.
Corruption Report: Day 5
Moderators: Col. Khaddafi, iamabadman
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