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Theros in Cube
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:26 am
by idorko
What do you guys think should be used from Theros in cube?
I've got my eye on Lightning Strike, Soldier of the Pantheon, Firedrinker Satyr, and Magma Jet because for some reason I don't have that in my cube.
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:04 pm
by Checkbox
All the 2 power 1 drops, blue god, white spear, black kill spell, green utopia tree, steam augury, maybe ashiok, definitely gruul walker
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:28 am
by Sasky
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:16 pm
by Checkbox
Dont cut day of judgment... What are you doing
also shadowmage infiltrator belongs in there. Is your list powered/unpowered? Are you missing a ton of cards? I'm seeing many suboptimal cards that you are cutting (which is good), but I would have trouble fitting most of those into a 540
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:44 am
by Sasky
You have to understand that not all playgroups are the same. That was the problem people had with the "hive mind" on the MTGS cube community.
I am cutting DoJ (and condemn) to discourage excessive amounts of control decks and players being put off running aggro due to how easy it is for control players to stabilize with all the powerful cards. Players have been complaining that it was not easy to draft aggro (even though I usually go X-0 with an aggro deck...). I don't support Black aggro so White needs to be tilted a little more towards the aggressive side. Afterall, Wrath of God, Parallax Wave, and Supreme Verdict still exists.
Shadowmage infiltrator is easily the weakest U/B card out of Baleful Strix, Psychatog, and Creeping Tar Pit. I might have taken out Psychatog instead, but players seem to like him a lot.
My cube is unpowered.
I posted my cuts and adds as a general idea of which cards in Theros
are playable. What you cut and add ultimately depends on your playgroup and their playing style.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:57 am
by Sasky
And of course, my cube is far from perfect.
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:38 pm
by Checkbox
You dont make aggro better/easier to draft by cutting control cards for more control cards, you make aggro better by supporting aggro more, cutting boderline cards rather than making control.suffer from not having another 4cc wrath. And obv each playgroup indifferent, but I find a large issue with drafters is that they just don't know how to draft what they are complaining about not being able to draft. I see it all the time in my cube; people complain about mono red being too powerful, but inam able to draft RG and RW aggro decks that do just fine. Dont conform your cube to your playgroup just for the sake of it if all that's necessary is a little instruction
Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:39 pm
by Checkbox
And obv there is a "hive mind" thing in that community, but it does exist for a reason. The sheer amount of testing that goes into that is astounding, and a very useful resource since individual playgroups could never reach that level of testing if they tried