-2 satyrs, +1 reckoner +1 legions initiative in mb, however I dont like 8 one drops.
It is however metagame choice. If you side it out in more than 50% games in given metagame, you just shouldnt play it in a mb. See a Shrout and Wescoe deck in SCG invi plus explanation of choices. They played 4 md skylashers and 4 md hydras. Qhy? Because they npticed they are bringing it much more than not bringing them in predicted metagame.
Why argue with it? Why saying beijg agressive in game 1 is correct, when for example in some fields not playing 1 drops is better. We should aim for a win, not for just playing 1 drops just because we want to be more agressive. I could kill my control oponents with 4 reckoners in a main easily, ame as even post board against agro if they not force me to play control I can kill them fast with zealots and phoenixes.
Personally I would play 1 LI in sb, as it
blanks last breath and dimir charm while giving option of damage AND protection.
Spells 16
4x Lightning Strike
4x Magma Jet
3x Chained to the Rocks
2x Boros Charm
2x Mizzium Mortars
1x Legions Initiative
Thighs 2
2x Chandra, Pyromaster
Sideboard 15
3x Boros Reckoner
2x Mizzium Mortars
1x Chained to the Rocks
1x Assemble the Legion
2x Flames of The Firebrand
1x Boros Charm
2x Last Breath
3x Skullcrack
I like having the 1-of LI mainboard, it can lead to some fun situations.
Sb is:
Vs U/x-Devo: -7 1drops, +2 Mortars, +1 Chain, +2 Last Breath, +2 Fotf
Vs U/W Control: -3 chain, -2 mortars, -1 jet, +1 charm, +3 skullcrack, +2 Last Breath
Vs Esper Control: -3 chain, -2 Jet, +1 Charm, +3 Skullcrack, +1 Mortars (might bring
in an assemble and the last mortars instead of the last 2 jets, but I think this is better for now)
Vs Small Red Aggro: -7 1drops, -1 Charm, +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Flames, +1 Chained
Vs Red Devo: -7 1drops, -2 Charm, +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Flames, +1 Chained, +1 Assemble
Vs B/W Control: (Is is still a thing? Seemed like it cropped up a bit but dunno if it stuck around) -3 dragon, -1 guildgate, -4 jet, +1 chain, +2 Mortars, +1 charm, +3 skullcrack, +1 assemble.
Ones I'm not 100% on:
Vs White-Weenie: -7 1drops, -2 Charms, -1 SOMETHING (thoughts?), +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Fotf, +1 Chain, +2 Last Breath.
The something could be LI, but I like it blanking the spear. Should I just run 61 in this, cause I really don't know what to remove...
Vs B/x-Devo: -3 Dragon, -1 Guildgate, -2(4?) Jet, +1 Chain, +1 Charm, +3 Skullcrack, +1 Assemble, (+2 flames to stop rat or +2 mortars to remove things? I think flames would be better here. since it can stop rats better then mortars [overload not
withstanding] and can do the three damage to stop specter. I went with mortars vs b/w cause of bb.)
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:21 pm
by Lightning_Dolt
@ Pedros:
I hate one ofs
My meta is mostly UW / Esper / Mono Black
Reckoner is terrible VS those decks
I tested LI and wished it was a creature everytime
Hope that helps to explain my thought process.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:46 am
by Pedros
@ Pedros:
I hate one ofs
My meta is mostly UW / Esper / Mono Black
Reckoner is terrible VS those decks
I tested LI and wished it was a creature everytime
Hope that helps to explain my thought process.
If your meta is like that, then yes, go for 8 1 drops. I would even consider going with 4 MD boros charms in place of mortars/magma jets.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:53 am
by Lightning_Dolt
I tried it in my final testing. I don't think the deck can really opperate properly without Magma Jet.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:19 am
by magicdownunder
I tried it in my final testing. I don't think the deck can really opperate properly without Magma Jet.
I tested LI and wished it was a creature everytimeHope that helps to explain my thought process.
I've always wanted to have this discussion but never really had the chance, I'm going to assume now that pretty much all you guys who follow this thread has finally abandon that one dimensional removal lite SCG list.
So we're all value:
04x Lightning Strike
04x Magma Jet
03x Chained to the Rocks
02x Mizzium Mortars
Right? we all agree? Good...
lets discuss playing the deck (building the deck is only half the game, sequencing, predicting and planning is the other half) I want to discuss planning, we can plan with our deck by looking at our hands and via scrying - I notice from one of J_S post (which I quoted) that whenever he sees LI is always wishes it was a creature. So here is my question for you lot (those who watch my videos you would know what I'll do) so I'll just ask you guys.
Turn 4 vs Black/Control - you have no creatures in hand but your scry hits a 1-Drop, would you:
A) Put the One-Drop under
B) Keep it on top
Please explain your choice?
Edit: I wish we could do polls on this site, I would like to have a few people answer this question it would be beneficial for future dialogue.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:31 am
by LP, of the Fires
Depends on the board. Needs more info. Against black though, your turn x 1 drop is a lot better then vs. most decks.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:34 am
by RaidaTheBlade
It would depend on board state some too. If I have no creatures on field, but had been throwing them out previously, and had exhausted some/most of their removal, then most likely I'd keep it.
If I hadn't seen/played any creatures at all yet (they t1 thoughtsiezed the only one in hand for instance), I'd probably ship it, trying to get something a bit more powerful, since I'd be in a tough spot.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:11 am
by Lightning_Dolt
As others have said, it depends on board state / what's been played / your hand.
In general, on T4, I'd likely ship it. Of course if I have 8 power on the board and just need demon fodder that is an exception.
If I have dragon in hand and need a land I would almost certainly ship it.
It's hard to know without more information.
I think a T5 LI is nearly as bad as a one drop. I feel that it's only rwally a good play on T2. It often gets stuck in your hand, or you draw it after a sweep or they just 1 for 1 you with removal and the fact that it isn't a threat puts you behind.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:13 am
by magicdownunder
I would never keep a 1 creature hand vs Black (but I guess G1 one you don't really know) personally by T4 no matter the board state I'll ship the creature because Control or Black by T4+ wouldn't have any issues blocking with vaults or dropping something that would negate your 1 drop (removal, Gary, Paladin, BBV) I value almost everything (except maybe land) over 1-Drops against those list on turn 4+ which I why I'm happy with 6-7 one-drops - because in my view point even against the decks where they're strong against their value decreases after the T3 mark.
I actually think T5 is the best turn to cast LI btw, since T1-3 is your creature casting turns while T4 is usually the removal turn (you'll see a few game where I have LI in my opening hand but won't cast it).
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:22 am
by Lightning_Dolt
I would never keep a 1 creature hand vs Black (but I guess G1 one you don't really know) personally by T4 no matter the board state I'll ship the creature because Control or Black by T4+ wouldn't have any issues blocking with vaults or dropping something that would negate your 1 drop (removal, Gary, Paladin, BBV) I value almost everything (except maybe land) over 1-Drops against those list on turn 4+ which I why I'm happy with 6-7 one-drops - because in my view point even against the decks where they're strong against their value decreases after the T3 mark.
I actually think T5 is the best turn to cast LI btw, since T1-3 is your creature casting turns while T4 is usually the removal turn (you'll see a few game where I have LI in my opening hand
but won't cast it).
Precisely what I meant by stuck in your hand. Every turn you don't cast it you are losing value.
I understand why you like it, but it is not for me.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:01 am
by LaZerBurn
I love discussions like this!
Generally speaking I'm in agreement with Johnny and MDU about shipping it but as everyone else has said it is dependant on board state, cards in hand etc so there are exceptions - a 1 drop can allow you to cast multiple spells to work around Devour Flesh for example.
I also agree that 1 drops are not as good as the game goes on, generally speaking. My reasoning behind wanting to run 8 is to ensure that we draw 1+ in the early turns. I need to check the numbers on this in Ham's article but I don't have the time right now, I'll come back to this when I get in from work
I don't quite understand what you mean by losing value if you don't cast LI on T2 Johnny. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just think my
understanding of value is a bit lacking
In this scenario, LI was worth 0 damage and 1 turn of Last Breath protection. Terrible value.
Does that make sense?
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:52 am
by magicdownunder
Going by Hams Data (on the draw):
Running 8 One Drops:
T0: 65% (see 1), 23.2% (see 2)
T1: 70.6% (see 1), 28.8% (see 2)
T2: 75.1% (see 1), 34.4% (see 2)
T3: 79.0% (see 1), 40% (see 2)
Running 6 One Drops:
T0: 54.1% (see 1), 14% (see 2)
T1: 59.3% (see 1), 17.8% (see 2)
T2: 64% (see 1), 21.8% (see 2)
T3: 68% (see 1), 25.1% (see 2)
T1-3 are arguably the clutch turns in the black and control MU thus running eight one drops seem like the correct choice however based on our earlier discussion we mostly agree that on T4(+) the one drops become dead weight (in most situations) thus by having 8 one drops your more then likely to hit more dead draws as the game progresses, its a double edge sword.
- - - - - - - - -
I dislike Chapin Data collection since he based his predictions by adding all the past events and dividing the numbers, he forgot the human element - most humans will run
the deck they're most comfortable with or has done well in the most recent event (look at MTGO).
I predict that Ux Control will be the most played deck follow by Control, Bx Devotion and Rx Devotion. Rx Devotion is often overlooked but it made results in two GP in a row thus not taking them into account would be silly.
Thus if I was to play a GP excepting that Control, Black and Blue will be the top3 decks with Red running closely behind, I would want to run a MD which is strong against the largest portion of the meta and since 2/3 requires early plays I would take 7 one Drops and 4 two-drops which have haste (since they act like 1 drops in a sense) this way I don't just lose to Red or Blue and minimize the T4+ risk of hitting one drops.
EDIT: On the LI Discussion, I don't play game expecting I will win them on T5 often so even if I hit LI in T5+ (LI in my list replaces a 1 drop btw) I'll still happy since all my future creatures will have LB protection and have extra power making Jace less
Its not the greatest card so I wouldn't say its a must include buts its a rather strong "cute" card which works the same way has Shaman did in the past (the card shines in the Black and Green MU, but its decent vs everything else).
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:59 am
by Lightning_Dolt
@ MDU, I just want consistency. I want 4 ofs, so the deck plays out the same as often as possible. It's hard to beat this deck when it curves out.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:03 am
by magicdownunder
That is true, esp. in the meta you described where its Control and Black infested (though in the Clan thread you said the Japanese player prefer aggro decks which has me slightly confused).
When your not playing against Bx and Control the other decks like Gx, Rx and Ux decks don't really care if you curve out all your 1 drops, I play in a ever changing meta (MTGO) thus I always build my list to be open - if you know for a fact control and black will be dominate run eight one drops.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:15 am
by Lightning_Dolt
That is true, esp. in the meta you described where its Control and Black infested (though in the Clan thread you said the Japanese player prefer aggro decks which has me slightly confused).
When your not playing against Bx and Control the other decks like Gx, Rx and Ux decks don't really care if you curve out all your 1 drops, I play in a ever changing meta (MTGO) thus I always build my list to be open - if you know for a fact control and black will be dominate run eight one drops.
The meta in Japan is very regional. In Tokyo and the north they like aggro. In Nagoya (the middle) and south, they favour control. The GP is one province away. While players will come down from Tokyo, I think every local
player will be there. I expect the decks where one drops are better to out-number the decks where one drops are bad. I could be wrong, but that's my meta expectation.
I'm willing to give up a little bit to Aggro G1 to gain a little vs Control G1. I think G2 +3 vs Control are typically harder than G2 +3 vs Aggro. With Shock and Reckoner in the SB, aggro should be very favorable.
In either case, I don't really think [card]Legion's Initiative[/card] is great against aggro. It seems good against decks running Last Breath and Hexproof Plant.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:23 am
by magicdownunder
Good discussion, and yes I agree LI is horrible vs aggro (I side it out ) its mainly for those Plants, Nightveil Specter and Frostburn. I see lots of Ux which is why I run LI and lower my Drinker count .
Next Topic of discussion:
Your playing against Ux devotion, Rx devotion or Bx devotion, your only two sudo removals in hand are Magma Jet and Lightning Strike.
On T2 your Opp. casts a 1/1 or 2/2 creature, which spell would you use to kill it? Explain why? (please read Z article on MJ before answering)
EDIT: Added more detail to my question to prevent people from typing quick answers like "it depends".
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:14 am
by Tyrael
Versus Bx I think it's wise to save your lightning strikes to kill nightveil specters but that's just my 2 cents
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:45 am
by Pedros
Good discussion, and yes I agree LI is horrible vs aggro (I side it out ) its mainly for those Plants, Nightveil Specter and Frostburn. I see lots of Ux which is why I run LI and lower my Drinker count .
Next Topic of discussion:
Your playing against Ux, Rx or Bx, your only two sudo removals in hand are Magma Jet and Lightning Strike.
The Opp. casts a 1/1 or 2/2 creature, which spell would you use to kill it? Explain why? (please read Z article on MJ before answering)
Omg MDU it depends if u need lands / action, if u have perfect hand, if
lightning strike have important card to kill (like specter, 2/3 raptor), if u have phoenix in the graveyard and you want to shot person. Even if u have chandra on boad or any blocker that can block. It all depends.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:36 pm
by MattT
Good discussion, and yes I agree LI is horrible vs aggro (I side it out ) its mainly for those Plants, Nightveil Specter and Frostburn. I see lots of Ux which is why I run LI and lower my Drinker count .
Next Topic of discussion:
Your playing against Ux, Rx or Bx, your only two sudo removals in hand are Magma Jet and Lightning Strike.
The Opp. casts a 1/1 or 2/2 creature, which spell would you use to kill
it? Explain why? (please read Z article on MJ before answering)
Omg MDU it depends if u need lands / action, if u have perfect hand, if lightning strike have important card to kill (like specter, 2/3 raptor), if u have phoenix in the graveyard and you want to shot person. Even if u have chandra on boad or any blocker that can block. It all depends.
Jet is good when there are targets in the meta and/or if you have much synergy in the deck. Strike is simpler; the maximum available bang for the buck. From there it´s all depends.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:38 pm
by Khaospawn
I would use Magma Jet to kill the threat. Everytime. Lightning Strike is just too good to waste on a 1/1 or 2/2 creature, and I'd much rather save the Strike for a Specter or dome damage later.
In a perfect world, I would've cast a 1 drop, Jetted their blocker, set up a Scry into either more land or gas, and then hold back the Strike for a more deserving threat.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:42 pm
by magicdownunder
I was more after what you would do when you know your Opp. is running cards which can't be dealt with via Magma Jet (which is why I provided you with the archetypes you would be facing) thus something like Tyreal and Khaospawn answer is preferred (its also what I'll do as well) even in all the example pedros provided his answer should of been to use MJ on the 1/1 or 2/2 since in all the situation he listed holding LS would of been better so saying 'it depends' is wrong.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scry is really powerful tool and should be reserved until your on a stage where your really after certain cards (as discussed in Z's article, it is something I agree upon and have now taking steps into putting it into practice (I still fail at it since its hard to break habits)) what I wanted was to create an opportunity for dialogue on the exception for the rule - vs lets say Gx Devotion, Small Aggro or Control casting
Strike before jet is correct since 3 or 2 doesn't make a difference in that MU but gaining the perfect draw in the latter game does.
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:09 pm
by LaZerBurn
Home now Fantastic thread to catch up on I LOVE this type of discussion; I find it far more interesting and helpful (as it aids me in improving my technical skill as a player) than fretting over the last card to make my list 'perfect', not that I'd ever do such a thing
Does that make sense?
Yes, perfectly Massive thanks for taking the time to explain in such detail what you meant Johnny,
it is much appreciated While I agree entirely with your rationale here I don't assess LI entirely on it's impact on the T5 Goldfish. While curving out is always pleasing it's not my primary goal/expectation with the deck (if it was I'd be running AIR or Boss Sligh) LI is a card which still has value in the later game.
Its not the greatest card so I would say its a must include buts its a rather strong "cute" card which works the same way has Shaman did in the past (the card shines in the Black and Green MU, but its decent vs everything else).
@ MDU, I just want
consistency. I want 4 ofs, so the deck plays out the same as often as possible. It's hard to beat this deck when it curves out.
Totally agree with you both here In my latest list which I tweaked to improve the Aggro match up I've dropped LI in the interests of consistency over 'cute' (I've also been seeing LOTS of MonoB and very little MonoU) Generally speaking I favour 'consistency' over 'cute' but the inclusion of 1 offs by both MDU and Zem has lead me to reconsider my stance and I found Zem's comment today on the Pyro thread http://diestoremoval.com/viewtopic.php?p=164712#p164712 very insightful.
Going by
Hams Data (on the draw):
T1-3 are arguably the clutch turns in the black and control MU thus running eight one drops seem like the correct choice however based on our earlier discussion we mostly agree that on T4(+) the one drops become dead weight (in most situations) thus by having 8 one drops your more then likely to hit more dead draws as the game progresses, its a double edge sword.
Thanks for running the numbers MDU Yet again I agree with your conclusions, I'm happier going for the early drop and risking the dead draws if I fail to kill my opp in a timely fashion
I'm a bit late for the Magma Jet question but my first thought on reading the question was 'Nightveil Spectre'
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:37 pm
by Lightning_Dolt
I agree with what others have said. When you do any job, you need the right tool for that particular job. When it comes to removing creatures, you need to pick the most appropriate tool. Scry does get better as the game goes longer, but T4 scry vs T5 scry isn't that big. Use the removal that fits the creature.
Spells 16
4x Lightning Strike
4x Magma Jet
3x Chained to the Rocks
2x Boros Charm
2x Mizzium Mortars
1x Legions Initiative
Thighs 2
2x Chandra, Pyromaster
Sideboard 15
3x Boros Reckoner
2x Mizzium Mortars
1x Chained to the Rocks
1x Assemble the Legion
2x Flames of The Firebrand
1x Boros Charm
2x Last Breath
3x Skullcrack
I like having the 1-of LI mainboard, it can lead to some fun situations.
Sb is:
Vs U/x-Devo: -7 1drops, +2 Mortars, +1 Chain, +2 Last Breath, +2 Fotf
Vs B/
x Devo: -3 Dragon, -1 Guildgate, -4 Jet, +1 Chain, +1 Charm, +3 Skullcrack, +1 Assemble, +2 FoTF
Vs U/W Control: -1 chain, -2 mortars, -1 jet, +1 charm, +3 skullcrack
Vs Esper Control: -3 chain, -2 Jet, +1 Charm, +3 Skullcrack, +1 Mortars
Vs Small Red Aggro: -7 1drops, -1 Charm, +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Flames, +1 Chained
Vs Red Devo: -7 1drops, -2 Charm, +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Flames, +1 Chained, +1 Assemble
Vs B/W Control: (Is is still a thing? Seemed like it cropped up a bit but dunno if it stuck around) -3 dragon, -1 guildgate, -4 jet, +1 chain, +2 Mortars, +1 charm, +3 skullcrack, +1 assemble.
Vs White-Weenie: -7 1drops, -2 Charms, -1 LI, +3 Reckoner, +2 Mortars, +2 Fotf, +1 Chain, +2 Last Breath.
This is the list and sideboard plan I'm taking with me to an IQ tomorrow (today by timezone technicality).
Any complaints/thoughts?
(Edit done to u/w because I'm a dumb )
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:56 am
by LaZerBurn
List and plan looks solid Raida, best of luck!
EDIT - Why are you only running 3 Vaults?
EDIT - I've just read MDU's comment and looked back over your list and plan. Apologies for missing this before, it's very early here (I've just thrown away my first Match in the DE by playing REALLY REALLY BADLY so clearly I am not entirely with it yet but I digress).
Vs Esper I'd run 2 Mortars only
Vs UW I'd run 2 Chains only
@MDU - Hope you're doing good and enjoying your break
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:13 am
by magicdownunder
Last breath vs Control is a mistake, why would you as the aggro deck want to provide them life? just run 1-2 Chains to deal with the 2/2.
4x Mortars vs Control is also a mistake, I think 3x mortars is a mistake as well but we've been through this so I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise but my stance remains the same: you'll be running too many dead cards and without Jets your options to ship those dead cards becomes even worst (you do know you can just block and burn or double burn the vampire rather then devote 3-4 slots with cards which only deal with him) when you run too much narrow hate and you'll just end up dying to Elsepth or the Changling.
Enchantments 04
1 Legion's Initiative
3 Chained to the Rocks
Planeswalker 02
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
Sideboard 15
1 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Last Breath
2 Boros Charm
2 Boros Reckoner
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Assemble the Legion
3 Skullcrack[/deck]
I have four SE to share, MOCS1 turned out to be a sham just like MOCS12 (Queued MOCS?? WTF wizards, twice in a row even...) so my 35 QPs are wasted - thus killing my motivation for competitive magic (for the time being) I may take a break until MOCS2 starts (Jan 4th) or just play Modern/Pauper - anyhow here is the first SE:
How it is diferent? I had run your version since last week to multiple cash finishes.
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:10 am
by magicdownunder
@LaZerBurn: cheers I'm doing great
@Pedros: I was hoping you would be testing BR Aggro, I havn't made any changes to my MODO list (I think the configuration is solid for MODO so your finishes don't shock me) though I've been tempted in adding another MD Reck - for RL major magic events I'll be running 7 one-drops over the MD Reck.
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:19 am
by RaidaTheBlade
@Lazerburn- I'm running 3 mutas for several reasons. First I'm a broke college student, but also to just help with colors some, since I run into issues with that more often then I'd like.
@LB/MDU- I run 3 mortars vs Esper, not 4. I only have 4 in my sb plans for B/W control, which is not a list I have any exoerience against, but from what little I know they love them some blood barons.
The 3 mortars vs esper is just me hedging things. I could hope to multi-burn or block/burn, but the mortars approach has worked out better for me in the past.
As for vs U/W control, this is another matchup I don't have a huge amount of experience against. The way I understood it, postboard they seem to go more white weenie-ish, so I made my sideboard plans accordingly.
Actually, looking back, why the hell am I taking out all he chains but bringing in last breath? I must have contracted the stupid, yeah I'm gonna fix that. I'll
keep 2 chains in, and bugger last breath.
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:23 am
by Pedros
@LaZerBurn: cheers I'm doing great
@Pedros: I was hoping you would be testing BR Aggro, I havn't made any changes to my MODO list (I think the configuration is solid for MODO so your finishes don't shock me) though I've been tempted in adding another MD Reck - for RL major magic events I'll be running 7 one-drops over the MD Reck.
I/only play Big Boros in bigger tournaments with better prices IRL, but i test rb everywhere else. 2* 3-1-1, 3-0 on mtgo and 3-0 irl so far with rb, but it isnt good enough for ptq or 15$ tournaments yet.
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:02 am
by agrevall
@MDU - your video links are pointing to your YT dashboard by the way, rather than the videos. Really enjoying these though, definitely helps being able to see the plays and why you're making them!
Match 1 - Rewarding win against UW Control (outplayed him in the decisive game)
Match 2
Let me start by saying Friday nights are rough for me. I work long hours, and am typically tired and rushed to get to FNM. I was playing against Mono Blue Devotion, and had lost the first game. I was ahead on game 2, when a buddy stopped by. Since he was just stopping in, I figured he would be on his way, but he kept on talking to me.
s a bonehead play I missed while he was talking to me, costing me the match.
Opponent was down to 4 life. He had tapped out all his mana during his main phase, and had played Master of Waves for enough to finish me off next turn. I had a Stormbreath Dragon in play. I thought I had the game.
He had 5 cards in hand. (I'm going to win, right?)
On my turn, I had 7 mana sources. With my friend still jabbering at me, I decided to activate monstrosity on my dragon. In my head, I had registered that he was tapped out, but in reality, he had actually played an Island on his second main phase.
Of course, the correct play would have been to attack, and then I could have activated monstrosity in response to the [card]Rapid
Hybridization[/card], winning the game.
I was a lazy play on my part, and partly because I was distracted and not thinking things through.
Match 3
I was definitely off tilt. My 3rd opp was playing a rogue deck with stuff like Elusive Krasis and Shambleshark. I beat him game 1 easily. (He had to read every one of my cards. I assumed this would be an easy match win.)
I boarded for aggro, putting in Boros Reckoner, etc. In game 2, he played a Desecration Demon. (Crap, I didn't see that coming.) Next turn, he swung with it, and I sacked a creature.
He says, "You can't do that. You need to declare that before I attack."
I say, "You have to declare when we're entering combat so I can respond to the trigger."
He says, "No I don't, you have to sac your creature before we enter
Finally, he says, "Okay, I'll let you get away with that." (Me - wanting the strangle him at this point.) "Anyway, it doesn't matter."
Then he plays a Triton Tactics (I really didn't see that coming!) and smacks me for 7, and beats me soon after. Now I'm WAY off tilt.
Game 3 - I board in Assemble the Legion, which I get on the board late because of a missed land drop, and can't keep up with his Desecration Demon and other creatures. I also didn't think through that my soldier tokens weren't going to do squat against Elusive Krasis, so I was very ineffective with my boarding.
Match 4
G/W Hexproof. He won the first game. I won the second, He won the third. Not sure there is anything I could do, since it just came down to who got the
better draw. Curious how others generally handle this deck?
Key Learning 1 - Explicitly tell people if they're distracting you.
Key Learning 2 - Don't make the lazy play, ever.
Key Learning 3 - Don't get lazy because you think you should beat your opponent.
Key Learning 4 - If you're playing a deck you're not familiar, take extra time to think through what you're boarding in.
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:48 pm
by LaZerBurn
If GW Hexproof get a decent draw you just die to them MonoB with 4 Devour Flesh keeps the deck in check and Control has Wrath so it's not that widely played, on MTGO at least.
Good lessons learned from FNM though
Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:52 pm
by montu
Oh, one more thing I wanted to post about FNM.
I mostly play MTGO, and every once in a while I get surprised by a [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] tigger I had forgotten ("Oh, right!"). I figured if I can "forget" about it online, I'm surely going to miss it now and then IRL.
So I started putting a dice on the top of my graveyard the first time a [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] goes there. Having it there is a reminder for me to trigger its recursion when I hit my opp with burn.
It's a simple thing, but I've found it to be very useful.