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[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:40 am
by Mcdonalds
She's not, and even then, white people have joined that organization before

The problem is she lied about it

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:22 am
by DarthStabber
If you have Hulu check out last night's nightly show, they go deeper into the story, it gets weirder the more you learn about it.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:39 am
by Lightning_Dolt
Playing this at the Legacy event this Saturday:

4 deathrite shaman
4 dark confidant
4 stoneforge mystic
2 tidehollow sculler

3 thoughtseize
3 inquisition of kozilek
3 swords to plowshares
3 abrupt decay
4 hymn to tourach
3 liliana of the veil
3 lingering souls
1 umezawa's jitte
1 batterskull

3 wasteland
3 scrubland
1 bayou
1 savannah
4 windswept heath
2 verdant catacombs
2 marsh flats
3 swamp
2 plains
1 forest

1 engineered explosives
1 surgical extraction
2 enlightened tutor
1 pithing needle
1 grafdigger's cage
1 rest in peace
2 zealous persecution
1 abrupt decay
1 spirit of the labyrinth
1 ethersworn cannonist
1 circle of protection: red
1 choke
1 oblivion ring
Not enough red.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:42 am
by Lightning_Dolt

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:43 am
by Mcdonalds
It never came up until her parents (whom are white) showed up with a birth certificate

Regardless, the controversy actually makes me lose hope in humanity

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:48 am
by Mcdonalds
See the fact it plays both SCRUBland and BADland is a sign you shouldn't play this deck

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:14 am
by Valdarith
Playing this at the Legacy event this Saturday:

4 deathrite shaman
4 dark confidant
4 stoneforge mystic
2 tidehollow sculler

3 thoughtseize
3 inquisition of kozilek
3 swords to plowshares
3 abrupt decay
4 hymn to tourach
3 liliana of the veil
3 lingering souls
1 umezawa's jitte
1 batterskull

3 wasteland
3 scrubland
1 bayou
1 savannah
4 windswept heath
2 verdant catacombs
2 marsh flats
3 swamp
2 plains
1 forest

1 engineered explosives
1 surgical extraction
2 enlightened tutor
1 pithing needle
1 grafdigger's cage
1 rest in peace
2 zealous persecution
1 abrupt decay
1 spirit of the labyrinth
1 ethersworn cannonist
1 circle of protection: red
1 choke
1 oblivion ring
Not enough red.
It has COP: Red. That's enough red.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:50 am
by RedNihilist
It never came up until her parents (whom are white) showed up with a birth certificate

Regardless, the controversy actually makes me lose hope in humanity
Wait, you guys over the ocean write the race of the baby on the birth certificate? lol.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:54 am
by RedNihilist

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:59 am
by Mcdonalds

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:26 pm
by Pedrobear
New fetches spoiled.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:07 pm
by RedNihilist
The ones that fetch for Ghost Quarters?

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:09 pm
by Lightning_Dolt
That can fetch any non-basic apparently lol

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:49 pm
by Khaospawn
Oh damn.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:54 pm
by Self Medicated
Keeps his hand on it to partially hide it. Nice. Well, another one bites the dust. Anyone know if there's an active investigation? Or was this caught during the GP?

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:24 pm
by Thrillho
Caught during the GP on camera no less.
And after he did so well last night in the Standard Super League.

In related news: How about that white creature who is of color Gideon? That's a spicy multi-racial meatball!

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:51 pm
by Thrillho
I can't believe I just payed more for non-foil Kolaghan's Command than I did for foil ones less than a month apart.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:50 pm
by Khaospawn
My girlfriend opened a fat pack and pulled a foil K Command. :lol:

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:03 pm
by Thrillho
I can't believe Foil Kolaghan's Command is $30

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:05 pm
by Thrillho
I mean, I can because that card is really good. I just can't believe the card has been out for such a short period of time and currently only sees play as a 1-2 of in most decks that play it in Modern.

Then again, Collected Company has a 51% or less batting average against Modern and is $12 so nothing should surprise me at this point.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:07 pm
by Mcdonalds
Format defining heritage Druid is $20

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:53 pm
by Dane
The wife was getting frustrated when she kept getting Kolaghan's Command P1P1 in draft...we ended up with five or six of them.

Not looking so bad now! Also glad we hung onto the foil one we pulled from...something. Draft or prize packs (credit at my store sucks, and we try hanging onto the packs to draft with friends, but it just never seems to work out, and we've got a stack of packs on one of our shelves. After a point, we just crack any new ones.)

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:03 am
by Kaitscralt
Why would she get frustrated, it's splashable and RB is the best color combo

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:21 am
by Col. Khaddafi
Format defining heritage Druid is $20
Basically anyone who bought product pre-Modern boom is swimming in virtual stacks of cash now.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:55 am
by Valdarith
My Snapcasters are nearly Benjamins now. And I see no end to its rise in the near future.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:10 am
by hamfactorial
I sold my two Snapcaster playsets after you fine gentlemen told me about the bubble. Hoorah!

I will buy Kait some Fallout swag since he's the hero we need.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:56 am
by Dane
Why would she get frustrated, it's splashable and RB is the best color combo
Because it's fun to try different decks? And different rares?

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:46 am
by Mcdonalds
Winning is also fun

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:14 am
by Dane
At pack per win, sure...winning is fun, but the experience is the bigger deal. This is how we often spend our Friday night out, so playing the same deck repeatedly just to win three packs isn't completely amazeballs.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:25 am
by hamfactorial
Dane, that Ralph/VD signature image still makes me laugh :rofl:

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:56 am
by Dane
Yeah...I don't think I'll ever get sick of it. I was always surprised that Redthirst was ok with it, since it definitely portrays a goofier, self-mocking image.

Speaking of, where is ol' crankypants?

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:12 am
by Khaospawn
Redthirst pops up from time to time. Much like a wandering wizard. Or that creepy uncle at family functions.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:41 pm
by Kaitscralt
Pack per win?

Holy ass, your FNM is GAR-BITCH

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:38 pm
by Dane
Pack per win?

Holy ass, your FNM is GAR-BITCH
Yep. And it's like, $13-14 entry.

It's crap...but it's what we have.

I'm feeling slightly burned out right now anyway after Vegas, so I don't know when we'll go again.

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:10 pm
by Kaitscralt
don't go back

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:29 pm
by Dane
I seriously doubt we won't go back at all, but I'm not dying to go play magic. The GP left a pretty bad taste in my mouth, but we've also put quite a bit of time and money into the hobby to just drop it permanently.

Ultimately though, time will tell...

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:59 pm
by Kaitscralt
ditch your girl, then ditch mtg

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:00 pm
by Kaitscralt
spurn her

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:06 pm
by hamfactorial
Get on that Kait life plan

[Furiosas of Salvation] - Beta Max

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:17 pm
by Kaitscralt
you'll be so much more happy