[Primer] Boros Burn

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Postby PirateKingAtomsk » Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:27 pm

does anyone know shouta's decklist (i dont have premium)
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Postby NotARobot » Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:30 pm

It was posted a couple of pages back PirateKing, theres also a few videos of him playing it. Search Purphs posts I think

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Postby Deht » Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:21 am

It was posted a couple of pages back PirateKing, theres also a few videos of him playing it. Search Purphs posts I think
Vids http://www.happymtg.com/category/covera ... _standard/

[deck=Shouta's List]
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Boros Charm
4 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
1 Mizzium Mortars
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

2 Boros Guildgate
1 Mana Confluence
8 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

2 Banishing Light
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Reprisal
2 Wear //

"God Of Standard" Decklists http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=11843

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Postby NotARobot » Sat Jun 14, 2014 3:34 am

Really missing postboard mortars vs bw and more focused control hate running shootas list right now

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Postby Aodh » Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:09 am

Hi, scrubbed out of FNM with my creatureless brew. Metagaming too hard--haven't played against Bg Devotion at all to benefit from Dreadbore in lieu of Chained to the Rocks. I'm very conservative with manabase construction, so is Shouta's good enpugh?

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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:33 am

Split top 8 of the 5K; went 5-1-1 in Swiss (concede to friend to get him into top 8); deck runs 1 too many Mutavault; lost three games to drawing too many
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Postby BiddingMaster » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:43 am

if i were to expect to see nyleas disciple out of monsters i would definitely keep skullcrack. assuming we can race lifegain we only lose 1 damage which is not that significant for the upside of being able to 7-9 points we will gain off skullcrack. I have seen disciple out of the last few monsters players and going disciple for 6 then disciple for 8 is just game at the point. The games rarely come down to 1-2 points of life. They either slaughter us or we win. Also i find it hard to loose to most of the midrange strategies out there, especially monsters.

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Postby dauntless268 » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:54 am

:D Well done, Zem! I wish I could not play for a month and sit down an win everything...

Re Mutavault: It's not exactly like you didn't know that before, right? ;-)

How did you feel about the Shoota sideboard vs. control? It's he one thing that looks a little odd in his list....
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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:02 am

Yeah, it was insanely dumb, which is not unsurprising. I can see arguments for it being a Guildgate, mana confluence, mountain or scryland; probably preference. It definitely shouldn't be Mutavault.

Prophetic Flamespeaker was amazing. Would be interested in a fourth if there were space.

The anti-monsters plan was great and that matchup feels very good now.

I don't know about control, didn't play it. I'd side in Reckoner I guess since UW can only really answer it at sorcery; hitting for three every turn is sonething I'm in the market for.
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Postby dauntless268 » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:11 am

I indeed saw Shoota bording in Reckoner in his videos. Since the opponent brought in Ram and BBV, it wasn't really that convincing...
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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:15 am

Can't beat everything.
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Postby billhc » Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:11 am

Played a FNM today :D I had just 3 sacred foundry and any Eidolon of the Great Revel... i made 3-1 :D

[deck]Lands 23
8 Mountain
3 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Malice
2 Temple of Silence

Creatures 08
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Exile 03
3 Chained to the Rocks

Burn 26
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix
2 Searing Blood

Sideboard 15
2 Firedrinker Satyr
3 Toil // Trouble
3 Mizzium Mortars
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Banishing Light
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Fated Conflagration
1 Reprisal[/deck]
Game 1: MDU 2 x 0 UW Heroic
g1: just controlled him, he made creature then burn. When he had no
options left i just went to the touchdown.
g2: i dont even use my sb and game goes again same way...
Game 2: MDU 0 x 2 American Control(I always lose to this bitch mothafucker! haha)
g1: i open with 2 mutavaults and some burns tought i could have this game... but he had 4 last breaths... gg

sideboarded chandra, pyromaster, T&T and banishing light (think i could sideboard firedrink satyr too, but i dont know why i didnt?)

g2: almost same hand as before but this time he took my mutavalts with izzet charm and tried to last breath my phoenix so i had to kill my onw phoenix... gg anyway...

I dont really know how to deal with this match... could someone help? Should i play some stormbreath dragons in sb?
Game 3: MDU 2 x 0 Monsters GR
g1: 2 chainned to the rocks and his big monster gone... then just went to score.

sideboarded Mizzium Mortars, chained to the rocks, and banishing

g2: i had all answers too...
Game 4: MDU 2 x 1 Mirror
g1: He was flooded in mana, he discards chandra phoenix to draw two cards i never thought about that... anyway i had 3 boros charm in my hand... such a explosive hand :)

forgot to sideboard.

g2: I had just a mutavault and a mountain for the whole game :(

forgot to sideboard again...

g3: i had chained to the rocks for his chandras and i had 3 skullcrack in my hand i was winning the burn race just waiting until he use WH then i cast skullcrack and g3 is mine.
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Postby rage_jl » Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:33 pm

I played Shota's list online last night and also wished for mortars and less vaults. The creature intense SB does switch up play a bit post board. I'm trying most of it at an IQ today but I swapped the reprisals for mortars in the SB and switched one chains for a BL main. Also -1 Mutavault -1 Mana confluence for +1 Temple of Silence +1 Temple of Malice.

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Postby NotARobot » Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:38 pm

Zem, if you don't mind me asking, what deck were you facing that you brought in the flamespeaker against?

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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:54 pm

Had struggles last night at FNM, unfortunately I fell on the losing side of the struggle. Can't say I got wrecked, but...

List for reference. I liked a few ideas that were in BiddingMaster's sideboard plans so I figured I'd incorporate them into my own. Worked out pretty well for the most part.

Creatures (8)
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Instant (26)
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

Enchantment (3)
1 Banishing Light
2 Chained to the Rocks

Land (23)
2 Mana Confluence
4 Mutavault
9 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Sideboard (15)
1 Banishing Light
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Toil / Trouble
2 Wear / Tear[/deck]

M1 vs Blue Devotion (splash white): 2-1
Lost G1. Once MoW came out with Thassa I was done.
Won G2 and G3 by
Chaining, Mortaring, and Banishing anything that looked at me funny while pinging with Muta.
+1 Banishing, 2 Chained, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-4 Charm, 4 Skullcrack, 1 Shock

M2 vs Junk (arguably the best regular at my LGS): 1-2
Won G1, pretty much effortlessly.
Lost G2 due to him dropping 3 (effectively 4) Coursers which along with a Caryatid walled out my YP/tokens/Muta. I kept killing the Coursers, he kept dropping new ones and finally G.Charmed my Chains on one.
Lost G3 due to keeping a slow hand. Kept hard pressure on him but it wound down to me in topdeck mode against a Ajani, MOH and some big creatures with him at 5 life. I topdecked a land.
+2 Chained, 2 Chandra, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-1 Banishing, 4 Charm, 1 Jet

M3 vs GB Constellation: 1-2
Lost G1, got destroyed by an Eidolon of Blossoms pumped by double Strength of the Fallen.
Won G2, had an amazing hand and he couldn't draw much that I couldn't answer.
Lost G3 even though he was stuck on 4 land forever. Was
disrupted early by double Brain Maggot and double Duress, then ran into a land clump.
+1 Banishing, 2 Chained, 4 Eidolon, 2 Wear / Tear
-4 Magma Jet, 4 Skullcrack, 1 Charm

M4 vs R Devotion: 0-2
Lost G1, wasn't even close. His creatures came out and I lost.
Lost G2 as well, I fell behind early but fought back. Wound up with both of us at 1 life and in topdeck mode. I topdecked a land.
+1 Banishing, 2 Chained, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-4 Charm, 4 Skullcrack, 1 Helix

Overall 1-3, 4-7 games, lost last 6 of 7 games.

Liked: Banishing Light and Mortars. I liked having the extra removal in there to take things a bit slower and pick off the big stuff across the table. Being less of a glass cannon felt nice. I brought in Eidolon every match and wished I had it back in my mainboard from the start.

Disliked: Young Pyromancer - I'll chalk it up to me being inexperienced and it being my first outing with him, but I really didn't like him. He didn't seem to have much of an
effect on any but one or two games I played. 4x Mutavault - as Zem said above, I agree that 4 feels like too much. Twice I was stuck with 3 Mountain and 2 Mutavault with a hand full of RW cards. Felt bad man. Chandra - brought her out in the Junk MU and she didn't do anything worthwhile other than take some damage for me.

I'm not upset about how last night went, it was good experience. I liked my sideboard plan for the most part, I'm just not personally sold on YP yet. I'll swap a Mutavault for a Guildgate and leave the rest of the list intact when I head to my LGS Monday. I'll post again then if anyone cares. Helps me think about my experiences anyway.
Last edited by Josahty on Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:55 pm

Feel free to point out any flaws I made in my sideboarding or what I run. I'm here to learn.

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Postby NotARobot » Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:59 pm

Sideboarding vs monoblue you took out shock but left in skullcrack, why?

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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:46 pm

I actually put in the wrong list that I sideboarded. What I put was my sideboard plan for BLACK and not Blue. I'll edit it.

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Postby Elricity » Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:45 pm

Can you explain your thought process on sideboarding? Pulling out a helix vs red in particular seems quite odd, particularly with revel. I also think you were forcing Revel in matchups he doesn't belong.

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Postby LaZerBurn » Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:46 pm

Prophetic Flamespeaker was amazing. Would be interested in a fourth if there were space.
MJ ran 4 in a DE, went 4-0

[deck=MJ's List]
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Boros Charm
4 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
1 Mizzium Mortars
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

2 Boros Guildgate
1 Mana Confluence
8 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

2 Banishing Light
4 Boros Reckoner
3 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Reprisal
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Postby PirateKingAtomsk » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:18 pm

Going to run shouta's list at my next fnm swapping 1 repraisal for an extra mortars in the sb and deicide instead of the w/t's (still instant speed, hits any artifacts that im worried about (whip/hammer and such) and strips gods from decks). I want to fit another mortar in (for all that it hits including anything in my friends rb minotaurs deck) but not sure what to swap out for it.
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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:53 pm

Can you explain your thought process on sideboarding? Pulling out a helix vs red in particular seems quite odd, particularly with revel. I also think you were forcing Revel in matchups he doesn't belong.
I had just hastily threw together the sideboard plan the night before because I switched from an Eidolon build to a YP build. My plan for the matches I played was basically to take out typically Charms and Skullcrack for Eidolons and removal.

I agree taking out the Helix probably wasn't very bright. I just wanted a 9th card to take out, so I picked something a bit slower.

What matchups do you feel Eidolon was forced into? As I said, I did want him in every match, but I'm interested in where I was wrong there.

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Postby Josahty » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:58 pm

Going to run shouta's list at my next fnm swapping 1 repraisal for an extra mortars in the sb and deicide instead of the w/t's (still instant speed, hits any artifacts that im worried about (whip/hammer and such) and strips gods from decks). I want to fit another mortar in (for all that it hits including anything in my friends rb minotaurs deck) but not sure what to swap out for it.
I like your point about Deicide hitting the concerning artifacts. Would also hit Courser and such too. I may try this out.

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Postby Elricity » Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:25 pm

Can you explain your thought process on sideboarding? Pulling out a helix vs red in particular seems quite odd, particularly with revel. I also think you were forcing Revel in matchups he doesn't belong.
I had just hastily threw together the sideboard plan the night before because I switched from an Eidolon build to a YP build. My plan for the matches I played was basically to take out typically Charms and Skullcrack for Eidolons and removal.

I agree taking out the Helix probably wasn't very bright. I just wanted a 9th card to take out, so I picked something a bit slower.

matchups do you feel Eidolon was forced into? As I said, I did want him in every match, but I'm interested in where I was wrong there.
Red and blue devotion (although I haven't tested against blue) felt off to me. Neither are matches I want to really race them even on the play. YMMV.

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Postby LaZerBurn » Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:53 pm

Burn placed 2 and 3 at the Super IQ - Eidolon MD with SB Reckoner tech from the Shota list.
Jeffrey Racan 2nd Place
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon

4 Boros Charm
2 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Searing Blood
3 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

1 Chandra

2 Mana Confluence
9 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

2 Chained to The Rocks
2 Spark Trooper
3 Boros Reckoner
4 Satyr Firedancer
2 Assemble The Legion
2 Wear//Tear
Jacob May 3rd Place
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon

4 Boros Charm
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Searing Blood
2 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

2 Mana Confluence
10 Mountain
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of

1 Chained to The Rocks
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Satyr Firedancer
2 Chandra
4 Firedrinker Satyr
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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:39 am

I know I shouldn't be expecting much... but really running dancers in a list with THAT many aggro/midrange control spells is just begging from problems, just how many burns spells do they have left post board.

P.S. I'm glad people are running Reckoner in the SB again, I've have a soft spot for that card though I dislike it against Ux Devotion, Jund and BW Midrange (I'll prefer MM in those MUs).

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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:09 am

M2 vs Junk (arguably the best regular at my LGS): 1-2
Won G1, pretty much effortlessly.
Lost G2 due to him dropping 3 (effectively 4) Coursers which along with a Caryatid walled out my YP/tokens/Muta. I kept killing the Coursers, he kept dropping new ones and finally G.Charmed my Chains on one.
Lost G3 due to keeping a slow hand. Kept hard pressure on him but it wound down to me in topdeck mode against a Ajani, MOH and some big creatures with him at 5 life. I topdecked a land.
+2 Chained, 2 Chandra, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-1 Banishing, 4 Charm, 1 Jet
I wonder why did you sideboarded eidolon.

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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:15 am

magicdownunder tell me what you think about the match against american control

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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:32 am

UWr tends too be fairly rare online, like all control MUs you don't really have a sliver bullet so its more about how you play the MU then anything else.

That said I don't see any faults with your SB plan since I'll also run: Banishing Light, Chandra, Pyromaster and Toil // Trouble (since you have drinkers in your board you should run them as well (though with drinkers since they're only really good on T1-3 they should just be 4 or nothing)).

p.s. What are you boarding out?

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Postby BiddingMaster » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:44 am

M2 vs Junk (arguably the best regular at my LGS): 1-2
Won G1, pretty much effortlessly.
Lost G2 due to him dropping 3 (effectively 4) Coursers which along with a Caryatid walled out my YP/tokens/Muta. I kept killing the Coursers, he kept dropping new ones and finally G.Charmed my Chains on one.
Lost G3 due to keeping a slow hand. Kept hard pressure on him but it wound down to me in topdeck mode against a Ajani, MOH and some big creatures with him at 5 life. I topdecked a land.
+2 Chained, 2 Chandra, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-1 Banishing, 4 Charm, 1 Jet
I wonder why did you
sideboarded eidolon.
I dont think you understand the matchup. He boarded correctly. I rarely loose to junk and eidolon does his best work against clunky midrange decks. my sideboarding is
-4 boros charm
-4 shock
-2 skullcrack
-1 banishing light
-1 magma jet
+4 eidolon
+2 chained to the rocks
+3 mizzium mortars
+3 chandra, pyromaster
Last edited by BiddingMaster on Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Josahty » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:53 am

@billhc: Because the other couple times I've played against Junk it helped out a lot. If it's not the right call, I'm definitely up for hearing why.
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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:57 am

-3 chained to the rocks
-2 Warleader's Helix
-2 Searing Blood

thinking about take out creatures instead like pyromancers... since he always runs 4 lastbreath instead of detention sphere...

M2 vs Junk (arguably the best regular at my LGS): 1-2
Won G1, pretty much effortlessly.
Lost G2 due to him dropping 3 (effectively 4) Coursers which along with a Caryatid walled out my YP/tokens/Muta. I kept killing the Coursers, he kept dropping new ones and finally G.Charmed my Chains on one.
Lost G3 due to keeping a slow hand. Kept hard pressure on him but it wound
down to me in topdeck mode against a Ajani, MOH and some big creatures with him at 5 life. I topdecked a land.
+2 Chained, 2 Chandra, 4 Eidolon, 2 Mortars
-1 Banishing, 4 Charm, 1 Jet
I wonder why did you sideboarded eidolon.
I dont think you understand the matchup. He boarded correctly. I rarely loose to junk and eidolon does his best work against clunky midrange decks.
i saw a junk midrange list that only has 17 3~2 drops think it holds more you than him,is that right?

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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:01 am

UWr tends too be fairly rare online, like all control MUs you don't really have a sliver bullet so its more about how you play the MU then anything else.

That said I don't see any faults with your SB plan since I'll also run: Banishing Light, Chandra, Pyromaster and Toil // Trouble (since you have drinkers in your board you should run them as well (though with drinkers since they're only really good on T1-3 they should just be 4 or nothing)).

p.s. What are you boarding out?
Was this in response to me?

@billhc: Because the other couple times I've played against Junk it
helped out a lot. If it's not the right call, I'm definitely up for hearing why.
feel free to talk dude, we re discussing why should we board in or out and why... i'm going to watch some junk games then :)

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Postby rage_jl » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:05 am

The IQ went well today, here's what I played:
Shota/DTR Burn
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Boros Charm
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix
1 Mizzium Mortars
1 Banishing Light

2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Malice
1 Temple of Silence
8 Mountain
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

1 Banishing Light
1 Chained to the Rocks
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Prophetic Flamespeaker
2 Wear//Tear
2 Mizzium Mortars
I tried to give you guys credit with the deck name, the lands (or I) wouldn't be solid without this forum.
I lost to GW aggro in the finals (they seem to be the bane of me). I beat MonoU, Rakdos Aggro, White Weenie, and Junk Constellation; I lost to Bw (game three a Ghostdad and Whip on the board were
the end of me) and the mirror. I beat the same mirror for my revenge in the quarter finals and the same MonoU in the semis.

I like the reckoners and I was very happy with the swap of reprisals for mortars. It was only 34 folks and I avoided the too horrible of MUs, I'm not sold on the SB 100% but then again I never am. Thanks for all the help guys.

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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:12 am

[quote="[url=viewtopic.php?p=236862#p236862:kwisxun1]Josahty » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:53 pm[/url:kwisxun1]":kwisxun1]Was this in response to me?

@billhc: Because the other couple times I've played against Junk it helped out a lot. [b:kwisxun1]If it's not the right call, I'm definitely up for hearing why[/b:kwisxun1].[/quote:kwisxun1]

It was directed at @billhc, though it would of helped if I actually typed "@billhc".

In regards with Eidolon vs Junk and Jund - the reason why its weak against competent players is because they run larger creatures which are difficult to kill and lifegain cards, unlike the mirror or UW MU where Eidolon threatens 2 points of damage every turn the Gxx deck can just ignore it and grind over you (this is esp. bad if your taking the control route which is indicated by your SB plan....).

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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:14 am

@rage_jl what was your sb plan against white weenie?

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Postby BiddingMaster » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:24 am

UWr tends too be fairly rare online, like all control MUs you don't really have a sliver bullet so its more about how you play the MU then anything else.

That said I don't see any faults with your SB plan since I'll also run: Banishing Light, Chandra, Pyromaster and Toil // Trouble (since you have drinkers in your board you should run them as well (though with drinkers since they're only really good on T1-3 they should just be 4 or nothing)

p.s. What are you boarding out?
Was this in response to me?

@billhc: Because the other couple times I've played against Junk it helped out a lot. If it's not the right call, I'm definitely up for hearing why.
feel free to talk dude, we re discussing why should we board in or out and why... i'm going to watch some junk games then :)
its a choke hold. they dont win by life race, they win by setting up unkillable threats that we cant deal with. They spend most of their time durdling and not playing threats thus taking damge in the process while we are applying aggro preassure. When they land a huge guy we kill it and the process repeats. Every single time we deal with a huge threat they are going deaper into the hole. Also that is not his true purpose. He is a benevolent bodyguard for chandra and young pyromancer. Junk cant beat chandra and if they have to
throw away downfalls then they just die to her. I think you all have a fundamental misunderstanding of eidolons many roles. You guys only seem to see it as an aggro creature designed to deal damage when that is not its sole purpose. It allows us to race when they cant deal with it and when they do we have the late game in the bag with chandra ultimate and yp tokens.

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Postby rage_jl » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:26 am

@billhc I don't remember 100% I know I brought in mortars and flamespeaker as those dominated for me. I don't remember if I brought in reckoner. Skullcrack and Boros Charm came out, if reckoner went in then a bird or two came out. I may have brought in 1 Chandra but I think I considered them too slow. I am horrible about remembering these things down to the card I know roughly what I do but this was a new SB and I kind of used my best guess to make the right calls. I know flamespeaker let me cast all kinds of stuff sealing game 2 and the match against him flipping 2 cards a turn. I had overloaded a mortar against him before flamespeaker was swinging.

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Postby billhc » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:34 am

@ magicdownunder i'll add to my sideboard stormbreath dragon to test if i can beat uwr with it :)

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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:37 am

I can't recommend it - SBD is good vs UW but against Esper and American its tends too be a bad Boros Charm.

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