Postby LP, of the Fires » Thu May 16, 2013 9:21 am
Something interesting that actually happened playing my version of rdw(more midrange I guess with mortars and 4 5-drops) against mostly monowhite death and taxes style agro. In game 3, his turn 2 he plays Thalia, I have 2 mana and a spear in my hand. My friend James thought the play was spear my opponents face with Thalia on the stack. I usually trust his judement and I did keep a weak 7(cackler, spear, hellrider and something else) so I guess his logic was I race. I thought about it for a bit since I like to consider weird lines, but I decided I'd rather slow the game down a bit since I can break board stalls better and I don't like losing to fiend hunter. Long story short, we get to the midgame and assuming I had speared his face, there was a line that would have traded most of the board and put him within burn range of any topdecked 5 drop, hellrider or any burn spell. As it was, I ended up killing some guys, trading
creatures for a turn or two, then killing him with hellrider.
I'm pretty sure my play was better, but this illustrates the depth of some games and it reaffirms the fact that my testing buddies are really good, because even if his play was wrong, there's a lot to be said for the fact that he recognized that option before I did. Seeing more lines probably correlates to winning more games.
In other news, hubris has come dangerously close to loosing matches. At least 5 times in the last 2 days, I've 2-1'd rounds I should have 2-0'd because I saw the win in my head and got impatient to be blown out by my opponents single out that I could have easily played around. The worst was spearing my opponent during my turn only to have him blink his thragtusk, then reanimate his angel of serenity the next turn.
You gotta understand, I love the beatdown. I really do. I always have.
Beatdown is hard, though.
Patrick chapin