If it helps, this is where I'm at:-3 rancor -1 ash zealot
+4 Lightning mauler
that's where I'm at right now. Could also cut more ash zealots for +2 brimstone volley +1 reckoner.
it would have pyreheart wolves in the side to augment the weaker creature base.
I don't feel like I get green screwed more often than a 3 color deck gets it, aka pretty consistent. G/r is greedier with DOUBLE red costs in hellrider/hellkite with... 8 duals 5 mountains 13 sources?
8 duals, 1 temple garden, 1 guildgate+4 BTE= 14 green sources and I only need to see one per game.
Cutting ash zealots+rancor... it just feels so wrong.
UWr is always going to be a gross match-up, if youre running more dudes and less rancors youll just get supreme verdict for them to get 2-1s instead of maybe them having a
spear when you throw down rancor (and if youre on the play its not likely if you rancor your 1 drop.) Also zealots+rancor makes jund easymode, and it makes junk rites a HELLUVA lot easier IMO. Garruk not being able to have many targets is legitimate too.
As is making BTE's body even sexier
I see the merits of LM don't get me wrong. Goin fast is p. good, part of a nut draw. He's just insane with BTE and on t2...pretty specific. He's also just "ok" if hasting out a reckoner, because that means he's not doing anything himself T2. I just think Rancor is good with ANY creature you have (save hellrider) INSANE with Zealot, p.good on reckoner, etc.
Rancor is pretty bad against UWr Flash. But LM doesn't really fix that match-up either (dies to augur, verdict).
aka I think Rancor is good. But I don't see anyone playing it.
Note: I'm also ignoring that Rancor is bad G1 against mirror, because you have less bodies for them to remove/2-1 with 4 spears and shit. But if you had LM
instead and you side in elecktrickeries its the same thing, whereas you can 1-1 swap with VS and be in a much better position without diluting your threats.
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Ash Zealot
4 Firefist Striker
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Lightning Mauler
2 Gore-House Chainwalker
4 Flinthoof Boar
3 Boros Reckoner
4 Ghor-Clan Rampager
Spells (4)
4 Rancor
Lands (19)
4 Stomping Ground
4 Rootbound Crag
1 Temple Garden
10 Mountain
Sideboard (15)
4 Pillar of Flame
4 Volcanic Strength
2 Ground Seal
3 Domri Rade
2 Electrickery
Going down to only four spells (Rancor) has turned out to be a good choice. I still have a full set of GCR to act as removal AND trample damage and Rancor helps go through the fatties. I may add 1-2 Pyrewild Shaman as a mana sink in the late game.