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Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:55 am
by Midnight_v
Jesus....6 lands in a 17 land deck WTF
I believe kincey is skilled enough to pull this out even in the face of all that hate.
Its been 2 years of this fires of salvationing. Meaning the MAIN thing we do is understand and win board states.
I'm gonna bet on LK.
And its over. Winner: LK.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:00 am
by tkoman
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:03 am
by Valdarith
Caught the tail end of the match. How exiting! Keep up the good work LP.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:06 am
by Midnight_v
Compare that match vs that match with Osyp Lebowitz
Osyp looked super uncomfortable.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:21 am
by TBuzzsaw
Every time SCG is in Vegas it happens to be EDC weekend.
Coincidence? I think not.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:21 am
by Khaospawn
LP's blackness prevailed. Now I can sleep at night.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:32 am
by hamfactorial
Stay black
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:39 am
by Dechs Kaison
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Japan speaks English.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:45 pm
by Khaospawn
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Japan speaks English.
Nobody in England speaks Japanese.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:48 pm
by Khaospawn
Can Red claim yet
another victory!? ... ckID=69109
Dude is in the top 4. Can't wait for the action to resume.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:29 pm
by Dechs Kaison
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Japan speaks English.
Nobody in England speaks Japanese.
Plenty of people in the states do.
Moreover, very many people in Korea speak English. It is a worldwide business language. I'm just surprised that I find it so hard to communicate with anyone around here.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:52 pm
by Khaospawn
Have you tried using harsh language or the threat of violence? It works for me sometimes.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:42 pm
by Jack
English, mothafucka! Do you speak it?
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:22 pm
by Sasky
My PTQ report copy-pasta from Sally.
Played at the PTQ in Singapore today. Started with a loss, won my subsequent 4 matches, then lost the last two to end up 4-3.
I chose to go with UWR Geist as it is the deck I have the most experience with. I spent two weeks testing UR delver but found the midrange and control matchups to be really bad. Any deck with one-mana removals will do a number on you. I then spent a week testing with Tarmo-Twin, but I accepted that I was not good enough to pilot the deck skilfully and win consistently. I stuck with my go-to deck, got in a week's practice with it to work off the rust, and it was off to the PTQ!
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Geist of Saint Traft
2 Vendilion Clique
2 Restoration Angel
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Path to Exile
2 Spell Snare
2 Lightning Helix
2 Mana Leak
4 Remand
2 Electrolyze
2 Cryptic Command
4 Arid Mesa
4 Celestial
2 Hallowed Fountain
3 Island
1 Mountain
2 Plains
1 Sacred Foundry
4 Scalding Tarn
2 Steam Vents
1 Sulfur Falls
2 Tectonic Edge
2 Wear // Tear
1 Combust
2 Rest in Peace
1 Shadow of Doubt
1 Stony Silence
2 Anger of the Gods
2 Counterflux
2 Wrath of God
2 Baneslayer Angel[/deck]
Match 1 loss vs. Scapeshift (Cryptic) 0-2
Basically punted the first game as it was early in the morning and I did very little testing against scapeshift. Misocunted the lands he had and neglected to snare his sakura tribe elder when I had the chance or I would have won. Lost the second game when he had double remand backup for a ramped-up scapeshift.
Match 2 win vs. Burn 2-0
Came close to losing the first game as I was down to one life. My opponent top-decked two lands in a row instead of a burn spell, and I got him within 2 swings of Geist and Clique. Game two was not much of a contest as he was stuck on one land and I took out
his multiple goblin guides and countered his burn. I slammed a baneslayer and that was it.
Match 3 win vs. UR Delver 2-0
I basically drew enough cheap removal and counters to protect my geist to victory, which the delver deck has very little ways of dealing with.
Match 4 win vs. Blue Moon 2-1
Got crushed game one with blood moon out and I had no way to fetch a plains to slam Geist and win. Games two and three I basically rode Geist to victory, taking care to have a good basic land count on the field.
Match 5 win vs. Jund 2-1
My opponent had a bunch of discard in game one, but I got there in the end with burns and flash creatures. Game two I lost to a combination of discards and liliana. Game three my opponent did not have any way to deal with geist, while I had many ways to deal with the threats he was throwing down to block geist.
Match 6 loss vs. UW control 0-2
This matchup is
impossible. A combination of spreading seas and tec edge keeps me off casting my spells, and supreme verdict with kitchen finks makes it really difficult to get any damage in.
Match 7 loss vs. Mono-U Tron 1-2
Another miserable matchup. They just have too much countermagic and big mana to render our mana leaks and remands practically useless. Geist is an all star in this matchup, but they have enough blockers. Surprisingly, my one win came from a single clique beatdown instead of geist, in game two. Got mindslaver-locked out of game one and sundering titan'd to death in game three.
Hope this little report gives some insight into the deck.
All in all, I think Geist is still a monster on the field. He wins a lot of matchups just like that with little effort on your part. In the matchups he is bad you just need to shift into a control role and board in finishers like baneslayer. While I didn't get to play against any pod deck in the PTQ, I have played that matchup and found
that this sideboarding strategy works very effectively. I didn't get a chance to board him out at all throughtout the tournament as all the matchups were ones he was stellar in.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:23 pm
by Sasky
MDU, my mate ended up going 3-4, which wasn't too good. He commented that Bitterblossom was the best card in his deck all day, but the deck struggles with any explosive openings from stuff like Affinity and Merfolk.
The PTQ was won by Jund. In fact, the finals was a Jund mirror.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:07 pm
by TBuzzsaw
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Japan speaks English.
They understand how to write and read. Speaking, not so much. You either have to speak slowly or they're pretending not to understand in fear of embarrassing themselves.
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:24 pm
by Kaitscralt
the shadow of kaze
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:24 pm
by Kaitscralt
kaze casts a long shadow
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:54 pm
by Khaospawn
She told me that I'd always be the one for her. People should be held to their word...
Get over it, kid. Woman never mean what they say because they never know what they want.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:26 am
by LP, of the Fires
7-3 at SCG Vegas.
Lost to GW twice and the Junk player that top 8'd.
Ended up playing boss sligh because couldn't find my Red Devotion stuff and I was slaughtering people in play testing so yolo.
Highlights of the day include:
a UW control player conceding before his 3rd turn because he tried blocking a creature with his mutavault and got stone rained
a fake feature match in which my opponent cast's caryatid off of incorrect mana accidently and flipping his top card and instead of just letting him retap, the judge haves me shuffle his library to randomize the outcome only for him to do it right and then flip the same card
2-0ing a mono-blue player in the last round to money including a game where he had master of waves for 3
losing to junk midrange and gw agro respectively rounds 8 and 9 to drawing 6/7 lands while on a 15-outer for two turns against the junk player and 6ish outer vs. the GW player for 6
and of course the seismic stop in the feature. I haven't gotten to rewatch the video as I think that round and rounds 1 and 4 where the three where my play was less then spectacular but, nonetheless, that win was sweet as I pulled victory from the jaws of defeat and kept the dream alive, at least for a little while.
Deck was insane all weekend. I was unlucky to both face GW twice and to flood out in 2 of my 3 losses, but I also drew extremely well over the rest of my matches(I think, might just be the deck) and won plenty of die rolls with a deck that I'd estimate is 85% on the play vs. the field. Even when one of my opponents had drown in sorrow for me deck, he was colorscrewed stuck on 1 black the whole game!
Had fun, wish I did better, but overall OK with how the weekend went(minus spending all my money at the titty bar).
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:28 am
by LP, of the Fires
Also, the guy who won was kind of jerk.
I sat next to him early in the day and he was rules lawyering like a mothafucka and being a dick about it.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:33 am
by Khaospawn
LP, I'm proud of ya, buddy. Way to Seismic Stomp some people in the nuts!
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:35 am
by DroppinSuga
Well done LPizzle
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:36 am
by Kaitscralt
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:39 am
by Khaospawn
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:43 am
by TBuzzsaw
LP Seismic Curbstomp.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:47 am
by LP, of the Fires
My round 8 loss was SO soul crushing.
First of all, I lost game 1 on the play when he mulliganed which felt horrible, but I kept a loose hand and he had the nuts. Win game 2 easily. Game 3, I'm grinding single points of damage past nyx fleece ram and sylvan caryatid interrupted by bouts of skullcracking and titan's strengthing them down when applicable. After he resolved obzedat, I still had a bunch of outs to get there in any card in my deck that has a number 3 somewhere in the text box. More lands. He did have a clutch turn 2 sin collector though that took a seismic stomp and left me with a harness by force letting him know he had to get aggressive with obzedat and could never play archangel of thune.
I found it funny that in his top 8 profile he said all this stuff about knowing how to play against boss sligh and while he did manage his removal well and block appropriately and shit, he didn't know what any of my
cards did between simple stuff like madcap skills and the obscenely broken legion loyalists.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:53 am
by TBuzzsaw
You have a deck list LP?
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:54 am
by LP, of the Fires
Played the Boss's exact list from the invitational last weekend.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:00 am
by TBuzzsaw
Okie dokie. Any changes you would have made?
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:15 am
by Kaitscralt
you should have watched me i mean mdu in mtgo, he was a superstar
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:33 am
by Midnight_v
This weekend was really boring to watch. Red aggro always is and it was everywhere.
This weekend was really exciting to watch! Red aggro always is, and it was everywhere!
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:58 am
by magicdownunder
you should have watched me i mean mdu in mtgo, he was a superstar
That it I'm recording it now
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:26 am
by Valdarith
I love how much Loyalist has spiked on MODO.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:27 am
by LP, of the Fires
Overall, I think the Boss sligh deck is one of the more degenerate things in standard and it steamrolls all the top deck. I didn't play against mono-black for the second tourney in a row which is some sort of crazy anomaly but I know that matchup is great along with all the control decks and surprisingly the caryatid decks. The fact that I was favored to win a game where my opponent played 4 walls, a decent smattering of lifegain and gratuitous removal should attest to that.
The fact that I got paired against two experiment one decks is slightly annoying as that's not really a real deck and a fairly bad matchup, but thems the breaks. I also got paired against notion thief whispering madness and BUG constellation so I can't complain. Got to play a lot of magic, talk shit to Kibler about his atrocious playmat and seismic stomp nigga's on camera, so overall good weekend.
5:25 - My camera match for anyone that cares. I definitely misplayed twice in game 1 by playing the cackler(forgot about soldier triggers) and by not being patient waiting for a better alpha situation. I actually new he had brave the first time by him not attacking the prior turn and I suspected he had the second, but fatigue was setting in and I ignored my gut. Game 2, I probably played the second eidolon improperly since doing a little math would have showed that I locked myself out of the kill(had stomp in hand since turn 2) but I found the line of the chump attack and hoping he was mentally locked in to just pecking with birds instead of making more aggressive attacks since he could have just alpha'd and wrathed my board. Game 3, as Sully said, gift of orzhova was an underwhelming sideboard card and a 3 drop would've been better, or he could have just played spear that turn and set up a big board but lucky he didn't and
I capitalized.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:51 am
by zemanjaski
Finally playing Young Promancer in all formats
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:58 am
by Midnight_v
Overall, I think the Boss sligh deck is one of the more degenerate things in standard and it steamrolls all the top deck
Is that a good or a bad thing?
Also... it may be that Sligh IS the top deck for this meta. I think that's a good thing. They polarized the meta for a few months.
This shakes it up. I was right the more I think about it. G/W and WW exist only when red becomes a thing. Boss sligh makes Brave naya into a deck, and other things. No ones willing to go all in like that because there's going to be people playing revelation.deck no matter what the weather.
What is a "metagame"?
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:52 am
by Khaospawn
Overall, I think the Boss sligh deck is one of the more degenerate things in standard and it steamrolls all the top deck
What is a "metagame"?
Metagaming -
Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
The highest level of strategy in many complex games, metagame refers to any aspect of strategy that involves thinking about what your opponent is thinking you are thinking.
Metagame comes into play in any game where no single strategy is dominant and opposing
sides are aware of multiple strategies that can succeed dependent upon opponents' actions. In order to perform at the highest level, it then becomes necessary to think about what your opponent thinks you will do (which may depend on what he thinks you think he thinks he will do, etc.) and to make decisions based on clues regarding what level they are thinking on.
This term is most commonly used to refer to poker and other complex card games, but is increasingly being used in relation to video games with complicated player vs player elements and even traditional sports.
"Normally I would raise the flop with this hand as a semi-bluff, but I've been so aggressive lately that taking metagame into consideration I think he will go all-in with any pair, so instead I'm going to fold."
"This guy thinks that I'm going to zergling rush which means he will waste resources defending early. Instead I am going to focus on resource development for mid game, and metagame will win me this
match. "
"Meta" is short for metagame. You've been using the term correctly.
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:12 pm
by Kaitscralt
you should have watched me i mean mdu in mtgo, he was a superstar
That it I'm recording it now
then the world will see you block a 2/3 with an 0/6 and cast boon of erebos because you were on the phone