Apparently, promoting outside of sig is an offense on MTGS. Just report all his posts from months ago where he was spamming our clan thread with forum invites.
Here's some amusing tidbits to go with that.
This is what happens when beggars become narcs. Or when a girl who wants your dick decides to key your car.
well I asked nicely.
about clarification : Your free to close threads due to
opposition but telling the guy that is just doing his job that his primer is uncompetitive rather than just lettingng him be is well a insult , especially since
technically he is just doing his job.
If I go to a restaurant and get shitty service, I report the serve staff to their managers. The guy may just be "doing his job," but that isn't an excuse to do it poorly. Nice try, though.
If I were a moderator moderating a subforum for a deck that I didn't know much about, I' know, maybe take the five to ten minutes it takes to educate myself on the archetype before spewing horrid nonsense onto a forum that's already a cesspool of bad information. There is literally no excuse, especially since we're connected to the internet, to proliferate bad information.