Tournament Report!
I went to a GPT/$1k tournament yesterday, and brought this list. It's basically 1 SB card and a flip of numbers with Mortars and Skullcrack shy of Guttler's SCG Orlando list.
Creatures - 21
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
3 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Pyrewild Shaman
1 Stormbreath Dragon
Spells - 14
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Flames of the Firebrand
3 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
Lightning Thighs - 2
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
Land - 23
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Mutavault
11 Mountain
Sideboard - 15
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Skullcrack
3 Mizzium Mortars
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Fanatic of Mogis
1 Rod of Ruin
1 Assemble the Legion
As recently as Friday night the 2x Fanatic in the SB were still 2x
Last Breath for some added protection against Master of Waves. But I figured that I'm
comfortable with both YP controlly/tempo-y builds as well as Devotion builds, so being able to board from one to another was too tempting to pass up. I'm very glad I did, too, since it basically won me a match.
This was a GPT for Montreal but also a $1k tournament. Prize support was as follows:
1st place: $400 and byes for GP Montreal
2nd place: $200
3rd and 4th: $100 each
5th through 8th: $50 each
Places 1 through 16 all got GP DC playmats.
There were 39 players, making it 6 rounds and then a cut to top 8.
ROUND 1. 2-0 win vs. Boros Aggro (base white) played by Rick.
Game 1: I'm on the play and keep. He mulls to 6.
Chandra was the MVP of this game. Once she came down, she just ticked up. His deck had all the white-based 1-drops, and her +1 was a minefield. Soldier of the Pantheon, Dryad Militant, Boros Elite, etc. He also played Imposing Sovereign and Banisher Priest. Flames of the Firebrand also did work, and Ashley is beautiful. He played a couple
of Reckoners that I had to Lightning Strike, but since I was on the control plan against him the only targets were me or redirect to Chandra. Once I cleared the board, I went beatdown.
SB: -4 Satyr, -2YP$, +4 Reckoner, +2 Chained
Game 2: Both keep our 7.
With Reckoners of my own and 4 Chained for his Reckoners and Fiendslayer Paladins, this was a cake-walk. Controlled the board with burn, turned the corner and got there.
1-0 in matches, 2-0 in games.
ROUND 2. 2-0 win vs. Naya Aggro (base red) played by Rex
Rex is a good friend of mine and we traveled to the tourney together. We were both ushers at each others weddings. We hate when we get paired against each other. Someone has to win, though. Rex takes pride in playing his own takes on decks. It's a strong goldfish deck, but a little inconsistent. It runs a red-base for the one-drops, Ash Zealot and burn, runs green to take advantage of Domri and Ghor-Clan, and has white primarily for Boros Charm main and
Chained side. His favorite play is to bloodrush Rampager on an attacker and then Boros Charm for either double-strike or indestructible if they try to remove in response to bloodrush. He had a bad day and when we drove back from the tournament he said "well, my lesson for the day is that if I want to do well I need to net-deck."
I know his deck very well, and he knows mine fairly well, though I made some changes for this tournament.
Game 1: Rex on the play. I keep, he mulls to 6.
I know I'm on the control plan against his deck, and I play accordingly. This game had an interesting line of play decision. He had a clear board other than Domri, and I had 5 mana with Magma Jet and Phoenix in hand. Domri was at 4 loyalty. I Magma Jetted his face, then swung the bird into Domri. Previous turn he had revealed Reckoner with Domri but couldn't cast it. I pass, he plays Reckoner, and pit fights Reckoner with
the Phoenix, exactly what I wanted. Domri was off the board, and I used Lightning Strike on Reckoner with an empty board. I turned the corner, became the beatdown, won. The 2 damage to the face from Magma Jet was pivotal since when I won he was 1 land away (conveniently his next turn's top deck) from blowing me out with GCR.
SB: -4 Satyr, -2 Chandra (I board her out against decks with burn and trample and creatures larger than X/1 but small enough to deal with); +4 Reckoner, +2 Chained to the Rocks
Game 2: I keep, Rex mullls to 5.
Not many notes here. He died when I was at 15. I beat down with Ashleys while removing what little he put on the board.
2-0 in matches, 4-0 in games
ROUND 3: 2-1 win against G/W Flash/Tokens played by Chris.
I had seen what he was on and I thought this would be a bad matchup for my deck. Not sure why, probably just because I think
Advent of the Wurm is dirty. It's not a bad matchup though.
Game 1: I'm on
the play and we both keep.
He beat me down fairly well here. Boon Satyr did some good work for him. Didn't take good notes of this game, I think I was tilting a bit. I do know
Rootborn Defenses got the better of me when I tried to Magma Jet something.
SB: -4 Satyr, -2 YP$, -2 Chandra; +4 Reckoner, +2 Fanatic of Mogis, +2 Chained to the Rocks
Game 2: Both keep, I choose to play
He died with me at 20 life. I was on the board control plan. Unfortunately at one point that meant chaining a Call of the Conclave 3/3 token to the Rocks, but you do what you have to do to win. At the end I had 2 Reckoners on board and had just used Magma Jet leaving Fanatic on top with him at 7 life. Reveal after the pass, he scooped, on to game 3.
SB: No change
Game 3: I keep, he mulls to 6
The one game where Pyrewild Shaman got into the action. There were 2 noteworthy plays in 1 combat step in this game. We were both at 8 and I attacked with an unleashed Cackler and an Ashley into a
clear board but plenty of mana, and he made a 2/2 knight token with
Selesnya Charm. After the token resolved but before he could declare it as a blocker I Shocked it. Then before damage I bloodrushed Pyrewild onto Ashley to bring him to 1. He was dead on board after he couldn't get more than 1 thing on board in his turn.
3-0 in matches, 6-1 in games
ROUND 4: 2-0 win against G/W Aggro played by Adam. Less token based than the previous match.
Game 1: I'm on the play and we both keep.
This was a very grindy game but I won it on the back of 2x Phoenix being value town. Lots of blocks and then recursion. Flames of the Firebrand also showed up well, netting me a 2-for-1 against a
Banisher Priest and an X/1 (forget what it was). There was a play where he attacked with advent of the wurm token and I was at 8 life. My only untapped creature was a YP$. I used Magma Jet on the Wurm token, got a 1/1 elemental, and double
blocked, killing his token, my token, my YP$ and taking 3 damage to put me at 5. He was at 14 at this point, but our deck shines when controlling the board then turning the corner, and that's just what I did. I could have killed him sooner than I did but he kept holding cards in hand with mana up so I was playing around cards that he just wasn't holding. I was at 5 life and afraid of an advent token.
SB: -4 Satyr, -2 Chandra, -2 YP$; +4 Reckoner, +2 Chained, +2 Fanatic
Game 2: Both keep, Adam on the play.
Another grindy game, and another one where I could have won sooner than I had but was playing around cards he just wasn't holding. After the win he revealed his hand - 2 basic forests. He had flooded out after a long back-and-forth where we both annihilated the other's board states. I won with Mutavaults.
4-0 in mathces, 8-1 in games.
ROUND 5: Intentional Draw against Mono-Blue Devotion played by Robert.
We were the only 2 4-0 players in a 6-round event and
knew we could both ID twice and make top 8. We ID'ed, but played for fun. He won in 3. I didn't take notes, but we all know this is a rough matchup when they get the cards they need. I do know that in game 2, that I won, I chained Thassa to a rock and it felt good. I saw Rod of Ruin in my opener for game 2 but never cast it and it wasn't necessary.
ROUND 6: Intentional Draw against G/W aggro played by Q (name I've never seen before starting in Qz and had like a D, a couple L's, and other letters)
He was 4-1 and I was 4-0-1. If we both draw we make top 8. DPaine88 was at 3-2 and if he won and my opponent lost, there was a slim chance that DPaine could make top 8 instead of this guy. I feel bad about this. This was the first time that standings, rankings, breakers, points, etc. have ever really mattered for me and I didn't know how to read them. I was afraid of getting knocked out of top 8 if I lost, but know now that wasn't mathematically possible. I do well at
FNMs, game days, etc., and come in 1st at those often enough, but they don't cut to top 8 usually. And while I've done fairly well at other GPTs, SCG Opens, $5ks, and PTQs, I've never been on the cusp of a top 8 for one of those larger events before. I've only been going to larger-than-FNM tournaments since April 2013. I was also tired and felt drained, and didn't really want to play. I asked a judge what would happen if I lost and he refused to answer me. I asked Q (my opponent) what he lost to and when. He had lost to the only other undefeated guy, the mono-blue player I ID'ed with in round 5, and he lost to him in either round 3 or 4 (I forget which). DPaine lost to 2 different players (not me and not mono blue, I believe), and DPaine's losses would have happened in earlier rounds than this guy's losses had we played and I won. So even though I really should have played it out to give DPaine a fighting chance on breakers, I think this guy would have beaten him out for the spot even if I
won the match. I feel badly about it though, and if in that situation again I'll definitely play it out.
The judge came over to us and had us write on a piece of paper "yes" or "no." "Yes" meant "Yes, I want to split the top 8 prize money," and "no" meant "no, I don't want to split, I want to play it out instead." I didn't care, but it was clear the other 7 players wanted to split so I wrote "yes." I was also the 3rd seed and the mono-blue player the 2nd seed, so had 1-3 seeds made it into the semi-finals, I would have played him there and that's a really bad matchup for our deck. Assuming I won in the quarterfinals, the $125 for splitting is better than the $100 for coming in 3rd or 4th.
Top 8 consisted of:
G/W aggro (round 6 opponent)
Mono-blue Devotion (round 5 opponent and 2nd seed)
R/W Devotion
B/W Devotion
2x Mono-Black Devotion (one of whom was 1st seed at 5-1-0 whose loss
came early so couldn't draw in)
X (don't know what the last deck was)
We split the money evenly at 8x $125 and 6 of them played it out for planeswalker points and to determine who got the GP Montreal byes. Since I didn't care about those, I left. I'll probably be listed as 7th or 8th because of that, but whatever.
I feel fortunate that I faced really good matchups all day and was able to draw into the top 8. I also learned that G/W is not a bad matchup for us, because:
a. There are only a card or two that present real challenges for our deck, and they have to draw them
b. Like Z has always said, they're very inconsistent - especially that mana base. All the G/W players were complaining about it, and one (Adam, round 4) called Temple Garden the best card in the deck
DPaine said my deck will be up on TCGPlayer at some point. It'll be fun to see my name up there. I gave deck creation credit to MDU, although I think that list may actually belong to Lazer or Purp. MDU was just the first
name I could think of when registering - sorry.