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Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 6:17 am
by Rhyno
MDU, how do you actually split in 8 man constructed queues? I never split them, I don't know who gets which pack.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:03 am
by magicdownunder
MDU, how do you actually split in 8 man constructed queues? I never split them, I don't know who gets which pack.
I was ment to post a video on that a few weeks ago for montu but I seemed to have deleted it :tears:

Basically all I do is say: "Would you be interested in a split? I have One boosters ready with your name on it (its a BnG or THS or JOU you pick)" they're usually take JOU since it worth more (which is fair since you get the extra QP).

With DE you can split 8/9 so its much easier (you give 2/2/2 and they concede).

EDIT: After DT can one of you guys log on and tell me what the payout structure for DE are now? I'm hopping its: 3
THS, 4 BNG, 4 JOU as Pedros predicted (if it isn't I'm gonna have a hard time these next few months or I want to try Modern).

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:24 am
by magicdownunder

3 Theros, 4 Born of the Gods, 4 Journey into Nyx boosters

Try and offload as many JOU as possible before the crash begins.......

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:08 pm
by Jonnymagic
Alright guys im headed off to GP atlanta tonight. Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll bust a crazy pool =D. I love this limited format so hopefully the magic gods will be kind to me.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:31 pm
by magicdownunder
Alright guys im headed off to GP atlanta tonight. Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll bust a crazy pool =D. I love this limited format so hopefully the magic gods will be kind to me.
Beat em all :smileup:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 2:09 pm
by magicdownunder
Championship start on the 28th (same are usual week 1 is for the standard portion and week 2 is for limited) during this period SE SHOULD only cash out JOU which will kill prices and possibly raise THS and BNG back into the 3 ticket range.

@Jonnymagic: how is Robots working out for you as of late?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:41 am
by magicdownunder
Curse you ESO :argh: this thread isn't as active without Kaitscralt :tears:

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:20 pm
by imopen2
And I haven't been able to play in the last few days :( hoping to get a draft in tonight and maybe a couple tomorrow. I need to win a lot to make it to the 15 I need since my activity has been so low

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:21 pm
by imopen2
Also, where is zem? Did he give up on modo?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 3:48 pm
by Jonnymagic
Finished X-3 on day 1, just out of making day 2 =(. My pool was hot garbage though, 1 rare in every color and a nykthos. No more than 5 creatures in any color. Ended up going BUG with doomwake giant as my bomb, lmao. I was happy with that record considering my terrible pool haha. Notable matches were with Reid Duke and Nam Sung Wook, both lost in g3 in close matches. Had a lot of fun throughout the weekend though. Played a lot of side events and such and made some good money in those when I got to draft or got a better sealed pool haha. Overall was a really fun weekend.

@MDU -- I've been jamming limited non-stop because I had a sealed PTQ and then this GP was sealed, so I'll be settling back into normal stuff again here soon. The last few card tourneys have taken precedence =D. I'm going to be trying to do an Izzet deck in standard with Keranos and Prophetic flamespeaker -- haven't developed it yet but I wanna play
with that guy in a non hyper aggro shell.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:55 am
by Elricity
I've been chaining through a number of personal matters and the only time I've had to play was after the last DE of the night started and I didn't feel like playing one at 2 AM so I kept screwing around on Cockatrice instead.

I finally got a chance to play tonight with Revels. Forgot to swap my flames for searing blood. Oops.

New sounds for MTGO sure are strange. Finally going to have music to my videos and hopefully they should be HD this time. Already lost my first game to a GW primeval bounty deck. I misplayed horribly at one point game 2 but land flooding both games didn't help.

Match 2, Mull to 5, mull to 4. In hindsight, maybe I should have kept both one landers.

Not even sure those 2 matches are worth uploading. MDU, do you ever have events that you play and it goes so poorly that you just delete them?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:33 am
by magicdownunder
Not even sure those 2 matches are worth uploading. MDU, do you ever have events that you play and it goes so poorly that you just delete them?
Yeah I do, unless they're 4 Rounds DE (cept I haven't done a DE in awhile).

MOCS7 starts on Friday, I'm also finally free again near the end of Thursday so I look forward in gaining those QPs.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:25 pm
by Elricity
Ok, deleted and I'll try again tonight.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:29 pm
by Elricity
Another 0-2 =o

Jund I just didn't get the cards and he surprised me game 2 with disciple. UW I still suck bad at playing against but at least I'm seeing what I did wrong. I keep using up skullcracks at bad times. =o

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:35 pm
by imopen2
So I only got to 11 qps this season despite making the finals of about 60% of the 8-4s I did and getting my rating back up to 1800. Hopefully ill be able to play more this season. I also want to play in the JiN limited champs

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:39 pm
by Kaitscralt
the hell is wrong with you

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:22 pm
by imopen2
Too many things to list. Are you almost done with eso? Come back to magic

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:28 pm
by Kaitscralt
it's got a hold of me

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:14 am
by magicdownunder
I need some help from our online LIMITED masters.

Here is whats happening!! For every event which we got 35 QP or more in during MOCS1-6 we get a FREE sealed event with PRIZES

In my case that would be for MOCS1-5 (I only got 15 QP for MOCS6 since I only had 1 week play time...).

Magic Online will provide 2 Theros boosters, 2 Born of the Gods boosters, and 2 Journey into Nyx boosters for Sealed.


Magic Online will provide 1 Theros booster, 1 Born of the Gods booster, and 1 Journey into Nyx booster for the Top 8 draft.

Here are the times:
June 8, 2014
June 22, 2014
June 29, 2014
July 6, 2014
July 13, 2014

All events begin at 9:00 AM. All times are PDT (for UTC, add 7 hours). <---- for me they all start at 2:00 AM on Fridays Mondays :D

1st: 1 Premium Theros full set, 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
2nd: 1 Regular Theros full set, 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
3rd-4th: 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
5th-8th: 12 Theros booster packs, 12 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 12 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
9th-16th: 8 Theros booster packs, 8 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 8 Journey into Nyx booster packs.

If Kait or IO2 (or any other proven master) are willing to play these for me, I'm offering gloating points AND a large portion of the loot.

NOTE: For those who only farm 15 QP please don't panic, these are not the MOCS events - they're just 'appreciation events' the actual real mocs are still on ETA. (p.s. don't forget the
championship events for this month are also going on for the next two weeks :P (constructed portion first followed by limited))

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:55 am
by imopen2
i could play in it for you

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:58 am
by magicdownunder
i could play in it for you
TYVM :grovel: I'll PM you my login details once the date draws nearer (I have a feeling that MOCS1 appreciation event is going to be very scarce of players which will make getting into top16 easy (cause most people spend QP on the silly CUBE events).

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 2:07 pm
by imopen2
Sweet. I can't do all of them but I could do a couple at least

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:11 am
by magicdownunder
Current MTGO Leg. Promo forecast "THE SKY IS FALLING" all prices are dropping with the upcoming vintage master event promising to tear down the prices (this is bad for those who don't play Leg, and abuse promo for cash flow).

That said current promo rare for MOCS7 is: [card]Gaea's Cradle[/card] Current Leg. price $47, current promo price :tears: $14 :tears: yeeaah..... you lot have been holding onto your card like me, we've all missed the bus on that peak sell hour by 2 months....

@IMOPEN2: cheers mate, I'll be happy with any number you play - if possible tell me in advance the ones which you can't enter (so know when I should sleep early, they're all on at 2:00 AM for me.....)

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:28 am
by imopen2
I could play in the June 8th and 22nd ones almost for sure...maybe the July 13th on but prob not the other two

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:13 am
by magicdownunder
Finally figure out why THS boosters are not rising in price - the limited players (which are usually the prime source for booster demands outside the first 2-3 weeks) are rewarded with more THS booster then the other two thus the main limited grinders (who win allot) don't need THS booster since the decline in worth.

Thus, THS hoarders like myself will now have to wait 5 more month until they can cash in for $3.9 which is a shame since I was hoping to sell 100 THS for 3.3 and horde the rest so I can buy myself some Blood Moons and play some RDW (unless mr ham isn't using blood moons right now... hint~ hint~).

BNG is however spiking in price which was rather shocking since DE payout BNG generously, but it goes to show that 8-Mans/5-3-2-2 are very much in-demand for the boosters supplies (8-Man's play out BNG the least).

Refer to Pedros
post, info wasn't based on the full picture.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:58 am
by Pedros
Finally figure out why THS boosters are not rising in price - the limited players (which are usually the prime source for booster demands outside the first 2-3 weeks) are rewarded with more THS booster then the other two thus the main limited grinders (who win allot) don't need THS booster since the decline in worth.

Thus, THS hoarders like myself will now have to wait 5 more month until they can cash in for $3.9 which is a shame since I was hoping to sell 100 THS for 3.3 and horde the rest so I can buy myself some Blood Moons and play some RDW (unless mr ham isn't using blood moons right now... hint~ hint~).

BNG is however spiking in price which was rather shocking since DE payout BNG generously, but it goes to show that 8-Mans/5-3-2-2 are very much in-
demand for the boosters supplies (8-Man's play out BNG the least).
8-4 Draft
1st: 3 THS, 3 BNG, and 2 JOU boosters
2nd: 1 THS, 1 BNG, and 2 JOU boosters

Total Payout: 4 THS, 4 BNG, 4 JOU

4-3-2-2 Draft
1st: 2 THS, 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster
2nd: 1 THS, 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster
3rd-4th: 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster

Total Payout: 3 THS, 4 BNG, 4 JOU

Constructed 8-Man
1st: 2 THS, 1 BNG, and 2 JOU boosters
2nd: 1 THS, 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster
3rd-4th: 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster

Total Payout: 3 THS, 4 BNG, 5 JOU

Swiss Draft
3 Wins: 1 THS, 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster
2 Wins: 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster
1 Wins: 1 BNG booster

In 3 round swiss with 8 people you have result distribution: 1 (3wins), 3 (2wins), 3(1 wins), 1(0 wins)
Total Payout: 1 THS, 7 BNG, 4 Jou

Sealed Daily
4 Wins: 3 THS, 4 BNG, and 4 JOU boosters
3 Wins: 2 THS, 2 BNG, and 2 JOU boosters
2 Wins: 1 THS, 1 BNG, and 1 JOU booster

When full 128: 8 (4 wins), 32 (3 wins), 48 (2
Total payout: 136 THS, 144 BNG, 144 JOU

Constructed Daily
4 Wins: 3 THS, 4 BNG, and 4 JOU boosters
3 Wins: 2 THS, 2 BNG, and 2 JOU boosters

When full 128: 8 (4 wins), 32 (3 wins)
Total Payout: 88 THS, 96 BNG, 96 JOU
What you figured is wrong. Limited players arent rewarded with more Theros boosters. And 8 mans doesnt pay out BNG the least - they pay theros the least.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:35 am
by magicdownunder
What you figured is wrong. Limited players arent rewarded with more Theros boosters. And 8 mans doesnt pay out BNG the least - they pay theros the least.
Maybe I worded it badly but that is what I said, in 8-Mans you don't get much BNG which is why the price is skyrocketing - we (you and me) assumed that BNG would drop in price based on the DE payouts which offers the least THS.

Refer to pedro's post

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:57 am
by magicdownunder
I could play in the June 8th and 22nd ones almost for sure...maybe the July 13th on but prob not the other two
Once I can confirm my invitational details (after DT) I'll send you my login details - how much of the prize do you want? (your welcomed too the lion share and you can PM me it is if you like).

I still need to find someone for MOCS3-5, I can't ask Z since he earned the QP required for MOCS4-5 and he isn't free for MOCS3 so hopefully Kait logs on and agrees too help :smileup:.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:37 am
by Pedros
What you figured is wrong. Limited players arent rewarded with more Theros boosters. And 8 mans doesnt pay out BNG the least - they pay theros the least.
Maybe I worded it wrong but that is what I said, in 8-Mans you don't get much BNG which is why the price is skyrocketing - we (you and me) assumed that BNG would drop in price based on the DE payouts which offers the least THS.
This is false assumption. You are only counting 1st place. Note what is a total payout of 8 man: 3 THS, 4 BNG, 5 JOU. When calculating market you need to count total
payout of an event. I wrote all that stuff and you still dont read it while interpreting it ...

Fenomen with Theros prices is the fact, that 2 mans pay out in Theros Boosters, why I dont understand. Still most packs comes from daily's and 8 mans, where thre is much less theros.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:16 pm
by magicdownunder
This is false assumption. You are only counting 1st place. Note what is a total payout of 8 man: 3 THS, 4 BNG, 5 JOU. When calculating market you need to count total payout of an event. I wrote all that stuff and you still dont read it while interpreting it ...

Fenomen with Theros prices is the fact, that 2 mans pay out in Theros Boosters, why I dont understand. Still most packs comes from daily's and 8 mans, where thre is much less theros.
I shall now go into my shame hole :scared:

You are correct sir (I fail at reading), I wonder why BNG are valued so highly right now? I far as I can tell BNG doesn't offer that many bombs so my theory is that
grinders are for some odd reason hording BNG boosters (lowering supply)

Note: I do appreciate you correcting me Pedros so I'm not typing anything sarcastically, I find the MODO booster market fascinating so these discussion are always amusing.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:46 pm
by imopen2
I could play in the June 8th and 22nd ones almost for sure...maybe the July 13th on but prob not the other two
Once I can confirm my invitational details (after DT) I'll send you my login details - how much of the prize do you want? (your welcomed too the lion share and you can PM me it is if you like).

I still need to find someone for MOCS3-5, I can't ask Z since he earned the QP required for MOCS4-5 and he isn't free for MOCS3 so hopefully Kait logs on and agrees too help .
Idk what the prize support is but I'd be fine with like 33%

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:22 pm
by Kaitscralt
daddy's here and I'm gonna kiss the boo boo

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:49 pm
by magicdownunder
daddy's here and I'm gonna kiss the boo boo
Does that mean your up for MOCS3-5 ^_^

- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

Here are the dates and prize layouts again:

Here is whats happening!! For every event which we got 35 QP or more in during MOCS1-6 we get a FREE sealed event with PRIZES

In my case that would be for MOCS1-5 (I only got 15 QP for MOCS6 since I only had 1 week play time...).

Magic Online will provide 2 Theros boosters, 2 Born of the Gods boosters, and 2 Journey into Nyx boosters for Sealed.


Magic Online will provide 1 Theros booster, 1 Born of the Gods booster, and 1 Journey into
Nyx booster for the Top 8 draft.

(I can't confirm if its limited for all 6 events but I think it will be)

Here are the times:
MOCS1 - June 8, 2014 <-- IO2 is free
MOCS2 - June 22, 2014 <-- IO2 is free
MOCS3 - June 29, 2014 <-- Unknown
MOCS4 - July 6, 2014 <-- Unknown
MOCS5 - July 13, 2014 <-- Unknown

I didn't list the date for the sixth event because I didn't hit 35 QP then.

All events begin at 9:00 AM. All times are PDT (for UTC, add 7 hours). <---- for me they all start at 2:00 AM on Mondays for me :D

1st: 1 Premium Theros full set, 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
2nd: 1 Regular Theros full set, 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster
3rd-4th: 18 Theros booster packs, 18 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 18 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
5th-8th: 12 Theros booster packs, 12 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 12 Journey into Nyx booster packs.
9th-16th: 8 Theros booster packs, 8 Born of the Gods booster packs, and 8 Journey into Nyx booster packs.

Please note these are NOT the MOCS events (those are still ETA) they just MOCS/Grinder appreciation events

@IO2: Your def. getting 50% the very least, since I can't imagine me performing better then you in limited esp. during the draft segment (which is top8 in which your def. getting more then 50% if you reach it - splitting the Theros full set will be hard though).

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:52 pm
by Kaitscralt
if it's a weekend I will be able to do it

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:07 am
by magicdownunder
if it's a weekend I will be able to do it
:ape: :lock: :spamlock: :chewy: :talore:

Its on Sunday for half the world :) - (sadly on my half its 02:00 AM in the morning on a Monday)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:42 am
by imopen2
I am pissed. I just got stalled out with lethal burn in hand because this fucker "THEsneakyhomulculus" (I wonder if it's the one from mtgs?) kept requesting trades during our match and it pops up right over the game window. I know I shouldn't have let my time get so low but I had enough time to win and this bag of cocks was too greedy to play fair. Some people are the worst

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:31 am
by magicdownunder
I am pissed. I just got stalled out with lethal burn in hand because this fucker "THEsneakyhomulculus" (I wonder if it's the one from mtgs?) kept requesting trades during our match and it pops up right over the game window. I know I shouldn't have let my time get so low but I had enough time to win and this bag of cocks was too greedy to play fair. Some people are the worst
That happen to me before from the same guy surprisingly, if you report it you'll get entry fee back.... (which is only a small consultation considering the time it takes to finish events these days).

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:28 am
by Pedros
2-Player Constructed Prize Adjustment
Beginning after downtime on Wednesday, June 4, all 2-Player Constructed events will award one Journey into Nyx booster pack to the winner.
- See more at: ... r6bI8.dpuf
Remember my words, THS is going to cost the most of all block boosters.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 8:35 am
by magicdownunder
2-Player Constructed Prize Adjustment
Beginning after downtime on Wednesday, June 4, all 2-Player Constructed events will award one Journey into Nyx booster pack to the winner.
- See more at: ... r6bI8.dpuf
Remember my words, THS is going to cost the most of all block boosters.
BEST news all month (even better then the Grinder Events, you running those Pedros?) :bravo:

I have slightly under 220 THS boosters
now and I really want to sell some.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:31 pm
by imopen2
I am pissed. I just got stalled out with lethal burn in hand because this fucker "THEsneakyhomulculus" (I wonder if it's the one from mtgs?) kept requesting trades during our match and it pops up right over the game window. I know I shouldn't have let my time get so low but I had enough time to win and this bag of cocks was too greedy to play fair. Some people are the worst
That happen to me before from the same guy surprisingly, if you report it you'll get entry fee back.... (which is only a small consultation considering the time it takes to finish events these days).[/

Yea I reported him and requested reimbursement. It's frustrating that this type of angle shooting is both possible, and allowed unpunished. I need to focus more tho. If I hadn't been watching Sherlock while I played I would have smashed that fucker