Gold Qualifier Report 12-28-13
67 players - 7 rounds - (5-2-0) 12th Place
Land - 24
3 Mutavault
4 Blood Crypt
4 Rakdos Guildgate
7 Mountain
1 Temple of Silence
4 Swamp
1 Temple of Triumph
Creature - 22
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Pack Rat
4 Spike Jester
4 Chandra's Phoenix
3 Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
3 Stormbreath Dragon
Instant - 11
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Ultimate Price
Sorcery - 1
1 Dreadbore
Planeswalker - 2
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
Sideboard - 15
3 Toil // Trouble
3 Dark Betrayal
2 Erebos, God of the Dead
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Doom Blade
1 Dreadbore
1 Whip of Erebos
1 Flames of the Firebrand
otD vs Nick playing Mono Black Devotion
Game 1:Nothing special, I didn't see a single
black source so all I was playing with was Phoenix's and burn. By the time he could drop a 2nd Desecration Demon onto the field, I was dead.
Game 2: My opponent curved out with me having no removal. 2 Nightveil Spectre to a Gray Merchant. Dead. The removal I had, which was a Dark Betrayal, was removed from a Thoughtseize. Other then that, I only drew Magma Jet's which wasn't of any help in dealing with the Nightveil's.
0-1 (Not a good start and quite honestly, a very frustrating start)
otP vs John playing RUG Control
Game 1: I was wary of Anger of the Gods, but really nothing much else. I threw Spike Jesters at him and a Stormbreath Dragon, which was answered with Mizzium Mortars. He resolved a Jace, which I decided to ignore and go for the kill. I baited a Phoenix to a Plasm Capture, sending a Lightning Strike to his face on his EoT. Then going for the kill with a Magma Jet + Phoenix.
Game 2: Spike Jester > Trouble > Spike Jester, he was down to 9. 2
Turns later, crashing in for the win with a Stormbreath Dragon.
1-1 (I felt kind of shitty beating up on such a deck, I want to be facing off against T1 decks ;; but I shouldn't be complaining. A win is a win.)
otD vs Mike playing UW Control
Game 1: He got me with back to back Sphinx's into an Elixir. I killed his Elspeth, but he contained everything else I could put on the field. I conceded after I saw the Elixir.
Game 2: Trouble, GG. Spike Jester + Chandra's Phoenix + Trouble, yea. Game.
Game 3: Trouble again, pun intended. I started with 2 mana and only saw 2 mana until turn 5 D: I was pummeling him with a Cackler and then 1 round of a Spike Jester until he cleared them from the board. He shocked himself and tapped out, dropping Elspeth. I Magma Jet him for 2 revealing a Trouble. Played it next turn and ended the game and match.
otP vs David playing Pyro Boros
It put a smile on my face that I found someone playing
this. I asked them if they frequented DtR. They had no fucking idea what I was talking about
Game 1: Mull to 5. No black source draw, again. Wtf? I was sitting on 2 Pack Rats that I couldn't do anything with and an Exava. I was quickly out matched agro wise.
Game 2: I matched his aggro with my removal and burn, ending it with Stormbreath and Phoenix/
Game 3: Yet again, no black sources. He ended the game with 2x Lightning Strike + Boros Charm. In my hand was, 2x Dreadbore, Pack Rat, Exava, and Doom Blade. I had 5 land out, none of which was a black source. Temple of Triump was out, which used to be my Temple of Silence. Pretty mad I decided to go with a Triumph.
2-2 (Fucking shitty. I have 13 black sources, I should be drawing them. Seriously...)
otD vs Cam playing Mono Red Devotion
Game 1: He was faster, once he dropped BTE to BTE to a burn I knew it was pretty much over.
However, somehow I still recovered and cleared his board, but with little life. He truly ended it when he dropped double Boros Reckoner.
Game 2: 3 Chandra Phoenix's, enough said. He Chained one and burned the rest, but he even said to me "You're just going to get them back, aren't you?" lol...yup!
Game 3: Very strange game. I opened with 3 Rakdos Guildgates, he ended up showing 4 BTE's through out the entire match. I durdled with 3 land forever and the worst kind of lands! I was very frustrated with how everything was going today and yet again in this match. I got a lucky break, I started drawing my 5th and 6th mana, dropping Spike Jester and even making some Rats. He ended up flooding. Lucky me....
3-2 (I can honestly say, "Fuck MTG" today...seriously. Pretty disappointed and angry at my play/self today.)
otD vs Charles playing UW Control
Game 1: Stormbreath Dragon on 7 lands absolutely murdered my opponent. I had a back up Stormbreath
Dragon in case he Verdict the field. I felt very confident in a win this game.
Game 2: Spike Jester > Spike Jester > Verdict > Phoenix > Dsphere (response Jet my own Phoenix) > Lightning Strike > Phoenix. Then the game durdled for 2 turns until I could Trouble him and go in for the rest of the damage.
4-2 (One more match...I can't believe I'm coming back again with x-2 records in all these events I go to -,- )
otD vs Adam playing GR Devotion
Game 1: Mull to 6. Thank god for those amazing Pack Rat hands. 1 Pack Rat, 2 Mutavaults. Online and rocking! Ended the game quick
Game 2: Ugh, mulled again to 6. Lots of removal in this hand and even a Stormbreath. My opponent showed a lot of pressure early with 2x BTE, but I had 2x Doom Blade in hand and even drew into a 2nd Stormbreath Dragon. I was feeling very good about this match. Chump blocking with Spike Jester and
holding onto my Doom Blades for larger threats other than BTE.
It ended up being a very close game. My opponent started to resolve back to back Scavenging Oozes, but I couldn't deal with the second one. Thankfully I resolved a whip and flew over him with my Phoenix's, matching his life gain to mine and his damage out put by dropping my second Stormbreath Dragon.
5-2 (Whew...can't believe I crawled back from a really bad day of MTG)
Needless to say, I missed Top 8 again, for my 3rd consecutive "major event"
I felt missing this was much well deserved since I was pretty much playing like shit and getting screwed with some draws and mana fixing, but hey that's ultimately part of MTG. I ended up placing 12th.
I was quite surprised I evaded all the Mono U that was being played, but I did enjoy beating up on UW Control lol. I think I'm definitely going to be putting Temple of Silence back in place of
Temple of Triumph. I know I had a bad experience with it, but I drew it a few times thinking "Oh, this could be a black source" never "Oh, this could be a red source".
I tried to reflect on the day and think what I could change to the deck, but honestly because my play was pretty bad I can't critique the deck all too much. Maybe that 2nd Dreadbore MB would have made a difference in say the Mono Red Devotion match up, but I liked nearly most of the current 75. Iunno, most of the problems were in not drawing the correct mana and drawing too much removal/burn and not enough creatures. Frustrating day for sure. I'm not going to let it get to me. Time for a nice meal and then a good rest.
I'll probably be returning to FNM scenes from now on. Most of the major tournaments I think are done for a while. Platinum Qualifier, PTQ, and now this Gold Qualifier. I haven't seen any other big events popping up. Shame
Something that I also noticed. I'm fucking terrible at rolling dice.