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Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:31 am
by LaZerBurn
Possibly, as long as RL and variance are kind to me :)

I agree about the BotG cards, still hoping something might turn up in the last 60 cards :)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:52 am
by magicdownunder
We only have 21 cards left in R (10) / W (11) for BnG, I just want a nice cheap instant speed burn or exile effect.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:54 am
by Deht
Enjoying these recent Boros Burn lists and videos.
Here's the vids folks :) Comments and Feedback welcome :D

DE6654033 R4 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
DE6654033 R4 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
reiderrabbit (UW Control Matchup) is pro player Reid Duke, I believe... Nice job.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:18 am
by Valdarith
That is the Duke.

Good games.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:57 am
by Valdarith
Taking this to FNM again tomorrow. No changes.

Creatures (19)
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
3 Skynight Legionnaire

Spells (18)
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
4 Boros Charm
3 Chandra, Pyromaster

Lands (23)
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
2 Boros Guildgate
10 Mountain

Sideboard (15)
1 Chained to the Rocks
1 Glare of Heresy
2 Last Breath
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Skullcrack
2 Peak Eruption
1 Assemble the Legion

Thought about Warleader's Helix over Skynight Legionnaire but after goldfishing decided against it. The evasion + board presence + coming down one turn sooner is very welcome vs mono black and control.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:56 am
by poppa_f
I'm a bit underwhelmed by the red cards in BotG. Can see some potential sideboard cards, but not sure anything is main deckable except Fated Conflagration (in place of Mortars as removal for fatties like Obzedat, SBD, Polukranos, Worm token). Nice bonus that it deals with any Planeswalker (except Vraska).

I think the Phoenix will see play, but think Chandra and Helix are higher up in the pecking order for most match ups

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:45 am
by LaZerBurn
Enjoying these recent Boros Burn lists and videos.
Here's the vids folks :) Comments and Feedback welcome :D

DE6654033 R4 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
DE6654033 R4 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
reiderrabbit (UW Control Matchup) is pro player Reid Duke, I believe... Nice
Thanks for the info, I'm very pleased with myself now :D

List looks solid Val, good luck :)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:23 am
by LaZerBurn
We only have 21 cards left in R (10) / W (11) for BnG, I just want a nice cheap instant speed burn or exile effect.
Well it's all up and we got er, some SB options :(

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:55 am
by magicdownunder
I got two more wins one 2-1 and 3-0 running Lazer's tweak, I like the idea of running Angers in the SB :smileup: (just need two more 3-0 then I'll be done until 29th, in which case i may just play Modern to get ready for MOCS4 while I wait for BnG).

My lost was too BW Control with ghostdads, shockingly enough the card I'm most looking forward too from the next set happen to be Fated Conflagration (which is just sad...).

EDIT: I posted my version of the Black Aggro in the Clan BnG Brainstorming Thread if your interested

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:23 pm
by LaZerBurn
Would you bring Anger Vs MonoU and RW Devo?

Yes, I'm always interested in anything you brew :)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:33 pm
by magicdownunder
Would you bring Anger Vs MonoU and RW Devo?

Yes, I'm always interested in anything you brew :)
vs Ux Devotion def. vs Rw Devotion not so much...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:18 pm
by Purp
Enjoying these recent Boros Burn lists and videos.
Here's the vids folks :) Comments and Feedback welcome :D

DE6654033 R4 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
DE6654033 R4 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
reiderrabbit (UW Control Matchup) is pro player Reid Duke, I believe... Nice
Reckoner in G2?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:26 pm
by Purp
Also, seems like list wont change much for BnG... Maybe one Fated Conflag in the SB. UW will be on the rise, so we should be working to improve this matchup I think.

Assemble still deserve a spot in the SB?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:50 pm
by Longtoe
great job lazerburn beating down the DUKE!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:25 pm
by LaZerBurn
Enjoying these recent Boros Burn lists and videos.
Here's the vids folks :) Comments and Feedback welcome :D

DE6654033 R4 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
DE6654033 R4 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs UW
reiderrabbit (UW Control Matchup) is pro player Reid Duke, I believe... Nice job.
Reckoner in G2?
I know, it should be Chains but I thought WTF :)

Wait for today's vids for the most EPIC games featuring Assemble :) Currently 2-1 beating RW Devo 2-0 , MonoB 2-1 and losing 1-2 to BG. I'm really enjoying this DE :)

EDIT - Went 3-1 winning last Round 2-1 Vs MonoB, again - star player? Assemble :) Vids to follow :)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:30 pm
by Purp
What do you guys thinks of Assemble after BnG?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:19 pm
by magicdownunder
What do you guys thinks of Assemble after BnG?
I would even be tempted to run 3x Assemble post BnG, I see no reason for Bx Devotion not too pick up pace.

UW Control with 4x SBD is a good MU btw.

EDIT: I watched the vids Lazer (your right btw its nice starting the day having breaky and watching magic), good stuff :smileup:

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:37 am
by LaZerBurn
3-1 in the DE today beating RW Devo 2-0, Mono B 2-1 and 2-1 and losing 1-2 to BG. Star card of the day was Assemble :) Most enjoyable DE so far, I highly recommend watching the vids, especially the epic encounters of R2 G3, R3 G2 and R4 G3 :)

Here's the list - MD is the same as yesterday, SB is 2 cards different with the SB plan changed to suit. Yes, I know I don't always stick to the plan :)

EDIT - After some very in depth analysis with dauntless on MTGO the SB is now +1 Assemble +1 Helix -2 Skullcrack :)
Boros AngryLaZer
[deck]Boros AngryLaZer[/deck]
Angry SB Plan :)
Vs Mono Black - 23% of MTGO meta]+1 Assemble +2 Boros Charm +2 Skullcrack
-4 SBD -1 Mountain 1 Mutavault

VS Mono U - 13% of MTGO meta]+1 MM +2 LB +2 Anger
-4 RC -1 Assemble

Still to test with Anger

Vs Esper
MidRange - 9% of MTGO meta]+1 MM +2 GoH +2 Boros Charm +2 AotG +2 Skullcrack
-4 RC -4 Ash

Still to test with Anger

VS R/x Devo - 9% of MTGO meta]+1 MM +3 BR +2 GoH +1 Boros Charm
-4 RC -2 Chandra -1 Assemble

Vs GW - 6% of MTGO meta]+1 MM, +2 GoH, +3 Reckoner
-4 RC - 1 Chandra -1 Assemble

VS UW - 5% of MTGO meta]+2 GoH +2 Boros Charm +2 Skullcrack
-2 MM -3CttR -1 Assemble

Vs Esper Control - 3% of MTGO meta]+2 Boros Charm +2 Skullcrack
-4 CttR

VS G/x Devo/Monsters - 3% of MTGO meta]+1 MM +3 BR +2 Anger
-4 RC -1 Chandra -1 Assemble

Not 100% on Anger here.
And here's the vids :)

DE6654057 R1 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs RW Devo
DE6654057 R1 G2 Boros AngryLaZer
vs RW Devo

DE6654057 R2 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo
DE6654057 R2 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo
DE6654057 R2 G3 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo - recommended if you want to see Assemble in action :)

DE6654057 R3 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs BG
DE6654057 R3 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs BG - recommended if you want to see Assemble in action :)
DE6654057 R3 G3 Boros AngryLaZer vs BG

Round 4 is a bit laggy and slow, apologies

DE6654057 R4 G1 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo
DE6654057 R4 G2 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo
DE6654057 R4 G3 Boros AngryLaZer vs MonoB Devo - recommended if you want to see Assemble in action :)

Thoughts and feedback welcomed :)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:23 am
by Lightning_Dolt
So we got Seering Blood this set... that's about it... :(

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:20 am
by magicdownunder
[quote="[url=viewtopic.php?p=178984#p178984:4goqc9lo]Johnny_Spike ยป Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:23 pm[/url:4goqc9lo]":4goqc9lo]So we got Seering Blood this set... that's about it... :([/quote:4goqc9lo]

Br got Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, with the witch its either a 5/5 haste flying creature or a 3/3 return to hand haste flying creature :D. Small Red got Satyr Firedancer (yapus list looks solid) and all Rx got Searing Blood and Fated Conflagration (both of these are decent in standard).

p.s. got another 3-0 with the Warleader Boros/AngryLazer/Boros Aggro/Pile build (I'll just call it Warleader Helix for now on), so I just need one more 3-0 or two 2-1 till I'm in the finals.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:02 am
by goodship01
So we got Seering Blood this set... that's about it... :(
Br got Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, with the witch its either a 5/5 haste flying creature or a 3/3 return to hand haste flying creature :D. Small Red got Satyr Firedancer (yapus list looks solid) and all Rx got Searing Blood and Fated Conflagration (both of these are decent in standard).

p.s. got another 3-0 with the Warleader Boros/AngryLazer/Boros Aggro/Pile
build (I'll just call it Warleader Helix for now on), so I just need one more 3-0 or two 2-1 till I'm in the finals.
the 5/5 phoenix doesn't have haste, which is why it sucks IMO ....

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:17 am
by magicdownunder
So we got Seering Blood this set... that's about it... :(
Br got Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, with the witch its either a 5/5 haste flying creature or a 3/3 return to hand haste flying creature :D. Small Red got Satyr Firedancer (yapus list looks solid) and all Rx
got Searing Blood and Fated Conflagration (both of these are decent in standard).

p.s. got another 3-0 with the Warleader Boros/AngryLazer/Boros Aggro/Pile build (I'll just call it Warleader Helix for now on), so I just need one more 3-0 or two 2-1 till I'm in the finals.
the 5/5 phoenix doesn't have haste, which is why it sucks IMO ....
With the witch aka Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch it gains haste, which is why I said its good for Br/Rb.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:03 am
by Lightning_Dolt
But how many 4 drops are you going to play?

I was 1-2 at FNM last night.

1-2 VS Esper control (8 pieces of removal + 2 Elspeth + Obzedat, was on one life several times, I want to live in the world this guy lives in)

2-0 VS RB quasi-mirror

0-2 VS Mono U (2x Master G1 on T4+5, I draw no Chains, I draw no creatures / no chains G2, frustrating.)

I'm in a bit of a rut right now, and getting really frustrated. I can't draw to save my life.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:21 am
by poppa_f
Went 3-2 at FNM losing to Gruul Aggro and Esper Aggro and beating 2x gruul Aggro and Dega midrange. Esper is so tough with Obzedat, fated conflagration can't come soon enough.

For some reason my local meta has gone really heavily green. What would be the best Deck to exploit this?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:07 am
by Valdarith
I also went 3-2 losing in the mirror (bad draws) and GW (opponent had excellent draws).

Lots of red in my meta. Warleader's Helix is looking good.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:30 am
by LaZerBurn
So we got Seering Blood this set... that's about it... :(
Br got Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, with the witch its either a 5/5 haste flying creature or a 3/3 return to hand haste flying creature :D. Small Red got Satyr Firedancer (yapus list looks solid) and all Rx got Searing Blood and Fated Conflagration (both of these are decent in standard).

p.s. got another 3-0 with the Warleader Boros/AngryLazer/Boros Aggro/Pile build (Ill just call it Warleader Helix for now on), so I just need one more 3-0 or two 2-1 till I'm in the finals.
Well done Sir! :) I love the evolution of our list :)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:07 am
by DerWille
Went to FNM, a lot of home brewing was going on tonight. I went 3-1, taking 2nd. I lost Jund Midrange/Control, I swear every game between that guy and I always has either one or both of us mana flooding or screwing. Doesn't matter the format is. Otherwise I beat BG Aggro Scavenge, Grixis Control, and Esper Control missing most of the big expensive cards.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:08 am
by dauntless268
EDIT - After some very in depth analysis with dauntless on MTGO the SB is now +1 Assemble +1 Helix -2 Skullcrack :)
Upon reflection, I'd be tempted to exchange the Helix with the singleton Assemble in the MB and see if we can still win against MonoB Game 1.... :)

MDU, how is the Anger SB plan working for you? We need data! :D

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:12 am
by Pedros
I dont know how you can all beat black so regularly. When I took this deck to daily I saw that all my creatures would be killed, removal for a threat thoughtseized, and everything in this deck ijs stopped by specter. Furthermore this list is npt so agressive, so blacl iis keeping underworld connections to get card advantage and then bounce back with gary (you dont run skullcracks to prevent it).

Assemble the legion is almost win, however I lost with it whwn they had multiple garys and I had to take 1 demons swing after removal on soldier. Notice they run more removal than we run creatures plus thoughtseizes plus all creatures are stopped by all of theirs.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:54 am
by dauntless268
First game is certainly draw dependent, mainly whether or not we have chains when they draw demon. Phoenix is our key card als they can neither thoughtseize nor remove it forever. Use your Magma Jet early to dig for Chains and Phoenix. Helix helps to win Pack Rat races and ruin his combat math. Mortars and Strike are for Specter. SBD is often not that bad g1, provided you can play it when they are tapped out or have waisted their removal on Phoenix. After SB, the more Assemble the better, though I agree you can still lose.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:18 pm
by magicdownunder

I have no idea how Anger is with the Warleader Boros list I never drew it :sweat:, in the burn list though, I found them great esp. when combined with Shock - without Shock they're rather lack luster when your Opp. slams down a few creature with 3+ toughness.

I'll most likely cut them once the next set comes ;-)


In regards to the Bx MU with the Warleader Boros list I'll say its in our favor (only slightly), I think you just need more experience with the list since I havn't really been losing at all as of late (though I just went 3-1 in the DE.... beating Esper Humans, Ux Devotion, WB Humans and losing too Double Peak Eruption, Helix and Boros Charm while on the draw for G3).

- - - - -

So I still need one more
QP till I'm in the finals... stupid DE... grumble....grumble...

Montu's FNM Report

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:02 pm
by montu
I've been traveling a lot this month (Boston, Las Vegas, Atlanta) so haven't had much time for MTG. I decided to try something a bit different and thought LaZerBurn's deck looked fun.

The only changes I made MD were +1 Mizzium Mortars, -1 Mountain. For the SB, I swapped out the 2 Skullcrack for 2 [card]Warleader's Helix[/card].

I ended the night 4-1, which put me at 4th place out of 29.

All my wins were in 2-0 (MonoU, G/W, R/W, MonoB). The match loss was 1-2 against MonoB, and the last game was really close. I could have won had I played a bit more aggressively, so it was my fault for the loss, not the deck's or variance.

In other words, I really like the
build. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:38 pm
by LaZerBurn
Glad the deck worked for you Montu :) You're a brave man going to 24 land :)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:09 pm
by montu
Glad the deck worked for you Montu :) You're a brave man going to 24 land :)
Out of the 11 games I played, I only had to mulligan once, I never got mana screwed ( :jam: ), and I flooded twice ( :cry: ). Now, with that said, there were a couple of times mana could have been tight, but it ended up working for me.

(Flooding was one of the factors for me losing game 3 against MonoB. I kept
a high-mana opening hand because it had Assemble. He Thought Seized me on Turn 1 to take Chained, and then again on Turn 4 to take Assemble. Ouch. Definitely a Lesson Learned.)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:06 pm
by Deht
Another Big Boros-type list is doing pretty well at GP Vancouver. Pilot just won against Shahar Shenhar running mono blue, was missing triggers for Young Pyromancer and Chandra's Phoenix left and right though :(

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 12:03 am
by Googims
too bad he just lost to another mono blue 0-2 in the last round, don't think he'll be making top 8.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:19 am
by magicdownunder
Sorry for the lack of video content guys, I've been playing Rw Burn and Rw Almost Burn for the past week farming up my remaining QPs for the MOCS2 finals - since that is done now, I'll be on a small break until Thursday.

I do however have about 7 extra videos I need to upload and here is the list I was most happy with during that grind week:

[deck]Almost Boros Burn[/deck]

Here is a video with my Boros Pile list
which you can find a few pages back:

Standard Elimination Report (Event 6638913)
Standard Elimination R1 Boros Pile vs Black Aggro Event 6638913
Standard Elimination R2 Boros Pile vs Bx Devotion Event 6638913
Standard Elimination R3 Split

I'm currently working on my post BnG list (which as it stands does not run any BnG Cards) though I'm looking at Revoke Existence, Fated Conflagration, Flame-Wreathed Phoenix, Oracle of Bones, Reckless Reveler, Satyr Firedancer and Searing Blood as cards which interest me the most.

I will be cutting Anger of The Gods I feel like that card has been horrible, I'll also cut down one Assemble once BnG gets
released as a nod towards BB - making room for more burn.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:54 pm
by PirateKingAtomsk
If this is the wrong place for it then sorry.

I build a deck called boros fanatical devotion based off the big boros list and my friends mono red version of the same deck, I took it to fnm and went 5-0 for rounds and 10-0 for games, gentlemen for your consideration
[deck] Boros Fanatical Devotion[/deck]

Will likely swap the satyrs for legion loyalist to deal with tokens,
Any thoughts would be nice.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:52 pm
by magicdownunder
I like the list PKA, I would count it as Rw FoM but since we're just posting anything Rw in this thread now it doesn't matter :D

Although I adore Legion's Initiative any list packing 4x FoM should run 2x Hammers (threatening 7 damage from the gate is huge) aside from that its quite good, have you seen Fakeshaver's Rw FoM list (on MTGO) before he has done really well with it so it might be of interest.
Last Time
[deck]Almost Boros Burn[/deck]

Here is a video with my Boros Pile list which you can find a few pages back:

Standard Elimination Report (Event 6638913)
Standard Elimination R1 Boros Pile vs Black Aggro Event 6638913
Standard Elimination R2 Boros Pile vs Bx Devotion Event 6638913
Standard Elimination R3 Split
Standard Daily Report (Event 6654083)
Standard R1 Almost Boros Burn vs WB humans Daily Event 6654083[/url:
[url=]Standard R2 Almost Boros Burn vs Ux Devotion Daily Event 6654083

Standard R3 Almost Boros Burn vs Boros Burn Daily Event 6654083
Standard R4 Almost Boros Burn vs Epser Humans Daily Event 6654083

I didn't have time to work on my build's updates but I'll be sure to get it done before Thursday (hopefully)

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:35 pm
by Lightning_Dolt
If this is the wrong place for it then sorry.

I build a deck called boros fanatical devotion based off the big boros list and my friends mono red version of the same deck, I took it to fnm and went 5-0 for rounds and 10-0 for games, gentlemen for your consideration
[deck] Boros Fanatical Devotion[/deck]

Will likely swap the satyrs for legion loyalist to deal with tokens,
Any thoughts would be nice.

That's within a few cards of what most of us started with this season :P