[Deck] Burn
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:14 pm
Eternal Weekend Legacy Championship Write-up
A few months ago, I saw that Eternal Weekend would be in my city, which was cool. I thought "hey, I don't really play Magic, but I'll go, because this is cool. I'd skipped Grand Prix New Jersey and that cool Brainstorm playmat, so I won't miss this." Then time kinda passed and I didn't think about it till this week, then didn't visit their website until two days ago, and realized that the entry fee wasn't for both Legacy and Vintage, so I'd have to choose, and I picked Legacy because I have a family thing today (not having a Vintage deck wasn't going to stop me).
I saw a few people I knew there, including a kid I went to high school with, but never really talked to much until yesterday. I ran into a cool girl named Victoria dressed as the Lithomancer while waiting in line for Steve Argyle to sign my cards and playmat, and she said that she was 4-0 with an affinity deck that her friend had just thrown together out of his collection of cards the day before. She'd never been to a legacy tournament and was just learning as she went, so I was rooting for her (cuz I love forcing aggro), and she went undefeated until round 8.
On to the tournament.
4 Goblin Guide
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
21 Mountain
Other Shit
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Chain Lightning
4 Lava Spike
4 Rift Bolt
4 Price of Progress
3 Sulfuric Vortex
4 Fireblast
2 Pyrostatic Pillar
2 Pyroblast
2 Dragon's Claw
2 Ensnaring Bridge
2 Vexing Shusher
2 Smash to Smithereens
3 Searing Blaze
Round 1: Alex with Elves
I keep a 1-lander on the basis that I have 2 1-drops and this becomes a great hand if I find a second land. I don't hit land until the turn before I get killed and don't even get him below 10. Game 2 he takes a few mulligans and I keep a 1-lander, and also don't find a land for 2 turns, but he can't get started so I win, slowly. Game 3 is really tight and it comes down to me, slightly flooded, attacking into his Visionary and Dryad Arbor with a Goblin Guide, having lethal if he doesn't block. He thinks about it for a bit, since he might not attain a critical mass of creatures if he chumps, but ends up making the block. He takes a LONG time to combo off (he's a very meticulous player), casting GSZ for Wirewoods and Natural Order for other combo pieces even when he has 21 mana. I think he doesn't have it, since he's taken this long, so when he drops a Ruric Thar, I Fireblast his face (rather than the Visionary I'd been saving it for to stop lethal from Craterhoof), but then he drops a Craterhoof.
Round 2: Brad with Omni-Tell
I start with 2 Goblin Guides and quickly drop him to 10. I have Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, Mountain, Fireblast in hand, with 3 lands in play. I suspend bolt. He fetches and casts S&T, I Lightning Bolt him in response, he takes damage, drops Omniscience. I hold my Mountain, since I want to be able to cast the burn spell I might draw next turn after he annihilates my board. He casts Emrakul, takes the second turn, swings, and I Fireblast him to 2. Next turn, he Forces my Rift Bolt, I draw a Bolt, drop mountain, cast it, and he forces that as well. GG. I comment that I should have hard casted Rift Bolt, then when he played Show and Tell, dropped a mountain to cast Bolt for the kill, but he mentions that he could have just responded with Dig to find counterspells. I win game 2 off of a great hand and he wins game 3 at 7 life.
Round 3: Jonathan with Mindcrank-Bloodchief Ascension Combo.
He leads with Underground Sea into Chrome Mox exiling Countersquall. I basically hit every land drop until turn 7 off of a reasonable 3-lander, and kill him really late. Game 2 I beat him down with Goblin Guide over the course of many turns.
Round 4: Eric with Elves
He sprints to the table after I thought he'd be a no-show. I don't remember game 1, but the life pad for him looks like 20-17-14-13-10-7. I think I died after taking my third turn. Game 2 I get a start with multiple creatures and burn him out. Game 3 he kills me before I can take a second turn while I stare at a hand of Mountain, Mountain, Pyrostatic Pillar and a board of Mountain, Swiftspear.
Round 5: Eric with Burn
Eh, fuck, it's the burn mirror. There was very little skill employed here. He wins game 1, I win game 2. Game 3, I go turn 1 Lava Spike turn 2 Dragon's Claw to his turn 1 Guide. He had to take time to read Dragon's Claw, so I assume that he doesn't have artifact removal and that I can race him. He lands a good number of creatures and puts on a lot of pressure. I have him at 14 life going into my 3rd turn, draw a Swiftspear (signed by Steve Argyle less than an hour ago!) and play it, then bolt his face, to which he responds with a bolt to the Swiftspear, and I respond with another Bolt and a Fireblast going upstairs, putting my Swiftspear out of Bolt range, then kill him on the swing.
Round 6: Scott with Stifle-Dreadnought
Game 1 is a good, clean kill. He gets to play Dreadnought, but can't stop me. Game 2 I get an alright start and he gets an early Gurmag Angler. I get him down to 11 and have more than lethal with 3 bolts and a Fireblast in hand, but the Angler and my Eidolon have put me to 6 so I can only cast 2 bolts. He has force for one of the bolts, so I lose. Game 3 I keep a hand of 1 Mountain, 3 Goblin Guide, and don't find a second land for a bit. He gets turn 2 Dreadnought. I attack into it with 3 Guides on my third turn, putting him to 9 (he fetched from 14 to 13). He cracks another fetch (8) and drops an Angler. I swing into it with my 2 Guides, he blocks, and I bolt him, then bolt him again. He thinks for a while on the last one, and ultimately lets it resolve. I offer the handshake, he asks if I'm conceding, I tell him he's at zero, and his buddy tells him that he missed the damage from his last fetch.
3-3. My friend tells me that someone offered him all the cards that he needs to finish Grixis Control in exchange for his MUD deck. He's torn, because this tournament reminded him of why he loves MUD. We also talk for a bit with his last opponent, who, as it turns out, was the guy who next-next leveled Shahar Shenhar by bringing in Helm of Obedience to kill Shenhar, completing the combo with the Rest in Piece that Shenhar sided in.
Round 7: Matt with Esper Prison
I've never played in a round 7 before, to be honest. All I remember about this is that he played a Trinisphere and a Chalice game 1 and it didn't do much for him. He wasn't too happy about getting 2-0'd by burn.
Round 8: Jay with Grixis Delver
This guy was a lot of fun to play against. The games were both very, very close races. I win game 1 at 1 life after taking a lot of damage from Delver swings and my Eidolon. It was really tough to keep throwing bolts at the face multiple turns in a row while staring down a 3-2 flyer and a Deathrite. We're at a stalemate where he has 6 life and an Angler and I have 1 life and an Eidolon and 2 cards in hand, and he decides to attack, allowing me to throw my bolts upstairs. Game 2 I face down an early Gurmag Angler, and, despite being able to kill it with a combination of bolts and Searing Blazes multiple times, I try to race it. The inner Delver/Sligh player in me was screaming at me to throw the rift bolt at the Angler on upkeep and kill it with a Searing Blaze, but my decision to play Blaze as just a bolt to the face worked out and I clutch out the game.
I meet up with Eric (the second Elves player) again and find out that we're both 5-3. We play just a few seats away for the rest of the tourney, which is cool. Steve texts me and says that he made the trade and left the tourney.
Round 9: Oscar with Knight of the Reliquary
This was a fun one as well. I didn't really know what he was playing, but it was very land-heavy and seemed centered around KotR. He stops me game with his Knights. Game 2 is a riot. I keep an opener of 2 Eidolon, Smash to Smithereens, 4 Mountain, thinking "It's basically against the rules to keep 4-landers as burn, but this seems like the best one to do it with." I go turn 2 Eidolon, turn 3 Eidolon, turn 4 Eidolon. The game gets locked up, and I joke that I basically have Chalice on 1, 2, and 3. I see an opening where he has 2 untapped knights, an untapped Maze of Ith, 1 tapped Knight and a tapped DRS, so I swing and he mazes an Eidolon and takes 4. I double bolt him, taking 12 damage and winning the game. Game 3 is sad and anticlimactic, since he mulls to 4. My start isn't great either, but I win.
6-3. Eric is too.
Round 10: Ian with BUG Delve
I came here to burn faces and crush dreams, and that's what happened this round. My deck did not fail me, I win in two not-at-all-close games.
7-3, same as Eric
Round 11: Matt with Reanimator
He Reanimates Iona on turn 2 and, for the first time, I concede before taking lethal damage. He stocks his graveyard game 2, but can't reanimate the Iona because his fetch put him to 9 life. He brings back Griselbrand and I bolt him to death.
He has a turn 1 Iona game 3. What the fuck.
He forces my Ensnaring bridge. Not like it was an out anyway.
7-4. Eric laments that, for the fourth tournament in a row, he gets knocked out in the last round by the format's premier combo deck.
Whew. Holy shit. I just did 11 round of Magic. I find Victoria again, and she says that she lost out in the last round to propel her opponent into eighth place, but that she was actually kinda happy she didn't top 8 because she was nervous about going on camera and making a misplay.
I go home happy. And tired.
A few months ago, I saw that Eternal Weekend would be in my city, which was cool. I thought "hey, I don't really play Magic, but I'll go, because this is cool. I'd skipped Grand Prix New Jersey and that cool Brainstorm playmat, so I won't miss this." Then time kinda passed and I didn't think about it till this week, then didn't visit their website until two days ago, and realized that the entry fee wasn't for both Legacy and Vintage, so I'd have to choose, and I picked Legacy because I have a family thing today (not having a Vintage deck wasn't going to stop me).
I saw a few people I knew there, including a kid I went to high school with, but never really talked to much until yesterday. I ran into a cool girl named Victoria dressed as the Lithomancer while waiting in line for Steve Argyle to sign my cards and playmat, and she said that she was 4-0 with an affinity deck that her friend had just thrown together out of his collection of cards the day before. She'd never been to a legacy tournament and was just learning as she went, so I was rooting for her (cuz I love forcing aggro), and she went undefeated until round 8.
On to the tournament.
4 Goblin Guide
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
21 Mountain
Other Shit
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Chain Lightning
4 Lava Spike
4 Rift Bolt
4 Price of Progress
3 Sulfuric Vortex
4 Fireblast
2 Pyrostatic Pillar
2 Pyroblast
2 Dragon's Claw
2 Ensnaring Bridge
2 Vexing Shusher
2 Smash to Smithereens
3 Searing Blaze
Round 1: Alex with Elves
I keep a 1-lander on the basis that I have 2 1-drops and this becomes a great hand if I find a second land. I don't hit land until the turn before I get killed and don't even get him below 10. Game 2 he takes a few mulligans and I keep a 1-lander, and also don't find a land for 2 turns, but he can't get started so I win, slowly. Game 3 is really tight and it comes down to me, slightly flooded, attacking into his Visionary and Dryad Arbor with a Goblin Guide, having lethal if he doesn't block. He thinks about it for a bit, since he might not attain a critical mass of creatures if he chumps, but ends up making the block. He takes a LONG time to combo off (he's a very meticulous player), casting GSZ for Wirewoods and Natural Order for other combo pieces even when he has 21 mana. I think he doesn't have it, since he's taken this long, so when he drops a Ruric Thar, I Fireblast his face (rather than the Visionary I'd been saving it for to stop lethal from Craterhoof), but then he drops a Craterhoof.
Round 2: Brad with Omni-Tell
I start with 2 Goblin Guides and quickly drop him to 10. I have Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, Mountain, Fireblast in hand, with 3 lands in play. I suspend bolt. He fetches and casts S&T, I Lightning Bolt him in response, he takes damage, drops Omniscience. I hold my Mountain, since I want to be able to cast the burn spell I might draw next turn after he annihilates my board. He casts Emrakul, takes the second turn, swings, and I Fireblast him to 2. Next turn, he Forces my Rift Bolt, I draw a Bolt, drop mountain, cast it, and he forces that as well. GG. I comment that I should have hard casted Rift Bolt, then when he played Show and Tell, dropped a mountain to cast Bolt for the kill, but he mentions that he could have just responded with Dig to find counterspells. I win game 2 off of a great hand and he wins game 3 at 7 life.
Round 3: Jonathan with Mindcrank-Bloodchief Ascension Combo.
He leads with Underground Sea into Chrome Mox exiling Countersquall. I basically hit every land drop until turn 7 off of a reasonable 3-lander, and kill him really late. Game 2 I beat him down with Goblin Guide over the course of many turns.
Round 4: Eric with Elves
He sprints to the table after I thought he'd be a no-show. I don't remember game 1, but the life pad for him looks like 20-17-14-13-10-7. I think I died after taking my third turn. Game 2 I get a start with multiple creatures and burn him out. Game 3 he kills me before I can take a second turn while I stare at a hand of Mountain, Mountain, Pyrostatic Pillar and a board of Mountain, Swiftspear.
Round 5: Eric with Burn
Eh, fuck, it's the burn mirror. There was very little skill employed here. He wins game 1, I win game 2. Game 3, I go turn 1 Lava Spike turn 2 Dragon's Claw to his turn 1 Guide. He had to take time to read Dragon's Claw, so I assume that he doesn't have artifact removal and that I can race him. He lands a good number of creatures and puts on a lot of pressure. I have him at 14 life going into my 3rd turn, draw a Swiftspear (signed by Steve Argyle less than an hour ago!) and play it, then bolt his face, to which he responds with a bolt to the Swiftspear, and I respond with another Bolt and a Fireblast going upstairs, putting my Swiftspear out of Bolt range, then kill him on the swing.
Round 6: Scott with Stifle-Dreadnought
Game 1 is a good, clean kill. He gets to play Dreadnought, but can't stop me. Game 2 I get an alright start and he gets an early Gurmag Angler. I get him down to 11 and have more than lethal with 3 bolts and a Fireblast in hand, but the Angler and my Eidolon have put me to 6 so I can only cast 2 bolts. He has force for one of the bolts, so I lose. Game 3 I keep a hand of 1 Mountain, 3 Goblin Guide, and don't find a second land for a bit. He gets turn 2 Dreadnought. I attack into it with 3 Guides on my third turn, putting him to 9 (he fetched from 14 to 13). He cracks another fetch (8) and drops an Angler. I swing into it with my 2 Guides, he blocks, and I bolt him, then bolt him again. He thinks for a while on the last one, and ultimately lets it resolve. I offer the handshake, he asks if I'm conceding, I tell him he's at zero, and his buddy tells him that he missed the damage from his last fetch.
3-3. My friend tells me that someone offered him all the cards that he needs to finish Grixis Control in exchange for his MUD deck. He's torn, because this tournament reminded him of why he loves MUD. We also talk for a bit with his last opponent, who, as it turns out, was the guy who next-next leveled Shahar Shenhar by bringing in Helm of Obedience to kill Shenhar, completing the combo with the Rest in Piece that Shenhar sided in.
Round 7: Matt with Esper Prison
I've never played in a round 7 before, to be honest. All I remember about this is that he played a Trinisphere and a Chalice game 1 and it didn't do much for him. He wasn't too happy about getting 2-0'd by burn.
Round 8: Jay with Grixis Delver
This guy was a lot of fun to play against. The games were both very, very close races. I win game 1 at 1 life after taking a lot of damage from Delver swings and my Eidolon. It was really tough to keep throwing bolts at the face multiple turns in a row while staring down a 3-2 flyer and a Deathrite. We're at a stalemate where he has 6 life and an Angler and I have 1 life and an Eidolon and 2 cards in hand, and he decides to attack, allowing me to throw my bolts upstairs. Game 2 I face down an early Gurmag Angler, and, despite being able to kill it with a combination of bolts and Searing Blazes multiple times, I try to race it. The inner Delver/Sligh player in me was screaming at me to throw the rift bolt at the Angler on upkeep and kill it with a Searing Blaze, but my decision to play Blaze as just a bolt to the face worked out and I clutch out the game.
I meet up with Eric (the second Elves player) again and find out that we're both 5-3. We play just a few seats away for the rest of the tourney, which is cool. Steve texts me and says that he made the trade and left the tourney.
Round 9: Oscar with Knight of the Reliquary
This was a fun one as well. I didn't really know what he was playing, but it was very land-heavy and seemed centered around KotR. He stops me game with his Knights. Game 2 is a riot. I keep an opener of 2 Eidolon, Smash to Smithereens, 4 Mountain, thinking "It's basically against the rules to keep 4-landers as burn, but this seems like the best one to do it with." I go turn 2 Eidolon, turn 3 Eidolon, turn 4 Eidolon. The game gets locked up, and I joke that I basically have Chalice on 1, 2, and 3. I see an opening where he has 2 untapped knights, an untapped Maze of Ith, 1 tapped Knight and a tapped DRS, so I swing and he mazes an Eidolon and takes 4. I double bolt him, taking 12 damage and winning the game. Game 3 is sad and anticlimactic, since he mulls to 4. My start isn't great either, but I win.
6-3. Eric is too.
Round 10: Ian with BUG Delve
I came here to burn faces and crush dreams, and that's what happened this round. My deck did not fail me, I win in two not-at-all-close games.
7-3, same as Eric
Round 11: Matt with Reanimator
He Reanimates Iona on turn 2 and, for the first time, I concede before taking lethal damage. He stocks his graveyard game 2, but can't reanimate the Iona because his fetch put him to 9 life. He brings back Griselbrand and I bolt him to death.
He has a turn 1 Iona game 3. What the fuck.
He forces my Ensnaring bridge. Not like it was an out anyway.
7-4. Eric laments that, for the fourth tournament in a row, he gets knocked out in the last round by the format's premier combo deck.
Whew. Holy shit. I just did 11 round of Magic. I find Victoria again, and she says that she lost out in the last round to propel her opponent into eighth place, but that she was actually kinda happy she didn't top 8 because she was nervous about going on camera and making a misplay.
I go home happy. And tired.