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Postby dpaine88 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:52 am

Fuck....is all I can really say after breaking my 3-event t32 streak and totally scrubbing out at 3-3 at my local PTQ.

Brought Mono-Red after going 4-0 at FNM with it but last minute , after reading PSullys list, I swapped Chandra's Phoenix for Foundry-Street Denizen. I had found my games were so much better when I had a 1-drop and figured that would increase the consistency and let me run 4 mutavault rather than 3.

Here is the list

4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Burning Tree Emmisary
4 Firefist Striker
4 Lightning Mauler
4 Hellrider

4 Searing Spear
2 Pillar of Flame

18 mountain
4 Mutavault

Started off nice, going 2-0, beating Mono-Green fight-Ooze deck, which I felt was a bad matchup with Predator Ooze, Wolfir Avenger, Garruk Relentless etc. Also beat Jund Midrange in a nice game.

Wheels fell off from there...Lost to Junk Aristocrats,
making a big mistake game 2 and losing my Hellrider and losing with him at 1 life. Oh and got 4-for-1'd by Profit/Loss.

Figured I should go chill for 5-10 minutes and calm myself so I don't tilt. Turned out I took too long and was 1min late to the round and got a game loss, for which I won game 1 with my opponent playing 2x Rootbound Crag and ended up losing to an Armadillo Cloaked FLinthook Boar and Thundermaw Hellkite.

Ended up losing again to G/W Midrange with Smither, Flash Wurm, Resto, Voice, Wolfir etc.

All in all, I think PSully's inclusion of Mogg Flunkies is a good choice. With Mutavault, you really rarely have only him to attack with. With Lightning Mauler in his place, the deck is reallly weak to any -1/-1 or 1 damage spell.

I did anticipate the meta correctly with lots of Jund Mid and UWx Control but only played JUnd 1x and never control. Overall, I thought the deck was ok but I am not sure is RDW is really at its best with the entire full 2 blocks and 2 cores out. Seems
it is at its peak at the start of a new block, such as Theros.

If I had to go to the event again, I likely would have brought Jund Aggro, though I am unsure(untested) against the Jund Mid matchup but it has very powerful cards.

Working on something alines of this right now, tell me what you think.

4 Arbor Elf
4 Flinthoof Boar
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Scavenging Ooze
4 Huntmaster of the Fells
2 Olivia Voldaren
2 Falkenrath Aristocrat
4 Thundermaw Hellkite

2 Garruk Relentless

2 Putrefy
3 Bonfire of the Damned
4 Farseek

3 Forest
1 Mountain
4 Blood Crypt
2 Kessig Wolf Run
4 Overgrown Tomb
3 Rootbound Crag
4 Stomping Ground
1 Woodland Cemetery
1 Dragonskull Summit

(credit Mootown for some of the ideas here)

I played this deck last week with a lot of success but there are some new pieces

Mostly swapping Strangleroot Giest for BTE and Varolz for ScavOooze.

This way BTE has more targets than R/G Aggro with 4 Boar, 4 Farseek 2 ScavOoze.

Put a 2/2
Falkenwrath/Olivia split cause Tragic Slip is big, but Olivia dies to too I guess so kinda undecided there.
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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:12 am

Well, I arrived just in time for Fate to scrub out at the 1k. Then we watched Jund players misplay their way into the top 4, (literally, a guy didn't know that you could assign 1 damage to a creature with Vampire Nighthawk + Kessig Wolf Run and Trample the rest over to the player, but he still won because loljund) as well as a Jund player ask a judge whether or not a Huntmaster token could attack the turn it came out. Also saw a guy pitch a game by Abrupt Decaying a Boros Reckoner instead of the Restoration Angel with Slayers' Stronghold on board against a URW player.

All in all, Jund is a good deck that even bad players can do well with. It was almost painful to watch every match, because the guys playing Jund were far and away much worse players than their opponents a lot of the time. We did see some exemplary play from a URW player though which included shenanigans with Azorious Charm and Lifelink.

RG Aggro ended up
"winning" (they split for first and played out for fun) so at least Jund didn't win.

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Postby dpaine88 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:16 am

Maybe I am misreading but Abrupt Decay doesn't hit Resto Angel?
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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:21 am

Maybe I am misreading but Abrupt Decay doesn't hit Resto Angel?
You're right, my phrasing was bad, but he cast it over casting the Huntmaster in his hand and effectively let himself die instead of trying to actually stabilize.*

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Postby LP, of the Fires » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:30 am

Alex's post is funny. I have friends who played UWR and Jund respectively at the last 5k we went to. The Jund Friend is terrible but could have top 8'd the event if a judge didn't put him on tilt for slow play. The UWR player is the best player on our "team" along with myself, but he's recently switched to mono-white humans because he's tired playing so hard and losing to bad players nut drawing him.

Also, Azorius's lifelink mode is the best part of the card when it's relevant.
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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:49 am

Also, Azorius's lifelink mode is the best part of the card when it's relevant.
Fate can attest, as soon as I saw the attack get declared and the Snapcaster in hand, I knew exactly what was going to happen. It took the guy actually playing the deck almost 5 minutes to figure it out, lol.

I don't think either one was necessarily exemplary examples of Magic players, but the UWR guy was clearly the better player who just happened to have no more outs. The Jund guy killed all of his Restoration Angels and Pithing Needle'd Jace, so it was basically over at this point anyway...but even so, he held on for SO long that it was just an impressive game anyway.

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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:54 am

Also, I think I made Nuwen want to play Modern when I showed her my AIR list.

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Postby hamfactorial » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:10 am

I dig Modern, and my LGS is starting to run Saturday afternoon tournaments next month. I hope the scrubs actually show up to play, I'm not interested in playing anything but inexpensive mono red in standard from now on.

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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:25 am

I dig Modern, and my LGS is starting to run Saturday afternoon tournaments next month. I hope the scrubs actually show up to play, I'm not interested in playing anything but inexpensive mono red in standard from now on.
I played against mostly tier one decks, the deck is just too fast for most of them to deal with. Tron is literally a free win.

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Postby hamfactorial » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:42 am

Are you talking about your modern AIR deck with the Signal Pests?

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Postby Valdarith » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:50 am

Are you talking about your modern AIR deck with the Signal Pests?
Yeah. It's hilarious to play.
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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:25 am

Sick to my stomach and scrubbing out. Feels bad man.

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Postby photodyer » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:50 am

Sorry to hear that, Johnny...not the best of days for the clan tourney-wise.

PSully's deck tech over on SCG is great; I just wish the interviewer would have quit cutting him off (to hear himself talk) as Sully was sharing some great philosophy.
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Postby LP, of the Fires » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:07 am

4color cascade from Legacy portion of the invitational was pretty sweet. Also, this is the first invitational that Shaheen Soorani has played in and not top 8'd in like a year or two which is kind of a ridiculous number.

Edit: Also never played lands before. I think I'm gonna build it and goldfish it some before I start gunslinging on trice.

Double Edit: Lands is a terribly grindy boring control deck. Good, but rather boring. 5/10 would not play again.
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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:04 am

Are you talking about your modern AIR deck with the Signal Pests?
Yes. I enjoy the deck for what it is - a deck that players without fetches and Tarmogoyfs can use to win their way into Modern.

I feel like the deck can consistently get you to at least X-1 if you're a strong player. It fumbles hard when it fumbles and mulls to 4 can be rough, but when it doesn't suffer from variance it feels like it can't be stopped. I like it a lot more than the Goblin Guide Hellspark Elemental variant. People are prepared for that deck, but not so much a deck where all of your creatures have staying power and a one-way ticket to Valuetown.

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Postby PirateKingAtomsk » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:41 pm

Also, I think I made Nuwen want to play Modern when I showed her my AIR list.

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giggity :dance:
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Postby Jack » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:58 pm

Woooo, I'm in Boston! That place is a lot farther away than I thought it was.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:01 pm

I'm not interested in playing anything but inexpensive mono red in standard from now on.
Soon your journey towards the dark side will be complete.
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Postby windstrider » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:32 pm

How are you doing, Khaos?
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Postby Calamity » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:04 pm

off to play in a modern touney at the lgs, first prize is a box of MMA. I'm playing prime time/prismatic omen valakut. Wish me luck red bros, as i haven't done well in modern yet (played bullshit matchups when i played burn, and friday when i played valakut i played against Tin Fins the first round and lost to a turn two griselbrand thanks to faithless looting and goryo's vengence).
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Postby rcwraspy » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:07 pm

Woooo, I'm in Boston! That place is a lot farther away than I thought it was.
Whatcha doin here and for how long? My hometown so let me know if you want restaurant advice or anything similar.
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Postby Jack » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:10 pm

Good luck, calamity. I got to play modern FNM for the first time in months, playing sisters and losing the first two rounds in pretty close games, then getting a bye round three. Wasn't too bad, since I made some good trades, including $4 in bulk rares and $5 cash for a foil zealot and a Breeding Pool, as well as an M14 shiva dragon for someone's cackler promo.
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Postby Jack » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:18 pm

Woooo, I'm in Boston! That place is a lot farther away than I thought it was.
Whatcha doin here and for how long? My hometown so let me know if you want restaurant advice or anything similar.
I'm just here on a family vacation for a week. We're going through New England and checking out some colleges, and staying with some of my mom's college friends that live around there now. We're not really in the city, we just passed through it. It is a very nice city, though.
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Postby Jack » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:24 pm

@dpaine: I'd like to find room for denizen in kdw as well. Sullivan made some pretty good points about needing 1drops. My first instinctive cut would be LM, since he often feels weak, but limiting 2-drops really weakens BTE, which is very powerful.
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Postby Valdarith » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:33 pm

I've been shoving 12 one drops in my list for awhile now since I felt the same way as Sully. Keeping hands with no one drop felt terrible once UWR and other similar decks became a thing. I didn't even think of Flunkies being playable now that we have Mutavault. Dodging Pillar and Shock is big game.

I do wonder if the two shocks shouldn't be Pyreheart Wolf though. Maybe I like him too much.
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Postby Nuwen » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:22 pm

Are you talking about your modern AIR deck with the Signal Pests?

I scrubbed pretty hard on the draw G3 against the R/G player Alex mentioned. I played a Reckoner T4 with first strike mana up in response to his T4 BTE + Hellrider swinging alone. I had a Tribute, Spear, and Spike jester in hand. He didn't have a green source on board.

Obviously, the correct play was to just SPEAR THE FUCK out of his Hellrider because he untaps, plays a second BTE + Volcanic strength and I'm like fuuuuuck. Don't try to be cute with high priority threats and don't give your opponent extra outs.

Aside from that n00b mistake, I played really well and took 10th overall. Would have easily made top 8 if I hadn't fucked up. I think Fate was 13th with
his new Gruul Stompy brew.

The UWR control player complimented me a lot and watched most of my games. He was surprised that I could read the cards in his hand based on the priority he played them in. For example, I read a Verdict when he went on the offensive with his only accessible Moorland Haunt spirit, which was a p obvious ploy to get me to overextend my hand for extra damage.
Last edited by Nuwen on Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:26 pm

How are you doing, Khaos?
Well, I got really drunk as fuck last night while I played some magic. Then, when all of my buddies decided to go to the strip club later, I politely declined and passed out. Mildly hungover today.

I fear there may be some drama later today though.

But first, a little back story.

I don't know how to start this off, but I think I should've told everybody this when it started. Three or four weeks ago, my downstairs white trash neighbors were evicted because, as it turns out, they were trying to raise 2 kids in a 1 bedroom apartment without power. For two months. Fucking pathetic. Anyway, once they were gone, I had a little friendly social gathering with the buddies and Kat. Lots of alcohol was involved.

nHowever, unbeknownst to me, a new neighbor had silently and swiftly moved in during the day. Amidst the commotion, the downstairs door opened up and out walked a pretty little 22 year-old brunette.

Her name is Allison and she's my new neighbor.

Right away, Kat felt threatened. I can understand why. I mean, when within an hour of meeting Allison, we were already finishing each others' sentences and jokes. It turns out that Allison is a deli team leader at Publix, while I'm the meat team lead at Sam's Club. Same line of work, same work hours, so needless to say, we had a lot to talk about.

After the party, Kat and I got into a huge ass fight. She decreed that I was not allowed to hang out with Allison alone, ever. She wasn't allowed in my apartment, nor I in hers. From now on, if I ever have a social gathering at my apartment, Kat must be there.


I tried to do good on Kat. However, Allison decided to bring home a mess of brownies and muffins from work one day and she delivered
some to my door. I thought this was awesome. Kat though otherwise.

So after a few more fights, I really tried to avoid Allison. Yeah, right. Has anyone ever tried to ignore your downstairs neighbor? Impossible.

One night, Allison and I were talking about redheads. As it turns out, Allison has an older redhead sister who happened to work at the same restaurant I did several years ago. Long story short, it turns out I know her sister.

In fact, I fucked my neighbor's sister 6 years ago.

It's a small world, I suppose. After that, Allison decided to Facebook friend me. I didn't think about it at the time, but that would basically be the catalyst to begin the end of everything in my relationship. After a blowout fight and several accusations of fucking Allison, I deleted my Facebook and began to reevaluate things.

Which was where I was at when I first mentioned ending my engagement with Kat. But now we're all caught up. Kat and I are no longer together. We've returned our things to each other.
I've also told her not to contact me. This should be done, right?

I get a message from Allison this morning (cuz, now that I'm single, it's perfectly acceptable to have her phone number) that says: I forgot to tell you, Kat messaged me on Facebook the other day. I haven't read it yet.

I was asleep when she sent it to me. She's asleep now, so I'm nervous as fuck as to what it says. But I think I know what it's about.

Kat is vindictive. She also thinks I'm fucking Allison, which I'm not. So, I can only imagine that this is some angry letter exposing every bad thing about me to her. Part of me doesn't care and part of me is cringing.

So in the meantime, I'm waiting for Alli to wake the fuck up so I can see what this thing is. I feel pretty bad that she's got to get sucked into this trainwreck that has become my life.

Fucking women.
Last edited by Khaospawn on Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Link » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:45 pm

This is Allison girl seems like a great set-up. Right downstairs so there's always the illusion that you have your own "space" with the proximity to come over any time?


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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:56 pm

This is Allison girl seems like a great set-up. Right downstairs so there's always the illusion that you have your own "space" with the proximity to come over any time?

Yeah. Trust me, I've thought about it. But on the other hand, I really hate shitting where I eat.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:57 pm

And then I talk to my buddy from last night who informs me that my ex is starting a public Facebook smear campaign on my good name.

I use the term "good name" rather loosely.
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Postby TubeHunter » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:10 pm

And then I talk to my buddy from last night who informs me that my ex is starting a public Facebook smear campaign on my good name.

I use the term "good name" rather loosely.

Correct response:

and the correct follow up is to jam a broadsword into her gut.

What? thats what i do with all my used up realtionships!

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Postby Jack » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:12 pm

Khaos, when Facebook goes south, at least you still have diestoremoval :)
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Postby windstrider » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:13 pm

Oh lord, man. That sounds like my second wife. Crazy jealous and vindictive are not a good combination. You didn't do anything wrong, yet she acts insanely jealous because you talked to someone. My ex did the same thing by trying to tell my girlfriend, now wife, horrible things about me. Don't worry too much about what she's trying to tell Allison.

Advice: stay away from your ex. I know that sounds obvious and all, but she's going to try to do everything she can to fuck with your life. Don't give her ammunition. Let her crazy run its course. If you have mutual friends, chances are they will gravitate towards you the crazier she acts. If they don't, then they weren't good friends to begin with.

And this blew up because of friending someone on Facebook? Really? That gets my suspicions going. Projection, maybe? As in she's been having similar thoughts about someone. My ex did that to me. Only it turns out that she
really was sleeping with someone else while we were married. She flipped out when I spent time hanging out with a female friend. Apparently, it was ok for her to play around on the side, but I couldn't even look at someone else. I would not be surprised at all if something similar was happening here.

Be glad you dodged that bullet, my friend. That would have only gotten worse later.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:14 pm

Khaos, when Facebook goes south, at least you still have diestoremoval :)
Damn straight.

I actually haven't reactivated my account yet. I doubt I will. Facebook is the root of all evil.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:20 pm

Oh lord, man. That sounds like my second wife. Crazy jealous and vindictive are not a good combination. You didn't do anything wrong, yet she acts insanely jealous because you talked to someone. My ex did the same thing by trying to tell my girlfriend, now wife, horrible things about me. Don't worry too much about what she's trying to tell Allison.

Advice: stay away from your ex. I know that sounds obvious and all, but she's going to try to do everything she can to fuck with your life. Don't give her ammunition. Let her crazy run its course. If you have mutual friends, chances are they will gravitate towards you the crazier she acts. If they don't, then they weren't good friends to begin with.

And this blew up because of friending someone on
Facebook? Really? That gets my suspicions going. Projection, maybe? As in she's been having similar thoughts about someone. My ex did that to me. Only it turns out that she really was sleeping with someone else while we were married. She flipped out when I spent time hanging out with a female friend. Apparently, it was ok for her to play around on the side, but I couldn't even look at someone else. I would not be surprised at all if something similar was happening here.

Be glad you dodged that bullet, my friend. That would have only gotten worse later.
Yeah, in retrospect, all of the double standards she was imposing on me is starting to make me suspect a lot of things I was too scared to imagine. Not that any of it matters now.

I have no plans on communicating with her. I felt that maybe one day, when we were both more calm, I'd like to sit down and explain to her my reasoning for my decisions. But not now.

It was my friends who still have her on Facebook that informed me of
the ensuing shit-talk. I thought she was better than that, but I guess I was wrong.

Still, I'm glad that I was able to wake up and realize it wasn't going to work after almost 3 years instead of waking up after ten years or something.I definitely feel like I dodged a bullet.
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Postby windstrider » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:29 pm

I suspect you're going to find out quite a few things about her that your friends did not want to talk about. Her overreaction points to something else going on.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:45 pm

I suspect you're going to find out quite a few things about her that your friends did not want to talk about. Her overreaction points to something else going on.
Most of friend so far have come to and said," Man, I never wanted to say anything, but it always seemed fucked up how she would..." and then tell me about how she'd talk down to me or impose some new restriction that I would suddenly be okay with. I never noticed these things before, but I've been told repeatedly now that the Justin that they hang out with was entirely different than the Justin that is around Kat. In a nutshell, being with her made me less myself.

And I'm sure I will probably find out or hear about some shady shit I'd probably be better off not
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Postby Kazekirimaru » Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:38 pm

Hope the drama ends soon Khaos. You don't need that in your life. Sadly, all I can think to do is just ignore your ex until she goes away or dies of old age. >.>

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Postby PirateKingAtomsk » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:17 pm

@khaos(and anyone in the same boat) remember to be who you are and say what you feel, because those mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
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Postby Alex » Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:12 pm

She also thinks I'm fucking Allison, which I'm not.

I'd brofist you right now if I could. You made the right call.

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