Update on the home situation. Drug-addict female? Gone without a trace. Though, not from my doing. She left abruptly and took what few things she had and left her key upon the kitchen table. Apparently she found out the location of her mother and left to find her. Suits me fine.
That is welcome news, my friend. Change the locks anyway.
+1 here! Glad everything settled out, Kaze.
@zeman - My great nephew runs BW tokens with all the expected token generators and anthem, VNH, Sorin,
Bloodline Keeper, Vampire Interloper and lots of removal. It's not likely truly competitive, but the 9-year-old regularly snatches wins with it. If you want me to get the list, say so.
Brewing thought: Counter-burn with Ral Zarek, Electromancer, Gutter Snipe, Young Pyromancer, Phoenix? Pre-rotation there would be Snapcaster but all the garbage lifegain, post-rotation we lose both the pro and the cons (unless there is another broken lifegain engine). Burning Earth also looks interesting, though more so in mono-red burn. Even with new burn in M14, I don't think it's likely enough to overcome lifegain, but perhaps in the new block.
Ordered a playset of Master of Cruelties the other day because I know there has to be some fun to be had with it.
Golgari Control
14 Swamp
4 Woodland Cemetery
4 Overgrown Tomb
2 Golgari Guildgate
4 Desecration Demon
4 Geralf's Messenger
4 Thragtusk
2 Disciple of Bolas
4 Sign in Blood
3 Tragic Slip
3 Mutilate
3 Abrupt Decay
2 Cremate
2 Victim of Night
1 Putrefy
3 Liliana of the Veil
1 Garruk Relentless
3 Duress
3 Appetite for Brains
2 Vraska the Unseen
2 Golgari Charm
2 Underworld Connections
2 Ground Seal
1 Mutilate[/deck]