Goldfishing I've noticed this:
- You can't really play beck for value as much as you can with glimpse, at 2 mana, you can't start turn 3 with a beck and draw 3-4 cards and pass turn to set yourself up for a win the next.
The tutors are awkward/awful, you really cannot play summoner's pact before turn 3, and if you don't combo out, you close to timewalk yourself, Chord isn't much better, and arguably worse midcombo as can't profit off it via nettle sentinel + heritage druid, but they are instant speed, so there is that
- Similar to Legacy Elves, you goldfish a turn after most other combo decks, but your really consistent at doing so, you also have the option of going on the beats against control
- I don't like cratorhoof, you can't give your dudes haste (that I know of) and you can't natural order it up either, Emmy doesn't give your opponent as much room to recover (whenever I combo'd out through Cratorhoof, the most I ever had was 4, true, they need a lot of path's to get through this, but in a format dominated by snapcaster mage, this isn't THAT unreasonable), and the extra turn is nice
Other things
- Lys Alana Huntsmaster: She's another way to abuse cloudstone curio/beck,
although at 4 mana, she's pretty steep, and she's only doing anything when beck is active
- Elvish Harbinger: The tutors are terrible, and she isn't much better, but she's been alot better midcombo than Chord ever thought about being, and sometimes you live the dream and get her, cloudstone and beck going.
- Burning-Tree Emissary is something I've seen, I really don't know why though, she's not elf, meaning you can't use her with heritage druid and you can't do anything with the red mana
- Splash Black for thoughtseize?