1. I obviously read too much into your small comment, I apologize. You seemed to not like the idea of blending sex and money, whereas I think not only should the trade be viable, but lots of crazy stuff too like it shouldn't even be taxed. A miscommunication.
I know England and German have a law similar to what you describe where it's okay as long as it's non-profit, but they've got this law as well forbidding anybody else from being in the same room/s in case a threesome breaks out... I think it's called the anti-fetish law... which means that sex workers can't even have a bodyguard or secretary. Always pissed me off. Does your country have that?
No anti-fetish law here. In fact, the non-profit law here is kind of vague, because
it's always really hard to prove in court what's 'third party profit from selling sex'. Here we have a lot of 'mens clubs', palces you go to meet prostitutes. The drinks there are really out-of-price, and usually the club owners share a percentage of those prices with the sex-workers (who then leave the clubs with the men to pursue business) - and that's totally legal, because their not selling sex but boozze, even though they need the girls there to sell it. Morally one may think that's a 'third party profit', but legally it's not considered so. Of course they also don't care about how many people are in the room with the sex worker, she can be in her own bed with ten men, so what? It's her house and her services...
2. I don't really have any specific doubts, no, I just like learning as much as possible about fascinating
stuff like the mind/body connection of yoga. I used to date a yoga instructor, and she'd try to get me interested but she was at such a higher level of understanding it was hard for her to communicate the basics to my n00bish self (she'd been doing it since she was 8 ). I always had trouble moving from the physical to the meditative and usually we'd just end up having crazy monkey sex instead. So any time you want to talk about whatever, for my part I'll listen, since you've got the open forum and all to do so.
Never been part of a yoga class, though; there's a stigma against men doing it in public here and I could never get past the feeling that I'd just be creeping if I signed up for a class full of women in yoga pants.
There's a stigma against men doing it in public?!? Sorry to ask, but where do you live? I have male students and BIG 'coming out'... Mr. Scumbag is a yogi himself! Of course there's the all 'yoga pants' imagery, but sorry to break it to you... Most women
don't fit that image. (Just remember when all that legging trend got mainstream: women with incredible see through pants hit the streets and that was not always pretty to watch...) Women, come in all SIZES and SHAPES (except maybe in some 'trendy studios' in NY or LA), and we DO have Lululemons:
Men usually don't feel so physical gifted to pratice Yoga because they tend to be less flexible. But that's not a problem, because that's not what Yoga is about. There's a HUGE range of asanas (poses) and ALL of them involve a combination of various 'skills': flexibility, muscle strenght and concentration/focus. So... Generally speaking, if men tend to be less flexible they also tend to be stronger and more focused.