Big Brother 17

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Big Brother 17

Postby Manders » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:33 pm

Anybody else watching it? I finally have a job with hours that'll let me watch and I'm dying to chat about it!!!!
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Big Brother 17

Postby Purp » Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:46 pm

Best show on tv, been watching since season 1. I really want to go on this show but my gf wont let me!!!

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Postby Manders » Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:32 pm

Best show on tv, been watching since season 1. I really want to go on this show but my gf wont let me!!!
Oh, I could never go on it! I couldn't stand to be away from my loved ones. I've watched it off and on throughout the years, but like I said, I usually had to miss one or more nights a week because of work, until this season.

Who do you like this season? Who do you not like? Why on both?

Who would you like to see win?

I like James. I just think it's hilarious that a little asian man has one of the most pronounced southern accents I've ever heard...and I live in Texas! I also like Audrey. She just seems the most real of the women this season...which is hilarious since she's a post-op trans. I also like Steve because he's the cutest little nerd jew ever!!

I don't like Clay, Shelli, and Meg. Clay and Shelli are playing the typical "hook up and rule the house" method, which I've always hated. just annoying as fuck. She's so hard up for some action...and yet does NOTHING. And her voice annoys me.

As for who I'd like to win...that's Steve. I'd love to see a freaking uber fan go all the way. (I'm sure it's happened in the past, but I want to see it here.)
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Big Brother 17

Postby Purp » Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:35 am

Every season I say don't really like anyone this early and then I eventually start rooting for some. I despise Audrey, not as a person, but as gameplayer. Her ass should have been gone two weeks ago.

I wouldnt mind Steve winning, but he really needs to step out of his comfort zone and find a way to get more camera time... the "nerds" who win the show end up being one of the most well liked in the houses, Steve is on the verge of being recognized as a floater.

I hate Johnny Mac, tries too hard to be funny.... idk how he can still be that pale.

James is funny, but Id rather see him go home opposed to Jason.

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Big Brother 17

Postby Purp » Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:35 am

Meg thinks everyone wants to fuck her when in reality everyone thinks shed be a psycho.

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Big Brother 17

Postby Mogadishu Jones » Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:07 pm

Id fuck meg

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Postby Manders » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:23 pm

Id fuck meg
Dude. Why?!

Really looking forward to tonight's episode. Audrey's FINALLY going home!! She thought her gameplay was so fantabulous, but it was atrocious. And WTF was up with her skipping the Veto meeting? Way to be a bad sport about it! She brought this eviction on herself. I mean, I know lying is a part of the game, but you have to be smart about it. And lying everywhere and all the time isn't smart.
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Big Brother 17

Postby Manders » Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:33 pm

So, once again, someone's lying paints a big ass target on them. Impressive that Liz pulled off that BoB win on her own, though! I definitely wish she hadn't (as I'm sure she will, too, when she realizes what she f'd up!) as it's time for Austin's creepy ass to go. There's been something about him from day 1 that made me leery and I finally figured out what it is; he's a crazy stalker. Like, seriously, he's not even playing to win anymore: he simply wants to end up in the Jury house with Liz, but not Julia. What kind of idiot thinks a twin would be okay with them gunning for their sibling like that? They don't even have to be twins, you put a set of siblings in that house and, I'd bet money, they fight to ensure at least one of them makes it to the end because there's likely a 50/50 deal involved.
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Big Brother 17

Postby Manders » Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:29 pm

First, last week. Jason going home was absolute CRAP and I've never wanted Austin gone so much!!

That being said...

This week is kicking SO MUCH ASS. James is a beast. I'm afraid for his safety next week, but hopefully Jackie or Meg get HoH tonight and he has nothing to worry about.

Clay and Shelly absolutely deserve what they're getting. They have been a major part of dang near every big move...yet refuse to accept any responsibility. I knew their plea to James would fall on deaf ears...because they didn't own up to anything still!! If they had...he MIGHT have agreed to give them a CHANCE of staying together by taking one of the off the block and putting Austin up. Plus, their actions with Vanessa this week have been terrible. They ARE acting like she's at fault, and she's not. She has nothing to do with them being the targets.
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Big Brother 17

Postby Manders » Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:10 am


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Big Brother 17

Postby Manders » Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:30 pm

I'm incredibly disappointed in Steve. I understand it's difficult to think under pressure sometimes, but seriously. You know the house wants Vanessa out. You, yourself, want Becky out so much you've been talking to yourself about it all week.

So you nominate Meg and Jackie? What the fuck, dude? Seriously, what the fuck.
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