[Primer] PyroRed

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Postby Tyrael » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:39 pm

I take back everything I said about young peezy

Just came in 3rd (4-1) with Pyroblack at the saturday tourney

[deck] Pyrotastic[/deck]

Maindeck thoughtseize is a meta call, black is really popular atm at my FNM

U/G devotion 2-1
Simic Evolve (?) 2-0
Mono B devotion 2-0
RDW 1-2
B/W devotion 2-1
Last edited by Tyrael on Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby rcwraspy » Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:05 pm

On 21 land the Dragon should definitely be Chandra instead. I also am not fond of Boros Reckoner because your match against the decks you'd bring him in is already taken care of by terrors with the exception of red mirrors.
Was talking with DPaine88 about this too. Changed Dragon to 1x Exava.
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Postby Purp » Tue May 13, 2014 2:46 pm

Considering something new for States this weekend.
3 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Spike Jester
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Flamespeaker
2 Stormbreath Dragon

4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
3 Shock
2 Dreadbore
1 Ultimate Price
1 Mizzium Mortars

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
3 Mana Confluence
9 Mountain
3 Mutavault

4 Duress
3 Dark Betrayal
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack
2 Chandra
1 Mutavault[/deck]

Probably want some number of Lifebane/Thoughtseize in the Sb?

How does the mana base look?

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Postby magicdownunder » Tue May 13, 2014 3:16 pm


MD thoughts

I recommend cutting Flamespeaker since he doesn't really have a some in a list packing removals (he'll only connect if everything is dead - hitting and losing removals is not what you want) I'll up the Rakdos Cackler count and try and squeeze one Tymaret, the Murder King into the list or at least 1 Pyrewild Shaman because its important to make your Opp. fear your creatures (it helps the SBD connect).

Land base thoughts

I'll either run the 4th Confluence or 1 swamp over 1 mountain.

SB thoughts

I'm not sure if making your Opp. discard is what this deck wants too do.... I'll run 3-4 Lifebane and add 1-2 Doom Blades over Duress and Vaults.

p.s. Not worried about Hexproof? If
you get a chance try and grab onto Jedi_Knight he was the last one playing PyroBlack online (I think?).

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Postby Tyrael » Tue May 13, 2014 7:53 pm

Considering something new for States this weekend.
3 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Spike Jester
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Flamespeaker
2 Stormbreath Dragon

4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
3 Shock
2 Dreadbore
1 Ultimate Price
1 Mizzium Mortars

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
3 Mana Confluence
9 Mountain
3 Mutavault

4 Duress
3 Dark Betrayal
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack
2 Chandra
1 Mutavault[/deck]

Probably want some number of Lifebane/Thoughtseize in the Sb?

How does the mana base look?
Well good luck casting Lifebane with only 11 black sources...

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Postby Mr. Metronome » Fri May 16, 2014 6:46 pm

I really like the look of this deck, still. Not sure how I feel about 3 Mana Confluence, could hurt you in the matches where your lifetotal is important. I might play this at one of my FNM's tonight.

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Postby stuffydollfan » Fri May 16, 2014 10:34 pm

Glad to see people coming back to this. R/w burn has been getting all the attention but i feel this deck still has a place in standard. I haven't updated my deck list yet but that's because there's not much from JOU aside from Mana Confluence, Spite of Mogis, and maybe Harness by Force. I think a 2 of Mana Confluence is good, since this deck is heavy red anyways, we should be good with 10-12 black mana sources. Heres my latest list;

[deck]3x Rakdos Cackler
3x Firedrinker Satyr
1x Tyramet The Murder King
4x Spike Jester
4x Young Pyromancer
4x Chandra's Phoenix

1x Barrage of the Expendables
4x Shock
4x Magma Jet
4x Lightning Strike
4x Dreadbore
2x Chandra Pyromater

4x Blood Crypt
4x Temple of Malice
2x Mana Confluence
12x Mountain[/deck]

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Postby Aodh » Fri May 16, 2014 11:49 pm

You get to multiFNM?

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Postby Darth B8R » Sat May 17, 2014 5:09 am

Glad to see people coming back to this. R/w burn has been getting all the attention but i feel this deck still has a place in standard. I haven't updated my deck list yet but that's because there's not much from JOU aside from Mana Confluence, Spite of Mogis, and maybe Harness by Force. I think a 2 of Mana Confluence is good, since this deck is heavy red anyways, we should be good with 10-12 black mana sources. Heres my latest list;

[deck]3x Rakdos Cackler
3x Firedrinker Satyr
1x Tyramet The Murder King
4x Spike Jester
4x Young Pyromancer
4x Chandra's Phoenix

1x Barrage of the Expendables
4x Shock
4x Magma Jet
4x Lightning Strike
4x Dreadbore
2x Chandra Pyromater

4x Blood Crypt
4x Temple of Malice
2x Mana Confluence
12x Mountain[/deck]
+1 Cackler +1 FDS -1 Chandra -1 Shock/bore +1 Swamp -1 Mountain is basically where I'm fishing. Getting in hits early with the 1-drops is huge (many free wins), it seems Drown in Sorrow is vastly underplayed in this meta! :hifive:

Sideboard? :sherlock:

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Postby stuffydollfan » Sat May 17, 2014 10:24 pm

I really like Chandra and wanted to make room for her so I had to cut down on the 1 drops just a bit. I'm not a big fan of them anyways when it gets to the late game since they make bad top draws 99% of the time. Though if i have a Barrage or Tyramet out then they become much better. As for sideboard this is what i have for now;

[deck]4x Durress
2x Doom Blade
2x Ultimate Price
2x Mizzium Mortars
3x Skullcrack
2x Rakdos Charm[/deck]

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Postby stuffydollfan » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:12 am

Does anybody still play this deck? Been doing really well *FNM and MTGO level success * myself with it but seems like all support has died out. I know Boros Burn is more popular but this deck is just as powerful, maybe even more as it doesnt have a terrible matchup against enchantments post side board, though it is still a tough match.

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Postby TheCleaner » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:55 am

4-0'd (8-1) this to FNM Victory:
3 Mutavault
18 Mountain
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandras Phoenix
2 Chandra Pyromaster
4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Searing Blood
1 Madcap Skills


4 Skullcrack
2 Rakdos Shred Freak
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 Peak Eruption
1 Madcap Skills
1 Act of treason
2 Boros Reckoner
1 Pithing Needle
1 Flames of the Firebrand


Never used Reckoner or Flames. Madcap Skills were awesome against Naya and Jund.

My matchups:
He mulled to 6 both matches. Had lots of OneDrops and played around BileBlight.

He was too slow and had to play Shocklands to get his Coursers out. Pyromancer and Foundry Street Denizen worked nicely.

UW Control
nHad 3 Mutavaults on board, Chandra and 2 Phoenixes in Hand but only 1 Mountain.
Game 2 he conceded due to Double Verdict and Double Jace and no land.
Game 3 was very close: He had that 5 Life Elixier, was on 3, but was short on Mana. I bluffed the Lethal burn (but only had a Shock) and my Chandra was at 7. He misplayed (forgot his Lightning Helix), and i won.

Won the dice roll, kept a onelander with Cackler Satyr Ash Zealot and Madcap Skills. Drew the Mountain! :toot:
Won my final game by stealing his Polukranos and Madcapping him! :evillol:
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Postby stuffydollfan » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:08 am

Very nice results! Using the Foundry Street Denizen is nice, upping the 1 drops to a total of 10 really increases of getting something in the opening hand. And by keeping the deck mono red you are able to play some Mutavaults.And having a first striker must be really nice against those pesky Paladins. Are you finding the mono red version better than the black or white splashes?

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Postby TheCleaner » Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:49 pm

My friend was unable to lend me his Sacred Foundrys, so i had to work out something MonoRed again. I played BorosBurn twice (two months ago), but then paused with Magic due to school. What i wanna say: Never played PyroWhite or PyroBlack. I THINK that PyroRed is worse against G/R as you have no terrors or Chains to deal with dat 5/5s. But you can curve out more often (Denizems & Vaults) and kill them before there big stuff matters.
I really liked the deck, but if i played magic more frequently, i think i'll have to change it soon, as its very vurnerable to Shrivels and co.

All in all, i can say that the Deck is fun, versatile, and offers you many lines of play due to the easy manabase and superlow curve.

Maybe i`ll drop the Chandras and make it even slighier...? But that would make the Pyromancers worse, too... we'll see.
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Postby stuffydollfan » Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:54 am

Ah ok, just wondering why you were running the mono colored version. I think it was pretty well establish that they were pretty much all the same but with slight differences. Those differences i think made the black version have a stronger overall game. It didn't have the quickness of the mono red but it was able to run the scry lands which helps out tremendously with your draws. Sadly JiN didn't really bring a whole lot of new for the archetype, aside from Mana Confluence for the splash color decks.

I can see a deck like yours actually going down to 20 mana if you cut out the Chandra, but they are too good to not run. Then your curve will be so low maybe you could get away with it.

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Postby Mr. Metronome » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:45 pm

I think I want to revisit this deck. Burn isn't quite doing it for me at FNM, and this is more fun to play in my opinion. At the moment my competitive eye is turned towards modern so I don't need to play Standard too seriously.

What do you think a RB mana base should look like? I don't own any Mana Confluence, how necessary are those?

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Postby Darth B8R » Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:06 pm

What do you think a RB mana base should look like? I don't own any Mana Confluence, how necessary are those?
I've tried 21-23 lands and it's always felt best running 22 (in a list curving up to a couple 4-drops). I seem to rarely mulligan with this configuration, and the 8 scry (4 temple/4 jet) helps with flooding later.

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
2 Mana Confluence
1 Swamp
1 Rakdos Guildgate
10 Mountain

This has worked well for me, getting Spike Jester online in a timely way and never having much issue casting various Terrors. Maybe -1 Confluence +1 Mountain is better but Confluences haven't been too painful at x2. If you don't run Confluence, I would take Valdarith's advice and avoid running 2 Swamps: those
opening hands with double Swamp Firedrinker rarely come up but they will make you puke. You could also go -1 Guildgate +1 Mountain/Confluence to curve out better but I err on the conservative side of that choice I guess.

With an Ashley build I would probably go -1 Swamp -1 Guildgate +2 Mutavault.

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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:15 pm

Guys if you were too build a PyroBlack deck (An aggressive YP deck) how would you do?

[deck=PyroBlack Maybe?]Lands 23
8 Mountain
4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
3 Mutavault
2 Mana Confluence
1 Swamp

Creatures 19
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer
2 Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
1 Tymaret, the Murder King

Instants 13
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock
2 Ulimate Price

Others 5
3 Dreadbore
2 Chandra, Pyromaster[/deck]

Can this list support Spike Jester? Even better question SHOULD it run Spike Jester?

EDIT2: maybe its better too go down too 22 lands cut some 4 drops and run some Flame Speakers (they seem REALLY good in this type of deck).

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Postby Pedros » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:21 pm

I am thinking on going back to PyroX Shell, MDU said probably PyroBlack is better than PyroWhite currently. Will first have to read posts from time I stopped reading this thread to get back in with ideas and what you guys tested, then I will try to post some ideas, results or decklists.

I really think this is a correct place to be currently (after looking at the latest results from SCG), if metagame isnt shaken my M15 I am looking for some deck to play in WMCQ.
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Postby magicdownunder » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:28 pm

I am thinking on going back to PyroX Shell, MDU said probably PyroBlack is better than PyroWhite currently. Will first have to read posts from time I stopped reading this thread to get back in with ideas and what you guys tested, then I will try to post some ideas, results or decklists.

I really think this is a correct place to be currently (after looking at the latest results from SCG), if metagame isnt shaken my M15 I am looking for some deck to play in WMCQ.
IDK - I'll imagine Burn being very popular in paper (and online :/) while I like it vs most the current meta I don't think it can beat burn + Searing Blood is terrifying (its the same issue B aggro is
having, its such a strong deck but it get dropped by burn). If you going to run it you'll need to metagame it hard.

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Postby Darth B8R » Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:03 pm

I am thinking on going back to PyroX Shell, MDU said probably PyroBlack is better than PyroWhite currently. Will first have to read posts from time I stopped reading this thread to get back in with ideas and what you guys tested, then I will try to post some ideas, results or decklists.

I really think this is a correct place to be currently (after looking at the latest results from SCG), if metagame isnt shaken my M15 I am looking for some deck to play in WMCQ.
IDK - I'll imagine Burn being very popular in paper (and online ) while I like it vs most the current meta I don't think it can beat burn + Searing Blood is terrifying (its the same issue B aggro is having, its such a strong deck but it get dropped by burn). If you going to run it you'll need to metagame it hard.
I've tried Duress in the sideboard to help fight burn, but in general I agree with your assessment on the matchup.

Spike Jester gives free wins vs. many decks, but is really fragile and hates slogging through Weird and Courser. Haven't tried Flamespeaker, that looks very interesting. :sherlock:

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Postby Valdarith » Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:05 pm

Brain Maggot is a ballin' Magic card in the burn matchup.
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Postby Purp » Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:11 pm

Brain maggot is pretty bad. Sure its good when they take the one target spell you have, which happens so little.

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Postby Valdarith » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:01 pm

Brain maggot is pretty bad. Sure its good when they take the one target spell you have, which happens so little.
Then you're failing to evaluate the card correctly. Think about it a moment...
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Postby Pedros » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:08 pm

What makes this deck bad vs burn?

Mono B agro was bad vs Red because it pained itself a lot with Pain Seer and Herald of Torment and it couldnt block reliably.

I assume only bad matchup is a burn? Because Control is quite good with grind + discard + burn reach, monsters good with black removal and YP, and agro couse of cheap removal and YP tokens.
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Postby Valdarith » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:15 pm

What makes this deck bad vs burn?

Mono B agro was bad vs Red because it pained itself a lot with Pain Seer and Herald of Torment and it couldnt block reliably.

I assume only bad matchup is a burn? Because Control is quite good with grind + discard + burn reach, monsters good with black removal and YP, and agro couse of cheap removal and YP tokens.
Because it plays directly into their strategy. They can one for one all the little guys and win the attrition war with Chandra's Phoenix in game one, then board into an even more crushing deck with Chandra, Pyromaster and one-mana Terminates. Meanwhile you're stuck with suboptimal cards like Dreadbore and Firedrinker Satyr and you're not playing Warleader's Helix or Chained to the Rocks.
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Postby Pedros » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:24 pm

What makes this deck bad vs burn?

Mono B agro was bad vs Red because it pained itself a lot with Pain Seer and Herald of Torment and it couldnt block reliably.

I assume only bad matchup is a burn? Because Control is quite good with grind + discard + burn reach, monsters good with black removal and YP, and agro couse of cheap removal and YP tokens.
Because it plays directly into their strategy. They can one for one all the little guys and win the attrition war with Chandra's Phoenix in game one, then board into an even more crushing deck with Chandra, Pyromaster and one-mana
Terminates. Meanwhile you're stuck with suboptimal cards like Dreadbore and Firedrinker Satyr and you're not playing Warleader's Helix or Chained to the Rocks.
Ok, I get your point and agree on everything as I did the same with burn. Reading all not-read opinions and posts and ideas here, will post later with my own.


One thing to consider: Hall of Triumph. Not too many however similar to one of used in mono blue. Good with tokens (2/2 are better than 1/1), 1 drops (get past caryatid, dont die to courser), potential jester (trades with courser), phoenix (gets past nightveil specter).
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Postby poppa_f » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:57 pm

Guys if you were too build a PyroBlack deck (An aggressive YP deck) how would you do?

[deck=PyroBlack Maybe?]Lands 23
8 Mountain
4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
3 Mutavault
2 Mana Confluence
1 Swamp

Creatures 19
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer
2 Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
1 Tymaret, the Murder King

Instants 13
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock
2 Ulimate Price

Others 5
3 Dreadbore
2 Chandra, Pyromaster[/deck]

Can this list support Spike Jester? Even better question SHOULD it run Spike Jester?

EDIT2: maybe its better too go down too 22 lands cut some 4 drops and run some Flame Speakers (they seem REALLY good in this type of deck).
I played a Rb list at my LGS
the last time I played, but was much more skewed towards the control end.

I think flyers are really good at the moment (because so many ground blockers with Caryathid, Courser, Elspeth etc are popular), so wanted to play 4xPhoenix and 4xSBD. Will post up my list later on.

The burn matchup is tricky, I wonder if tablet of the guilds could work as sideboard tech against them.

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Postby stuffydollfan » Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:38 am

What do you think a RB mana base should look like? I don't own any Mana Confluence, how necessary are those?
I've tried 21-23 lands and it's always felt best running 22 (in a list curving up to a couple 4-drops). I seem to rarely mulligan with this configuration, and the 8 scry (4 temple/4 jet) helps with flooding later.

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
2 Mana Confluence
1 Swamp
1 Rakdos Guildgate
10 Mountain

This has worked well for me, getting Spike Jester online in a timely way and never having much issue casting various Terrors. Maybe -1 Confluence +1 Mountain
is better but Confluences haven't been too painful at x2. If you don't run Confluence, I would take Valdarith's advice and avoid running 2 Swamps: those opening hands with double Swamp Firedrinker rarely come up but they will make you puke. You could also go -1 Guildgate +1 Mountain/Confluence to curve out better but I err on the conservative side of that choice I guess.

With an Ashley build I would probably go -1 Swamp -1 Guildgate +2 Mutavault.
This mana base seems about right. Pretty much you want 16-18 untapped red sources to cast those satyrs on turn 1, and between 10-12 black sources total to cast black spells on turn 2. 1-2 mana confluence is fine too.
What makes this deck bad vs burn?

Mono B agro was bad vs Red because it pained itself a lot with Pain Seer and Herald of Torment and it couldnt block reliably.

I assume only bad matchup is a burn? Because Control is quite good with grind + discard + burn reach, monsters good with black removal and YP, and agro couse of cheap removal and YP tokens.
Because it plays directly into their strategy. They can one for one all the little guys and win the attrition war with Chandra's Phoenix in game one, then board into an even more crushing deck with Chandra, Pyromaster and one-mana Terminates. Meanwhile you're stuck with suboptimal cards like Dreadbore and Firedrinker Satyr and you're not playing Warleader's Helix or Chained to the Rocks.
Ok, I get your point and agree on everything as I did the same with burn. Reading all not-read opinions and posts and ideas here, will post later with my own.


One thing to consider: Hall
of Triumph. Not too many however similar to one of used in mono blue. Good with tokens (2/2 are better than 1/1), 1 drops (get past caryatid, dont die to courser), potential jester (trades with courser), phoenix (gets past nightveil specter).
The burn match up is difficult because of all that. They can one for one all of our creatures and they can beat us with cards like warleader helix and charms. But i think post board the match up gets more even. Having duress and skull crack can go a long way. Though in no way the match is a walk in the park. Fwiw i've been having some sucess against the burn decks on mtgo.

I've also thought about the hall quite a bit. Everything you've said is quite valid and should be tested at least as a one of. The only question is what would you drop?

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Postby poppa_f » Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:36 pm

This is the R/b 75 I'm running at the moment:
Went 3-1 in the local standard tournament, losing to White Weenie and beating burn, gruul monsters and mono-black

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Postby Gigex » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:58 pm

4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Altac Bloodseeker
4 Chandra's Phoenix

4 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
2 Ultimate Price
2 Dreadbore
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
3 Mutavault
11 Mountain[/deck]

Gonna try this out after launch. I did really well with pyroblack a while back and this list is effectively the same thing except I cut the Spike Jester for the new Bloodseeker. Doing this allows me to run Mutavault without fear of screwing myself over on turn 2. The numbers of the kill spells could use some tweaking tho, maybe cut a Shock for another price or bore?

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Postby TheCleaner » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:19 pm

I think Jester is a lot better as it has haste (better vs Control), raw 3 Power, no need to kill smth (better vs Control) and you can combine it with a shock to kill a x/5, which doesn't work with the Bloodseeker. He's a human thou, so you might want to combine him with Xatrid Necromancers.
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Postby stuffydollfan » Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:24 am

Those altac bloodseeker are pretty strong but im not sure they fit in the pyro-black shell since spike jester out classes the thing. I don't know about mutavaults either since the mana base is already pretty greedy. Won a small FNM this week. Still using the same deck list i posted earlier except that im using a hall in the board. Though i haven't drawn into it yet, it feels like the card is always welcomed. Overall I havent experimented all that much with the shell tbh. Mainly because it already feels very strong with no glaring weakness.

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Postby toddulent » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:35 pm

Thinking about going with this Friday.

[deck]Creatures: 21
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge

Spells: 16
4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Skullcrack
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Lands: 23
22 Mountain
1 Mutavault

Sideboard: 15
2 Mizzium Mortars
4 Satyr Firedancer
2 Searing Blood
1 Skullcrack
4 Guttersnipe
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Harness by Force[/deck]

Any thoughts would be great.

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Postby Mr. Metronome » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:54 pm

For a Mono Red list, I'd start somewhere like this:

[deck]4 Firedrinker Satyr
3 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
3 Skullcrack
1 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Searing Blood
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Mutavault
20 Mountain

3 Toil/Trouble
1 Searing Blood
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 Mutavault
2 Searing Blood
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Harness By Force

My reasoning for my differences:

3 total Mutavault, I think the only reason to play less is budget. 20 red is plenty for Ash Zealot/Searing Blood.

I trimmed the 4 drops from the main, moving Chandra to the board, allowing me to cut a land to the board as well. This is because in game 1's in most matchups your deck is best setup for a race/tempo plan, with Skullcrack and 1 drop's not being that good against other aggressive
decks. This lets you transition into a control deck against aggro postboard by cutting all your 1 drops and skullcracks for removal, mutavault, and chandra/hammer.

I cut purphoros from the deck because he isn't all that high impact, and playing him on 4 lands often wont impact the board. I see the synergy with YP, but if we're going off making a bunch of tokens we dont need them to ping our opponent in order to win. 4 Mortars in the 75 is a concession to Courser/SBD, also makes you much better vs BBoV. I'd definitely find room for some number of Stoke the Flames as soon as they're legal.

It's quite possible that Prophetic Flamespeaker should be in the board.

Sideboard reasoning:

3 Toil/Trouble
This is probably the best plan you have against Control post board, it's possible that Flamespeaker should be in this slot.
2 Searing Blood
Another removal spell for creature mirrors that helps get them dead while recurring phoenix/killing their creatures
2 Mizzium Mortars
The other 2 are in the
board for matchups where you play control, and because they're bad vs UW.
1 Mutavault
This comes in vs Control and when you're turning into the control deck. Every time you bring in Chandra or Hammer this comes in too.
1 Skullcrack
Comes in when you want to be a bit more of a burn deck, control/mono b/mono g devotion for Disciple.
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
This is a sweet card because it's a good threat vs Control decks and also a good wincon when you're playing as the control deck against other aggro decks.
2 Flames of the Firebrand
This is a bit of a flex spot depending on your meta, but I like the package of this + Mortars/Searing Blood a lot more vs aggro decks than Satyr Firedancer. In burn, Firedancer is not likely to be hit by removal post board since a lot of decks cut most or all of the removal. That won't be the case with this deck, and you make a lot of their removal dead by only playing 12 creatures post board. This makes the cut over Magma Spray and the like for picking off all the mana
dorks I expect to pop up with m15, while being good vs Pack Rat/White Weenies/Slivers/etc.
1 Hammer of Purphoros
Hadn't thought of this as sideboard tech before, it seems fine vs Control and Mono Black though.
1 Harness By Force
Not the biggest fan of this but it shores up the monsters matchup which is pretty bad without the black splash.

This actually seems like a sweet deck, not sure if I have the cards for it on my but I might take it to WNM tonight too :P

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Postby stuffydollfan » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:07 pm

I've been tinkering a bunch with this deck lately, and i came up with something interesting. Now i think it has been discussed before but i think going Jund gives the deck a couple of interesting options. The first one being my favorite, Deathrite Shaman. With all the instant and sorcery spells in the deck, that card is never short on target. And the next card that i think would be good here is pack rat. There are other good stuff in the color that warrants a tryout but for now this is what i have. Keep in mind this is work in progress...

[deck]4x Blood Crypt
2x Mana Confluence
6x Mountain
4x Stomping Ground
1x Temple of Abandon
4x Temple of Malice

4x Chandra Phoenix
4x Deathrite Shaman
2x Pack Rat
1x Tymaret, The Murder King
4x Young Pyromancer

2x Chandra Pyromaster
3x Dreadbore
2x Hero's Downfall
4x Lightning Strike
4x Magma Jet
4x Shock
4x Skullcrack
1x Vraska the Unseen[/deck]

This deck is
slower than the other pyro decks but it plays stronger cards that synergize even better. Like i said before, Deathrite has plenty of function in here. Most the time he will dome for 2, other times he can help out with life vs. other aggressive decks. Turn 2 pack rat can win games on its own, and we can discard a phoenix so it wont hurt as much. Maybe should be a 3 of instead of Tymaret. Vraska was just thrown there as a random 1 of but it can kill anything which is good.

I still dont know if the mana count is right here. 16 untapped red sources seems about where i want to be. And with the curve so small, i think 21 lands is ok seeing as how the deck runs three spells with cmc of 4 or higher.

Now like i said before this is still WiP but i think i might be on to something.

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Postby stuffydollfan » Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:15 am

Scrap the idea of splashing for Deathrite Shaman. While it sounded like a nice idea at the time, i quickly realized how terrible it was. Just terrible. Reverting back to PyroBlack.

Now there are a couple of cards i think this deck should try out. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Stoke the Flames, Frenzied Goblin, Goblin Rable Master, and circle of flame.

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Postby Jasper » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:00 pm

Creatures 8
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix

Thighs 2
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Circle of Flame

Spells 23
4 Shock
2 Searing Blood
1 Izzet Charm
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
4 Polymorphist's Jest
4 Stoke the Flames

Lands 23
4 Shivan Reef
4 Steam Vents
4 Temple of Epiphany
5 Island
4 Mountain
2 Mutavault

Sideboard 15
2 Turn to Frog
4 Dispel
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Generator Servant
1 Scuttling Doom Engine

Rough sketch of what I want to play at my next FNM for fun. Meta is all aggro, with maybe 2-3 control decks. The main kind of auto-wins vs anything creature based. Against Control, sideboard into everything except the Turn to Froggies, attempt to haste out a Scuttles, or just haste out YP$ on turn 3, leaving up 2 red mana and 1 colorless for 2 spells upon arrival.

Circle of Flames deals its 1 damage WHEN they attack, not when they
deal damage. This means that [card]Polymorphist's Jest[/card] before the the Circle trigger, but after they declare attackers, is a true sweeper for everything they have. Also, just blocking things with Pyro tokens.

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Postby Darth B8R » Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:11 pm

[deck]Postmodern Dos Packis[/deck]
4 Pack Rat
4 Young Pyromancer
2 Tymaret, the Murder King
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Goblin Rabblemaster

4 Thoughtseize
4 Dreadbore
4 Lightning Strike
4 Stoke the Flames

Best Card in Standard
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Blood Crypt
4 Temple of Malice
2 Rakdos Guildgate
4 Mutavault
6 Mountains
4 Swamps

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Postby TheCleaner » Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:14 pm

Needs more Onedrops
Click the spoiler if you dare to find out the truth


and hes a cheater

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