[Primer] Boros Burn

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Postby zemanjaski » Thu May 29, 2014 12:54 am

Haven't seen that much of it but it's worth mentioning.
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Postby LP, of the Fires » Thu May 29, 2014 5:54 am

Haven't seen the GerryT list, but mind rot sounds like hot anti-burn tech.
You gotta understand, I love the beatdown. I really do. I always have.

Beatdown is hard, though.

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Postby HK1997 » Thu May 29, 2014 10:54 am

I don't think keening is good in the mirror (MDU, could you please post what you think the SB plan for that variant would be in the mirror?), and Wear Tear is not bad vs BX devo running Staff(artifact that when its run, is a 3-4 of[+a possible combination of whip]).
I agree with MDU here. Somewhere in this thread is a post where I responded to the "NEW" shit stick lists, that got so much attention after that one tournament.
Overrated, clunky and does not warrant removal in the SB. Even if I was running a one of or more of W/T, I still wouldnt side it in against a known stick player. I dont even side it in against whip player. Chances of him drawing a whip and me having my little one - of answer, are so slim, its negligable and a resolved
whip is not the end of the world. Be glad, he didnt T4 DD you, is my opinion and be happy for an extra tapped out turn. What is going to do with a resolved whip? Revive a Packrat without the mana to copy? get back a.... NVS or LBZ? Any demon would be chained, if dealt with at all and garys havent been played yet. Shit stick is even worse. Even more so when he starts playing multiples. When he is busy tapping 3 mana twice in a row or so with zero board impact, it makes for for phoenix, tokens and eidolons to close out the game. In general neither artifacts should impact your game plan as a burn mage. More often than not, a resolved whip is staring at an empty board and an empty graveyard.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu May 29, 2014 2:22 pm

Have you been seeing the Gerry T list much? I have yet to see it (I do think its pretty sick), I am wondering when/if the mind rot tech will catch on.

What do you guys think is better vs monsters, SFD + burn spells, or YP$ + 4 mortars?
What BlakLanner said.
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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 2:27 pm

Any reason for Flames Z? Currently not experiencing a matchup where I would want it when running 4 Mizzium Mortars postboard.

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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 3:06 pm

Are you guys siding out Boros Charm vs BG devo? I have been taking out 2-3 and don't ever miss them. How are you guys losing this matchup mostly? I seem to find that I when I lose this matchup its to packrat late game.

My SB vs them changes a lot. Typically its been -3/4 shock -2/3 searing blood -2/3 boros charm -1/2 MJ +2 Chain +2 Chadnra +4 FDS +1-2 Wear

Ps - im on eidolon version
Last edited by Purp on Thu May 29, 2014 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu May 29, 2014 3:08 pm

Flames is the stone cold nuts against mono black aggro.
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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 3:10 pm

Flames is the stone cold nuts against mono black aggro.
I already feel SO favored vs EVERY aggro deck.

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Postby Valdarith » Thu May 29, 2014 3:13 pm

Flames is the stone cold nuts against mono black aggro.
I already feel SO favored vs EVERY aggro deck.
That's why there's only one of them.
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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 3:15 pm

Flames is the stone cold nuts against mono black aggro.
I already feel SO favored vs EVERY aggro deck.
That's why there's only one of them.
Yeah I understand why there is 1.... But that matchup is not exactly prevalent. post board everyone of your spells kills their creatures..

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Postby Valdarith » Thu May 29, 2014 3:56 pm

Then it sounds like you don't want to run it. Just because Zem runs it doesn't mean you have to. :)
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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 3:59 pm

4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Eidolon

4 Boros Charm
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Searing Blood
3 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

4 Mutavault
4 Sacred
4 Temple of Triumph
1 Mana Confluence
1 Boros Guildgate
9 Mountain

2 Wear
2 Chandra
1 Chain
1 BL
1 Reprisal[/deck]

What I am thinking for my IQ Saturday. I really like 4 mutavault, the chances of having two in the early game DOES happen, but it's not very frequent. I have just decided I want to see a mutavault in EVERY matchup. I might cut the guildgate and go back to the 2nd mana confluence. What I like is that the GG is a turn 1 play that sets up a t2 searing blood or eidolon. What I like about the mana confluence is that its an untapped t4/t5 white source.

I have been loving the 1 BL main so that might go back in over a 3rd chain. I do feel eidolon lists are a bit
weaker to jund monsters, specifically Polukronos, which is why there is 4 chain, 1 BL and 1 Reprisal post board... allowing me to focus on saving other burn spells + SFD for their SBD (with Nyleas disciple on the rise, should i leave skullcracks and take out the BCs?)

I still like FDS vs control (sometimes you get an opening 7 that is just TOO slow to win the control match, FDS make the mulligan a bit stronger), yeah i know there is a chance I might not draw it (I think I also like FDS vs BW control/devo/midrange w.e because they are typically bringing in sin collectors and duress, + I like it vs BG Devo)

My SB for BG devo would +2 Chain( or 1 Chain 1 Bl) +2 Chandra +4 FDS +2 Wear(If I won g1 and had no knowledge of my opponents SB I might not bring these in) +1 Reprisal -3 Shock -3 Searing Blood -3 Boros Charm -2 MJ (+1 BC +1 MJ would stay if I didn't bring in Wear for G2).

The thing about IQs, i walk around a get as much information about my opponents decks as I can, even asking them whats in
their SB, watching them SB in other matches etc. I just know for a fact the majority of players at this IQ on BG Devo will have at least 2 Staffs.

i do think my list might be a little weak to MONO U. Should we keep in eidolon for this matchup?

@Val - I don't feel the need to run it, I am asking the question because I am curious to hear Z's opinion on why he thinks he needs to run 1. As you can see, I am not on the "what Z says goes" train, however I do value his opinion that informs his decisions, which allow me to analyze my own decisions with a fresher perspective.

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Postby NotARobot » Thu May 29, 2014 6:42 pm

Purp IDK if you saw this, but heres a link to Z's latest reddit thread on boros. Little bit of explanations there : http://www.reddit.com/r/spikes/comments ... _decklist/

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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 7:34 pm

Ahhh, Z is all about spikes now. That explains it, thanks for the link.

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Postby mutantcrock » Thu May 29, 2014 7:42 pm

Updated decklist:

[deck]Boros Burn[/deck]
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Boros Charm
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Searing Blood
3 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

3 Boros Guildgate
8 Mountain
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
1 Temple of Silence
4 Temple of Triumph

1 Banishing Light
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Fated Conflagration *
1 Flames of the Firebrand
3 Keening Apparition
4 Mizzium Mortars
1 Mutavault
1 Wear // Tear

* might become 1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
I attempted to create a sideboard strategy using
the list above. Guys I know this is wrong, maybe even embarassingly wrong, but I wanted to do it as a thought exercise and get feedback from better players.

Bx Devotion (specter)
-3 searing blood, -3 shock
+2 mortars, +2 Chandra, +1 chained, +1 mutavault
Thoughts: Searing blood and shock go due to lack of targets. I kept magma jet for sculpting purposes but this could be incorrect. Mortars comes in as additional answers to specter or potentially clearing multiple rats late game. Chandra comes in as an alternate win condition since it is likely opponent sides out downfall. Mutavault comes in to support the higher curve. I would also side in 1 wear for 1 magma jet if I saw connections or staff in game 2. If my opponent is playing zombie rather than specter I would keep 2 shock for the 2 mortars.

Ux Devotion
-4 skullcrack, -2 boros charm
+4 mortars, +1 chained, +1 banishing light
Thoughts: No lifegain so skullcrack is not necessary and boros charm is weak because it doesn't target
creatures. Mortars comes in as extra removal. Chained and banishing light come in as answers 4 and 5 to master, with banishing light able to nab thassa and bident as well.

-3 searing blood, -3 shock, -2 chained
+3 apparition, +2 Chandra, +1 banishing light, +1 wear, +1 mutavault
Thoughts: Searing blood, shock, and chained go due to lack of targets. I keep one chained for potential angels and paladins. The apparitions come in as additional threats and enchantment removal for dsphere and rams. Chandra comes in as an alternate win condition. Banishing light comes in as a catch all. Wear comes in for enchantment removal (overboard?). Mutavault comes in as an additional threat.

Small Aggro
-4 skullcrack, -2 boros charm
+4 mortars, +1 chained, +1 flames of the firebrand
Thoughts: This is straightforward, I'm just siding out spells that can't kill creatures and siding in all my cheap removal.

-3 searing blood, -1 skullcrack, -1 warleader's helix
+3 mortars, +1 chained, +1
fated conflagration
Thoughts: Hard decision. I opted to keep shocks over searing blood to be able to kill mana dorks as fast as possible, which may be incorrect. I cut a skullcrack because these decks don't have a ton of lifegain. I cut a helix for a fated conflagration to keep the same curve and another answer to polukranos. I bring in mortars and chained as additional removal to courser, polukranos, et al.

There it is. Looking back at my decisions written down it seems likely that I am bit too reactive in some cases. I also wonder if I overvalue magma jet because I've seen a number of sideboard strategies that reduce the number. Again, as a fairly new player, I am quite sure this is not 100% correct, but hopefully I will learn something. Interested to hear your thoughts.

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Postby Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 7:52 pm

I am sure it is close, a lot of this comes down to player preference. Here is how I would tweak your SB decisions:

Bx: +1 Banishing Light +1 FotF -2 Mortars
Ux Devo: Take out the other 2 Boros Charm for +1 FotF +1 Mutavault
Control: Seems fine.
Small Aggro: Chandra Wrecks X/1 decks.
Monsters: I would be doing -4 Boros Charm -4 Skullcrack +4 Mortars +1 Muta +1 Chain +1 Banihsing Light +1 Fated

Basically Id bring in muta vs every deck because I want to guarantee my land drops. Might not be needed for small aggro, but me personally I'd bring it in.

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Postby NotARobot » Thu May 29, 2014 7:55 pm

I dont think I've EVER sided out jets. Scry just makes the deck work.

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Postby magicdownunder » Fri May 30, 2014 12:19 am

I finally have time to sit down and play magic again (which should hopefully produce better post from my end, theorycrafting can only get you so far) so no more 3-1 week old videos :p.

I should note for all those who play online but don't follow the DtR clan thread (join the DtR clan already :argh:): the JOU Championship events started on the 28th and for all those 35 QP grinders we're gonna get fortnightly event with VERY good prizes for every 35 QP earned from MOCS1-6.

[deck=MDU's Rw Burn]Lands 23
8 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Malice
1 Temple of Silence

Creatures 08
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Exile 03
3 Chained to the Rocks

Burn 26
4 Boros Charm
Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix
2 Searing Blood

Sideboard 15
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
3 Toil // Trouble
3 Mizzium Mortars
1 Chained to the Rocks
1 Banishing Light
1 Dictate of the Twin Gods
1 Fated Conflagration
1 Reprisal[/deck]

Note: Dictate of the Twin Gods is my test card vs Junk and BW (chandra is better overall, but they we're selling Dictate for 0.20 foil so I went why the heck not ;-))
Last Time
Here is the current list I'm running:

[deck=MDU's Rw Burn]Lands 23
8 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Malice
1 Temple of Silence

Creatures 08
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Exile 03
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Banishing Light

Burn 26
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix
2 Searing Blood

nSideboard 15
4 Toil // Trouble
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Fated Conflagration
1 Reprisal[/deck]

SE Report 7098044
G1 R1 RDW vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098044
G1 R2 RDW vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098044
G1 R3 RDW vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098044

G2 R1 Naya Hexproof vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098044
G2 R2 Naya Hexproof vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098044
G2 R3 Naya Hexproof vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE

G3 Split

SE Report 7098125
G1 R1 RDW vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098125
G1 R2 RDW vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098125

G2 R1 Bx Devotion vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098125
G2 R2 Bx Devotion vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7098125

G3 Split

SE Report 7101801
G1 R1 Esper Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801
com/watch?v=mYKm0od2MaY]G1 R2 Esper Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801[/url]
G1 R3 Esper Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801 <-- Revel was good here

G2 R1 UW Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801
G2 R2 UW Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801
G2 R3 UW Control vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801

G3 R1 Dredge vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801
G3 R2 Dredge vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801
G3 R3 Dredge vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7101801

SE Report 7129676
G1 R1 UW Control vs Rw Burn MDU SE 7129676
G2 R2 UW Control vs Rw Burn MDU SE 7129676

G2 R1 Bx Devotion vs Rw Burn MDU SE 7129676
G2 R2 Bx Devotion vs Rw Burn MDU SE 7129676

G3 Split

SE Report 7129818
G1 R1 B Aggro vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818
G1 R2 B
Aggro vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818

G1 R3 B Aggro vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818

G2 R1 Bg Devotion vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818
G2 R2 Bg Devotion vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818
G2 R3 Bg Devotion vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7129818

G3 Split
SE Report 7132146
G1 R1 Maze End vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146
G1 R2 Maze End vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146[/url:

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooiVlhUKsHo]G2 R1 BW Beats vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146

G2 R2 BW Beats vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146
G2 R3 BW Beats vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146 <-- after running 1 Fated Conflagration for three weeks I finally cast it..... only to have ghostdad appear the turn after

G3 R1 Rb Devotion (Based) vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146
G3 R2 Rb Devotion (Based) vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146
RAGE!! G3 R3 Rb Devotion (Based) vs Rw Burn (MDU) SE 7132146

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Postby Tanro » Fri May 30, 2014 12:33 am

Did piss poor at gameday thanks to being hatefucked out of the meta. 2/3 control players had gone and splashed green (azorius shell, caryatids, coursers, and hero's reunion + 2 extra bottles in the board) so I lost 2 matches and only won 1 game against them. I didn't even bother with the 2nd gameday at my store as it was a 15$ buy-in for 1st getting 1.5 boxes, 2nd getting a box, 3rd half box, and 4th 1/4th a box. So Lifegain, Much disapoint. No playing mat.

Not much I could against players that can reliably gain 40 or so life in a game.
Looks like I am building UWR Control to deal with the Haters. Why UWR, anger kills their stupid mana accelerators, and I can give a shit if they are gain 7 life off 2 mana I get the better counter package and can
burn them for 10-8 pop a bottle, rev and repeat until I get a real win-con out.

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Postby zemanjaski » Fri May 30, 2014 1:06 am

[quote="[url=viewtopic.php?p=231968#p231968:1guh9wm4]Purp » Thu May 29, 2014 11:27 pm[/url:1guh9wm4]":1guh9wm4]Any reason for Flames Z? Currently not experiencing a matchup where I would want it when running 4 Mizzium Mortars postboard.[/quote:1guh9wm4]

It's a difference in sideboarding philosophy. I don't look at sideboarding as an opportunity to fix my bad matchups, but as a way to beat the decks I expect to face. For example I always being heaps of control hate, to the point where it's nearly overkill, when playing major events here because control is always over represented amongst top players; I'd rather spend 6+ slots to add 10% to those matches than using those same slots in any other way.

Also, less whiny posts. There's nothing I post on r/Spikes that wouldn't already have been discussed at some point here.
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Postby zemanjaski » Fri May 30, 2014 1:11 am

Updated decklist:

[deck]Boros Burn[/deck]
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Boros Charm
3 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Searing Blood
3 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix

3 Boros Guildgate
8 Mountain
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
1 Temple of Silence
4 Temple of Triumph

1 Banishing Light
1 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Fated Conflagration *
1 Flames of the Firebrand
3 Keening Apparition
4 Mizzium
1 Mutavault
1 Wear // Tear

* might become 1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
I attempted to create a sideboard strategy using the list above. Guys I know this is wrong, maybe even embarassingly wrong, but I wanted to do it as a thought exercise and get feedback from better players.

Bx Devotion (specter)
-3 searing blood, -3 shock
+2 mortars, +2 Chandra, +1 chained, +1 mutavault
Thoughts: Searing blood and shock go due to lack of targets. I kept magma jet for sculpting purposes but this could be incorrect. Mortars comes in as additional answers to specter or potentially clearing multiple rats late game. Chandra comes in as an alternate win condition since it is likely opponent sides out downfall. Mutavault comes in to support the higher curve. I would also side in 1 wear for 1 magma jet if I saw connections or staff in game 2. If my opponent is playing zombie rather than specter I would keep 2 shock for the 2 mortars.

Ux Devotion
-4 skullcrack, -2 boros charm
n+4 mortars, +1 chained, +1 banishing light
Thoughts: No lifegain so skullcrack is not necessary and boros charm is weak because it doesn't target creatures. Mortars comes in as extra removal. Chained and banishing light come in as answers 4 and 5 to master, with banishing light able to nab thassa and bident as well.

-3 searing blood, -3 shock, -2 chained
+3 apparition, +2 Chandra, +1 banishing light, +1 wear, +1 mutavault
Thoughts: Searing blood, shock, and chained go due to lack of targets. I keep one chained for potential angels and paladins. The apparitions come in as additional threats and enchantment removal for dsphere and rams. Chandra comes in as an alternate win condition. Banishing light comes in as a catch all. Wear comes in for enchantment removal (overboard?). Mutavault comes in as an additional threat.

Small Aggro
-4 skullcrack, -2 boros charm
+4 mortars, +1 chained, +1 flames of the firebrand
Thoughts: This is straightforward, I'm just siding out spells that can'
t kill creatures and siding in all my cheap removal.

-3 searing blood, -1 skullcrack, -1 warleader's helix
+3 mortars, +1 chained, +1 fated conflagration
Thoughts: Hard decision. I opted to keep shocks over searing blood to be able to kill mana dorks as fast as possible, which may be incorrect. I cut a skullcrack because these decks don't have a ton of lifegain. I cut a helix for a fated conflagration to keep the same curve and another answer to polukranos. I bring in mortars and chained as additional removal to courser, polukranos, et al.

There it is. Looking back at my decisions written down it seems likely that I am bit too reactive in some cases. I also wonder if I overvalue magma jet because I've seen a number of sideboard strategies that reduce the number. Again, as a fairly new player, I am quite sure this is not 100% correct, but hopefully I will learn something. Interested to hear your thoughts.
I'll get to this ASAP but you're pretty far off in a
lot if cases I'm afraid. Go back and really think a out role and reconsider what cards you've not really used; as well as which cards are "aggro" and which cards are "control".
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Postby Purp » Fri May 30, 2014 5:31 am

@Z I think you mistakened my sarcasm about spikes for whiny.

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Postby mutantcrock » Fri May 30, 2014 3:29 pm

I am sure it is close, a lot of this comes down to player preference. Here is how I would tweak your SB decisions:

Bx: +1 Banishing Light +1 FotF -2 Mortars
Ux Devo: Take out the other 2 Boros Charm for +1 FotF +1 Mutavault
Control: Seems fine.
Small Aggro: Chandra Wrecks X/1 decks.
Monsters: I would be doing -4 Boros Charm -4 Skullcrack +4 Mortars +1 Muta +1 Chain +1 Banihsing Light +1 Fated

Basically Id bring in muta vs every deck because I want to guarantee my land drops. Might not be needed for small aggro, but me personally I'd bring it in.

Bx: Agreed. Banishing Light and FotF seem like better options. Banishing Light answers specter and is also answer 5 to demon. FotF can kill specter alone or a rat with a shock added
to it. That seems better.
Ux Devo: Agree, that I should definitely pull in FotF for a charm. Not sure on Mutavault, thinking about your suggestion of Chandra for small aggro kind of makes me lean toward a singleton Chandra for the last charm.
Small Aggro: Thanks for this suggestion. It made me think about things more concerning roles. I can definitely see how keeping their board clear and then dropping a Chandra would be huge game. I would drop the last 2 charm for 2 Chandra.
Monsters: This is the hardest one for me. Thinking about these matchups more I think we need to be aggressive while also not letting their board get out of hand. I agree it is probably best to pull all of the charms and skullcracks. I think also adding the apparitions could be good game since it allows us to be more aggressive early and can be sacced to kill relevant targets in these matchups. I think I would do -4 charm, -4 skullcrack, -3 searing blood; +4 mortars, +3 apparition, +1 chained, +1 banishing light, +1 mutavault,
+1 conflagration.


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Postby Purp » Fri May 30, 2014 3:45 pm

Not sure why you think searing blood is bad vs monsters (apparition is bad because every creature they play from t2 onwards outclasses it, which is why 1 drops, or ash zealots are bad in this matchup)).... I have never entered that matchup thinking I needed to be the aggressor.

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Postby mutantcrock » Fri May 30, 2014 3:50 pm

Not sure why you think searing blood is bad vs monsters (apparition is bad because every creature they play from t2 onwards outclasses it, which is why 1 drops, or ash zealots are bad in this matchup)).... I have never entered that matchup thinking I needed to be the aggressor.
I am probably wrong. Like I said this matchup confuses me as far as the role I take and the overall strategy to win. Can you explain your approach in these matchups? I think it would help just to hear someone articulate it. Thanks.

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Postby Purp » Fri May 30, 2014 3:59 pm

keep their board clear, win with mutavaults, phoenix and yp$ tokens.

yurp yurp

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Postby zemanjaski » Fri May 30, 2014 4:15 pm

You're a tempo deck. Searing Blood is only ok, I cut down to two copies in that matchup.
1 - Drunk, surly zem
2 - Nice, modest zem
3 - Bragpost zem
4 - Confident and funny zem
5 - Condescending jerk zem
6 - Self-aware zem
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Postby HK1997 » Fri May 30, 2014 5:06 pm

I like to go -4 skullcrack, -4 Boros Charm, +3 Mortars, +1 Reprisal, +1 Fated, +1 Chained, +2 anger vs Monsters. I matched up against 2 Monster decks with that today, facing Junk Monsters/Planeswalkers in the finals of one (2-0) and RG Monsters in the finals of the other (also 2-0) single elimination. I no longer have banishing light in my 75 since I'm running 2 of anger of the gods.
Boros charm is by no means useless especially preboard. It closed out G1 vs. Junk by dealing 8 dmg and G1 vs GR by giving my 6+ tokens + YP indestructibility twice vs 2 palukranos ultis. I kept in 2 of Charms and went down to one mortars post board vs the Junk deck since he was running three planeswalkers and MM didnt have all that many targets.
Hope this helps people struggling vs monsters, whilst runnning YP MD and Eidolon in the SB. Searing Blood stays in for me, all 3 of em. Hitting 2 palukranos with SB+LS twice and shock+SB vs a SBD in
the same match make me biased.

disclaimer: The 2x Anger is not a silver bullet, for anyone that is going to run it and expect miracle wins. It gives an edge I like and suits my playstyle since it seems to be doing a lot of work for me in several MUs, where Flames of the Firebrand is lackluster. That said, nothing feels better than wiping a caryatid and 2 mana wheenies off the board on T3, following it up with YPs + burn on T4.

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Postby Gigex » Fri May 30, 2014 7:58 pm

A bit overdue but been busy whole week. I took the playmat at gameday with the following list:

4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Banishing Light
4 Shock
2 Searing Blood
4 Lightning Strike
4 Warleader's Helix
4 Boros Charm
4 Magma Jet

2 Borors Guildgate
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Sacred Foundry
3 Mutavault
1 Temple of Silence
9 Mountain

2 Harness by Force
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Mizzium Mortars
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Wear//Tear
1 Banishing Light[/deck]

R1 vs Naya monsters? 1-2
This took me by surprise as i thought it was a regular GR monsters list till he started playing voice and aurelia........yea lol. Game 1 he draws all four voices and I pretty much run out of cards trying to deal with them. Game 2 he stumbles on mana and Young Pyro overwhelms him. Game 3 I managed to mortars two of his dragons, he topdecks a third one
and I have chained to the rocks in my hand..........ah well.

R2 vs Boros Aggro 2-0
Not much to report here. I pretty much burn away everything he plays and then closed out the game with phoenix and helixes. Same thing in game 2.

R3 vs Jund Monsters 2-1
Game 1 I stick a pyromancer early and start going to town on his life total. He seemed to not draw any real threats (polukranos etc) and I close out the game with the pyro tokens. Game 2 he lands a t3 chandra off of a caryatid and kills my pyromancer. 2 turns later I get the banishing light and deal with chandra. on his following turn he taps out for rakdos retun, I respond with a helix but it didn't matter, he finished me with a dragon. Game 3, he reveals a rakdos return with courser around turn 4 or so. I manage to empty my hand before he casts it (save for a land and a shock). The last card i played before the return was a magma jet which managed to find a boros charm with the scry to finish him off the following turn.

R4 vs Junk Midrange 2 - 0
nMy opponent drew really badly and never seemed to recover. In game 1 he got stuck on 3 lands with a caryatid in play, he revealed his hand to me afterwards, archangel, baron and obzedat......ouch.

R5 vs Boros Burn 2-0
This was interesting because he was playing the list with eidolons. I got to 4 mana before him and cast back to back helixes, the eidolon pretty much locked him out of the game after that. Game 2 I managed to skullcrack him when he cast helix. Started to win the race after that.

Quaterfinals vs Naya monsters 2-0
A chance at revenge for the first round lol. I Searing blood his mana elf turn 2 in both games and he was pretty dead after that. He didn't draw caryatids or multiple voices this time lol

Semifinals vs Naya Hexproof 2-0
Not gonna lie, I got super lucky here. Game 1 i draw back to back skullcracks stopping his gift or orzova-ed guy and then burn him out. In game 2 i keep an opening hand with wear/tear and draw the second one on turn 3. Dealth with his unflinching courage
and madcap skills.

Finals vs GW aggro 2-0
Game 1 he plays 2 advent tokens and a smiter while I have a young pyromancer and a couple tokens from burning him with multiple strikes and charms. He b-lights the pyromancer and crashes in with a wurm, i'm at 15.I pass. He taps out and plays an ajani and puts 3 counters on one wurm swinging with both. I'm at 2 with one card in hand and 2 pyro tokens in play. He's at 4. I skullcrack him at end of turn then swing with both tokens to take game 1. Game 2 he gets another wurm token and a brimaz, again I have a pyromancer and a couple tokens. I chain the wurm token. He puts an unflinching courage on brimaz and crashes in with brimaz a smiter and a lion. I have the skullcrack ready and take a a big hit to the chin, chumping the smiter and eating the cat token with a mutavault, he's at 4, and I have 2 tokens. He only has the brimaz to block which means my only outs are helix or a swing with skullcrack to stop the lifegain on the brimaz block. I topdeck Helix ftw.

nI've now won back to back gamedays with young pyromancer (using pyro black for BNG). Thnx for all the info and advice guys. Really appreciate it :)

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Postby NotARobot » Fri May 30, 2014 8:53 pm

Did you find much use for harness at all Gigex? Everytime I test it out its been underwhelming for me.

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Postby zenbitz » Fri May 30, 2014 9:39 pm

I have boarded harness in a few times but I have never cast it.

I guess I will take it out.

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Postby Gigex » Fri May 30, 2014 11:58 pm

Boarded it in in all the monsters matchups and never drew it so I can't really say

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Postby magicdownunder » Sat May 31, 2014 4:21 am

@Lightning_Dolt: Any updates with your list? I'm curious about the direction your taking for your next event based on these last few pages (I'm trying to work out if HK1997, Dauntless, Purp and myself are only ones left with Revel in our 75).

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Postby Nezeru » Sat May 31, 2014 4:44 am

I still have Revel in my maindeck, and in my local meta it's an all star (lots of Dredge decks that lose to it, lots of control decks that lose to it, fair amount of mirrors where it's fine, gets boarded out for Firedancer against some decks which I'm okay with).
3-1'd FNM today, lost to mono black because he had 3 Gray Merchants to my 1 Skullcrack game 1 (which was for the last one which was lethal anyway) plus a DD, and three DD's game 2 that I couldn't answer( could answer two and be dead to the third).

Definitely need to replace Wear/Tear with Keening Apparition.

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Postby magicdownunder » Sat May 31, 2014 9:47 am

I've 3-0'ed two event in a row now so I'm feeling rather good (esp. since I performed rather poorly testing out the Keening plan on MODO yesterday (both Control MUs I had were on FSP and the mirror match when I was staring down an opposing revel while I had none felt awful) I blame Purp for convincing me to try it :p), here is my list I used for the double 3-0's (its 74/75 my old list...):

[deck=MDU's Rw Burn]Lands 23
8 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault
2 Boros Guildgate
1 Temple of Malice
1 Temple of Silence

Creatures 08
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

Exile 03
3 Chained to the Rocks

Burn 26
4 Boros Charm
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
4 Warleader's Helix
2 Searing Blood

Sideboard 15
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
3 Toil // Trouble
3 Mizzium Mortars
Chained to the Rocks
1 Banishing Light
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
1 Fated Conflagration
1 Reprisal[/deck]
-4 Young Pyromancer
-3 Chained to the Rocks
-1 Chandra's Phoenix
+4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
+3 Toil // Trouble
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster

-4 Young Pyromancer
-1 Chained to the Rocks
+4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster

Reasoning: T//T is better on the play, and since your running T//T its better just to close out the game faster - on the Draw you can expect a longer game so Chain and Phoenixes are great (just be warned VS another DtR member EXPECT them to T//T you so just run YP$ over chains and Phoenixes to avoid taking 6-5 damage on turn 3

Note: Starting to slowly believe YP$ is better then Phoenixes here.....
-3 Chained to the Rocks
-2 Shock
-2 Warleader's Helix
-2 Searing Blood
+4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
+3 Toil //
+1 Banishing Light
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster

Reasoning: WLH is very hard to get in under counterspells unlike Shock, however Shock is very weak.... hence the 2/2 split - the other cards should make sense
Bx Devotion
-2 Boros Charm
-4 Shock
+3 Toil // Trouble
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster
+1 Chained to the Rocks
+1 Reprisal

-4 Shock
+1 Reprisal
+1 Chained to the Rocks
+1 Banishing Light
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster

Reasoning: Revel isn't very good vs demons, active rats or garys, I like T//T here when it works so I have it on the play (when it fails you can go with the draw side)
BWx (Junk, BW Control, BX Midrange)
-4 Shock
-2 Searing Blood
+3 Mizzium Mortars
+1 Fated Conflagration
+1 Reprisal
+1 Banishing Light

Reasoning: You can't afford to cut anything else so no room for the 4th chain (you need all the SC and BC to end
the game ASAP)
-4 Skullcrack
-2 Shock
+3 Mizzium Mortars
+1 Chained to the Rocks
+1 Fated Conflagration
+1 Banishing Light

Reasoning: This is just a grinding MU I never understood why people found it so had...
-4 Skullcrack
-3 Boros Charm
+3 Mizzium Mortars
+1 Chained to the Rocks
+1 Banishing Light
+1 Chandra, Pyromaster
+1 Fated Conflagration

Reasoning: This is a grinding MU, kill and control - on the play Revel is decent as well :yes:

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Postby Valdarith » Sat May 31, 2014 1:06 pm

I would keep Skullcrack in against Monsters. It's decent against Courser and they're getting on the Nylea's Disciple postboard plan now too.
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Postby hoeiberg » Sat May 31, 2014 1:27 pm

Just won my first FNM ever (going 3-1 with best tiebreakers) using this list:

4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Banishing Light
3 Shock
1 Searing Blood
2 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Lightning Strike
4 Warleader's Helix
4 Boros Charm
4 Magma Jet

2 Borors Guildgate
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Sacred Foundry
2 Mutavault
1 Temple of Silence
1 Temple of Malice
9 Mountain

2 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Toil/Trouble
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Wear//Tear
1 Banishing Light
1 Spark Trooper

R1 vs Mono black 2-1
Game one i cannot find a white source and 2x Desecration Demon make short work of me.
Sideboard: -4 Boros Charm -1 Searing Blood +2 Chained to the Rocks, +1 Banishing light, +2 Chandra
Game 2 and three were similar and both came down to me chaining his demon and skullcracking him when he played grey
merchant. Finished him rather quickly.

R2 vs Boros Devotion 1-2
Game 1 i mana screw and he beats me to death with stormbreath dragon
Sideboard: -4 Skullcrack -1 Boros Charm, +3 Mizzium Mortars +1 Banishing Light +1 Spark Trooper (had no clue how to board for this MU)
Game 2 I remove everything he plays, and when he taps out on turn 3 for Phoenix i MJ it, untap and slam Spark Trooper, followed up by Warleaders Helix on the next 2 turns. This was never really a game.
Game 3 was similar to game 2 except i don't hit as much removal and he top decks 3 fanatic of mogis in a row. C'est la vie.

R3 vs Bg Devotion 2-0
This was my good friend and testing buddy, so i knew his deck really well, and knew that the match-up can be completely unwinnable if he draws all his answers, luckily he didn't.
Game 1 he gets mana screwed and i destroy him,
Sideboard: -4 Boros Charm -1 Searing Blood +2 Chained to the Rocks, +1 Banishing light, +2 Chandra (Chained and Banishing are not nearly as good here because of
Abrupt Decay but i had to remove his damn demon so in they went)
Game 2 i have an answer for his t2 rat, one for his t3 LBZ, one for his t4 Demon and skullcrack for his t6 Grey Merchant, during this time my Chandra's Phoenix had been slowly chipping him down. He never saw deacy :)

R4 vs BW Midrange 2-1
I had dreaded this match-up all day. This guy is one of the best players in the store and BW being packed with hard to answer lifegain dudes made me really unhappy to face him.
Game 1 i never see a white source and die to pack rat.
Sideboard: -1 Searing Blood -2 Boros Charm, +3 Mizzium Martars. (I had no idea how to board here and probably did it all wrong)
Game 2 he does a whole lot of nothing (except for removing stuff) for the first 4 turns, then plays a Blood Baron t5. T6 he duresses me, i skullcrack in responce, and show him a hand of Skullcrack, Warleaders Helix and magma jet and 2x Phoenix (Which i had just pulled
out of the GY), he takes skullcrack and attack with baron. I EoT Magma Jet him, hoping to see Mortars in the top 2, I do not and bottom both. My turn, topdeck..... Mortars. I beat him from there as he doesn't find anymore threats before he is dead.
Game 3 he is low on land and is using Underworld Connections to dig for them, when he finally finds the 2nd white for ghost dad i have skullcrack in hand and 2 Phoenix on the table with him on 6 life.

Overall experience, I need to become better, at sideboarding and at playing my hand. But the deck is simply amazing, I feel like there is always an out to win a game, I haven't played with Eidolon, but i cannot imagine playing this list without YP$, that little guy is good. Also, i should make room for Reprisal and Fated Conflagration in SB, i needed both more than once.

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Postby Aodh » Sat May 31, 2014 8:34 pm

Ran creatureless burn (my list from a few pages ago) to FNM. 0-2 vs. MUD (very close, Mana Confluence hurt me a lot); 2-1 vs. RDW (kept a 1-lander off of a mulligan to 6 and get steam-rolled; Peak Eruptioned him out of G3 and Spark Trooper stole G2); 2-1 vs. AIR (steam-rolled G1, SFD destroyed in the subsequent games); 1-2 vs. Bg Devotion (my mana and Erebos did a lot of damage to me and then I died in the two games I loss); 2-0 vs. Esper Control (Toil // Trouble >). 3-2 for 9th place. :\

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Postby BiddingMaster » Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:25 am

Well I finally managed it. A 4-0 victory in a daily event. this is the list I went with and ill explain the sideboard options that I go with.
4 chandra's phoenix
4 young pyromancer

4 boros charm
4 skullcrack
3 searing blood
3 shock
4 lightning strike
4 magma jet
4 warleader's helix

1 banishing light
2 chained to the rocks

1 temple of malice
1 temple of silence
4 sacred foundry
8 mountain
3 mutavault
4 temple of triumph

4 mizzium mortars
2 chained to the rocks
2 glare of heresy
3 chandra pyromancer
4 eidolon of the great revel[/deck]

so far about satyr firedancer; I love him but when you have both yp and firedancer it turns an already favorable matchup to a bye. Im running mortars because its a spell for yp and also in the bw midrange decks when they board in a million and a half ways to strip my and apart I really need an answer to
blood baron. glare of heresy is better imo than wear and tear because control decks have taken to boarding in brimaz and he is a bitch to deal with. also i like being able to hit rams/archangel/detention sphere. Noone is playing staff of the death magus on modo so thats a non issue for me and you really just have to concede that they might play a whip and you might just loose to it. Chandra really is a catch all answer for sideboarding and I stick by this one through and through. Vs the mirror if it lands before they get a chance to land one or land a toil//trouble on you then its hard for them to catch up to it. vs mono black im boarding in eidolon so at some point they are going to have to spend hero's downfall at some point leaving you with an opening to play chandra. Vs the mirror if they dont have a dsphere they just loose to it. there is nothing that they can do unless they get some mutavault beats in. Eidolon is in the board because the meta online is too broad for it to be as good as it is in paper.
Vs mono black they have to kill it or they just die to it and it protects chandra. Vs the mirror if you can kill their eidolon and then drop yours they are forced to deal with it. Whoever drops eidolon first has the extroadinary advantage if their opponent cant remove it the turn after they play it. I think this is the finest tuned decklist that I have come to. I ran a few cards short of this sideboard for my scg open and I really wished i had this one. It really just does alot of work in the meta right now. going forward I might cut one searing blood for a shock but im not sure about that though.

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Postby magicdownunder » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:21 am

I would keep Skullcrack in against Monsters. It's decent against Courser and they're getting on the Nylea's Disciple postboard plan now too.
I havn't seen Nylea's Disciple from Monsters yet, but I did notice them in goldfish so I'll keep that in mind.

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