Infermofperpus » Sat May 24, 2014 10:23 am"]Hi guys, just new here but been reading for a while. Lots of good info here.
I've been playing the RW Burn now and had a fair bit of success in FNM. Recently though due me winning a fair bit a lot of decks are now running BVB, 4 x Nyx Fleece Ram, FSP and sometime Obzedat. I can deal with say 1 of these, but recently played an Esper control who ran 4 ram sideboard and got them all in play by turn 9... Then dropped a blood baron the seal the deal. The Ram is proving a big issue in multiples as it blocks all out ground troopers leaving them with only Phoenix to deal with. It's difficult to run chain due to d sphere and banishing light... I'm feeling it my time to change decks. Life gain just wrecks it and you only have so many skullcracks.
What are you bringing in vs Control?
If your local store has been infected with that Esper Control to Midrange morph, you could take a look at Zem's last post for paper, running Erebos to prevent all lifegain.
If it is just a few and you dont want to change everything, I believe in diversifying my answers and racing. BBV requires Mizziums or two burn spells, Obzedat requires 2 burn spells or reprisal or fated, FSP requires chains, BL or anger or two blockers, Ram requires fated, wear/tear, chains or BL. If you try to be safe against all threats, you wont have any burn spells left in your 75. I personally find Obzedat to be the toughest beast of all to deal with, but two thirds of the time, the control players life total should be in killing range, that a single skullcrack is enough to close out the game. I suggest playing this matchup G2 post board, like any BW midrange. He isnt running a lot of counters, besides dissolve and syncopade, if he is that creature heavy. Ignore his board, if
you dont happen to have the right answer in hand and try to race it, saving skullcrack for lifegains bigger than 2-3, while keeping ram lifegain in check with phoenixes and maybe even tokens. Chandra helps a lot to attack thru those sheep.
If you find racing them does not work out for you, my last resort would be to bring in 4 of satyr firedancers. It can target ALL of the above threats. Back it up with some W/Ts or glares or deicides or BLs to free him or chandra and her pheonix from detention spheres. T/T is still one of the most devestating active spells you can board in.
If my meta was so BW heavy, Id definitely run Dancers since it stops you from having the difficult choice of trying to control his board or go to the face. Hope this helps.
Biddingmaster and I were in a couple of dailies together yesterday and the first one I lost 2 out of 4 rounds. The matchups were.... BW midrange, BWmidrange, MonoU and Dredge. I was totally unprepared for this with only 1 fated and 1 reprisal in the sideboard.
First BW match I won due to godly draws, being able to T5 kill twice in a row. The second was the burn mages nightmare. Both players had T5 Obzedat in all 5 games (how do they do that with only 2 of?), just in the second round I flooded like a landlord two games and he curved out twice with FSPs, BBV and 2x Obzedat. There is nothing you realistically can do when your opponent has that kind of a nut draw. But remember this: that goes for ANY MU. The daily after that, I went 3-1, dropping the first round 2-0 against RDW - one of our easiest matchups and basically a bye. Nothing you can do, when one T3 there are 6 creatures out and you just happen to not have 6x removals with the avaiable mana to control the aggro.