Had some time to test today... here are my observations:
First: The SCG open list actually plays much better than I thought it would. It appears that it was actually reasonably well thought out and I was too soon to judge / be critical.
Eidolon of the Great Revel: Actually pretty good in the current meta. I'm willing to admit I was wrong on this. UW has to counter it / remove it immediately or it just kills them. Also very good in the burn mirror.
Wild Guess: I personally disagree with this one. Not a fan. I see your point LP, but I'm not looking to durdle on T2, or any other turn really.
Banishing Light: I still like it, but only as a one of.
Shock is still good. Still really good, and with
Firedrinker Satyr it's actually not dead VS Control. You can
either shoot a
Mutavault or attack into Ram, punk Satyr and
Shockthe shit out of it.
Flames of the Firebrand: Still prefer this to
Searing Blood because you can kill two
Pack Rats or a
Nightveil Spectre. Can also cast it vs control without jumping through hoops. Also, just wins vs Aggro. When you guys see the Quarter Final video from my last event, you'll get to see me take the trip to value town.
Satyr Firedancer: Steps in for Eidolon vs GR and other matches where he is disastrous. I also prefer Firedncer vs Aggro. Firedancer makes
Mizzium Mortars superfluous. It's ok to lose G1 here is you just wreck the 2+3.
[card]Wear // Tear[/card] Answers Ram for one mana, or Dsphere, Oring etc. It's better now than it's ever been.
card]Harness by Force[/card]: Really is strictly better than
Act of Treason. I have been able to strive and win games I had no business winning.
Dictate of the Twin Gods: Not a fan. You play it EoT, they let it resolve, then you play your kill shot, they counter it, then kill you with double damage vaults etc.
Stormbreath Dragon: I win card vs UW. Works exactly the way it used to.