[WIP] G/W Hexproof

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[WIP] G/W Hexproof

Postby DerWille » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:14 pm

I was doing a bit of brainstorming over what might be in Born of the Gods and what could possibly be well positioned and the idea of a [mana]GW[/mana] came to me. This is the rough draft of the idea:

Creatures (22)
4 Gladecover Scout
4 Hopeful Eidolon
4 Fleecemane Lion
4 Witchstalker
4 Boon Satyr
2 Nylea, God of the Hunt

Spells (4)
4 Advent of the Wurm

Enchantments( 8)
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Unflinching Courage

Land (22)
4 Temple Garden
4 Temple of Plenty (BNG scryland for GW)
10 Forest
4 Plains

4 Skylasher

This is currently 56 cards, but can easily be 54 by cutting -2 Hopeful Eidolon.

Theoretically, this should have a good match up against Mono [mana]U[/mana] and Mono [mana]B[/mana]
through uninteractive creatures, lifelink, and in the case of U, Skylasherwho cannot be dealt with. I also like its chances against red because of all the main deck lifelink and hexproof. Against creature based decks, a turn 1 Hopeful Eidolon into 2 Ethereal Armor is a god draw that creates a 7/7 first strike, life link creature that then swings.

It also has a small flash theme that lets it have a chance against board wipes through boon satyr and advent of the wurm.

I think it also avoids some of the problem with hexproof decks by running creatures that double as enchantments or creatures with bestow.

I'm not sure what to fill the rest of the slots with. The cards I've thought of:

- Voice of Resurgence - A natural shoe-in, but that $30 price tag per card is ridiculous. He's an amazing card for sure, but I'
d rather have something else. There is nothing stopping my opponent from just killing him on his own turn instead of mine. Sure, he prevents 2 for 1's, but that's about it.

- Fencing Ace - 1/1 Double Strike. He's a very offensive creature with auras, but is food to every bit of removal in the format.

- Elvish Mystic - Allows for hands that accelerate to a Witchstalkeron turn 2. That could be cool.

- Trollhide- A nifty limited card that grants +2/+2 and regenerate. Theoretically, the regenerate is wasted since my creatures shouldn't be removed and you can't regen in response to devour flesh. It is useful against other big creatures though.

- Gift of Orzhova - +1/+1, flying, and lifelink. Another enchantment target, but the [mana]WW[/mana] in the mana cost makes me nervous.

- [card]
Feral Invocation[/card] - +2/+2 flash enchantment. I can see the flash being useful for combat tricks, but there's probably better.

What it really could use is a good 2 drop hexproof guy and another strong enchantment. Or perhaps another good, cheap bestow creature. Part of me wishes that the mana was good enough to do Junk enchantments.

Think this deck has any potential?

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