Corruption ReportReport 2: Electric Boogaloo

Here Stardust ensures that the roster of DTR will never go drunk with Internet Power

Moderators: Col. Khaddafi, iamabadman

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Corruption ReportReport 2: Electric Boogaloo

Postby rezombad » Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:37 am

Some things have been troubling me lately; Stardust has been waving this banner of truth and anti-corruption while at the same time working to undermine the forum.

Quoting those that strive to destroy our forum, perpetuating their messages, claiming that the messages are of the oppressed is nonsense. Onar isn't banned, he wants your dick to fall into your face.

His critical thinking skills are faltering as well. Everyone knows Suga was not banned, but Stardust is quick to take credit for his return. Obviously attempting to rally support for his cause.

I'm sure Stardust's true intentions will become clear in time. But one thing is for certain, he's up to no good.

You post on dtr? Cool? Honestly, I don't know who posts there and who doesn't.
I actually read that site quite a bit but its mostly because a lot of the people I used to interact with on MTGS are over there.
It should be a privilege to post here

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Postby rezombad » Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:04 pm

Stardust sees movement in the shadows.
I'll leave these documents where he can find them.
In this village there is only scum.
You post on dtr? Cool? Honestly, I don't know who posts there and who doesn't.
I actually read that site quite a bit but its mostly because a lot of the people I used to interact with on MTGS are over there.
It should be a privilege to post here

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