Corruption ReportReport Phase 1 in Which Doris Gets Her Oats

Here Stardust ensures that the roster of DTR will never go drunk with Internet Power

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Corruption ReportReport Phase 1 in Which Doris Gets Her Oats

Postby rezombad » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:27 am

Noticed hidden office with views of other hidden office. Begun renovations, Monday Monkey lives for the weekends.

Ordered Chinese takeout today, arrived in under 15 minutes this time.

Short week, corruption takes breaks on the weekends and after the recent holiday, I feel that diabetes is a greater threat.

Noticed G-Rating and 100/100 webutation, will investigate further.

Also noticed tendrils of corruption slowly creeping into Stardust, abusing his powers to change users colors and add them to groups without their consent. Troubling.

Where's Kpaca?
You post on dtr? Cool? Honestly, I don't know who posts there and who doesn't.
I actually read that site quite a bit but its mostly because a lot of the people I used to interact with on MTGS are over there.
It should be a privilege to post here

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