Jund Aggro

Threads from Standard formats since passed.

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Jund Aggro

Postby Aodh » Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:35 pm

Experiment Jund had a few weeks of fame but no top finishes IIRC. A lot of the parts are still around and mana is still good enough for some kind of similar rendition. Here're two ideas I've had for this kinda' deck, any feedback would be nice.

[deck]Experiment Jund[/deck]

The mana here isn't nearly as nice because the lower curve demands untapped lands, but it does allow for more explosive plays.

[deck]Fervor Jund[/deck]

This deck just wants to draw and attack with hasty threats. The mana is wonderful: 7 tap lands can be played alongside Rakdos Cackler, then we have 18 ways to cast him, 15 black and red for T2 plays, and 13 green for T3 plays.

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