Current list of creatures:
- Boros Reckoner
- Chandra's Phoenix
- Master of Waves
- Obzedat, Ghost Council
- Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Desecration Demon
- Polukranos, World Eater
- Stormbreath Dragon
- Gods cycle
Current list of removal:
Boros Reckoner
Aggresively costed 3/3 beater who also serves as amazing wall against Aggro/Midrange decks. Known for his 2-for-1 potential. Used mostly in Rx Aggro decks, especially those based on devotion.
Dies to: Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Warped Physique, Chained to the Rocks, Detention Sphere[/
color], Supreme Verdict, Glare of Heresy
Dies, but still deals damage: Lightning Strike, Mizzium Mortars, Annihilating Fire, Anger of the Gods
Chandra's Phoenix
Hasty, recursive and evasive beater often spotted in RDW decks. Insane synergy with Chandra, Pyromaster.
Dies to: Annihilating Fire, Anger of the Gods, Chained to the Rocks[/color:
gxms35sg], Detention Sphere, Last Breath
Dies, but still can come back: anything else minus Electrickery
Master of Waves
One of the backbones of Mono Blue Devotion deck. While not having the biggest body, he's capable of generating huge board presence but he pays the price of not leaving the tokens when he dies on his own.
Dies to: Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Dimir Charm, Warped Physique,
Chained to the Rocks, Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Last Breath
He doesn't die but his tokens do: Anger of the Gods, Electrickery, Mizzium Mortars (overload)
Obzedat, Ghost Council
Incredibly brutal creature card that has strong and repetable ETB lifeswing, while it's aggresively costed 5/5 for 5. His blink ability allows him to dodge Sorcery-speed removal.
Dies to: Hero's Downfall, [color=#
000040]Warped Physique, Dark Betrayal
Dies to (if not Blinked): Chained to the Rocks, Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Glare of Heresy
Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Another powerfull 5CMC Orzhov creature. This time instead of operating on strong ETB, Blood Baron has access to double-protection from the most relevant colors of removal (White and Black) - with decent 4/4 size, Lifelink and his capability of growing he puts immense pressure on many decks.
Dies to: [color=#FF0000:
gxms35sg]Mizzium Mortars
Desecration Demon
Undercosted 6/6 Flying creature with a downside. Classic black Demon card that continues the tradition of it's fathers like Abyssal Persecutor.
Dies to: Hero's Downfall, Warped Physique, Chained to the Rocks, Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Dark Betrayal
Polukranos, World Eater
One of the biggest threats
Mono Green can put onto board state. Undercosted 5/5 with relevant mana sink that can wreck the "chumpblock" plan for opposing deck in an instant.
Dies to: Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Warped Physique, Chained to the Rocks, Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict
Stormbreath Dragon
Fat, hasty and evasive beater with awesome mana sink strapped onto it. Curve topper for midrange and (maybe in the future) aggro decks.
Dies to: Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Warped Physique, Supreme Verdict, Mizzium Mortars
Cycle of Legendary Enchantments with relevant effects that become creatures when your devotion to their colour is equal or higher than 5. They are all indestructible and when not in Creature-form they dodge nearly any removal.
Dies to (if Devotion < 5):[/b:
gxms35sg] Fade into Antiquity, Detention Sphere
Dies to (if Devotion > 4): Warped Physique, Chained to the Rocks
Heliod dies to: Glare of Heresy
I think that's the actually important section of this article which finally I can write down. Here are some statistics about removal spells in the format.
Most versatile removal spells:
Detention Sphere: 6 (efficency - targets/cost: 2)
Hero's Downfall: 6 (efficency - targets/cost: 2)
Chained to the
Rocks: 5 (efficency - targets/cost: 5)
Most resillent creatures (except Gods/Aetherling):
Blood Baron of Vizkopa: 1 (efficency - [power / cost * removals] ) = 0.8
Obzedat, Ghost Council: 3 (efficency - [power / cost * removals] ) = 0.33
Chandra's Phoenix: 4 (efficency - [power / cost * removals] ) = 0.166
To be done:
- Removal's efficency (amounts of targets it can hit/mana cost).
- Full table of creatures and removal spells based on tournament's results (that include not only 'the superstars' but also creatures like Rakdos Cackler).