[Primer] PyroRed

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[Primer] PyroRed

Postby YP$ » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:27 pm

This Primer has been very much a shared labor, with credit due a number of red mages. First and foremost, props go to zemanjaski as the developer of what has come to be known as PyroRed. Yarpus originally posted a primer concept, then freedom created the distinct thread that became the Primer proper. Now Helios is taking the helm to maintain the Primer, but in truth the concept and this discussion belong to all the red mages who take up PyroRed and go forth to burn out the uninitiated.
This primer is a work in progress. Please post or PM me with anything you'd like to see added.


Pyro Red was created by Zemanjaski, and refined early-on by LP,
freedom, and others. The deck’s primary aim was utilization of Chandra, Pyromaster, one of the most powerful card-advantage engines red has ever seen. Chandra has the good fortune of residing in the same format as Young Pyromancer (aka YP$), another raw card-advantage engine which can quickly take over a game. Currently, Zemanjaski is piloting the mono Red version to great success, while magicdownunder is spearheading development of the Walter White version.

Why play Pyro?

Yarpus: "you play control, except you deal damage"

Unlike many red decks, Pyro Red does not rely solely on the Philosophy of Fire and virtual card-advantage, because it has 3 sources of raw CA- Chandra, YP$, and Chandra’s Phoenix. This gives the deck additional angles of attack which allow the player to shift strategies during the course of the game. Flexibility is the name of the game; Pyro Red
is not “Turn Dudes Sideways.dec,” but a deck built on powerful synergies that reward forethought and skilled play.

This deck is for you if you:
- Prefer synergy to power.
- Want access to a nut draw without sacrificing late-game potential.
- Enjoy long games.
- Like to think.

This deck is not for you if you:
- Want to play cards with immediate impact.
- Prefer playing haymakers to Chandra’s Phoenix
- Want an all-in deck.
- Don’t like to think.

For those who don’t like this particular flavor but still want to play red, here are some other excellent builds to sample:

Rakis (viewtopic.php?f=101&t=1511), which has received lots of love and hard work by Nuwen, windstrider, photodyer, Fate, and Valdarith.

Devotion Red (viewtopic.php?f=108&t=1673),
with excellent contributions from Khaospawn, LP, dpaine, warwizard87 and JS.

Gruul Ragehammer (viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1607), maintained tirelessly by Fate

Big Boros (viewtopic.php?f=108&t=1725), championed by Johnny_Spike, NerdBoyWonder, and dpaine.

*If you feel that you have made a significant contribution to the above decks and I have left your name out by accident, or that your flavor of red should be featured here, please accept my apologies and shoot me a PM so we can fix that.

Core Decklists aka Shells
Core Decklists aka Shells
Zemanjaski's Walter White:
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos
4 Young Pyromancer

3 Chandra, Pyromaster

2 Chained to the Rocks

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

2 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
12 Mountain
1 Plains

2 Boros Charm
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Hammer of Purphoros
2 Mizzium Mortars
4 Peak Eruption[/deck]

MDU's PyroDragons:
[deck]Lands 23
11 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Creatures 18
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer
2 StormBreath Dragon

Instants 11
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock

Others 8
4 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Flames of the Firebrand

Sideboard 15
3 Mizzium Mortars
3 Boros Reckoner
3 Skullcrack
2 Boros Charm
2 Fanatic of Mogis
2 Last Breath[/deck]

4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

2 Mizzium Mortars
1 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

2 Mutavault
21 Mountain

4 Boros Reckoner
1 Hammer of Purphoros
2 Skullcrack
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Peak Eruption
2 Traitorous Instinct[/deck]

Monored II:
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Firefist Striker
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

18 Mountain
4 Mutavault

3 Act of Treason
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Peak Eruption

Emily Red:
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Firefist Striker
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

18 Mountain
4 Mutavault

3 Act of Treason
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Frostburn Weird
1 Hammer of Purphoros
4 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack
Successful Variants and Z Updates
Successful Variants and Z Updates

[deck=PyroDragons - 5/12/2013]
Creatures 18
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Stormbreath Dragon

Other 2
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Removal 17
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock
2 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Chained to the Rocks

Land 23
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
4 Mutavault

Sideboard 15
4 Firedrinker Satyr
2 Fanatic of Mogis
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Boros Charm
2 Last breath
3 Skullcrack[/deck]

[Deck=Zemanjaski’s PyroRed Sligh - Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:54]
4 Burning Tree Emissary
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Firefist Striker
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

1 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock

18 Mountain
4 Mutavault

2 Act of Treason
2 Burning Earth
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Frostburn Weird
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack

[deck=Zemanjaski’s PyroWhite - 11 Nov, 2013]Lands 23
11 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Creatures 20
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
n4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

Others 17
3 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Chained to the Rocks
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock[/deck]

[deck=MDU's PyroWhite: MOCS11 20th Place - Sun Nov 10, 2013]Lands 22
11 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault

Creatures 22
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Firefist Striker
3 Young Pyromancer
1 Pyrewild Shaman
4 Chandra's Phoenix

Planeswalkers 02
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Enchantments 02
2 Chained to the Rocks

Instants 11
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock

Sorceries 01
1 Flame of the Firebrand

Sideboard 15
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Skullcrack
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Fanatic of Mogis
2 Act of Treason
1 Rod of Ruin[/deck]

[deck=MDU’s PyroWhite: MOCS11 – Rematch 18th place - Sun Nov 17, 2013]Lands 23
11 Mountain
4 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Creatures 20
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra’s Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos
3 Young Pyromancer
1 Pyrewild Shaman
Instants 11
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
3 Shock

Others 6
3 Chandra, Pyromaster
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Flame of the Firebrand

Sideboard 15
4 Boros Reckoner
3 Skullcrack
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Fanatic of Mogis
1 StormBreath Dragon
1 Rod of Ruin[/deck]

[deck=Vundo’s PyroWhite: SCG:LA Top 32 - Sun Nov 03 ]
Land 22
11 Mountain
3 Mutavault
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph

Creatures 22
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
2 Firefist Striker
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix

Spells 16
3 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
1 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Chandra, Pyromastery

Sideboard 15
2 Burning Earth
2 Chained to the Rocks
4 Boros Reckoner
1 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Last Breath
2 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack[/deck]

If I missed any let me know
Card Analysis (from Zemanjaski, edited by and with
additions from Helios and Yarpus):

One Drops:
Rakdos Cackler: A very good early beater. For the very aggressive decks, Cackler is basically a mandatory inclusion. Do be aware that the inability to block can be a liability against faster aggro decks - your sideboarding plans might need to involve a way to side him out. 99% of the time he is a 2/2 who cannot block, but think through your plays - against other aggressive decks, he can buy the time you need for Chandra to take over the game.

Firedrinker Satyr: Jackal Pup 2.0! Another 2 power 1 drop ensures that Mono Red aggro has life for another season. The pump ability can be very relevant, either allowing you to trade up for a more expensive creature or push through a little extra damage here and there over the course of the game - not at all irrelevant in a deck where you need to eke out every last piece of value. His pump ability allows you to get
damage in without over committing to the board. Firedinker does work getting over Caryatid.

~ What’s the play? Opening hands with Firedrinker & Cackler ~
* coming soon

Two Drops:
Ash Zealot: Very likely the best red 2 drop ever, before YP$ came along. Easily playable if just for the haste and first strike. First strike is big game here- in conjunction with burn, you can swing through or block x/4s and x/5s with impunity. In conjunction with 1-drops, Ashley puts the pressure on and doesn’t let up. Do be aware that her RR casting cost means you need to be more conservative with your mana base. This means making changes to accommodate her, because this is a lady you cannot possibly live without.

Young Pyromancer: The fabled red 2 drop, at last. YP$ is one of the cornerstones of the deck- he provides both real and virtual card advantage. You opponent swings in the Firefist Striker, Burning-Tree, and a one-drop.
You shock the Burning-Tree, block the Striker, with your shiny new token, and boom, you’ve 2-for-1’d your opponent. Desecration Demon? No problem. Kalonian Tusker? Shock and block. Your also capable of generating field presence against control without having to overcommit to the board.

Three Drops:
[card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]: A returning favourite, Phoenix isn't the most impressive beater, but it does have some great stuff going for it. Haste is very relevant, as is the recursion ability. Evasion in the form of flying is very relevant in a format increasingly defined by creature combat. Phoenix is particularly good at increasing the resilience of your deck against wraths. It provides a source of inevitability to increase the deck’s long game against other aggro decks, as well as decks packing 1-for-1 removal. Doom Blade becomes much less appealing when the creature it’s going to kill will just return with a vengeance.

Four Drops[/b:
Fanatic of Mogis: A great card in a heavy devotion deck, Fanatic of Mogis is frequently a Lava Axe on legs, which is no laughing matter. The card does require heavy deck building concessions to power it up however.

Burn, Baby
Shock: There isn't much to say. Shock is an underpowered card that you don't play because it isn't good, unless it is, then it is great. What does that mean? Well, Shock is only a 2 damage spell, which is very slightly underpowered for Constructed play ~ so it does not warrant consideration unless there are a lot of relevant small creatures in the format. Shock starts to get much better when you include other synergistic cards in your deck, such as: Chandra, Pyromaster; Ash Zealot, Chandra's Phoenix or Young Pyromancer.

Lightning Strike: While terrible in any other deck, this sort of effect is the bread and butter of a red aggressive deck. When you
need to top deck a win, this is the card you always want to be drawing. Play the full four.

Magma Jet: New in M14, Magma Jet is probably the best shock variant ever (just kidding, that's Lightning Bolt). Basically, Scry 2 is very powerful, helping smooth your draws and find the cards you need to win. Bottoming two lands which would have been dead draws is absurdly powerful, as is ensuring that you draw a key removal spell a turn earlier, or finding your fourth land drop. A terrific spell that really rewards a prepared and thoughtful red mage.

Skull Crack: One of a handful of anti-lifegain cards we were given in GTC. Becomes more attractive with more lifegain in the format.

Mizzium Mortars: While Mizzium Mortars is receiving a lot of rave reviews, do remember it is often a slow Flame Slash. Whether the card make the sideboard will depend entirely on what the critical number is in the format - are most
creatures x/3 or smaller? If there are a lot of x/4s running around (such as Loxodon Smiter, Restoration Angel) then Mizzium Mortars will be worth some sideboard slots. Right now, with GW and UW being so popular, Mortars is very likely a solid maindeck choice.

Flames of the Firebrand: This seasons Arc Lightning, Arc Trail, Forked Bolt. Probably worth a couple copies in the maindeck and maybe a few more in the board. What you expect to face will largely inform how many copies you are after, and what the correct split is between main and board.

Chandra, Pyromaster: Finally, the great red planeswalker! Please see the attached article on Chandra, Pyromaster for full discussion.

Hammer of Purphoros: Easily the best red card in Theros, when the hammer hits the battlefield, it is most certainly hammertime. The haste ability powers up all of your subsequent plays (and has an
especially powerful interaction with Mutavault), but the real power comes from the ability to turn excess lands into creatures ~ very powerful 3/3 haste creatures. This puts a red deck in a novel position; a position where any land, any creature or any spell are good draws. A very powerful card against any control deck.

Mutavault: Arguably the second best manland ever printed (second only to [card]Mishra's Factory[/card]), Mutavault will substantially increase a red deck's threat density and resilience. A great enabler for battalion, also great at making your deck more able to play around sweepers. It does require some deck building concessions however (making it very difficult to play Boros Reckoner for example).

The Leading Ladies: Ashley & Emily
Red Deck Building Decisions - Ash Zealot or Burning-Tree Emissary by DerWille
When building a red deck in the current standard, one of the first questions
you'll be faced with is whether you'll be playing Ash Zealot or Burning-Tree Emissary as a card in the 2 drop slot. Each is a powerful red card, but they do not work together and create vastly decks.

Ash Zealot
Ash Zealot is a 2/2 first strike, haste creature that deals damage to opponents who cast spells from the graveyard and is probably the best red 2 drop ever printed. She has good synergy with instant speed removal (stacking with her first strike) and battalion. Ash Zealot thus works well in conjunction with Young Pyromancer (both like instants, both are good batallion enablers). Choosing Ash Zealot demonstrates a willingness to accept less explosive draws, in exchange for high card quality throughout the deck.

Many decks can find a home for Ash Zealot. She can be found
in sligh lists, red midrange, and even in some burn lists. She is a powerful, flexible card that maintains relevance throughout the entire game.

Burning-Tree Emissary
Burning-Tree Emissary is 2/2 that generates [mana]G[/mana][mana]R[/mana] when she comes into play. This allows you to play two or more cards on your second turn (including the ridiculous multiple BTE draws). The idea of BTE decks is to build an overpowering board state on turn 2. BTE itself is just a 2/2 for 2 (not otherwise a constructed playable magic card) and thus lowers the overall quality of your draws in a longer game.

Unlike Ash Zealot, Burning-Tree Emissary is not a flexible card. She lends herself to only one strategy, playing as many cards as possible on turn 2. She requires playing at least 8 other cards that can be cast for [
mana]1[/mana][mana]R[/mana], preferably creatures such as Firefist Striker and Gore-House Chainwalker. In exchange warping your deck around the 2 drop slot, Burning-Tree Emissary can create nearly unwinnable games for you opponent. Her value comes from the other cards that can be played with her.

You Can Only Pick One
Unfortunately, it's not practical to run Ash Zealot and Burning-Tree Emissary together because Ash Zealot requires [mana]R[/mana][mana]R[/mana] mana and cannot be "chained" into. You can only run so many [mana]R[/mana][mana]R[/mana] creatures with Mutavault as well. If you attempt to run both, it creates dissonance in the deck because hands where [card]
Ash Zealot[/card] and Burning-Tree Emissary appear. In this situation, Burning-Tree Emissary becomes a generic 2/2 and the mana she creates is wasted.

Ash Zealot is the better all around card, but she does not have opening hands that almost guarantee a win like Burning-Tree Emissary. These powerful opening hands will occur often enough in tournaments that it's like beginning a set of 3 games with a free win.
Last edited by Helios on Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:43 pm, edited 63 times in total.
Primer account for PyroRed. ~ magicdownunder, freedom, Helios

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Postby YP$ » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:08 am

Matchup Guide & Sideboarding Strategies

Zemanjaski & LP's Matchup Guide:

PyroRed Sligh Matchup Analysis

Hi everyone. I have just finished my fourth straight day of grinding MODO (with a varying, but still winning % every day) and am starting to feel comfortable giving advice on how to play this deck. As LP and others have described, and as many of you have no doubt experienced, the deck has a lot of moving parts - it is in no way a traditional curve-out aggro deck, though it is able to have draws that will resemble that.

Instead, it is what I would call an "incremental board advantage" deck. That's a mouthful, so let me break it down - understanding how the deck is meant to be played will help inform your decisions in game (still having trouble getting the stream going I am afraid).
- "incremental" this is not a
sledgehammer deck that wins by playing powerful threat after powerful threat. All your guys are tiny and cheap, and many of your cards, in any other deck, verge on fringe playability (Young Pyromancer, Chandra's Phoenix and Shock). However, the cards have been selected to work together in such a way that when multiple elements of the deck are present, you're getting extreme value from each card. Using the above three, you can kill an opponent's creature with Shock (card parity) and create an elemental token (+0.5 card advantage). You can Shock an opponent, resurrecting your Phoenix and generating a token (+0.5CA) etc. None of your cards in their own right are going to take over the game, but it only takes a few of these interactions to take over the board, which is how this deck wins.
- "board advantage" this deck generates all of its card advantage in play, with on-board synergy and not on the stack (the manner of traditionally accruing card
advantage). Some of this will resemble combat tricks (instant-speed removal coupled with Ash Zealot or Young Pyromancer), otherwise there is Phoenix recursion (your best tool against a control deck, it turns all of your otherwise anemic burn into burn + draw) and Chandra. You're not a linear aggro deck - there is no need to win as quickly as possible, just as quickly as is necessary. If your opponent isn't drawing into an insurmountable endgame, you want to prolong any board state, where your synergies will slowly take over the game.

The deck requires a keen understanding of role and strategy; as unlike a traditional red aggro variant, you're very often the control deck. A keen understanding of the principles of "who's the beatdown?" will serve any would-be PyroRed pilot very well.

Or you could just read my matchup guide!

Deck: Red Aggro Variants (Mono Red AIR, Mono Red Devotion, Boros and Gruul Aggro)
Matchup themes:
- Preserving life total.
This is the big one, and something PyroRed is very well positioned for, as the deck emphasizes card quality over explosiveness, so all BTE shenanigans in the world won't work against a Young Pyromancer or Ash Zealot backed up by a million instant removals. You just need to aggressively trade down in these matchups, every time. The higher you can keep your own life total, the easier the game will be.
- Value. These decks don't have any way to accrue card advantage, they're just 1-for-1 decks. They can generate a lot of VCA if you let them get momentum, which is why you want to aggressively trade down, as VCA is meaningless if you cannot convert it into either a win or into real advantage. The key cards for generating value are Chandra's Phoenix (you can keep bringing it back), Boros Reckoner (its a 2-for-1), Young Pyromancer (infinite 1/1s are good against x/1 attacks I hear) and Chandra, Pyromaster. You're going to have a lot more of these tools than your opponent,
so it benefits you to extend the game. You want to pick lines of play that extend the game if your life total is high, or lines of play that end the game quickly if your life total is low. Cards like Mizzium Mortars (overload) and Flames of the Firebrand give you an easy way to get ahead in the matchups.
- Burn and VCA. I haven't seen this discussed elsewhere, so it is worth mentioning. Burn changes in value pre- and post-board. In game 1 you need to conserve your life total as much as possible and wear wipe their board with spells and trades as quickly as possible; this stops AIR from building up a critical mass of attackers for their Dynacharge and stops Devotion Red from, well, building up their Devotion. So use it early and use it often; pretty much every guy in the matchup is a 2 power dork, so just prioritize killing Ash Zealot if they have them, then anything else. Killing Phoenix is a conundrum, since they can get it back. Be aware of how much burn they have expended, which will inform
you of whether or not it is a good idea to kill a Phoenix; conversely, you want to force them to burn your own Phoenix since you run more burn and that allows you to convert a 1 use card into a creature.

Key cards:
- Chandra's Phoenix: two key points about this card. 1 - Flying; there are no other evasive threats in the matchup, so if the board develops into a stall, the player with a phoenix has a big edge. 2 - It is a way of converting excess burn back into repeatable threats, so if you can get ahead on board, Phoenix will allow you to turn some one use resources (burn) into permanent card advantage. With all of your burn and Chandra, you're well positioned to dominate this theme in the matchup.
- Boros Reckoner: basically the best divination ever (a 2 mana 2-for-1); but it does so much more. Reckoner dominates the ground battle. Its also the most important card against both PyroRed and AIR. You're boarding four for this reason - there is nothing that can retain parity
with Reckoner, so you need to fight fire with fire. You'll really want to take your time to calculate all the possible decision trees when a Reckoner is on the field (what are all the trigger variations, what combat trick opportunities are there if they do or don't activate first strike). Post-board, you want your Magma Jets to be digging for this card. Try to kill it when you don't have a creature in play - this should be easier post board when you're boarding out a lot of your creatures.
- Young Pyromancer: Similar to Reckoner, but less so, YP can dominate the ground battles, especially against AIR. You don't want to play him as a 2-drop; they'll just kill it. You want to play it as a 3 or 4 drop so you can get a little value - the 1/1 tokens have tremendous value in the matchup, embarrassing cards like Foundry Street Denizen and Firefist Striker.
- Chandra, Pyromaster: Red decks have a lot of trouble with Chandra if they're behind on the board; she immediately goes up
to 5 loyalty which makes her a 2-for-1 to kill with burn (making their Phoenix worse and expending a lot of resources, remember, they don't generate CA, you do); after that she starts massacring guys if she can, or she starts drawing you cards. With Red mirrors so often becoming top deck wars, the ability to draw two cards a turn will very quickly take over a game.

Key interactions:
- Young Pyromancer and Burn. Pretty obviously, attacking into Young Pyromancer with open mana is very difficult for a red deck. This is a lot of the reason you don't want to play your YP until you can get value from him.
- Chandra's Phoenix and Burn. Similar to the above, Phoenix is the best attacker if the board stalls out, so having access to more copies as the game goes long is very valuable.

Your role in Game 1 will be determined by the nature of your draw; it is sometimes possible to be the beatdown with an aggressive enough draw. Typically however, you just want to aggressively trade
and then resolve a YP with spells up or a Chandra. Keep your life total high, keep trading and look to resolve one of your key cards. Post board is much easier; you take 4 Rakdos Cackler and 4 Firedrinker Satyr and bring in 4 Boros Reckoner and 4 Mizzium Mortars. This makes their Reckoners much worse (since they no longer wall as much of your deck) and your YPs better (more spells). Mortars gives you a nice long game and Reckoner shuts down a lot of their deck (especially AIR). The strategy is the same, but your deck is much better equipped than theirs for this sort of dirty fist fight.

Matchups against Rx variants are slightly favorable (Devotion Red) to very favorable (AIR). You want to keep a cool head, remember your role and stick to the strategy. Every turn though, you want to be recalculating whether you want to defend or attack - once the position is good to attack, you want to take them out ASAP - they're playing burn after all!

Black X Control (Rakdos, BG, BW, Dega)
Matchup themes:
- Pressure. They have the inevitability in the matchup, in the form of win-conditions you just cannot beat (Desecration Demon and Obzedat). However, they are almost completely reliant on 1-for-1 removal early, then losing life to draw cards (Read the Bones or Underworld Connections) to draw cards. The RBx decks have access to Anger of the Gods, but their mana base is still fragile and they're still broadly a 1-for-1 deck. What these decks lack are a card like Sphinx's Revelation - so they cannot easily put the game out of reach unless they can start swinging with Obzedat or a Blood Baron of Vizkopa. As a result, you can basically spew your hand and play freely - PyroRed excels against 1-for-1 decks when Phoenix and Young Pyromancer can generate a lot of value against their removal.
- Life total. It is not unrealistic to burn these decks out. They do have life gain later on if they're in white, but that doesn't
become active for some time.

Key cards:
- Any two power guy in your deck. This may be obvious, but it is incredibly important to understand; the games where you can curve out are incredibly easy wins. You're not even really playing magic anymore. Firedrinker Satyr and Ash Zealot can generate a lot of damage if your opponent doesn't have a quick answer.
- Young Pyromancer. This card might not be that impressive on the surface, but it is deceptively powerful. A problem that can arise in the matchup, when you're not just running them over hideously, is that you're drawing into burn instead of creatures; this isn't uncommon as this variant is a lot more burn heavy than a traditional red aggro deck in the format. Young Pyromancer is one way to get a little more extra value out of your burn spells and the beats of a couple of 1/1s add up quickly. Most of these decks don't have wraths so YP can quickly take over a game.
- Chandra's Phoenix. The second card that lets you get value
from your burn spells in the matchup, with such a high burn count, you can be pretty liberal in running your Phoenix into removal; you can rebuy them for a measly Shock anyway.
- "Insert large unkillable creature that they play". They have them. Deal with it. You're just going to have to do your best to play around or through it when they finally resolve. Remember that you can kill your own creature at the declare blockers step with instant speed removal to stop a Blood Baron from gaining life - that can be the difference between a win and a loss.

Key interactions:
- None really. They're going to try and 1-for-1 you, you need to try and get maximum value out of every card. Chandra's Phoenix and Young Pyromancer are good with your burn?

- You are the beatdown. Always. The main focus of this matchup is getting as much damage as possible from each card and forcing them to have the necessary cards or just die - you want them to HAVE to have the right mix of removal, land
and threats; they'll get there eventually, but the more you can pressure them the harder this will be. Because they don't have early life gain and you want them under pressure, you'll want to play much more like a burn deck than you normally would; the idea is to put yourself in a position to "get lucky", with any number of top decks either winning the game instantly or putting your opponent in a position of needing to draw out of a bad spot. Post board, you're able to take out lower impact burn spells and replace them with high impact threats like Traitorous Instinct and Hammer of Purphoros.

All variants are slightly favorable. While they play powerful cards, they're also slightly flawed archetypes with some mana issues. That they don't have easy ways to smooth their draws or get ahead early causes them big consistency problems against any red aggro deck.

Deck: UWx Control (UW, Esper, UWR)
Matchup themes:
- Pressure. They have the inevitability
in the matchup, in the form of win-conditions you just cannot beat (Elspeth and Aetherling). However, they also have a safety switch in Supreme Verdict, so the matchup is really one of cat-and-mouse; how much can you commit to the board and sacrifice to the wrath? This is compounded by Sphinx's Revelation; you need to get them dead within a certain time frame or you just cannot win (typically one revelation is beatable, two aren't). This is entirely a judgement call, and with experience you will make better decisions - as an imprecise rule of thumb, you want to be getting about 4 points of damage from every creature; so they need two attacks before dying typically; if they won't get that, don't play them into a wrath. Phoenix and Mutavault are critical cards for punishing a wrath and thankfully, PyroRed gets to play lots of each card.
- Planeswalkers. This is actually an old theme from long ago; Planeswalkers were the key card in the Mono Red vs. Caw-Blade matchup as well &#
40;Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Koth of the Hammer), and much like then, the red deck actually has the more relevant walker. See discussion below.

Key cards:
- Any two power guy in your deck. This may be obvious, but it is incredibly important to understand; the games where you can curve out are incredibly easy wins. You're not even really playing magic anymore. Firedrinker Satyr and Ash Zealot can generate a lot of damage if your opponent doesn't have a quick answer.
- Young Pyromancer. This card might not be that impressive on the surface, but it is deceptively powerful. A problem that can arise in the matchup, when you're not just running them over hideously, is that you're drawing into burn instead of creatures; this isn't uncommon as this variant is a lot more burn heavy than a traditional red aggro deck in the format. Young Pyromancer is one way to get a little more extra value out of your burn spells and the beats of a couple of 1/1s add up quickly. Knowing this, you can
generate a lot of board presence without extending too far into a wrath; your burns spells were inevitably going upstairs anyway, so this lets you hold cards to play after the wrath.
- Chandra's Phoenix. The second card that lets you get value from your burn spells in the matchup, through your ability to rebuy it after a wrath. With such a high burn count, you can be pretty liberal in running your Phoenix into removal; you can rebuy them for a measly Shock anyway.
- Mutavault. Like Phoenix, this card is just very well positioned against wraths. You can activate Mutavault in place of committing more to the board, which is fantastic. Its a mana-sink late, which is extra nice.
- Chandra, Pyromaster. You'll want to sandbag your Chandra until you can resolve her, as drawing two cards a turn is extremely powerful in the matchup. They will also need to tap down a bit to deal with her (they can only answer her with Detention Sphereso that exposes them again. Basically you will always +0 Chandra,
unless you're picking off Elspeth tokens (you've calculated that the line is winning!) or you need to falter a blocker. Chandra is to them as Sphinx's Revelation is to you.
- Supreme Verdict. Not much to say that has not been said really, you need to be constantly mindful of this card and calculate your lines with it in mind. It is possible that you may find yourself in a position of "if they have the wrath, I lose, if they don't I win" and in that case, you need to be aware of this and play accordingly; just always be thinking ahead and figuring out what the best possible decisions.
- Sphinx's Revelation. The end-boss in the matchup. You can usually beat the first little one, but rarely the second. Skullcrack out of the sideboard can really help however.
- Jace, Architect of Thought. Jace is a good card against your tokens, but you'll often have enough power on the board to hit him and then kill him with a burn spell; this is a good trade for them, but you'll
usually still want to make the trade (do always calculate the alternatives a few turns ahead, never just assume) because UWx control has real problems bridging the gap from the middle game to the end game where they can resolve a big revelation; they just don't have the cheap manipulation or draw anymore, so killing Jace makes it much harder for them to assemble the combination of enough lands + revelation. Besides, it puts them in the position of needing to immediately have a wrath, or they're just incredibly far behind.
- Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Not a particularly good card against you, in the sense that it costs 6, and if they're far enough behind it won't help them. However, you need to be aware that they play it. It's pretty poop against Chandra and her Phoenix though.

Key interactions:
- Chandra's Phoenix and counterspells. A simple one really, its a good idea to actively run Chandra's Phoenix into counterspells. Why? This will turn your burn spells into
cantrips, so you're getting back the value anyway, and you're depleting their resources. This can make it easier to resolve a Chandra or a Hammer of Purphoros.
- Chandra's Phoenix and burn. See above. Since when did burn spells become card draw as well?
- Wraths and mutavault. Mutavault lets you make your land drops, then punish your opponent after a wrath. It can also just turn sideways whenever you have excess mana. It is one of the reasons that the matchup is so favorable. Do be aware of getting it called against Esper however; if you need the mana to cast something, don't activate.

You are the beatdown. Always. Beyond that it is just one of the more skill testing matchups in magic; you want to spend just enough resources to pressure them into wrathing before they really want to, while still having enough resources left over to get the job done. There are two ways to beat counterspells; either resolve a threat underneath (a 1 or 2 drop) then force them to tap out to
answer at sorcery speed; or wait until you can cast two spells in one turn (eg: turn 3 cast a 1 and 2 drop, they can't counter both so you're at least advancing your board a little). Try and get as much value from each creature as possible, and hold your burn until you can get a re-buy with a Phoenix or a token with a YP; though you may want or need to go upstairs with Magma Jet to fix your draws. The matchup gets even easier after boarding when you take out your Shocks (worse card in the matchup) for Skullcracks and Hammer of Purphoros (plural); cards that dominate the matchup very badly.

Favorable (UW control) to extremely one-sided (Esper control). UWR isn't popular right now, but it is the hardest matchup on account of their cheap interaction (Shock and Magma Jet) and greater lifegain (Warleader's Helix). However, control in general seems to be pretty poorly positioned this season so UWR may never catch on.

Big Red (inc. Big Boros)
Matchup themes:
- Board presence. This is a very difficult one, but they have so much removal and better creatures; but you still need to keep forcing damage through. It is going to be an uphill battle, but you need to get as much value as you can from every card.
- Card advantage. Rebuying Phoenix and protecting a Chandra are some of the only ways to really get any advantage. They usually don't run any card advantage engines themselves (Chandra is not so crash hot when you're maindecking Mizzium Mortars and Chained to the Rocks), so these cards are some of your only way to get ahead in the matchup.

Key cards:
- Chained to the Rocks. One mana answer to your Phoenix, and really stops you from bringing in Reckoner. Great card against this archetype unfortunately.
- Anger of the Gods. Not common in their maindeck, or even that common in the 75 (it does kill a lot of their own cards).
- Warleader's Helix. The main reason this deck is so hard
to beat. Killing one of your guys and gaining a huge chunk of life is back breaking when they can already stall out the ground so easily.
- Chandra's Phoenix. Probably your best card in the matchup. Being able to continually rebuy it is one of the only sources of advantage.
- Chandra, Pyromaster. If you can stick her and keep her in play for a few turns, the card advantage can overwhelm your opponent. Easier said than done unfortunately.

Key interactions:
- Burn and Chandra's Phoenix. They don't have many creatures you can kill with burn, so you're inevitably going upstairs. Best to wait for them to kill your Phoenix so you can get the rebuy before doing so.
- I guess you can kill your own creature in response to a Warleader's Helix if you think it is appropriate.

Much like the Black X control decks, they have a number of threats that are either difficult to interact with (Elspeth) or are just very well positioned against this archetype (Boros Reckoner,
Ember Swallower, Stormbreath Dragon), backed up by a heap of red removal (the best kind of removal against your deck). They're going to burn away all your early pressure, then resolve a threat that walls you. Chrandra's Phoenix or Chandra herself are your best sources of advantage, so try to make sure they resolve and can get some value. You just need to get in as much damage as quickly as possible and then hope to burn them out or finish them off by returning Phoenix as many times as possible. One thing they do have trouble is with Chandra, Pyromaster, as if they are not sufficiently ahead on board it is difficult for them to remove her. Post board, Traitorous Instinct and Peak Eruption are very powerful against this archetype.

Quite unfavorable, but not unwinnable.

Deck: Green Big Spells (including Mono Green Devotion and RG Ramp)
Matchup themes:
- draw strength. Ramp decks are a slightly flawed strategy, insofar as they need to draw the right mix of land,
ramp and bombs - draw too much or too little of any one part and the deck does not function. This leads to draws where they just never get quite enough land for their hand that is full of bombs; or they have too much land and not enough threats. This aspect of their deck, as well as both archetypes having a relatively low amount of interactive spells, encourages aggressive lines of play.

- overwhelming threats. Unlike most of the midrange decks, which, while their creatures to outclass your own; they can be killed; the big creatures coming out of the ramp decks just aren't going to roll over and die to what you have. The better strategy is usually to play through these cards, remembering the lessons from the principles of fire.

Key cards:
- Chandra's Phoenix. They're inevitably going to lock down the ground, so having an evasive beater in the sky is a huge advantage.
- Boros Reckoner. No matter what variant they play, they don't have an easy way to deal with Reckoner; who either
trades up with whatever huge creature they want to play, or does some first strike + removal tricks to stick around. Being able to bring in Reckoner is a key component against any of these archetypes - he is one of your best attackers and defenders.
- Young Pyromancer. Much like Reckoner, the value created by YP is difficult for these decks to interact with. Two YP create an infinite number of blockers and attackers, and for a deck that is reliant on playing a single or two large creatures to dominate a board state, this is a nightmare.
- Elvish Mystic. Kill them on sight early, ignore late.
- Traitorous Instinct. Again, their board presence and ability to generate virtual card advantage through blanking your swarm with a single big creature is how they get ahead. So, I am not expert, but removing their blocker and swinging with it and everyone else seems like it might work pretty well. You decide.
- Chandra, Pyromaster. Both the falter effect and drawing cards are incredibly relevant against both
archetypes. Being able to snatch up a free mana dork here and there is sweet as well. Both variants have great difficulty removing Chandra.

Key interactions:
- Young Pyromancer and removal. The scenario where you are able to burn away all of their early creatures with having a YP in play is their worst nightmare. Not only are you removing a vital component of their deck (ramp) but you're building up a board presence that is difficult for their bombs to interact favourably with. So YP disrupts their plan and advances yours. Terrific!
- Boros Reckoner and anything[. They play big creatures. Reckoner walls them or kills them with first strike and burn. Just a nightmare for their archetype.

Game 1 is all about racing and trying to punish them as quickly as possible. You'll want to burn away any mana creatures, then start trading creatures for damage when you can get value. Put on maximum pressure and attempt to get them dead before their bombs just take over the game.

board there are two trains of thought. You can either try the same aggro strategy from game 1, supplemented by cards like Traitorous Instinct to amp up the aggression further, or you can try and become more controlling, conceding that any of their mid game creatures will just shut down too much of your deck (Ash Zealot, Rakdos Cackler and Firedrinker Satyr). You'll bring in removal and Reckoners in this instance.

From my experience, I prefer the aggro game plan against RG; as they have more evasive creatures and removal (including overload on Mizzium Mortars) so it is difficult to shut them down. They also have Xenagos, so being more aggressively positioned is better against any of their planeswalker draws. Against Big Green, while their creatures are big, they're not evasive, so the control strategy can be very effective (it is worth noting that Big Green has strong life gain options post board, so by being the control you negate the relevance of this) as Ash Zealot, Young
Pyromancer and Reckoner can hold down the ground, while Phoenix strikes in the air and Chandra draws cards.

Conclusion: Even.

Deck: GW Midrange (including Junk Midrange) Generously written and donated by LP
Matchup themes:
-Pressure. These types of midrange decks thrive on the mid game where their creature can outclass yours in combat, but due to them being 2 and 3 color, they can sometimes stumble on mana and often have to shock themselves once or twice to ensure they cast spells on curve. This is what the red deck preys on as stumbling can be a free win and every shock is a free card. Even when they can get there walls up, we have falter affects along with Chandra's Phoenix going over the top ensuring that their life total is never safe.
-Board Presence. Despite them having bigger creatures, it's fairly easy to keep an equivalent board presence as our guys come online sooner and our CA engines in the form of YP$ and Chandra allow us to amass tokens, cards, and disregard the size of
their creatures along with burn+YP allowing us to actively and passively remove opposing creatures shrinking their presence while being able to increase ours. This is especially potent vs. GW as they have no removal or way to accrue CA letting us slowly take over the game. Junk on the other hand, while having access to removal, plays less of it then we do and ours is more versatile as it can go to the dome giving our removal a very slight edge.
-Planeswalkers. Chandra is a house vs. any green deck assuming your opponent lacks hexproof guys. In addition to faltering smiters, voices, and oozes, she also can pick off the odd elvish mystic or sin collector along with the ping to the face netting you 1+ cards in the process. Additionally, in stalled games where neither player can attack profitably, she just starts drawing you cards digging towards phoenix's which go over the top and game ending burn.

Key cards:
-Chandra's Phoenix. When they inevitably get walls up, your primary source of pressure
will generally be phoenix taking 2 point chunks of their life at a time and if your forced into a defensive posture, assuming no ooze or ooze mana, you can chump block/trade down, then rebuy CP with any burn spell.
-Young Pyromancer. Since these decks run little to no removal, you can usually safely play young p on turn 2, then have it take over a game with burn. Loxodon smiter swinging into with young p and 2 mana up suddenly turns shock into doom blade. Even just amassing random 1/1's here and there adds up into full extra cards which can be used to trade with opposing creatures or can be converted into offensive damage through alpha strikes.
-Chandra, Best Card in Standard. As mentioned above, Chandra does everything from killing creatures, to noggin the opponent for points at a time, to rebuying CP, to faltering their blockers. It's a card you actively want to see every game.
-Scavenging Ooze. One of there best cards against you. You must be mindful of blocking with your phoenix in certain
situations because your opponent can be baiting you into binning your bird then losing it to this deservedly cross-format staple. It's often best to kill this card on site as it can grow to truly epic proportions while negating all the damage you've deal over the course of a game.
-Voice of Resurgence. Voice hampers with your ability to pressure the opponent and slows down your burn drastically with its token making clause. The fact that it also makes a guy on dying means it's one of the green players only sources of CA and the token can grow very large if left unchecked. Depending on the contents of your hand, it can be correct to ignore the voice if you don't think you can kill the token soon and it would be a problem later. Tread carefully.
-Advent of the Wurm. If your opponent passes with 4 mana up, you can be reasonably certain that there's an incoming 5/5 waiting to surprise your attackers. The trample is significant as it invalidates tokens as blockers(for the most part)
and makes protecting Chandra a hard proposition. One way to bluff damage through is to make a casual remark about your opponent having advent and swinging with just ash zealot to represent lightning strike. This doesn't work all the time and in some situations, it just not worth it if your opponent calls your bluff, but it's something to be mindful of.
-Elvish Mystic/Sylvan Caryatid. The former is almost kill on site worthy as "bolt the bird" is a tried and true tactic in the early stages of the game when you have nothing else noteworthy to do as a turn 2 smiter is often very annoying. The latter can't be interacted with and can stymie your aggression significantly, but luckily you have fliers and firedrinker satyr pumps himself. A major consideration of your opponent having mana-dorks is knowing what range of spells your opponent can play with there mana font and how that should affect your play. Finally, running a lot of mana dorks invariably gives your opponent some number of dead
draws going late, which makes an endgame closer than you might think.

Key interactions:
- Instant speed removal plus Young Pyromancer or Ash Zealot. These creatures allow you to generate a lot of incremental advantage against their bigger, more expensive creatures.
- Chandra's +1. Kills mana dorks, allows your burn spells to trade up; falters a key blocker. Very powerful against an archetype that expects so much out of each card and has no card advantage sources; they're reliant on creature quality to generate virtual card advantage and Chandra makes that very difficult.

This is a complex matchup. In some lines, you'll be the beatdown, in others you'll be the control. Against GW you will usually want to default to being the control deck, as they have no removal or sources of card advantage and you can board in a pretty powerful control package (Reckoner and Mortars). It is more difficult to play control against Junk, as they have quality removal and a more difficult
to interact with endgame (Obzedat, Whip of Erobos). Thankfully, they're reliant on drawing the right parts of their deck in the right order on time; so a straight beatdown strategy backed up my removal and threatens can punish any stumbles.

Average (GW Aggro) to slightly unfavorable (Junk).
freedom's Sideboarding Plan

First off, here's what I've been testing:
2 Mutavault
21 Mountain

4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix

The Burninator
3 Chandra, Pyromaster

Fire & Lightning
4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet

2 Hammer of Purphoros
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Boros Reckoner
3 Traitorous Instinct
2 Skullcrack[/deck]

How I use the sideboard:

Vs. Devotion Red, Pyro Red or Mono Green Aggro:
Play or draw, I board so that I can play as the control deck more effectively. I might play game 1 as the beatdown
depending on how fast my start is relative to theirs, and maybe I'll get an opener with three Ash Zealots in game two on the play, but my one drops are usually bad in this matchup, as they are both very bad at slowing down my opponents and keeping me alive long enough to go over the top.
-4 Cackler, -4 Satyr
+4 Mortars, +4 Reckoner

Vs. GW Aggro:
Fuck this deck. It really pisses me off that someone won a tournament with a deck made out of spells that put out a large body for a small amount of mana, mostly because now people will think the thing is good. Good or not, people will definitely play it and it can still beat us, so we need to have a plan for for it. Again, out 1-drops won't get us very far here. We have to play as the control deck, because we can overwhelm them after we stop the first few threats and develop a board presence.
-4 Cackler, -4 Satyr
+4 Mortars, +4 Reckoner

Vs. Green (or Gruul or 3 RGx) Midrange:
The best that you can hope for in this matchup is 2-3
Chandra's Phoenixes or Young Pyromancers plus a few instants or sorceries. The instants and sorceries that you play post-board are better than the ones that you have in your maindeck.
Naya Midrange
- all 1 drops, -3 Magma Jet
+ 4 Mizzium Mortars, +4 Reckoner, +3 Traitorous Instinct
Green Devotion
- all 1 drops, -2 Annihilating Fire, -2 Magma Jet
+4 Mortars, +4 Reckoner, +3 Traitorous Instinct, +1 Hammer
G/R Monsters
- all 1 drops, -4 Magma Jet/Annihilating Fire
+4 Mizzium Mortars +4 Reckoner +3 Traitorous Instinct +1 Hammer of Purphoros

Vs. Esper Control:
You're heavily favored here, unless they're playing whatever nightmarish variant Zoolingan has to face on a regular basis. Haste is good. Your early creatures are good. Burn is good. Getting extra value out of your burn is extra good. Hammer is the tits. Chandra is the whole package.
Esper Control
-2 Shock, -2 Annihilating Fire
+2 Skullcrack, +2 Hammer of Purphoros
Damn, Zealous Conscripts would be so fucking fun to
have here.

Vs. U/W:
They're a bit tougher to play against than Esper, but the plan is still to try and win before they can resolve a Sphinx's Revelation. If we fail to do this, hopefully you have a Chandra or burn spells to recur your Phoenixes. Hammer is also very good here.
-2 Shock, -2 Annihilating Fire
+2 Skullcrack, +2 Hammer of Purphoros
Damn, Zealous Conscripts would be so fucking fun to have here.

Vs Dega / Bx Midrange:
Game one is pretty tough if you can't get off to a quick start. By turn 4, they can start dropping creatures that require you to sacrifice at least two cards in order to answer (or 1 spell + first strike damage). Post board games are a bit easier because we can add very effective sorceries. The plan against this deck is to just stay fast and force them to find their win con early.
Black (Orzhov, Rakdos, Dega) Midrange/Control
-2 Annihilating Fire, -4 Shock
+3 Traitorous Instinct, +3 Mizzium Mortars (if I see Blood Baron). I try to
squeeze in Hammer if I can.

Original Primer Text:
Yarpus already wrote a much better primer for this deck than I what am about to give you. However, he never made it into a thread, so HA! I want to have a thread designated to the discussion of the red deck where the pilot plays the role of a pyromaster rather than a minotaur god.
Magicdownunder's Sideboard Plan and Video archive

[deck] PyroWhite - MDU Tweaked[/deck]

Complete Sideboarding Guide: (updated with the what I
should have done....)

Bx Devotion

3 Skullcrack
2 Chained to the Rocks

3 Shock
2 Magma Jet

MonoBlack Devotion is not a deck which cares about minor damage, 1900+ Grinders are still willing to Thought Seize and Underworld Connection your face. Two damage spells do not really serve any purpose beside triggering Pyro or Phoenix, I'll much rather overload the players and stick an active Chandra, Pyromaster for the win - this is much easier to complete with the full set of creatures.

Video Examples 22W/01L
W1: Bx Devotion
W2: Bx Devotion
W3: Bx Devotion[/url:
W4: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p73ZgFfWQDY]Bx Devotion

W5: Bx Devotion
W6: Bx Devotion
W7: Bx Devotion
W8: Bx Devotion
W9: Bx Devotion
W10: Bx Devotion
W11: Bx Devotion
W12: Bx Devotion
W13: Bx Devotion
nW14: Bx Devotion
W15: Bx Devotion
W16: Bx Devotion
W17: Bx Devotion
W18: Bx Devotion
W19: Bx Devotion
W20: Bx Devotion
W21: Bx Devotion
W22: Bx Devotion
L1: Bx Devotion

color=#FF0000]Esper Control[/color]

3 Skullcrack
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 StormBreath Dragon

3 Young Pyromancer
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Flame of the Firebrand

I prefer Shock over YP$ here because with Jace and Sweepers running around Young Pyromancer acts more like an expensive 2cc bear with Shock you can at least “save” Chandra’s Phoenix from D.S or bring him back, but you can removal those as well if you need space.

Mizzium Mortars is your backup plan when things go wrong since Esper tends to run 03x Barons as an answer against MonoBlack Devotion - Mortars when overloaded can also deal with tokens.

Video Examples 10W/01L
W1: Esper Control
W2: Esper Control
Esper Control
W4: Esper Control
W5: Esper Control
W6: Esper Control
W7: Esper Control
W8: Esper Control
W9: Esper Control
W10: Esper Control
L01: Esper Control

UW Control

3 Skullcrack
1 StormBreath Dragon

2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Young Pyromancer
1 Flame of the Firebrand

I prefer Shock over YP$ here because with Jace and Sweepers running around Young Pyromancer acts more like an expensive 2cc bear with Shock you can at least “save” Chandra’s Phoenix from D.S or bring him back, but you can removal those as well if you need space.You can run Chained to the Rocks if you’re worried about Paladins but they can D.S. away so I wouldn’t recommend it.

Video Examples 02W/00L
W1: UW Control
W2: UW Control

I really need to upload more UW games...

MonoU Devotion

3 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Fanatic of Mogis
1 StormBreath Dragon
1 Rod of Ruin

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
3 Young Pyromancer

Most Aggro list run creatures which quickly outclass Rakdos Cackler and Firedrinker Satyr making them poor choices G2 and G3, you’re the control list here so removal is your friend however even with all the removal you pack sometimes it is not enough thus stall states occur very often which is why the Plan B Fanatic of Mogis is in place – combined with Boros Reckoner you can often hit for 4+ with ease.

Video Examples 09W/05L
W1: MonoU Devotion
W2: MonoU Devotion
W3: MonoU Devotion
W4: [url=http://www.youtube&#
46;com/watch?v=j4n4QFu-up0]MonoU Devotion[/url]
W5: MonoU Devotion
W6: MonoU Devotion
W7: MonoU Devotion
W8: MonoU Devotion
W9: MonoU Devotion
L1: MonoU Devotion
L2: MonoU Devotion
L3: MonoU Devotion
L4: MonoU Devotion
L5: [url=http://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Orrj5CII8E]MonoU Devotion[/url]

Gx Devotion

4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Fanatic of Mogis
1 StormBreath Dragon

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
3 Young Pyromancer

Your 1 drops all get outclassed on T2, you need to spend the first few turns cleaning out manadorks.
Ash is similarly outclassed on T2 however she is critical in the stall wall game plan, in the past I would cut YP$ and Chandra here (for SC) but the newer list are running more Soozes less disciples and less gods.
Thus YP$ helps buy more time for build up a big FoM or ultimate Chandra.

Video Examples 05W/00L
W1: Gx Devotion
W2: [url=http://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=hGoae3ibBXM]Gx Devotion[/url]
W3: Gx Devotion
W4: Gx Devotion
W5: Gx Devotion

I need to upload more videos for this MU

Small Aggro

4 Boros Reckoner (on the draw -1 vs AiR and Br)
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 StormBreath Dragon (on the draw -1 vs AiR and Br)

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler (on the draw +2 vs AiR and Br)
1 Pyrewild Shaman

Most Aggro list run creatures which quickly outclass Rakdos Cackler and Firedrinker Satyr making them poor choices G2 and G3, you’re the control list here so removal is
your friend

Video Examples 13W/02L
W1: Red FoM
W2: Red FoM
W3: Red FoM
W4: Red FoM
W5: Red FoM
W6: White Red Weenies
W7: AiR
W8: Red FoM
W9: Red FoM
W10: AiR[/
W11: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bAJCyJVHIE]Red FoM

W12: AiR
W13: Black Red Aggro
L1: Red FoM
L2: Red FoM

Rx Midrange

4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Fanatic of Mogis
1 StormBreath Dragon

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
3 Young Pyromancer

BGx Midrange

4 Boros Reckoner
2 Chained to the Rocks
2 Mizzium Mortars
1 StormBreath Dragon


4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
1 Ash Zealot

Read up on my explanations if your confused with by my sideboard choices, read Z's match guide so you know what role to take (with one exception, ALWAYS choose to go first, you have shock and citpt lands going 2nd really hurts).
Magicdownunder's PyroDragon Play-through Archive
Last edited by magicdownunder on Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:56 am, edited 14 times in total.
Primer account for PyroRed. ~ magicdownunder, freedom, Helios

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Postby YP$ » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:10 am

Event Reports

vundo's SCG:LA Top 32 report:

Hey guys! First time making an actual post. Here's my tournament report from SCG:LA - I finished 8-2-0 and got top 32.
I was playing Walter White (I prefer 'Heisenburn') and both my losses were very close. I felt like this deck could've easily top 8'd and possibly won.

Here's my list

Deck choice explanations:
So the list is basically Zemanjaski/MDU's Walter White list. I was on 2 Mutavault and 3 Young Pyromancer / 3 Firefist Striker this past week in testing but then I saw MDU's post this morning and had second thoughts. I copied his test brew and went to 4 Young Pyromancer / 2 Firefist Striker and 4 Mutavault. It felt a bit risky playing 4 Mutavault because I still wanted to the Reckoner/Fanatic package so I compromised and went for 3 Mutavaults. As for FFS, I know he is great but I just concluded that YP would be better in more situations and both usually provoke an immediate answer so the difference wouldn't be too noticeable. I know the Mono Black and Esper matchups are really good but I wanted to really push it over the top
and make sure that I couldn't lose to variance and just hope to dodge Mono Blue and G/r Devotion. With that same reasoning, I cut the FotF from the board and added a third Skullcrack because I always want to see it. I opted for Boros Charm over Act of Treason because I felt like I had enough tools for Mono Black and because I wanted to shore up U/W Control which is quite a bit harder than Esper because of Last Breath.

Match reports: (It was a long day- 600+ people and 10 rounds- so I don't remember all the games with great detail)

Rd 1: Mono Blue Devotion 2-1
G1: We trade back and forth; I am at 6 and he is at 1 and I have a phoenix in play vs no fliers. He plays a huge Master of Waves to guarantee the win next turn and drops a Judge's Familiar to chump my phoenix. I hope for the burn spell but brick and concede.
G2 + G3: I win them both but I don't remember how. I think I just flooded the board and hit him for ~10 with Fanatic both games.

+4 Reckoner +2 Fanatic +2
- 4 Satyr -4 Cackler

Rd 2: G/r Devotion 0-2
G1: I remember this extremely clearly. He is tapped out with a caryatid in play and 8 life. I have a BTE, FFS, phoenix, and a Mutavault. I have 2 Mountains in play and 1 card in hand, a magma jet. In my upkeep, I jet him to 6 and hope to dig for a land to activate mutavault and swing for lethal. I put 2 creatures down on the bottom and draw a scryland... He's at 2 life so I'm way ahead but next turn he plays scavenging ooze and gains like 6 life off of it (who plays this MD...). I eventually get him to 6 life with 4 mana up with a jet + strike in hand. From there he does his Nykthos thing and kills me.
G2: I keep a Pyromancer + spell hand. He plays BTE + Mortars and then triple Nylea's Disciple.

+4 Reckoner +2 Fanatic +2 Chained +2 Skullcrack
-4 Satyr -4 Cackler -2 Jet
(Skullcrack might be too cute for
just disciple but it didn't matter in this particular match)

Rd 3: Naya Aggro 2-0
G1: I play a young pyromancer and kill all his voices and fleecemane lions. Proceed to win with my David Ochoa elemental tokens.
G2: He plays the worm token 5/5 thing and tries to race me. I get him to 1 while I'm at 10. He swings with his 5/5 and ghor clans it bringing me to 1 and then scoops it up.

+4 Reckoner +2 Fanatic +2 Chained +2 Mortars
-4 Satyr -4 Cackler -2 Shock

Rd 4: U/w Devotion (U Devotion with DSpheres and Verdict and revelation) 1-2
G1: I get like 4 creatures killed by verdict but manage to bring him to 8 with Chandra and her phoenix. He -2s with his Jace and finds his 2nd DSphere but not enough mana to cast that turn. My turn, Chandra has 7
loyalty, hes at 8, and I have a phoenix. I swing and bring him to 6 and ult chandra to find 4 1 drops and 4 lands. Try to grind though but he has double rev (zzz..)
G2: I play a bunch of dudes and he doesn't verdict and falls over.
G3: I don't remember exactly but my draws were below average and he had double weird so I eventually lost. Managed to get him to 10 though

+2 Boros Charm +2 Chained +3 Skullcrack +2 Mortars
-4 Satyr -2 Cackler -3 Shock
(he had no tidebinder mages so no real relevant target for shock; not sure if I wanted the 1-drops or if I wanted to devotion package - trying to figure out how to best fight this control/devotion hybrid)

2-2 (out of top 16 contention; hopeful that I can dodge G/r and Blue Devotion because I see tons of U/W Control and white weenies - my friends and I figure that the amount of U/W over esper is just a budget thing for most)
Rd 5: Mono Black Devotion 2-0 ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
G1: Honestly don't remember- just do my thing, laugh inside as he hopelessly 1-for-1s and kills phoenix
G2: I play satyr, do nothing turn 2, and play a phoenix turn 3. Before damage, he blows his ratchet bomb at 1. Next turn, I drop a mountain and play the 4 1-drops i've
been sandbagging haha

+3 Skullcrack +2 Mortars +2 Chained
-3 Shock -1 FotF -3 Jet
(mortars seems kinda meh but killing specters and even merchants is big game to let my dudes through; I cut spells because I want high density of creatures and well every creature is good in this m/u)

Rd 6: Naya Control 2-1
G1: He gets me down to 11 somehow and 3-for-1s me with an Anger of the Gods. He dies eventually though because the deck has no lifegain.
G2: I have a really good hand for curving out (BTE, Phoenix, 2xReckoner, Fanatic) but his hand is perfect for mine and literally kills everything. I get him to 9 just by redirecting mortars on my reckoner but that doesn't get there
G3: He does nothing (he wants an anger but he fails to find), I just play dudes and attack

+2 Chained +4 Reckoner +2 Fanatic +2 Boros Charm +2 Mortars
-4 Satyr -4 Cackler -1 FotF -
3 Shock
(this deck has no lifegain so I'm fine just taking my time and 4-ing him or blowing him out in the offchance he anger of the gods)

Rd 7: Mono Black Devotion 2-1
G1: I have a pretty slow hand+draw and no good way to deal with double demon.
G2: I don't know if it's worth doing this play or if I'm losing out on damage most of the time but I play Satyr t1 instead of cackler. As I hoped, he devour fleshes my satyr (probably because its worse than his other removal for the most part) and then I play a cackler which eats a hero's downfall i believe. Either way, he dies while I'm at 23.
G3: I don't remember but I think I had a 1 drop, 2 BTE into 2nd 1drop hand

same as above

Rd 8: R/g Devotion (
Fanatic) 2-1 ~ played LP!
G1: Play a bunch of dudes, burn his blockers and kill him. I'm at 18 at the end probably from a foundry
G2: Don't remember the specifics but I start slow and it ends up in a position where he has an ember swallower and a fanatic and I have 1 creature. It doesn't matter too much because I'm losing the race anyway, but I forget that he's at 6 lands because ive been stuck on 3 or 4. He drops his 7th and uses monstrosity and seals the game.
G3: I attack with 3 guys, he activates his mutavault to try and block but it gets shocked. He's stuck on 2 mountains and a bunch of reckoners in hand.

+4 Reckoner +2 Fanatic +2 Chained +2 Mortars
-4 Satyr -4 Cackler -1 FotF -1 Shock
(Not sure if I want the devotion package vs. these big red decks. LP wasn't running much removal but the boros lists are running like 4 mortars main)

9: Esper Control 2-1
G1: I have a pretty weak start and relatively poor draws throughout. I don't remember the specifics unfortunately but I played "beautifully" (according to my friends lol) and manage to orchestrate a very close game. One of my cooler plays was against a Jace, AoT. He -2 Jace and showed DSphere, Dissolve, and a plains. I really needed to land my lightning strike to recur and play phoenix next turn so I put the plains with the dissolve and he 'agrees' that the dissolve is weaker so he picks up the dsphere. Unfortunately, he had a 2nd dissolve in hand. In his final turn of this game, he -2s Jace and finds a hero's downfall, azorius charm, and a land. He also has an aetherling in play. He's at 1 and I have phoenix + burn in hand with enough mana for both. I try the same trick and put land+charm together. He almost grabs the downfall, thinks for literally 3 minutes, realizes what his cards do and swings for 8 with aetherling with lifelink. I'm dead
next turn so I skip it up, kinda tilted but still focused knowing this is a very good m/u for me. Oh he also had 2 revelations this game.
G2: I think I deserved to win g1 by a mile because this guy isn't very good and it shows in games 2 and 3. He doesn't have a verdict and just dies to my guys. Even if he did verdict, I was very ready to kill him afterward.
G3: He plays yoked ox (uhhh.....). The first one gets mortar'd. The 2nd one get's Chandra +1'd and he just dies.

+2 Boros Charm +2 Mortars +3 Skullcrack
-2 Chained - 3 Shock -1 FotF -1 Jet
(brought in mortars for Blood Baron; guess they work for yoked oxen too)

Rd 10: Mono Black Devotion 2-0
G1: Play firedrinker, then BTE+BTE+cackler, then phoenix, then phoenix + cackler.
G2: I play satyr over cackler on T1 again and he devour fleshes my satyr. I end up sacking a phoenix later and I end
up at 21 (1 shockland) and hes dead. Pretty anticlimatic

same as above


Closing thoughts:
First of all, there were a lot of white weenie decks today and it's a ridiculously good m/u for this deck. I've only lost to it against very specific hands that are a mixture of familiars, brave the elements, and boros charms. Playing a Chandra against these decks is hilarious. Unfortunately I didn't get to play against any of them all day.
Both my losses were to the expected most unfavorable m/u's for this deck and in both series, I was extremely close. With just a bit more luck, I feel like this deck could easily top 8. 6/8 of the top 8 are decent to really good M/U's for this deck. I'm not exactly sure how the big boros m/u is and i'm too tired to think atm. It's 3 am and it's been a long day- sorry for any grammatical or
formatting errors and whatnot.
I would definitely play this deck again next week and a good chance to play 75/75. I'm not playing in anything big till the invitational in vegas (hoping to try and win an IQ this month and if not, ill just play in the open).

Thank you Z + MDU for this deck. I probably would've played white weenie if I hadn't found pyrored like 2 weeks ago because I was sick of modo rdw fanatic garbage.

oh and completely unrelated but p.sulli's new list that he tweeted looks really fun
Narcasus's FNM:

I went to FNM tonight and went 4-0-1, drawing out for first. Heres the deck i ran.

[deck]4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Ash Zealot
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Chandras Pheonx
4 Fanatic of Mogis

4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
2 Shock

Chandra, Pyromasncer
1 Hammer of Purp

21 Mountain
2 Mutavault[/deck]

Round one was a green white awful deck. I'm pretty sure i have built better decks in drafts and i just tried to help him learn. 2-0

Round 2 was against esper control. Game one, i was way too fast and he just died quite easily. Game 2, i flooded out but i also think i played poorly. I honestly think i had chances to win that game if i had play smarter even through 10 mana and no hammer draw. Game 3, i realised he was esper, not blue white control, sided in burning earth, and won the game in 6 turns on the play. Both times on the play, i felt he had absolutely no chance.

Round 3 was against Black white midrange. It had alot of hand disruption and kill spells and felt really strong against me. Game one he got stuck on 2 mana and just died. Game three, he got up to 3 mana, played a bit better, but then died again after never drawing another land and me overrunning him quickly. I played him two more times after this, and his
deck worked much smoother. He ended up winning both but they were pretty close and i was within drawing a act of treason away from winning.

Round 4 was red green agro that wasnt very good honestly. I got paired down and im not sure how he won 2 games. It was quickly over and not much to say

Round 5 we drew at the start. We played it out anyway. Game 1 i won drawing alot more gas than him. Game 2 was the reverese. Game 3 felt close for awhile but his BTEs let him cast his creatures and burn at the same time and overwhelm my board. So i would have lost 2-1.

He was playing strikers, BTE and 2 shredfreak, so he seemed quite a bit faster than me in both games we played. He also main boarded 2 hammers and said they did work for him all night. I may try out 2 in the main as well. of the other 3 red decks playing that night, i was the only one playing firedrinker, no one else thought it was any good, but it did work in both the control and black white matchup, getting in for early damage. Same thing with
mutavaults, they were quite good all night. I feel like chandra was amazing when i played her against both control and midrange but i felt like i would lose the mirror consistently to his list. I feel it still needs some tweaking, all the other decks also played peak eruption and said it was really good all night for them. Same thing for BTE. they chained it into burn alot as well.

Overall, im happy the deck played well, but i felt like i needed to be a little bit faster against midrange and other agro decks overall. Maybe ill switch back to 4 shredfreaks again. Having 10 burn spells felt really relevent every game as well. helped me finish them off. Scy 2 saved me quite a few times digging for my 3rd or 4th mana as well.


4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Ash Zealot
3 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Pheonix
1 Pyrewild Shaman
1 Stormbreath Dragon

2 Chandra, Omg shes so good verse GW

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma
3 Shock
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Flames of the Firebrand

12 Mountain
4 Sacred Foundry
4 Temple of Triumph
3 Mutavault

4 Boros Reckoner
2 Fanatic of Mogis
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Chained to the Rocks
1 Rod of Ruin
3 Skullcrack
1 Stormbreath Dragon[/deck]

So here are some round reports, I feel I owe it to everyone to be as thorough as possible since a lot of match reports have helped me.

R1 Chris on Big Boros:

G1 (play): He stabilizes with us both at 5 life(I got flooded), plays stormbreath into stormbreath. 0-1

SB: +4 Reckoner, +2 Fanatic, +2 Chained, +2 Mizzium, +1 Stormbreath
-8 1 drops,-3 YP$

G2 (play): I notices he's having mana trouble so I unload my hand and win in 5 turns. I wait until turn 4 to play my phoenix, forcing him to cast Anger which allowed me to shock my own Phoenix... the plays. 1-1

G3 (draw): Hes at 7, I EoT LS him to 4, then play stormbreath and fly over his ember swallowers 2-1

Tourney: 1-0

nAfter notes: Whenever I had a fanatic in my hand, I would play a line that would allow to do the most possible burst on turn 4. Sometimes just dropping it for 3 or 4 puts a lot of pressure. Swinging Phoenix into his Stormbreaths and then FotF to kill and recur happened in both G1 and G3.

R2 Jose on AiR:

G1 (play): I keep a hand full of removal and just own him. 1-0

SB: +2 Mizzium, +4 Reckoner, +2 Chained
-7 1-Drops(kept in a cackler), -1 Pyrewild

G2 (draw): He plays, Denizen, turn 2 Bte-Bte-FFS. FoTF couldn't handle it. 1-1

G3 (draw): He had pressure on me early, T3 FoTF did work. I was 8 life before I stabilized (he was at 17) I ended the game with a reckoner, YP$, 2 tokens and 2 phoenixes in play 2-1.

Tourney: 2-0

After notes: He was very bitter, complaining how he should win that matchup etc and how he kept drawing lands. It just seemed like he kept drawing lands because I killed 11 of his creatures.

R3 Jamie on Naya Control:

nG1 (play): Nut draw with Pyrewild onto cackler on turn 3. 1-0

SB: +4 Reckoner, +2 Fanatic, +1 Stormbreath, +2 Mizzium, +2 Chain
-8 1-drops, -2 YP$, -1 Shock

G2 (draw): Took a FoM line hitting him for 6. Win with Phoenix into Stormbreath. 2-0

Tourney: 3-0

After thoughts: Burn is really nice in this matchup. Post board their anger becomes weaker because it only hits Ash Zealot. I usually would never play a Phoenix unless I had a shock to kill it in response.

R4 Clint on Esper:

G1 (play): Nut draw.

SB: +3 Skullcrack, +2 mizzium, +1 stormbreath
-3 YP$, -1 FotF, -2 Chain

G2 (draw): Apply a lot of early pressure, I noticed he is using Azorious charm to dig for double white so I committed to board. I have had a Mortars in my hand since opening 7. He plays Jace on his t4 and +1. I have cackler, zealot and phoenix on board and he was at 7. I choose to swing at him for 3 putting him at 4. I knew if I did this play, he would be forced to use jace
to dig for either second white source/verdict (i assumed he had verdict and no second white, turns out he had neither). He -2 Jace to reveal 2 Blood Barons, and 1 Sphinx. I give him the piles of 2 BBV and 1 Sphinx. He takes the BBVs, on the inside I jump for joy. So he casts BBV with 1 mana open. I untap, mortars his BBV and swing in for letahl 6.

Tourney: 4-0

After thoughts: This was a bye. Match took 15 minutes.

R5 and R6: ID into top 8. Entering R6 I was the #1 seed.

After R6 I end up being 5th seed. 4-0-2

We were able to see decklists before each round of Top 8.... and WOW it's so helpful.

R1 Top 8 Mark on GW Aggro:

G1 (draw): I play the tighest game of magic I have ever played, was able to play turn 5 chandra, and keep her protected for 6 more turns. Eventually +0 into another Chandra, end up winning the game with 2 Phoenixs. 1-0

SB I watch him SB before I even look at my own. I knew he was bringing in 5 cards, I assumed to be +3 Courage, +2 Trostani. I was
right): +4 Reckoner, +2 Mizzium, +2 Chained, +3 Skullcrack,
-8 1-drops, -1 Chandra, -1 Pyrewild, -1 Shock

G2 (draw): He gets stuck on lands and I just nut draw. 2-0

Tourney: 5-0-2

After notes: I just simply outplayed my opponent. Chandra fucking got there.

Top 4 was seeds 5-8.

R2 Top 8 My friend Alex playing Jund (he beat me 4-1 in playtesting the night before. His curve is DRS - Ooze - Caratid - Demon - Cerberus.. WIth Whip and Bow of Nylea). We rode together, sucks we had to play each other but we were glad it was top4 and we both got playmats. Figure if one of had to lose it wouldn't be bad to each other.

G1 (play): Mull to 5, keep 1 mountain, Satyr, cackler, shock, lightning strike.
T1: land, Cackler
T2: Draw temple, scry 1 to notice ash zealot. Play Satyr.
T3: Play ash zealot.
T4: top deck ash zealot.
draw lands and to play burn spells.

SB: Side in 13 cards. +4 Reckoner, +2 FoM, +2 Chain, +2 Mizzium, +2 Skullcrack, +1 Stormbreath

-8 1-drops. -2 YP$ (I knew had Golgari Charms), -1 FoTF, -2 Jet

G2 (draw): Reckoner into FoM, he then kills my guys and eat the to grow ooze to 5/5. Eventually chained the ooze, and win with 3 YP$ tokens. Burn was essential in this match.

Tourney: 6-0-2

After notes: Felt good to beat him especially after the abysmal playtesting. His deck performed great all day, he beat Mono U twice, only losing once to Mono B.

Finals some guy playing Mono B: He didn't want the IQ invite, so we just decided to split prizes. $125, 12 packs (cracked whip, bident, and foil ashiok) and got the invite!

Helios's FNM:

4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

3 Chandra, Pyromaster

1 Hammer of Purphoros

2 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

19 Mountain
3 Mutavault

3 Act of Treason
4 Boros Reckoner
2 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
3 Frostburn Weird
1 Mutavault[/deck]

The sideboard is bad largely because of card availability; I wasn’t able to acquire Mortars, Loyalists, or Burning Earths so I just used what I had.

26 person FNM at my LGS; 5 rounds, prize-out top 8.

Round 1: Joshua playing Esper

G1: I had a decent opener, but he was able to kill/Dsphere everything and then resolve an elspeth on turn 6.

G2: He durdled, I attacked, the end. Standard plan of play two threats, swing, the die, repeat until dead.

G3: I mulled all the way to 5 without seeing a land, kept a no-land triple Firedrinker hand. It did not end well.


Round 2: Allen playing Gruul

G1: I had a Firedrinker and Mutavault to his double Caryatid, and he then proceeded to resolve threat after threat. I couldn’t keep up.

Sideboard: Took out one-drops, brought in Reckoners, 4th Chandra, Mutavault, Act of Treasons

He only had one Caryatid, so we fought a little bit until he gleefully resolved a Stormbreath on turn 6. I pretended to be very sad, and took 4. He was low enough on life that he left it untapped to block the next turn, but Monstrous’d it to ping me for one. That one card was Act of Treason, so next turn I took his dragon.

G3: This was a nail-biter. He ended up with 3 Caryatid on the field after mulling to a 5 card, 1 land hand and drawing land for 5 consecutive turns. Unfortunately for him, I can count to 20 so I was able to swing for lethal into a board of 3 Caryatid, 2 Stormbreaths, and a 7/7 Ooze.


Round 3: Nathan with UW Master of Waves

G1: I had the nuts. Only cards I saw from him were a Hallowed Fountain, Guildgate, and Mutavault. Assumed UW control.

G2: This was an excellent game. He played Blind Obedience on turn 2, so my hand of double Ash Zealot and Phoenix got much worse. He was able to Verdict/Dsphere each threat I played, though eventually I got him to 7 life. I tried too
hard to bait counterspells when he was at 7; instead of burning to the face to make it 1, I played two creatures. In retrospect, that was the wrong play because a burn spell off the top would have sealed the deal and forced him to deal with my creatures immediately or die. He got me to 4 between Blind Obedience and Mutavaults (they did work in his deck), and then swung with an unblockable Thassa for lethal.

G3: He curved Frostburn -> Frostburn -> Master of Waves, and then I died.


Round 4: Jacob with Dega

G1: Curved out and was able to play through Anger for the win.

G2: I got him to 13 before he landed a reckoner, and I had no burn in hand so I could only swing through with Phoenix. That eventually forced him to Anger, after which he landed a blood baron to my double Reckoner. He Angered again, but I was able to Strike his baron to take it out as well. He then resolved an Elspeth on an empty field and rode her to victory.

G3: Sided my one-drops back in and nutdrew him.
Their mana is just soooo bad that he wouldn’t have been able to cast anger until turn 4 at the earliest, and I took advantage of his opening play of Temple or Silence -> Godless shrine to over commit to the board and race. Then he played Sacred Foundry. Then Temple of Triumph, and he died.


Round 5: Phillip with RUG.

Philip was playing such all-stars as Goblin test pilot and Ordeal of Nylea. While chatting during the game, I discovered that he was there to pick up dudes. Don’t know if he seriously wanted to play magic or not, but I tried to give what pointers I could. The main one being “Don’t play Goblin Test Pilot.”


Several of the other 3-2s colluded to screw up the tie-breaks, and my buddy who was 4-1 ended up in 5th (There was only one “undefeated” person…his opponent scooped to him for 12 packs). My tie-breaks put me in 9th, so no prizes.

Overall, the deck performed admirably. Note that I never played against any of the 13 Fanatic decks that were present. Flames was
probably the “worst” card in the deck. Young Pyromancer didn’t do a whole lot, but again, that was probably the matchups more than anything. He got D-sphered/burned on sight most games I played him, which probably means he is good. Act of Treason did a lot of work, and I’d even hazard that if Barrage makes it to the main deck we add the fourth Act to the board. I won one of the Dega games by taking Blood Baron, though that wasn’t in my notes so something went wrong in the description above.

Question, comments, concerns, or angry outbursts will be taken at this time.
Zemanjaski's Daily Events:

After ~8 hours of play yesterday

[deck]PyroRed Sligh v1.3[/deck]
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

3 Chandra, Pyromaster

Legendary Artifact
1 Hammer of Purphoros

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

2 Flames of the Firebrand

20 Mountain
2 Mutavault

2 Act of Treason
4 Boros Reckoner
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Mizzium Mortars
1 Mutavault
4 Skullcrack

Went 3-1 and 4-0 in two events.

Notable Changes:
Maindeck: -1 Mutavault, +1 Mountain
While 19 + 3 is mathematically correct, and I think in a slightly slower meta optimal, that Rx seems to be ~40% of the online meta means I want an even lower stumble rate (RR on 3 is very important in this deck). This hurts my control matchup very slightly, but that's already really good. The 20th red source also makes the new Boros Reckoners in my sideboard better.

Sideboard: -1 Act of Treason, -1 Barrage of the
Expendables, -3 Burning Earth, -2 Flames of the Firebrand, -1 Mizzium Mortars; +4 Boros Reckoner, +4 Skullcrack
Huge changes here, as after some serious testing (I played 20 matches yesterday, for 15-5 inc. two punts, sigh) I really got to grips with what cards really matter. Basically, Burning Earth was underwhelming, mostly because even three colour decks are running 6-7 basics now and tapping out turn 4 or 5 to not affect the board isn't as strong then. Skullcrack is cheap enough that I can play a threat and keep mana up for it. It also plays better with Phoenix and Young Pyromancer. My aggro sideboard package gave way to the realisation that all you want in the mirror and against green decks is Boros Reckoner. Everything that failed the 'would I rather just draw a Reckoner?' test went to make space.

Quick and nasty sideboard guide:

Revelation Control decks
Out: 4 Shock, 2 Flames of the Firebrand
IN: 1 Hammer of Purphoros, 1 Mutavault, 4 Skullcrack

nNotes: taking out low impact burn is correct, but it weakens Phoenix and Young Pyromancer. I was finding the Burning Earth package a little underwhelming, especially with UW being more popular than Esper online. Skullcrack helps here, powering up your creatures and acting as a blowout against their best spell. Even the threat of it forces them to play differently.

Red or Green Aggro decks
OUT: 4 Firedrinker Satyr, 4 Rakdos Cackler
IN: 4 Boros Reckoner, 3 Mizzium Mortars, 1 Mutavault

Notes: as has been the hallmark of the clan for a whole, we've got the transformational sideboard package in place. Reckoner is just the best card against these decks, so we've got the full four. Mortars supplements your strategy nicely with either spot removal early or a win-condition late. The Mutavault may seem like an odd choice, but I find that it's SO important to hit your land drops early; stumbling is frequently fatal. Manlands are often how you'll win after aggressively 1-
for-1 trading with your opponent. Try to hold Young Pyromancer until you can pair it with a spell.

Vs. other decks is more of a play by ear approach. For example, you'll want Mortars and Act of Treason against Dega (for their Demons and Barons). Ill give more detailed advice when I can get another day of heavy testing in; you say see how much one day changed things!

DerWille's Win-a-Box:

I went to a win a box tournament today that was postponed 2 weeks ago. I won the tournament, going 4-1.

Round 1 vs Boros Aggro (All in variant?) 2-0
- This wasn't a well put together variant, but it had logic. I was able to win this by burning out his creatures.

Round 2 vs U/W Control (Trading Post/Mill strategy
focus) 2-0

- I usually have a good match up against this guy. I won it 2-0. This deck is really resilient against Supreme Verdict which seems to be vital for him to stabilize.

Round 3 vs Dega Lifegain Midrange thing (I have no fucking clue, it's damn scary) 0-2
- This was piloted by the guy who bitched me out last time. He wasn't as boisterous as before, but as we're shuffling he tells me calmly, "I hope you lose. Seriously, I hope I stomp you." Well, he did just that. His deck seems to be like the Jund decks last season with most early drops being removal with 3, 4, and 5 being the creatures he wants to play. Both games I played against him. Removal suite seemed to be some mixture of Lightning Strike, Magma Jet, Doom Blade, [card]Hero's Downfall[/
card], Dreadbore, Anger of the Gods, Chained to the Rocks, and Mizzium Mortars. His life gain consisted of Whip of Erebos, Obzedat, Ghost Council, and Blood Baron of Vizkopa. He used Boros Reckoners and Desecration Demons to stall up the ground. He had some hand disruption in Thoughtseize and [card]Rakdos's Return[/card]. Also, a Rakdos Keyrune was in there for some reason.

Anyway, game 1, my draws are terrible and he's able to get his. Lots of removal, into lifegain, into too many big guys for me to burn out. I made a major misplay here. I could have killed his Obzedot with the 3 shocks I had in hand,
but didn't because I hoped I'd draw into a Young Pyromancer or a Phoenix or something. Lesson learned. This deck doesn't care if you 2 or 3 for 1 yourself. If you can get rid of that big guy, do it. Don't wait. It's better to have those extra cards out, but some things have to be done. It's like what my buddy says all the time for newbies to get better at League of Legends, "Use your moves."

Game 2, I take out the Firedrinker Satyrs for Mizzium Mortars. Probably a bad idea in retrospect. Game 2 goes a lot like game 1. He gets his life gain running up early and I couldn't hack through it. After losing I spend some time thinking, not logically, more intuitively. I also look at his life total logs for the last two games. He gained 12ish life those games.

Round 4 vs Ghetto-Green w/ Bling (my buddy) 2-0
- Game 1, I
flood the board with Ash Zealots and burn. He kept a greedy hand and I punished him for it.

- Game 2, he gains control of the board with a flood of 3/3's but 2 Ash Zealots and a Boros Reckoner keep him from pushing in. I resolve a Chandra and use it to dig. In my digging I find a Mizzium Mortars with 6 mana open. The commandment from my last night of magic came to mind, "THOU SHALL NOT WASTE MIZZIUM MORTARS!" So I wiped his board and won.

Round 5 vs Dega Life Gain Midrange Thing (It's still fucking scary) 2-0
- I lose the dice roll and for some reason, my opponent is acting nervous. I don't know why. This is the match I didn't want. Anyway, his hand isn't as good as last time. His deck stumbles on land, doesn't draw a big guy, doesn't draw any card draw, and no whip for life link.

Game 2, this one comes down to
the wire. I keep a hand of Shock, Chandra, Pyromaster, Young Pyromancer, and 4 Mountain. It's a risky hand and make some great top decks. I'm able to get him low and again, he doesn't get much in the way of big stuff besides a Reckoner. I kill the thing and he forgets to redirect damage so I got off lucky there. Anyway we burn both of our fields down to nothing and I burn him for the last 4 damage with Magma Jets after he resolves a demon.

However, apparently I did a misplay by untapping my land before scrying. I don't remember doing this but the store owner is a level 1 judge and I ask him directly for his ruling. He lets me off a warning and that dude is pissed. From that scry I top decked the last bit of burn I needed. I don't think it would have won him the game because I was still at 20 life with my burn coming in 3 turns. The
only way he had it is if drew life gain.
Thoughts on the tournament:
Honestly, this was probably the least fun tournament I've been in. It felt dirty. 4 of the 8 participants had plans to split the box amongst themselves and bought a 5th person in and put a serious effort to make him throw games before passing it off as a joke. I'm convinced the semi-finals were thrown by the U/W guy and the Dega guy after they learned that I won mine (to be fair, they probably think my buddy threw for me, but he didn't and I didn't tell them results of our game to stall this). I watched their game 3 and the U/W guy made some really dumb moves (mill deck doesn't use Jace to mill, doesn't mill opponent after a scry with codex shredder). All the while I hear them talking amongst themselves, "Good, don't let DerWille win". It felt like I had to win my games and then try to play an information war with them to
stop any type of tournament fixing (probably happened because my buddy and I share cards).

Windstrider's FNM:

Gotdamn! I love PyroRed. I took the following to FNM tonight and ended up in 1st* with it. Some of the sideboard choices are suboptimal, but you go to war with the weapons you have, not the weapons you wish you had.

* Technically. See the write up for more details.

19 Mountain
3 Mutavault

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix

4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Chandra, Pyromaster

1 Legion Loyalist
4 Mizzium Mortars
1 Volcanic Geyser
3 Act of Treason
2 Annihilating Fire
1 Hammer of
1 Peak Eruption
2 Burning Earth

1st Round vs. MonoGreen Stompy 2-1
First game he rolled me with turn one Gladecover Scout followed by 4 Kalonian Tuskers. I saw Cacklers, Satyrs, and Shock. Next game, board out all the one drops for Mortars, Annihilating Fire, and 2 Act of Treason. Didn't need them. Ash Zealot, Young Pyro, and Phoenix along with judicious amounts of Shock, Lightning Strike, and Magma Jet carried me through even after he hit me with a 16/16 Kalonian Hydra. I killed him on the swing back. Third game wasn't even close.

2nd Round vs. BWU Control? 2-0
I kinda felt bad for this guy after he Thoughtseized me to see a fistful of Satyr, Ash Zealot, Phoenix, and Magma Jet and three lands. I threw Chandra down on the field on turn 4, and he looked in disbelief at her abilities. He was dead soon after. The second game I boarded in my Burning Earth, and that was all she wrote. Though he did have a neat play with Cyclonic Rift when he tapped all his lands in response to
me casting Burning Earth and then used the mana to bounce my field of Satyr, Phoenix, Chandra, and BE. He died after the BE resolved the next turn, and I just rebuilt everything against him. Supreme Verdict sucks vs. Phoenix.

3rd Round vs. BW Aggro? 2-0
Nothing much to report except two Young Pyromancers on the field will pretty much win the game though sheer card advantage. I burned his creatures out of the way and overran him with Zealot, Phoenix, and elementals with Chandra tapping down his blockers. Second game he Thoughtseized me to see 3 Mountains, Ash Zealot, Magma Jet, Phoenix, and Chandra. He foolishly got rid of the Chandra. I killed him with Zealot, followed by Zealot, followed by Phoenix, while drawing two Lightning Strikes to complement the Magma Jet.

4th Round vs. Devotion Red Draw
I saw this deck earlier in the evening, and I dreaded facing it since I knew it would be an uphill fight. My opponent suggested that we draw to split the prize since we were both undefeated, but he wanted
to play the games out just to see what would happen. That was a good thing for me since he curbstomped me both games. We played the same game of Ash Zealot, swing, destroy the opposing Ash Zealot with Shock until he landed Reckoner and Purphoros. Could not make headway against the damned Reckoner. Second game he was able to land two of them, and that was pretty much it for me. He graciously reported it as a draw, and we split $30 in store credit.

Granted, these were not top tier decks, but the deck itself felt fast, consistent, and powerful. I never really felt overmatched in any of the games I played, even that last one, since it was surprisingly explosive. Zealot and Phoenix carried the day with Chandra herself not far behind. Hammer was nuts because of the haste and the 3/3 tokens. Shock and Zealot took down so many opposing things that I almost can't imagine playing one without the other.

Devotion Red is a powerhouse because of Boros Reckoner, so beware. Goblin Shortcutter or Seismic Stomp look
like good tech against opposing Reckoners, though I don't know what I'd cut. Maybe -2 Annihilating Fire for +2 Goblin Shortcutter?

I'll be replacing the Peak Eruption with the third Burning Earth since I got one through trade, and I can replace the Volcanic Geyser with a fourth Mutavault that I bought with store credit. :D

Thanks, z! I had a blast playing this deck.

freedom's States Report:

I also brought Pyro Red to States, but with a bit less success than Helios. I won't have very detailed notes, since they gave us a small life pad for the event and I used that instead of my English notebook, which has much more room. In my last (and only previous) event, a Star City Games Open, I
took extremely detailed notes of almost everything that happened-creatures, attacks, blocks, the whole nine yards. I felt like this was actually the cause of my poor performance then, just like when you try to write down everything a teacher says and everything on his PowerPoint, and actually gain less from the lecture as a result. Anyway, here's an overview of my first States experience.

The event was held in a place called The Encounter, a comic book store located in the middle-to-low-income part of a town about 75 minutes from my house. It wasn't the fanciest place in the world, but they had a HUGE inventory of Magic singles and comic books. They had a 2-inch binder for every set released (with some of the older sets sharing a binder), as well as one for foils that would make some EDH players go into cardiac arrest if they were to look through it. Many of the cards were priced much lower than they are on TCGPlayer, but I only got 2 Buy-A-Box Promo Chandra's Phoenixes-one for $2
and the other for $3 (don't know why)-because I just didn't feel like spending money on cards I don't really need. Now, on to the actual games.

My List:
[deck]Pyro Red[/deck]

Round 1: Brian with Red Devotion
He won the die roll, and proceeded to roll over me with a pair of BTE into Firefist Striker, Chandra's Phoenix, Mogis and Reckoner. I got a Chandra and Phoenix out, but I was on the defensive the whole game and he was just too fast. I side out my 1 drops for Reckoner and Mortars, while he keeps 1 drops in. I keep a 1 land hand with Shock, Ash Zealot, Mortars and Reckoner and some other stuff. He lands double BTE turn two, I shock one, and that
was the only spell I got to cast all game.
Afterwards, we played a few games where my deck worked perfectly. It sucks that this couldn't happen earlier, but it boosted my confidence in my deck, which really helps after a round 1 loss.
0-1 in matches

Round 2: Jake with Dega Mid
He's on the play. Game 1 I get off to a pretty fast start with Cackler. He plays Reckoner turn 3, and I spear it. I play Phoenix to keep up the pressure. He follows with a Demon the next turn. I play Chandra to let my Phoenix get through, and that's were I start to lose. He drops another Demon, and I just can't handle that. I board out Shocks and Annihilating Fire for 3 Mortars and 3 Traitorous. I (very very very stupidly) keep a hand of Cackler, Magma Jet and 5 Mountains, because I was stuck in this "never mulligan" mindset after mulliganing over 40% of my hands the last few FNMs and losing many games as a result. Turns out Magma Jet can't solve all of life's problems. I
use it turn 2 to find another Mountain and a Mortars. I keep the Mortars, and use it on the Reckoner he plays. He directs the damage to me, and I bring him down to 10 with Cackler and Phoenix. My notes aren't so good, so I'll put down what I remember and try to fill in the missing pieces with what makes sense from the life total changes. I remember drawing Chandra and +1ing her to get back Phoenix, and him hitting me with Desecration Demon. His Demon is at 7 after I sac Phoenix to it to save my Chandra. I then draw another Chandra, +1 the one on the board to get back Phoenix, play the second Chandra, +0 to reveal the third Chandra, cast Phoenix and pass. I'm at 9, and he's at 7. I sac Phoenix to Demon and he swings with the Reckoner he played the turn before, putting me at 6. He then casts Read the Bones, putting him to 5. He passes, and I draw Traitorous Instinct, the perfect card. If this was Act of Treason, I wouldn't be able to kill him with a stolen Reckoner (since I
can't steal Demon when he has another creature), but the +2/+0 makes it exactsies. Unfortunately, he is able to prevent my epic finish by Helixing his Reckoner :( .
0-2 in matches

Round 3: David with Naya (Slivers?) Midrange
The round starts with the guy saying how he feels like there's one problem with his deck that he realized after the last two rounds: he's playing the wrong color. Sounds like a pretty big problem, bro. Anyway, the dude didn't put up much resistance. I'm pretty sure I just aggro'd him out both games. He starts with that mana tree on turn two, but all that piece of shit does is slow down my clock a little. He also drops Predatory Sliver, Nylea, and that Hellrider-like sliver. I learned that the Hellrider Sliver (it feels blasphemous to call it that, but I don't care to look up the name of the PoS) can also ping creatures, and I lost
YP$ that way. Whatever, it doesn't do much, and I win next turn. After the game, he says that he has a lot of trouble with fast decks, and hoped he wouldn't have to face red aggro. I tell him he has unrealistic expectations given RDW's multiple showings at the top of the last few Opens, and then ask what color he wanted to change in his deck. He says that red should be blue so he can play the flying sliver, since he can get out a lot of big slivers but they're walled by opposing creatures. I told him that red is kinda necessary for removal, and he says that he doesn't run much, since you have to run a lot of slivers if you play slivers. Okay, I don't have to worry about removal. Good to know. I bring in Boros Reckoner, since he also mentioned big creatures. It seemed like this guy was just asking to lose. Anyway, Reckdaddy kicked ass game 2, and that's the end of that.
Kinda sucks that I can only curve out against the scrubs.
1-2 in matches

Round 4: Peiter
with Rakdos Mid/Control
I can't read my notes too well, and I didn't take many, but I remember this being one of the better rounds of the day. Game 1 I feel pretty good and I'm able to get off to a pretty fast start off of a good hand, but then it all goes to shit when I flood out and he lands a Demon that I can't answer. Game 2 starts off the same way and it looks like I'm actually going to curve out for a turn 5-6 win, but he just has a shitload of 1-1 removal. The game ends when he plays Desecration Demon and only gets to swing with it once before I steal it for lethal damage. In game three, I have a relatively fast hand with a few Phoenixes, but he's able to kill them with Ratchet Bomb and I don't draw the right cards to get them back. He plays Trading Post, and I get fucked over by a couple of goats. He drops a Demon, and I have a hand of 2 Mortars, a Magma Jet and 2 Traitorous Instinct. He's at 13 life with a 7 power Demon while I'm at 21 with jack shit.
When I realized that stealing the Demon would do no good since he could just make a goat in response, my expression probably became a mix of :slant: , :frown: , :x and :| . I decided to Mortars and Magma Jet it, although in hindsight it may have been better to double Mortars it since I could use the Magma Jet to get back 2 Phoenixes. He wins by swinging for 4 with his Mutavaults for a few turns while he removes any blockers I try to lay down. I could try to dismiss this loss to a bad case of mana flood and not drawing enough instants, but I'm sure that there was something I could have done to win this match, since the games didn't feel as one-
sided as the ones in the first two rounds.
1-3 in rounds
I decided not to enter any side events, since I paid to play 6 rounds of Magic and I didn't feel like spending any more money.

Round 5: Kurt with U/w Control
Game 1 I had an alright start and a pretty good mid game, despite reaching Hamfactorial levels of mana flood. I can work with 6 lands on turn 7. I can't work with 12 lands by ~turn 15. I remember Phoenix and Chandra doing fucking WORK. I also remember 3 Jaces before the first Revelation, and Aetherling and another Jace afterwards. Games 2 and three feel very similar, and my deck works just the way I want it both times. Game 2 ends a bit faster (around turn 7), while game 3 is longer (turn 9-12). Both are characterized by me laying down some early 1 drops (I remember droppin some Suga turn 1 all three games), followed by a Phoenix, and then a Supreme Verdict. From there, I prove to him the power of Chandra and also show just how sweet Phoenix is in
this deck. I recall one point where I Magma Jet to get back 2 Phoenixes and then find a third when I scry. I also remember having him DSphere Phoenix, Pyro and Chandra with little hesitation.
2-3 in matches

Round 6: Dakota with Junk Aggro/Mid
I get the pair down. I was last place in the tournament going into round 5 with awful tiebreakers. He's on the play game 1 and leads with Soldier of the Pantheon. I drop some Suga, he neglects to swing with Soldier, and when I attack, he blocks. I drop YP$ and pass. He plays Smiter, I burn it the next turn and swing. He plays Centaur Healer, and I think I remember seeing Selesnya Charm, but it's really no contest. I get three one drops game 2 and when he plays a Smiter, I mortars it. He really doesn't put up much resistance. He says he needed to find Obzedat, and he never did, so he lost. It is very possible that his only win was against David (the slivers guy), since his deck had issues.

I wish I could have
gotten better opponents than David and Dakota. I feel like this would have happened if I wasn't so stupid and kept awful hands in the first two rounds. I really wanted to win this, and felt like was a good enough player with a very good deck that I knew well to do so.
While the deck produces a very high percentage of keepable hands and is able to fight through some less-than-perfect draws, does not allow you to win with every opener with at least 1 land and and at least 2 spells. You can keep a no-creature hand against aggro if you have enough removal, but if you see 5 lands in your opening 7, chances are that you'll be better off with 6. Don't take your chances when it comes to mana.
I'd like to thank Wendy's for letting me get 20 chicken nuggets for only $5.
I'd also like to thank Z for writing the guides for competitive events and for how to play against the different decks in the meta. If you haven't read "Preparing for and Playing in Competitive Events," I
highly recommend that you do. A lot of the stuff in there seems like common sense, but then you realize that you haven't actually been practicing it.

warwizard87's States Report:

At the charlston, waiting for round one. Quick updates on the edits. Full report at the end

Round one vs rg midrange

Game one speed kills
Game two we stall he top decks mortars before I draw my sixth land blows up the board.
Game threw I draw three Chandras and he turn two pithing needles Chandra fml.

Round two vs uw control
Playing vs a friend Adam who knows I play rdws a lot
Game one off to the races turn one drop turn two drop turn three Chandras P. He ends up stabilizing and drops Elspath. I keep ticking up Chandra, force him to counter and burn him out at one life.
Game two I double mully,
keep at five beat him down , he tries to reverlation at four life I skullcrack and shock.

1-1 matches.

Round three vs esper
Game one I mully to five, get him to one life and I durdle he stabilized with Elspath and ends it.
Game 2. Speed vs esper esper dies.
Game 3 I get him to ten and he stabilized, I have 2 skullcracks in hand . Magma jet him to 8 and send two lands to the bottom.I catch a revelation for seven then a revelation for eight and kill him with my muta vault.


Matches 2-1

Round four r/b demons and dragons
Vs a guy that we always get paired.
Game 1 get him low a anger of the god clears the table u drop shock on my phenoix to keep it. I get him to three lighting strike him he devours in flesh his desecration demon to go to six. I draw five lands off the top while a stormbreath dragon ends me.game 2 I kill him fast with zealots and burn
Game 3 get him low we trade guys I set up a situation were I can tratorous instinct a desecration demon for the win next turn he
thoughtsized me !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Took my instinct and bashed my face as I drew lands off the top.

2-2 I am disappointed :(

Round five vs esper
Game one well I'm vs esper I win
Game 2 he dies on turn five

Match 3-2 the guy who beat me round one is undefeated and the r/b player is also doing well so my breaks seem like I might sneak into top 8.

Nope 17th on breakers. My buddie who played esper got 9th on breakers.
I was the only mono red in the entire room of 63 players.
4-2 beat the hell out of a bant midrange. No chance at top 8 sadly. Proly top 16.

DerWille's TNM

I went to Thrusday night magic at a comic book store in another town. It feels like I'm rusty because I've been focusing on stuff lately. I went 2-2 piloting my PyroWhite deck with a few changes in the sideboard because I don't have all the cards.

2qolejrw]Round 1 vs Mono-Green Devotion Fog?

I think this guy was testing out a new brew for the night, but I'm not sure what it's suppose to do. I only saw a Elvish Mystic, Scavenging Ooze, Gyre Sage, and lots of fogs. Both games I was able to mana screw him by burning his elves away while Ash Zealot or [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card] moped up. 2-0.

Round 2 vs U/W Control (Tietz's list I think)
I went first both of these games and I really thought I could win them, but I started noticing that I wasn't playing right. Like I wasn't thinking properly or that I'm rusty even though the last time I played was Friday. It just feels like a long, long time since I played magic last.

I make the same play mistake against this guy twice. When going against U/W Control
never, ever play 2 or more copies of the same card. It turns Detention Sphere into a miniature board wipe. In game 1 I did this was 2 Rakdos Cacklers and in game 2 I did this with 2 [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]es. Bad Wille, bad! I also never found a single Chandra in either of these games. A turn 4 or 5 Chandra could have kept me in the game. I really miss having the hammer main board.

Anyway, my sideboard plane for this match up was:

Sideboard: -2 Chained to the Rocks, -3 Shock, +1 Assemble the Legion, +1 Hammer of Purphoros, +3 Boros Charm

Regardless, I lost 2-0.

Round 3 vs G/R Midrange
This guy had no clue what I was playing. At first he thought it was a creature based sligh deck from the sligh hand I
had game 1, but then I had crazy amounts of burn game 2. I didn't get the burn I needed game 3 and probably should have mulled my opening hand. I was playing too loose. I lost this 2-1.

Game 1 I made a major misplay. No worse than that, I made a cardinal sin of aggro decks: I didn't count. I'm sitting at 14 with 2 Rakdos Cacklers, 1 Firedrinker Satyr, and 2 [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]es and swing with the birdies. The next turn he swings 14 exactly with Ghor-Clan Rampager in hand. Opps.

Game 2 I basically burned everything he had to the ground then stuck an Assemble the Legion which took it home for me.

Game 3 was closeish, but I didn't draw enough burn to stabilize the board.

My sideboard was:

Sideboard: -4 Firedrinker Satyr, -4 [card]Rakdos Cackler[/card:
2qolejrw], -2 Shock, +1 Chained to the Rocks, +4 Mizzium Mortars, +3 Boros Reckoner, +1 Assemble the Legion, +1 Hammer of Purphoros

Round 4 vs Esper Control
This guy was annoyed when I sat down to play. I think my buddy beat him with some hijinks involving large creatures and Fleetfeather Sandals. Anyway I win this one 2-1. During this series I didn't play multiple cards with the same name into Detention Sphere.

I almost take game 1. I get him down to 1 life but I don't draw a single burn spell in 3 draws and he's able to [card]Sphinx's Revelation[/card] back up when I had nothing on the field.

Game 2 I was able to out rush him and recur enough phoenixes to punch him to death.

Game 3, he
was mana screwed. A control with 2 land for 3 turns is basically dead.

Sideboard: -2 Chained to the Rocks, -3 Shock, +1 Assemble the Legion, +1 Hammer of Purphoros, +3 Boros Charm
Solemn10's FNM

Went 3-0 at fnm tonight.
[deck]Lands 23
12 mountain
4 Blood Crypt
4 Rakdos Guildgate
3 Mutavault

Creatures 23
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer
3 Burning-tree Emissary
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Boros Reckoner

Spells 14
2 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
1 Dreadbore
1 Ultimate Price
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Sideboard 15
4 Doom Blade
3 Skullcrack
3 Mizzium Mortars
2 Act of Treason
1 Dreadbore
Slaughter Games

Round 1 Vs Esper Control
Both games t1 satyr t2 burning tree into pyromancer. Swing until verdict and burn out the rest.

Round 2 Vs U/w Control
Lost game 1 to Aetherling. Game 2 he couldn't find blue and cast a turn 6 jace lol. Game 3 I saw Phoenix and all 3 skullcracks. :P

Round 3 Vs B/g aggro ???
He plays t1 cackler t2 lotleth troll o.O i mortars it and he dumps his hand to make it a 4/5 and the drops a scavenging ooze to feast on the discarded cards... -.-
Game 2 he makes a t2 lotleth into a 3/4 but I Dreadbore it. He plays an ooze and plays gift of orzhova on it. Act of treason and doom blade it after attacks and lol.
Game 3 double pyromancer keeps him on the defensive and chandra +1 for the win.

Maybe the 4 doom blades in the side should be 3 doom blade and 2 dreadbore... I want to find room for at least 1 more ultimate price tho. Maybe 2 Dreadbore
2 doom blade and 1 price in the side.
Last edited by magicdownunder on Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:30 am, edited 11 times in total.
Primer account for PyroRed. ~ magicdownunder, freedom, Helios

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Postby YP$ » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:15 am

Pedros GP Vienna

Time for report after GP Vienna.

Traveled to Vienna on Friday, went to register at 3 and then went sighseeing around Vienna as it was my first time in this city. After that we went to restaurant to eat extraordinary supper and drank some beer.

Saturday morning I sleeved and registered this deck:


I choose Reckoners MB and Satyrs SB after looking at the metagame. I was talking
with MDU about it, he seemed to disagree, however I tested a lot week before the tournament and really liked that configuration, will probably play that from now on. Esper and Black matchups were worse than Satyr version, however not unwinable pre board, while all of the others matchups were much better.

Ok lets talk about games:

Round 1 Bye

Round 2 Gr Devotion (red splash) WIN 2:1

G1 muligan to 4 on a draw, and my opp had nuts in T1 elf into t2 double BTE and reverent hunter. I almost grinded that matchup, and had seen my opponent is terrible as he missed several on board wins.
G2 won easily.
G3 I had 3 reckoners on board, opp was at 7, and he activated domri, didnt show me the card and cast mizzium mortars on 1 reckoner. I called a judge and he lost game for drawing extra card.

SB -4 Cacklers, -4 YP$, +2 Skullcrack, +2 Mortars, +2 Fanatic, +2 Boros Charm

Round 3 Mono U Devotion WIN 2:1

G1 stabilized at 1 and won with dragons and chandra. I think he misscalculated as he
bounced chain on endstep, attacked me to 1, and then didnt have anything to finish me off.
G2 this time he stabilized at 1 and then cast huge master. Had 2 outs to cast haste creature (phoenix or dragon) or any burn.
G3 game was extremely intense, he had double rift and hybridization + 2/3 raptor, while I stabilized board and cast 2 dragons(bounced twice and hybridized).

SB: -4 Cacklers, -2 YP$ +2 Mortars, +2 Fanatic, +2 Last Breath

Round 4 GW Agro LOST 0:2

G1 Both of us mulligan to 5, everything can happen.
G2 Muligan to 6 on a play and kept: Scry land, 2*Shock, Mizzium Mortar, Lightning Strike, Boros Reckoner. Killed his 2* experiment ones, but lost to soldier, lion and smiter. Didnt draw a single land even with scry.

SB: -4 Cacklers, +2 Mortars, +2 LAst Breath

Round 5 Mono B WIN 2:1

G1 He stabilized at 1 and killed me with merchant. Had 2 draws to draw burn. 20->18->16->14->12->11->17->15->14->13->9->8->7->5->4->3->6->
G2 20->18->15->11->7->-1
G3 20->22->18->15->12->8->0

SB: -4 Reckoners, -3Shock, -1 Magma Jet, -1 Dragon, +4 Firedrinker Satyr, +3 Skullcrack, +2 Boros Charm

Round 6 WBR Control WIN 2-0

G1 Killed him throu multiple removal, he just couldnt keep up.
G2 Opp had baron and demon, I had 2 pyro, dragon and reckoner. Won after topdecking 2nd spell to kill baron and tap demon.

SB: -4 Reckoner, -3 Shock, -2 Chained to the Rocks, -2 Flames of the Firebrand, +4 Firedrinker Satyr, +2 Boros Charm, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +3 Skullcrack

Round 7 Rg Devotion WIN 2-1 (green splash)

G1 lost to BTE->BTE->Hammer->Dragon->reckoner + domri fight
G2 Stabilized at 4 and killed him withreckoners and dragons.
G3 Killed every possible creature and killed with dragon and chandra phoenix.

SB: -4 Rakdos Cackler, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +2 Last Breath

Round 8 Jund Control WIN 2-1

G1 Had extremely good hand with 2 1 drops and 4 burn spells in
hand. However turn 4 he cast rakdos return for 4 and forced me to discard total of 11 burn.
G2 and G3 won easily throu multiple removal (however boros charm is king vs anger )

SB: -4 Boros Reckoners, -4 Rakdos Cackler, +4 FireDrinker Satyr, +2 Boros Charm, +2 Mizzium Mortars

Round 9 Rw Devotion WIN 2-0

G1 He had quite good draw of Ash zealot, reckoner, and BTE BTE fanatic, however I cast cackler turn 1, jet his zealot T2, striked his reckoner T3, and on his 4rd turn when he cast BTE BTE Fantic and said "take 5" killed double BTE with shocks and took 1 only :> Then Dragon for the win.
G2 Took some damage up to 6, where I stabilized with dragon on D, attacked with phoenix for some turns, and then topdecked chandra to kill him on alpha strike.

SB: -4 Rakdos Cackler, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +2 Fanatic of Mogis

After that was 8-1, however my tiebreakers were terrible. 3 more people from our room went to day 2. One of them had birthsday so we drank some hot wine and eat
extremely good supper + cake.

Round 10 Bg Devotion LOST 0-2

G1 got blown up by tripple grey metchant (1 from destroying chained)
G2 Would be only sth like "Zjebałem -> Przegrałem" (sth like I fucked -> I lost in my language). Had double 1 drops and he cast thoughtseize and took my flames of firebrand, and then next turn lifebane zombie. I had 1 more removal in hand - lightning strike, 2 phoenixes and 1 boros charm. I killed his zombie and swung for 6 with mutavault and put him to 12, however he then cast specter into demon and I lost. I should have just cast Phoenix and trade 1 drop with zombie, and then kill specter to free my phoenixes.

SB: -4 Boros Reckoner, -3 Shock, -1 Dragon, -1 Magma Jet, +4 Firedrinker Satyr, +2 Boros Charm, +3 Skullcrack

Round 11 Wr Agro WIN 2-1

G1 mulligan to 6 on a draw, however 3 phoenixes without removal isnt good hand vs this deck.
G2 Killed everything and killed with phoenix and dragon (had dragon on D for some time)
nG3 Was extremely interesting as he shocked himself just to keep Brave on turn 3. I then developed my board with double YP$ and reckoners. When he tapped out I killed his creatures, but he had still a lot of them, so I couldnt attack that much. Then he scryed, kept card on top, cast brave swung for 8 and cast another creature so I was dead next turn (was at 10 and he had Brave on top). I then topdecked Mizzium mortars and overload it, however I think any burn would won me this game .

SB: -4 Rakdos Cackler, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +2 Last Breath

Round 12 PyroLegions LOST 0-2

G1 Was my flood vs his screw. Triple Chain vs triple Phoenixes, double burn spells vs his chandra that did nothing + intelligent trading kept me in game. I then topdecked dragon, played last land from hand and wanted to mostrous it for the win (he kept mortars and 2 chains in hand without white mana), however he pointed I ony had 11 mana ... Then he mortared my dragon and that was gg.

G2 We both played control and
then he slammed Assemble the Legion. then it was gg after like 5 turns.

After the game he show me YP$

SB: -4 Rakdos Cackler, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +2 Last Breath

Round 13 GW Agro WIN 2-0

G1 Win with reckoner and phoenix + removal
G2 Win wih multiple removals + Dragon

SB: -4 Rakdos Cackler, +2 Mizzium Mortars, +2 Last Breath

Round 14 Esper Control WIN 2-1

G1 lost he stabilized at 4 after I killed first elspeth with phoenix + burn, and then chained his aetherling, however he cast 2nd elspeth and verdict.
G2 Won with tripple 1 drops and phoenix + skullcrack.
G3 Won with phoenixes and chandra recursion + finally dragon from the top.

SB: -4 Reckoner, -4 Chained to the Rocks, -1 Flames of the Firebrand, -2 YP$, +4 Firedrinker Satyr, +2 Boros Charm, +3 Skullcrack, +2 Mizzium Mortars.

Round 15 0-0-1 ID

We both had tiebreakers about 63-65%, so the looser would be out of top 64, while winner didnt have a chance to top 16. We decided to split to be guaranted into top 64 to finish in

As for the SB: sometimes I want creature on a play and burn on a draw (mono black where you sb dragon out or esper where you sb YP$).

Was very happy with deck choice, pre GP I played close to 300 official (FNM, GPT, Daily, 8-mans or 2-mans on MODO) with prizes, no the same version but the same style.
For me having reckoners in MB allows for more skill intensive play game 1, where you dont need to play agressive game most of the time. Also makes smoother transition between game 1 and 2 vs most opponents. I didnt want to get Legion's Initiative or Wear/Tear before as I have never played with it, however looking forward I would try to put 1 wear/tear and 1 legion's initiative to sb.

Why Wear/Tear? Because it solves multiple problems with Domestication, Claustrofobia, Chain to the Rocks, Weapons and assemble the legion. Vs most opponents it gains CA (kill whip and connection? Hammer and Chain/Assemble? Domestification/Claustrophobia + Bidet?)

Why Legion's
Initiative? Because it allows to attack past Specters, Caryatids, makes YP tokens a real threat vs jace, potentially mke the same damage as boros charm when timed correctly and acts as board prevention sweeper. Another upsite as someone had pointed is the fact is plays well with Fanatic of Mogis.
Johnny_Spike GPT


GPT 4-1-2

Round 1 VS Prime Speaker Bant

G1: This deck is a huge pain. I mull to 6. He tempos me until he gets the
untap your guy on every untap phase guy, then he just has too many resources for me to keep up with.

G2: I mull to 5, but keep a good five, shoot the dorks and grind him out.

G3: G3 he is on tilt from losing to me on a 5 card hand. I play tight and get him. This match up feels awful, but I think you can maybe squeak it out.


Round 2 W/r Weenie

G1: He's on the play, we both keep 7. I play control and stabilize on three life. He couldn't find a red land, until he topped a temple, but I killed him before he could untap and Boros Charm me.

G2: He mulls to 6, I keep 7 and play control. It's basically a bye.


Round 3 VS USA Control

G1: Goes how matches vs control should go. I take no damage and get him on turn 5.

G2: We got
deck checked. I took 2 from a shock, but otherwise was always in the driver's seat and just got him.


Round 4 VS MUD

G1: I keep 7, he mulls to 5. I go over the top with double dragons.

G2: I mull to 5, we play it out and it is really grindy, but double MoW finishes me.

G3: We both keep 7. I play tight, and it's a nail biter, but I get him. Match-up still feels awful, but I think it's close to even post SB.


Round 5 VS BUG Devotion

(My friend, the only other undefeated player)



Round 6 VS Esper Control



I was the top seed going into the Top 8.

Quarter Finals VS W/r Weenie

(Same as opponent as Round 2, he is moaning about playing me again as he sits down)

G1: I keep [card:
1glapwr2]Mountain[/card], Mountain, Temple of Triumph, Mutavault, Shock, YP$, [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]. I draw five more mountains. He beats me down, Brave the Elements-ing when I shock.

G2: I keep Mountain, Mountain, Sacred Foundry, Mutavault, Lightning Strike, Ash Zealot [card]Chandra's Phoenix[/card]. I think, surely that can't happen again. I draw 4 lands in a row again. He has a really good start and smokes me. My 5th draw is a lightning strike, but it's just too late.

Maybe I shouldn't have kept those hands? What do you guys think?

4-1-2 (5th)
vundo's SCG IQ

I won an SCG IQ today piloting Heisenburn. It was a small event of 36 people and the competition, likewise, wasn't very high. There was also a PTQ today like half an hour away which I opted not to go to because I'm not confident in Theros Sealed.
Here is the list I used today"

This was a pretty small event but the meta was pretty reflective of an SCG Open. I went
undefeated and I played versus:
R1: 2-1 Mono Black Devotion
R2: 2-0 G/r/b Devotion
R3: 2-1 RDW with FoM
R4: 2-1 Esper Control
R5: 2-0 G/r Devotion
R6: ID

T8: 2-0 Esper Control (super bad 3xObzedat 3xWhip MB list - how did this even happen..)
T4: 2-0 G/r Devotion (same player)
T2: 2-0 Mono Blue Devotion

Not the biggest result but I'm happy I got to queue for the invitational. I think I'm going to play Young Frankenstein haha. I'm using the name 'Heisenburn' and this SCGIQ was spliced into a GPT Albuquerque which was a funny coincidence.
Some thoughts I had throughout the tournament:
- Throughout all 8 rounds that I played, I only made 1 relevant YP$ token. YP$ was either immediately killed or I just tapped out for reckoners and phoenixes.
- I tested the Boros list that MDU posted, copying 75/75 of aytor_92's list. I'm probably just not used to the subtle difference between that and Pyro lists but I absolutely hate FoM
builds. I also have a tough time sideboarding with FoM lists when I'm playing a matchup where I don't want to cut 1-drops.
- I sided in 14 cards for G/x/x Devotion and 11 cards for Mono Blue Devotion. I also side out my FotF against G/x/x Devotion decks when I'm on the draw but use them both on the play so I can kill elf/satyr.
- I only got to use Last Breath once and it was versus RDW FoM. I haven't really tested it but I just wanted more outs to MoW. I had a gut feeling that there would be a ton of Mono Blue Devotion today and I was right. Luckily, most of them were in the X-1 bracket :)
- I got to play Burning Earth twice- one time it got Golgari Charm'd and DSphere'd the other. Obviously it wasn't that great today but I'm satisfied with them for Conley's Junk, BRW, and less devotion focused Jund lists.
- I missed Boros Charm a bit but I had a few opponents who played
around it because I would leave 2 up for Jet lol..
- I wasn't too worried about AoG because it sees very little play on paper.
- As I mentioned before, YP$ didn't seem to do that much. Any other bear would've been doombladed just as quickly. Overall, I enjoyed the 3 FFs - 3 YP split today.
- Going down to 2 Mutavault hurt my control matchup a little bit and I'll probably start using the 3rd again. The 3rd never really screwed me.
tkoman GPT

[deck]Boros Aggro[/deck]

I took this list to a GPT in a little town in Missouri (Mountain Grove) and won.

I have only played for nine months, just recently finding some success in a fairly competitive place - won a gameday mat few weeks back with w/b mid (problem with that deck - no mountains. No Chandra). I am red at heart, and I have been following ya'l here since I played my first real deck (I had never heard of 'DosRakis' but wound up making one on my own - and then saw, yeah, you REALLY thought that out long before me). I just wanted to shout out to ya'll (and I mean really, you all that have contributed - too many names to list) - huge thanks - I went through all of Zeman's writings, the the threads, ALL of your work and videos MDU - took it all to heart. Lots of testing, etc.

I didn't even take any game notes since I don't really win much of anything, but long story short - 4 rounds, cut to top 4 (it&#
39;s a small store) - played Dega (staeamrolled it - thanks for all the scrying) - mono-black lost, some weird janky blue/white unblockable sort of thing, then mono-U (which I beat 2-0). Cut to top 4 - ranked #1 - get to be on the play due to modified rules. Played another dega (steamrolled - thanks for all the scrying) and then another mono-B (steamrolled, thanks for playing). Of all cards that were all star for me on this night - Pyrewild.

On to Dallas, thanks again
dpaine88 GPT

4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Firefist Striker
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

18 Mountain
4 Mutavault

3 Act of Treason
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Frostburn Weird
1 Hammer of Purphoros
4 Mizzium Mortars
3 Skullcrack[/deck]

Had a small GPT at my LGS today , but
all good players with Tier 1 decks.

I went 3-1 and then we split top4. Easy $50 cash.

Took Zem's latest list which I have been playing the past month or so.

Honestly, the deck ran like crap a lot. I kept 1 single 7-card hand through the entire event. If I had $1 for every 1 or 0 land hand, I'd be rich.

That said, thats just how good this deck is. Even when it runs like shit, it is so flexible and often untested against which lets it eek out games other red decks can't.

2-0 Win vs Junk Midrange
1-0(Game loss) Win vs BR Aggro
2-1 Win vs Mono Black- Loss was Removal into 3x Demon and Whip
2-1 Loss vs G/R Monsters/Devotion

Split cash but played it out for a store credit bonus if you won other GPT that day.

I got rematch vs Mono Black and mulled to abysmal 5 card hands both games. Lost promptly.

Zemanjaski's Anti-MODO Pyrored

Went 4-0 tonight with the Mono Red version I have been working on the last
few days (thats 3-1, 4-0).

First up, decklist:

Deck was awesome, super happy with it. I was really impressed with BTE actually, the mana acceleration proved very valuable, though I didn't run into any matchups with a lot of direct creature combat, where he would be worse than Ash Zealot. Instead, the extra mana was super valuable in either getting me just a little ahead (against doomblade.dek) or catching me up (mono R mirror). I don't recall having a single "clunky" hand where I had no one drop and three two drops, as even when I did have
the dreaded "triple two drop draw" BTE was there to help out. The BTE + FFS into Phoenix (3rd land Muta) was consistently brutal all night.

Anyway, enough rambling, game reports!

Round 1: Mono Red Devotion, played by Egress (grinder)

Game 1. We exchange pleasantries after he wins the die roll. I keep a hand of: 2x cackler, young pyro, FFS, phoenix, mountain and mutavault. I do my best to curve out, but he has his own Cackler and three magma jet, whereas I draw no removal. All that scry finds him a Phoenix and Ash Zealot and I still have drawn no burn. Chandra off the top gives me hope, but he has a Fanatic of Mogis and more burn; at the end of the game his GY has 3 magma jet and 3 lightning strike.

Game 2. I let him go first, which I am pretty confident is correct with my version of the deck and sideboarding plan. I keep two mountain, 1 mutavault; two shock, mizzium mortars and phoenix. We play draw-go for a few turns and he stalls on two land; I
play my phoenix and get ready to start exhausting his resources while getting ahead; he kills my Phoenix and next turn I have BTE into Magma Jet to re-buy my Phoenix - go BTE! His Magma Jet trades with the BTE, and the next turn Reckoner finally comes down. He is at 12, my hand is 3 shock, 2 mortars and a magma jet. Another Reckoner soon follows, but all that burn buys me enough phoenix rebuys to close out the game.

Game 3. He lets me draw, and I keep three mountain, BTE, FFS, shock and Weird. He has a Cackler which eats a shock as he moves to combat, then a BTE and another Cackler. I draw another BTE and suddenly my board is 2 BTE and a FFS, demonstrating the value of the extra card. His Cackler and BTE trade with my two BTE (trading down exaggerates the value of the extra card). He lightning strikes away my FFS and I follow up with a Weird, leaving us here:


So basically
perfect parity, except that my extra card is Frostburn Weird, which is a huge game. His follow up is Ratchet Bomb (???), which I assume was brought in for my Young Pyromancer tokens. I do draw a YP, but I let him kill off the Weird before playing it with three burn spells in hand. I am able to get two kills before he draws even more removal (seriously, do they play eight removal for twenty-eight?) and the tokens get in for huge damage before I burn him out.

Total: 1-0 (2-1)

Round 2: Mono Black Devotion played by Natehdavis

Game 1. I lose the die-roll, but keep a hand of two mountain, two cackler, FFS, magma jet and Chandra. Unfortunately he has a turn 3 Spectre and I don't yet have an answer, so I make the difficult decision to give back a card (to parity) and trade a Cackler + Jet for a Spectre then follow up with another Cackler. Unfortunately, he has Whip into two Gray Merchant and after Chandra meets her downfall, I pack it in.

Sideboarding Strategy: -4 Shock, -2 Magma Jet, +3 Act of Treason, +1 Hammer of Purphoros, +2 Mizzium Mortars. I am finding that I just need more ways to get through a Nightveil Spectre or Gray Merchant.

Game 2. On the play i keep YP, FFS, Phoenix, Jet, Strike, Mountain, Mutavault. Of course I topdeck a satyr immediately. Turn 4 rolls around and he had removal for my FFS, so my board is three mountain, Satyr and YP. He has three swamp and a Spectre; this time I get to lightning strike the spectre (+1 token, which is relevant) and hit him with the mutavault down to 14. Whip of Erobos comes down, but I hit a 5th land and play Phoenix and activate Mutavault, putting him to 5 with Magma Jet in hand. He lands a gray merchant, going to 9; I snare a shock for the turn which lets me alpha, using shock to kill my satyr that he tried to block with the Merchant, then jet him post combat for exactsies.

Game 3. On the draw I keep Cackler, BTE, FFS x 2, Phoenix, two mountain, immediately drawing a Mutavault
because I live in reality. He has turn three spectre for the third consecutive game, but Phoenix lets me put him to 14. He holds Spectre back and plays Desecration Demon. I already have a lightning strike for the Sprectre, so I play a YP and bolt it (value token!) and FFS sees my three creatures hit him to eight. From there it is an elementary game of juggling the demon with my YP tokens for an easy win.


Total: 2-0 (4-2)

Round 3: Mono Blue Devotion played by Christian Valenti

Game 1. I lose my third consecutive die roll, and then compound that my ambitiously keeping a 1 lander with Satyr, BTE, 2 FFS, 2 Shock and Lightning Strike. I get lucky and immediately spike a land. He has Judge's Familiar into Tidebinder for my Satyr; BTE catches me up and lets me get some board presence going. Spectre comes down on turn three (apparently,
this is my fate, to always play against turn 3 spectre) so the best I can do is shock the tidebinder to free up my creatures for next turn and hope to spike a mountain next turn so I can strike the Spectre; which draws him a mountain. Instead he trades Familiar for my Satyr, so I get to strike the Spectre. Jace comes down, and now we're here:


He +1s Jace and puts down another Judges Familiar. I take Jace out, then slaughter him the turn after, despite a Master of Waves.

Game 2. On the draw I keep four mountain, Chandra, Mortars and Flames of the Firebrand, immediately drawing my second Chandra. He stalls on two land early after a Familiar, and I draw a Phoenix on time to start getting in damage. Spectre meets a Mortars and the turn after Chandra spikes the Familiar. My plan is to keep plussing Chandra while hitting him with the Phoenix, so lethal him from around ~8.

img]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/ ... 472301.jpg[/img]

Flames and Chandra clear him down to Master, which does stop me from going ultimate (it just attacks Chandra for 2 each turn). Another Master comes down and I start trading off my board, despite the card disadvantage, to keep +1 Chandra and hitting him with the Phoenix. We end up with him: Two masters, 1 token against my phoenix, weird, young pyromancer, token and Chandra (6 loyalty). He is at 8, I am at 17. The Masters keep bashing Chandra, who is now gaining me 4 life a turn and dealing him damage. He plays a Spectre and a Weird (must be nice) and keeps his token back; I ping the Spectre (he goes to 7) then swing with phoenix, pyro, weird and two tokens; his Weird eats the pyro, my weird eats his token and he falls to three.

The masters come in and finish off Chandra and Thassa joins her forces, blocking alongside the Weird and Spectre. Chandra
returns to ping the Spectre, let her Phoenix deliver lethal and my highest ever MODO rating. Quite the great lass really.

Total: 3-0 (6-2)

Round 4: Esper Control played by reddybear

Game 1 & 2. I won't lie, I won he dice roll and straight nut drew the poor SOB Game 1, then in Game 2 he mulliganed to six and played three straight scrylands.

Finished: 1st place, 4-0 (8-2).

You've got questions, I've got answers (delivered in my usual laconic style).
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:16 am

It's a non-linear aggro deck, so you don't have mulligan rules. If you have a playable mix of spells and lands, you keep. The deck is incredibly synergistic and incremental advantage given, so it takes a lot if knowledge and awareness to get value out of what is otherwise a collection if very slightly underpowered cards. HARD deck to play.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:16 am

This post has no meaning. :frown:

Reserved for later.
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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:44 am

What kind of mulligan rules are you using? What's a keeper and what's not?
Zem beat me to it while I was having dinner, but yeah, you can keep most things with this deck, which is a very large upside over the Devotion Red deck. I really hate mulligans (probably because I do it so often, but I want to change this). Things that make a seven card hand unkeepable in this deck:
-Less than two lands
-No creatures
-Multiple 4-drops with two lands and no Magma Jet
-Hands where my common sense or gut instinct just screams "IF YOU KEEP THIS, YOU WILL LOOOOOOSE!" When you know what your opponent is playing, you can make better mulligan decisions.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:09 am

I've honestly kept no creatures before and won. I did have four removal, Chandra and two land though.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:10 am

Impressive, Z. I was happy to keep a hand of 1-drop, pyromancer, shock, mutavault, 3 lands at the FNM. Those came up a lot. This deck doesn't seem to need aggressive mulligans the way AIR did last season. Two-land hands are what give me the most trouble, especially Vault - Mountain - Zealot hands

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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:17 am

Yeah that's frustrating. I kinda want 23 land honestly, I keep a lot of two landers that don't improve quickly enough.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:18 am

What would you cut? I've been feeling the same way.

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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:21 am

So more a gut-feel thing that is developed through experience with the deck, I guess.

So, what do you do with a handfull of burn, two lands, and one two-drop?

Do you burn face with shock off the bat, or just "mountain-go" until there's a creature to burn or ???

Another gut feel/experience thing?

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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:30 am

Why the hell would you just burn the face?? The deck has cards that need spells to operate (Pyromancer and Phoenix). Throwing spells away is not only card disadvantage but it makes key components in your deck much worse.

You play the two drop then make informed decisions. These questions are weird.

@ Helios, probably a Flames I guess? Flames are the worst maindeck burn IMO. I might switch them to Mortars anyway. 21st mountain or 3rd 'vault?
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:36 am

So more a gut-feel thing that is developed through experience with the deck, I guess.

So, what do you do with a handfull of burn, two lands, and one two-drop?

Do you burn face with shock off the bat, or just "mountain-go" until there's a creature to burn or ???

Another gut feel/experience thing?
Well, the deck is not a "Burn" deck, and the format is not Legacy. Personally, I'd either save the Shock for a dork or hold on to it for value with Young P-Money.

The deck wins by grinding out card advantage, so mindlessly chucking Shocks at your opponent is pretty...meh. For realz, it's only 2 damage anyway.
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:37 am

That shock is going to rebuy a Phoenix later.
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:38 am

That shock is going to rebuy a Phoenix later.
You're goddamn right.
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:41 am

Target opponent loses 2 life. Put any number of cards called Chandra's Phoenix from your graveyard in your hand.

Ill take 4.
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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:50 am

So more a gut-feel thing that is developed through experience with the deck, I guess.

So, what do you do with a handfull of burn, two lands, and one two-drop?

Do you burn face with shock off the bat, or just "mountain-go" until there's a creature to burn or ???

Another gut feel/experience thing?
Well, the deck is not a "Burn" deck, and the format is not Legacy. Personally, I'd either save the Shock for a dork or hold on to it for value with Young P-Money.

The deck wins by grinding out card advantage, so mindlessly chucking Shocks at your opponent is
pretty...meh. For realz, it's only 2 damage anyway.
Yeah, I get that. But doing no damage until turn 3 doesn't seem to fit the plan exactly either.

So, How would something like this play out:

Ash Zealot
Lightning Strike

Next cards in your library

Flames of the Firebrand
Firedrinker Satyr
Chandra's Phoenix

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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:52 am

Well, if you're in the aggro mirror, you're golden. If not, you're fucked.
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:55 am

I'd probably keep it. But then, I make decisions based on what I know. All I know is that 7 card hand could get there. And that's enough for me. Since PyroRed is a non-linear deck, you really have to make the best decision based on the information that you have.

Since that 7 card hand a "curve" with options, I'd keep it. However, I'd like to know if I was on the play or the draw first.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:01 am

@ Helios, probably a Flames I guess? Flames are the worst maindeck burn IMO. I might switch them to Mortars anyway. 21st mountain or 3rd 'vault?
21st Mountain. I was playing 3 Vaults main at FNM and kept getting awkward draws.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:03 am

So more a gut-feel thing that is developed through experience with the deck, I guess.

So, what do you do with a handfull of burn, two lands, and one two-drop?

Do you burn face with shock off the bat, or just "mountain-go" until there's a creature to burn or ???

Another gut feel/experience thing?
Well, the deck is not a "Burn" deck, and the format is not Legacy. Personally, I'd
either save the Shock for a dork or hold on to it for value with Young P-Money.

The deck wins by grinding out card advantage, so mindlessly chucking Shocks at your opponent is pretty...meh. For realz, it's only 2 damage anyway.
Yeah, I get that. But doing no damage until turn 3 doesn't seem to fit the plan exactly either.

So, How would something like this play out:

Ash Zealot
Lightning Strike

Next cards in your library

Flames of the Firebrand
Firedrinker Satyr
Chandra's Phoenix
I have no idea what this sort of mental exercise is meant to achieve.

Not dealing any damage by turn 3 is usually irrelevant if you're fighting for board control. If you're finally up on board you'll kill your opponent very quickly. Dealing 2 upstairs just so you can feel like you've done 2 damage makes no sense at all. None.

I get the feeling you're looking at the deck entirely
wrong. This isn't a turn 4 kill deck, or even a turn 5 kill deck.
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Postby Zooligan » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:10 am

I get the feeling you're looking at the deck entirely wrong. This isn't a turn 4 kill deck, or even a turn 5 kill deck.
I may be. Guess i just need to sleeve it up and play and figure it out.

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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:10 am

So more a gut-feel thing that is developed through experience with the deck, I guess.

So, what do you do with a handfull of burn, two lands, and one two-drop?

Do you burn face with shock off the bat, or just "mountain-go" until there's a
creature to burn or ???

Another gut feel/experience thing?
Well, the deck is not a "Burn" deck, and the format is not Legacy. Personally, I'd either save the Shock for a dork or hold on to it for value with Young P-Money.

The deck wins by grinding out card advantage, so mindlessly chucking Shocks at your opponent is pretty...meh. For realz, it's only 2 damage anyway.
Yeah, I get that. But doing no damage until turn 3 doesn't seem to fit the plan exactly either.

So, How would something like this play out:

Ash Zealot
Lightning Strike

Next cards in your library

Flames of the Firebrand
Firedrinker Satyr
Chandra's Phoenix
I get the feeling you're looking at the deck entirely wrong. This isn't a turn 4 kill deck, or even a turn 5 kill deck.
Couldn't've said it better. PyroRed is designed for a grindy game - a thinking
man's game.

For faster and harder hitting decks, you'll want Turtenwald's Sligh or a Mogis build.

Z's deck is made to beat people using crazy mental abilities.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:17 am

How about this Helios;

4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Young Pyromancer

3 Chandra, Pyromaster

2 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Shock

21 Mountain
2 Mutavault

2 Act of Treason
4 Boros Reckoner
1 Hammer of Purphorous
4 Mizzium Mortars
4 Skullcrack

I decided to try to losing the maindeck hammer.
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:19 am

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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:25 am

It looks solid. Only having a singleton hammer seems odd, considering how powerful it is v. control. -1 Mortars, +1 Hammer?

EDIT: I stared at it some more, and I don't even know. It seems so solid. Flames is arguably the "worst" card in the deck, so it comes down to whether you want the 2nd Flames or want to have 2 Hammers in the 75.

I think I want the Hammer. Because this deck wants to go long and Hammer gives it another angle to play with.

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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:35 am

My logic is maybe faulty, but let me try to explain:
- control is already a good matchup (imo)
- I only use hammer for that matchup. I haven't found it very good vs. GR ramp and against GW I find I just want to draw mortars early. I didn't mind having a singleton hammer in the matchup when it was already maindeck, but if never bring in a second.
- same with red mirrors.

So if we run the logic that control is already favourable, then I want to hedge aggro (slightly favourable) and midrange (slightly unfavourable). Mortars is really good in both matchups, as spot removal for everything early and a free-win late.

This, vs. aggro we get:
OUT: 4 Cackler, 4 Satyr
IN: 4 Reckdaddy, 4 Mortars

That looks brutal. I like having a natural 23 land in this matchup.

vs. control
OUT: 2 flames, 3 shock
IN: 1 hammer, 4 skullcrack

Now it's possible that you want -1 hammer, +1 Skullcrack. That deserves real

There's a tension between more hammers and more spells for pyro/Phoenix and each time I've opted for spells; they're a more key component in the deck, I think.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:41 am

Maybe I'm just attached to it because it single-handedly won me that grindy Gruul game at FNM (see the report below). Your logic is sound; my only point of contention would be that it is bad against midrange. After about 5 lands, being able to turn your additional lands into 3/3s and grind them out on the board seems like a real possibility. Again, maybe I'm biased because of that one game.
IN: 1 hammer, 4 skullcrack

Now it's possible that you want -1 hammer, +1 Skullcrack. That deserves real consideration.
Did you mean +1 Hammer, -1 Skullcrack? I was thinking something similar.

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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:51 am

You're not wrong, I probably overvalue overloading a mortars.

Maybe -1 Skullcrack, +1 hammer?
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:54 am

3xSkullcrack is still in that "you'll at least see one" camp.

2xHammer is in the "well, I'll probably see this powerful card in a game, but rarely ever as doubles" camp.

It's a sound configuration.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:56 am

I doubt you can overvalue that, it is extremely powerful. Didn't consider that in my reasoning; I'd give the 2 Hammer/3 Skullcracks a shot and see how that goes.

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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:59 am

So let it be written, so let it be done. :jam:
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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:32 am

I'm thinking of moving away from 2 flames sb for 2 more weirds. Questions: first off, is this even correct? Weird is a better card and can even come in against control or midrange, but as a sorcery, flames has more synergy with the deck. Boros Reckoner is also an option, although it is really only good against aggro.
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Postby zemanjaski » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:35 am

I'm on 4 SB Reckoners, they're the best card you can have against other aggro decks.
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Postby Khaospawn » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:41 am

I find that watching this video is relevant to this thread.


The funny part is towards the end hearing the commentary about the "then current" Chandra.
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Postby F.I.A » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:45 am

Here's what I think as I tried this deck in tourney practice yesterday:

- Flames might not be the best thing, but usually I'm glad to draw it at times for a 2-1. So a 2 for it sounds reasonable.
- I think I might want to cut some Mutavaults. It's great against control, but most often than not, it will prevent you from dropping Ashley by turn 2.
- Scry is great for this deck as it allows us to fix our draw or bring more gas to the table. There was this instance of a mirror match where an opponent topdecked Magma Jet each turn to bring back his Pheonix.
- Chandra is the babe. There were still a few games where my opponents underestimated her and let her live, which gave me more CA.

Currently, I'm considering replacing Shock with Spark Jolt. It gives us more scry, and there is a handful of creatures it can hit ([card]Young Pyromancer[/card:
q23tecq1], Firefist Striker, Firedrinker Satyr, Elvish Mystic to name a few).

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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:47 am

Reckoner is also strong against the midrange decks that are popping up, not just aggro. Because I was missing cards he was in my sideboard at FNM, and was great.

F.I.A.: The presence of Fanatic, Cackler, and BTE make me loath to cut Shock. We've been talking about Vaults today as well, and came to the same conclusion.
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Postby Jack » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:49 am

You can't kill Fanatic of Mogis with spark jolt.
You can't kill Ash Zealot with spark jolt.
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Postby Helios » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:52 am

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