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Postby Sasky » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:12 am

Forgive me if this seems like a foolish question but do you ever feel like running say, a couple Boros Reckoners over anything you have currently SB'd would have been useful? I'm trying to decide on what the ideal Reckoner/Mutavault combination would be and you seem to be the only person here that isn't playing Boros Reckoner at all. Could you explain your reasoning behind this (sorry, quite new to RDW and magic altogether)? This is probably the coolest deck I've encountered in this thread so far though!
Hi, and thanks, but this deck is entirely zemanjaski's. I just brought it out for some paper testing. :)

I don't like reckoner as i want to be aggressive in all
matchups. This is why Flames and Mortars are better options than reckoner, since I can clear blockers with it and attack. Burning away key creatures also disupts people's game plans than laying out a 3/3 super-blocker. They are also burn spells and have better synergy with young pyromancer.

You can cut the 4x burn in the sb for reckoners and side out phoenixes for them in aggressive matchups if you want to play a more controlling role.

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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:25 am

^ yeah I like Pyro more than Devotion for the same reason. Admittedly I routinely go to time with a red deck :P
Can't wait for the 7th so I can start getting into this on MODO. I'll probably main a number of Flames at least at first. I'm expecting mirrors everywhere. Thankfully most MODO red grinders play it not to think so there's plenty of room to maneuver and win.

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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:40 am

Throw me a friend invite and be sure to watch my stream sir.
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:42 am

Throw me a friend invite and be sure to watch my stream sir.
Most def on both accounts. Going from a year on UW to Pyro is going to take adjustment and watching someone who knows red well is going to be invaluable.

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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:53 am

I think most people just like my accent / music. The mtg is just a bonus.
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:59 am

I think most people just like my accent / music. The mtg is just a bonus.
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Postby Narcasus » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:08 am

I went to FNM tonight and went 4-0-1, drawing out for first. Heres the deck i ran.

4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Ash Zealot
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Chandras Pheonx
4 Fanatic of Mogis

4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike
2 Shock

2 Chandra, Pyromasncer
1 Hammer of Purp

21 Mountain
2 Mutavault

Round one was a green white awful deck. I'm pretty sure i have built better decks in drafts and i just tried to help him learn. 2-0

Round 2 was against esper control. Game one, i was way too fast and he just died quite easily. Game 2, i flooded out but i also think i played poorly. I honestly think i had chances to win that game if i had play smarter even through 10 mana and no hammer draw. Game 3, i realised he was esper, not blue white control, sided in burning earth, and won the game in 6 turns on the play. Both times on the play, i felt he had absolutely no chance.

Round 3 was against Black
white midrange. It had alot of hand disruption and kill spells and felt really strong against me. Game one he got stuck on 2 mana and just died. Game three, he got up to 3 mana, played a bit better, but then died again after never drawing another land and me overrunning him quickly. I played him two more times after this, and his deck worked much smoother. He ended up winning both but they were pretty close and i was within drawing a act of treason away from winning.

Round 4 was red green agro that wasnt very good honestly. I got paired down and im not sure how he won 2 games. It was quickly over and not much to say

Round 5 we drew at the start. We played it out anyway. Game 1 i won drawing alot more gas than him. Game 2 was the reverese. Game 3 felt close for awhile but his BTEs let him cast his creatures and burn at the same time and overwhelm my board. So i would have lost 2-1.

He was playing strikers, BTE and 2 shredfreak, so he seemed quite a bit faster than me in both games we played. He also
main boarded 2 hammers and said they did work for him all night. I may try out 2 in the main as well. of the other 3 red decks playing that night, i was the only one playing firedrinker, no one else thought it was any good, but it did work in both the control and black white matchup, getting in for early damage. Same thing with mutavaults, they were quite good all night. I feel like chandra was amazing when i played her against both control and midrange but i felt like i would lose the mirror consistently to his list. I feel it still needs some tweaking, all the other decks also played peak eruption and said it was really good all night for them. Same thing for BTE. they chained it into burn alot as well.

Overall, im happy the deck played well, but i felt like i needed to be a little bit faster against midrange and other agro decks overall. Maybe ill switch back to 4 shredfreaks again. Having 10 burn spells felt really relevent every game as well. helped me finish them off. Scy 2 saved me quite a few
times digging for my 3rd or 4th mana as well.

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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:12 am

Nice work! Thanks for the write up.
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Devotion Red tonight

Postby Kyarie » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:51 am

Played this for devotion red tonight at FNM:

[deck]4 Rakdos Cackler
3 Firedrinker Satyr
1 Legion Loyalist
4 Ash Zealot
4 Rageblood Shaman
4 Boros Reckoner
4 Fanatic of Mogis
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge

1 Chandra, Pyromaster

3 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike

1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
21 Mountain


2 Chandra's Phoenix
3 Rakdos Shred Freak
1 Legion Loyalist
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Seismic Stomp
4 Mizzium Mortars
1 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Rounds

1st Pairing - Gruul Ramp
Not much here, my deck came out fast in game one and killed him before he got
anything going. Game two I got a crazy smash of attacking for 9 damage up to
turn 4 and on turn 5, I played Nykthos and activated it for 7 and tapped another
mountain to cast 2 Fanatic of Mogis for a total of 17 damage precombat ending it
right there.

2nd Pairing - Naya Slivers
Two quick games here of
burning creatures and swinging through.

3rd Pairing - Gruul Ramp
This was a much tougher matchup than the first Gruul deck. This one came packing
Xenagos, Garruk, Polukranos, Stormbreath Dragon and more. Lost the first game
to much ramp, including Xenagos and much creature drawing from Garruk -
3 Stormbreath dragons ripped me up in the air though I did get him to a single
digit life total before he took over - Nylea's Bow is annoying against us too.
Game two, I beat him down hard before his large stuff came out. Held back
developing my board - dealt with lifegain from that dang bow and then dropped a
Fanatic of Mogis for 10 and exactly lethal. Game three was interesting in that
I got out Purphoros, his Hammer and enough board presence to deter for a while
and between the Hammer and Purphoros plus a Fanatic that took him to 1 life, I
swung in for the win with 1 more creature than he had blockers. Dang bow gained
him 9 life in this matchup. I might have to sideboard anti-artifact if this
nbecomes part of the meta around here.

4th Pairing - Selesnya Aggro
Three games on this one as well because I was really stupid and forgot what
triggers Voice of Resurgence. Lost game one because of this and Loxodon Smiters
being a brick wall. I sideboarded out my 3 Firedrinker Satyrs, 3 Shocks, 1
Magma Jet and 1 Cackler to bring in 4 Mizzium Mortars, 1 more Legion Loyalist and
3 Rakdos Shredfreaks. The Firedrinkers felt like too much a liability in the
face of early big dumb brutes and my increased devotion was useful. Both game
two and game three were one through a mix of creature removal, beats and a
finish with Fanatic of Mogis.


I think I should have sided out 2 Rageblood Shaman and in the
two Chandra's Phoenix more. I only did this versus the second Gruul deck.

I'm sorry I don't remember my sideboarding choices that clearly. That is something I will need
to write down so I can remember and work on improving.

Nykthos was awesome as a one of enabling some
big plays with multiple spells I
couldn't have made otherwise.

I was told multiple times through the night that my opponent would have won if
they had lasted one more turn. I usually didn't get the kill until turn 6 or 7
because I would get stonewalled by large creatures fairly early and had to
use Fanatic as a finsher or the craziness of Purphoros 2 damage trigger with
the Hammer. As those are both one of's, the chances of both is low.

How many spells should you have in your deck to make Chandra's ultimate a viable
choice for use? I couldn't decide if I should pop Chandra at 7 and lose her or
go higher with the +1 and - ended up +1ing and with 8 loyalty when my 3rd Pair opponent
dropped the Stormbreath Dragon and knocked her to 4 taking the decision away.
This was game one which I lost but had I used the ultimate and gotten Lightning
Strike or Magma Jet, I could have won - 4 of either would have killed him.

I still don't have my last 2 Chandra's Phoenix, any Burning Earth and
1 Chandra, Pyromaster. I am working on gaining those and 1 more Firedrinker
Satyr (still missing him). I don't have any Stormbreath Dragons either... Do I need to shell out that much?
Any other must haves I should be getting at this

Hope everyone had fun at FNM and thanks to you all for being a great community.

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Postby windstrider » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:53 am

Gotdamn! I love PyroRed. I took the following to FNM tonight and ended up in 1st* with it. Some of the sideboard choices are suboptimal, but you go to war with the weapons you have, not the weapons you wish you had.

* Technically. See the write up for more details.

19 Mountain
3 Mutavault

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix

4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Flames of the Firebrand
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Chandra, Pyromaster

1 Legion Loyalist
4 Mizzium Mortars
1 Volcanic Geyser
3 Act of Treason
2 Annihilating Fire
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Peak Eruption
2 Burning Earth

1st Round vs. MonoGreen Stompy 2-1
First game he rolled me with turn one Gladecover Scout followed by 4 Kalonian Tuskers. I saw Cacklers, Satyrs, and Shock. Next game, board out all the one drops for
Mortars, Annihilating Fire, and 2 Act of Treason. Didn't need them. Ash Zealot, Young Pyro, and Phoenix along with judicious amounts of Shock, Lightning Strike, and Magma Jet carried me through even after he hit me with a 16/16 Kalonian Hydra. I killed him on the swing back. Third game wasn't even close.

2nd Round vs. BWU Control? 2-0
I kinda felt bad for this guy after he Thoughtseized me to see a fistful of Satyr, Ash Zealot, Phoenix, and Magma Jet and three lands. I threw Chandra down on the field on turn 4, and he looked in disbelief at her abilities. He was dead soon after. The second game I boarded in my Burning Earth, and that was all she wrote. Though he did have a neat play with Cyclonic Rift when he tapped all his lands in response to me casting Burning Earth and then used the mana to bounce my field of Satyr, Phoenix, Chandra, and BE. He died after the BE resolved the next turn, and I just rebuilt everything against him. Supreme Verdict sucks vs. Phoenix.

3rd Round vs. BW Aggro? 2-0
nNothing much to report except two Young Pyromancers on the field will pretty much win the game though sheer card advantage. I burned his creatures out of the way and overran him with Zealot, Phoenix, and elementals with Chandra tapping down his blockers. Second game he Thoughtseized me to see 3 Mountains, Ash Zealot, Magma Jet, Phoenix, and Chandra. He foolishly got rid of the Chandra. I killed him with Zealot, followed by Zealot, followed by Phoenix, while drawing two Lightning Strikes to complement the Magma Jet.

4th Round vs. Devotion Red Draw
I saw this deck earlier in the evening, and I dreaded facing it since I knew it would be an uphill fight. My opponent suggested that we draw to split the prize since we were both undefeated, but he wanted to play the games out just to see what would happen. That was a good thing for me since he curbstomped me both games. We played the same game of Ash Zealot, swing, destroy the opposing Ash Zealot with Shock until he landed Reckoner and Purphoros. Could not
make headway against the damned Reckoner. Second game he was able to land two of them, and that was pretty much it for me. He graciously reported it as a draw, and we split $30 in store credit.

Granted, these were not top tier decks, but the deck itself felt fast, consistent, and powerful. I never really felt overmatched in any of the games I played, even that last one, since it was surprisingly explosive. Zealot and Phoenix carried the day with Chandra herself not far behind. Hammer was nuts because of the haste and the 3/3 tokens. Shock and Zealot took down so many opposing things that I almost can't imagine playing one without the other.

Devotion Red is a powerhouse because of Boros Reckoner, so beware. Goblin Shortcutter or Seismic Stomp look like good tech against opposing Reckoners, though I don't know what I'd cut. Maybe -2 Annihilating Fire for +2 Goblin Shortcutter?

I'll be replacing the Peak Eruption with the third Burning Earth since I got one through trade, and I can replace the
Volcanic Geyser with a fourth Mutavault that I bought with store credit. :D

Thanks, z! I had a blast playing this deck.
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Postby zemanjaski » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:03 am

Happy to make my redbros some moolah.

Its only fair after I made you all buy Chandras...
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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:43 am

I prefer act of treason over stomp for reckoner, but that's just me, nothing better then bashing with him, god forbid they actually block it! even if they don't you can do some nice tricks with Chandra or a shock on a stolen reckoner.
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:00 am

Happy to make my redbros some moolah.

Its only fair after I made you all buy Chandras...
Truth. That one hurt. I just hope the Theros Rares I need stay cheap once I can find them on modo otherwise me list will be incomplete!

For the first week of Theros on MODO here is what I'm planning on playing.

20 Mountain
2 Mutavault

Creature Spells
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Ash Zealot
4 Chandra's Pheonix

Non-Creature Spells
4 Shock
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Hammer of Purphoros
2 Chandra, Pyromaster

3 Burning Earth
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Peak Eruption
1 Flames of the Firebrand
3 Act of Treason
3 ? (Seismic Stomp maybe?)[/

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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:15 am

I picked my chandras up when they were at 16 so im really happy.
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Postby DerWille » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:52 am

I took PyroRed to FNM, didn't do so hot this time. I went 2-2 for the night. I learned that green decks are hard.

Round 1 vs Mono-Green Something 2-1
Something of a janky deck, I mull to 4 the first game and still win by burning everything he has to the ground. Second game, he plays big stuff and I can't keep up. Third game I manage to win.

Round 2 vs Jund Midrange 1-2
Not the typical list. He gets mana screwed game 1. Game 2 he stabilizes with a clutch doom blade and Scavenging Ooze nom nom. Game 3, I didn't have a chance. He played more of a swarmy midrange deck. Just lots of big guys coming down fairly consistently.

Round 3 vs Grixis Control 2-0
Definition of a greedy mana base. He was running 3 colors with 0 dual lands. Needless to say, I got to gold fish my deck for a couple games.

Round 4 vs Buddy's Mono-Green 0-2.
I was not happy about this. I lost to Ranger's Guile and mana flood.

finding lots of green 3/3's are a bit difficult for this deck, especially if they have Ranger's Guile. I think the match up could be manageable if I had more effective 2 mana removal, but against a horde of 3/3's Magma Jet and Shock don't do much so I'm waiting around for Lightning Strikes, Mizzium Mortars, and Flames of the Firebrand, but those lose effectiveness as well.

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Postby Platypus » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:08 am

Just a thought...should the discussion be split into two threads, one for Devotion Red and one for PyroRed? They have a differnet approach and it's a bit hard to follow the discussions on the two decks right now. It's getting a bit mixed up.
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Postby Draksil » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:15 am

Hello Zemanjaski and other red mages. I've really taken a liking to your red pyro list, but sadly do not have any Chandra, Pyromaster's, would your list still be playable without them? And if so, what would you suggest to replace her?

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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:18 am

Just a thought...should the discussion be split into two threads, one for Devotion Red and one for PyroRed? They have a differnet approach and it's a bit hard to follow the discussions on the two decks right now. It's getting a bit mixed up.
already beat you to it I have a devotion red "primer" up. its still a bit bare bones still.
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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:19 am

Hello Zemanjaski and other red mages. I've really taken a liking to your red pyro list, but sadly do not have any Chandra, Pyromaster's, would your list still be playable without them? And if so, what would you suggest to replace her?
that's a tough one, I don't wanna sound like a downer but I cant imagine playing a red deck atm with out her. so I really have no idea. =[
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:24 am

Hello Zemanjaski and other red mages. I've really taken a liking to your red pyro list, but sadly do not have any Chandra, Pyromaster's, would your list still be playable without them? And if so, what would you suggest to replace her?
I really doubt it. She gives so much reach and helps get around pesky fatties for the last points of damage. Without a permanent source of card advantage you just fold to control.

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Postby Draksil » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:10 am

Thanks for the feedback. Do I just buy in now then, or do you think her price will fall a little over the next couple of weeks? And should I buy 2 or 3?

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Postby warwizard87 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:36 am

I seriously doubt the price will go down ina few weeks, states will proly make the price jump to be honest.
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Postby Platypus » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:50 am

I doubt the price will go down during the following months. Perhaps if the next expansion changes the metagame so red decks become unfavorable, or if she's reprinted in M15. But then there's the eternal formats to consider as well. Honestly, I think it's Liliana of the Veil all over again.

Man, I'm kicking myself right now for not buying that one Chandra for the credits I had, the local price is up to 35€ (60€ for foils) right now. Well, I'll continue to play red without her, or switch to some other deck (black-based) if that don't work out. I think devotion red can manage better without her than PyroRed, she's more important there.
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Postby Draksil » Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:48 pm

Just gonna bite the sour apple and buy 2 of her then. I even bid on 5 auctions for 45 dollars for a playset just before the price increase, didn't want to spend the extra 5 dollars back then though and lost the auctions :P a 2-of should be fine right? No need for the third? Thanks for all the responses btw

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Postby dpaine88 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:29 pm

About to sleeve up for states.

Got 3 open spots between Weird or Shred Freak.

Anyone got feedback on either?
Burn baby burn!

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Postby DarthStabber » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:14 pm

I feel like weird is a board card (and likely not a bad one), but shred freak is great for speed. Figure out if you are going to go balls out on speed or prepare for the chance going control a little more. Basically it's a "guess the meta" scenario.
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Postby windstrider » Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:18 pm

I prefer act of treason over stomp for reckoner, but that's just me, nothing better then bashing with him, god forbid they actually block it! even if they don't you can do some nice tricks with Chandra or a shock on a stolen reckoner.
I'm looking at Goblin Shortcutter and Act of Treason for those matchups since they'd rarely be dead cards in the matches where I'd really want them. Shortcutter at least leaves behind a 2-power dude, so he's a respectable beatstick.
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:13 pm

So, interesting question. How is everyone siding for the mirror? (or pseudo mirror?)

Personally as PyroRed I'm...

-2 Hammer
+2 Flames of the Firebrand

This gives me 4 Flames while taking out a fairly slow card. I still have 2 main Chandra for additional cards and reach.

Now I'm less sure of this plan...
vDevotion or More Midrangy/slower Red
-2 Hammer
-2 Strike
-2 Chandra

+4 Peak Eruption
+2 Flames

This may be too gimmicky. Trying to go under other red decks and tempo them with LD. I love PE against Dega and UWR so it's already in my board but I hate removing Chandra. -2 Strike for +2 more Flames seems like solid upgrade as I want to be playing creatures on 1 and 2 anyway.

Maybe I'm undervaluing Reck in the red mirros. He seems scarier in W/x decks though.

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Postby DerWille » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:28 pm

I think you're taking a fairly big risk. From the games I've played, the problem cards of the match up is Boros Reckoner and Frostburn Weird (if they side him). Fanatic is only dangerous if he has groupies. So the trick would be to keep your opponent off 3 land. Are you confident that you can draw Peak Eruption and beat your opponent to 3 land?

Sideboard wise, I'd take out the Firedrinker Satyrs before Lightning Strikes and Chandra. I really like the lolhammer, but some amount of Mizzium Mortars for Weirds (if they side them) might not be a bad idea if you want to get rid of them.

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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:35 pm

I think you're taking a fairly big risk. From the games I've played, the problem cards of the match up is Boros Reckoner and Frostburn Weird (if they side him). Fanatic is only dangerous if he has groupies. So the trick would be to keep your opponent off 3 land. Are you confident that you can draw Peak Eruption and beat your opponent to 3 land?

Sideboard wise, I'd take out the Firedrinker Satyrs before Lightning Strikes and Chandra. I really like the lolhammer, but some amount of Mizzium Mortars for Weirds (if they side them) might not be a bad idea if you want to get rid of them.
You're probably right about PE, but a man can dream.

I don't know about Satyr though. I don't think what you want to be doing is slowing yourself down...
unless I board in the 3rd chandra and try and mono r contro them....

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Postby Draksil » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:39 pm

For Pyrored how do you guys feel about playing all 4x Mutavault mb as opposed to having one in the sb?

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Postby DerWille » Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:54 pm

@Haiiro-san - Usually in red mirror both sides side in all the burn they have. So the Firedrinkers end up being a free 2 for 1. I'd rather keep shock mana up for their Cackler/Ash Zealot than the Satyr.

@Draksil - I think it depends on how comfortable you are with it. Using a hypergeometric distribution calculator...

At 18 Red Sources, in your opening hand of 7 on the play /w 22 land on the play:
Red Sources < 2 : 31.4%
Red Sources = 2 : 33.7%
Red Sources >= 2: 68.5%

At 19 Red Sources, in your opening hand of 7 on the play /w 22 land on the play:
Red Sources < 2 : 27.9%
Red Sources = 2 : 33.1%
Red Sources >= : 72%

4 Mutavaults
least 2 red sources every 2 of 3 games (roughly)
Less than 2 red sources every 1 of 3 games (roughly)
0.6% more likely to have exactly 2 red sources in opening hand of 7

3 Mutavaults
At least 2 red sources every 3 of 4 games (roughly)
Less than 2 red sources every 1 of 4 games
0.6% less likely to have exactly 2 red sources in opening of 7

EDIT: Rewrote the conclusion to be more readable.

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Haiiro Sedai
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Postby Haiiro Sedai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:25 pm

I'm only running two muta main and don't want a third. In the first few turns everything you are casting is better than the vault and I don't want to disrupt that even one game in four.

I don't see how satyr is a two for one unless you are referencing flames or just shocking self when they burn him. I need to play that matchup more for sure, I will start trying cutting him. Thanks for the advice.

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Postby Wrathberry2 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:02 pm

just won a 8-man tournament on cockatrice with 3:0 with this deck:

4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Ash Zealot
4 Firefist Striker
4 Chandra's Phoenix
3 Stormbreath Dragon

4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet

3 Chandra, Pyromaster

20 Mountain
4 Mutavault

4 Boros Reckoner
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge
3 Burning Earth
3 Act of Treason
4 Mizzium Mortars

first game was vs some strange blue/black deck... it played things like this black 2 mana 3/3 defner who can attack if you pay 2. and some other stuff. funny that i acutaly had some problem vs it, but won 2:1, cant really remember what else he played.

second round was vs Red Devotion:
Won 2:0 in 2 pretty close games. in 1 game he didnt draw the fourth mana which would have killed me.

third round i played vs esper control:
won pretty easy. not much he could do. game 1 i just beat him to death.
game 2 i have him on
6 with 2 lighting strikes on hand and 4 mana.
just had to wait till he taps out for his sphinx revelation what he does, and kill him.

and for the other games i played exactly this deck:
i like it.
vs other aggro decks i transform this into midrange, by siding out all 1-drops and put in the reckoners, the mortars, an depending on the decktype i play mb some other stuff. but thats basicly it.

vs midrange i kinda do the same. vs 3-color burning earth gets in. and vs deck with low removal count like G/W i put in the purphoros, since i kinda wins the games on stalled boards. also act of treason gets in vs midrange decks with huge threats.

vs control i basicly change nothing, only vs 3-color stuff like esper i put in burning earth.

thx@redthirts for this deck btw, i think this is what i will start playing in paper magic soon. even if i dont like to buy these dragons for 20€, but it seems like i have no choice, dont think they will get cheaper in the next few month.

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Postby Yarpus » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:54 pm

This is my final decklist for PyroRed.

4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Ash Zealot
4 Young Pyromancer
2 Goblin Diplomats
4 Chandra's Phoenix

2 Chandra, Pyromaster

4 Shock
4 Magma Jet
4 Lightning Strike

Other Spells:
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Barrage of Expendables

18 Mountain
2 Sacred Foundry
2 Mutavault

4 Flames of the Firebrand
4 Act of Treason
4 Skullcrack
2 Wear // Tear
1 Hammer of Purphoros[/deck]

Still not sure if I should play Sacred Foundry or Temple of Triumph. Yes, I really want Wear//Tear. Meta becomes dangerously full of strong artifacts and enchantments. Wear // Tear gets big.

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Postby Helios » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:55 am

About to sleeve up for states.

Got 3 open spots between Weird or Shred Freak.

Anyone got feedback on either?
Weird is great against both aggro and control, Freak is only hot because of his haste.

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Postby Helios » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:55 am

Stop it with the Skullcracks already. We've had this talk.

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Postby Yarpus » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:12 am

My deck really needs those.
Also god, my deck is so techy as it's filled with shitty cards like Barrage of Expendables, Goblin Diplomats and Shocks. I love it. I just love it so much. I feel that my inner MTG hipster is just happy.
And what's the worst - those cards just work.

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Postby windstrider » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:28 am

If you're worried about artifacts, then Smelt or Vandalblast are better choices. You already have tech vs. enchantments: Act of Treason to steal, Barrage to sacrifice.

I'm thinking of moving some Act of Treason mainboard since it would be good in lots of situations.
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Postby DerWille » Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:36 am

I'm only running two muta main and don't want a third. In the first few turns everything you are casting is better than the vault and I don't want to disrupt that even one game in four.

I don't see how satyr is a two for one unless you are referencing flames or just shocking self when they burn him. I need to play that matchup more for sure, I will start trying cutting him. Thanks for the advice.
I was talking about how a burn to the Satyr kills the Satyr and does damage to you.

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