[Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT

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Postby dpaine88 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:30 pm

So I'm doing my first ever 2 headed giant event for the prerelease.

Any advice?
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Postby Jack » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:41 pm

Discuss your plans with your teammate, but play quickly, and encourage the other team to do the same. It is very easy to go to turns and draw. Draws really hurt here since there likely won't be very many teams.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:58 pm

So this is the Standard deck I ended up buying for MTGO. Except I forgot to buy more Mortars. :(

Creatures 27
4 Stromkirk Noble
4 Rakdos Cackler
4 Burning-Tree Emissary
4 Firefist Striker
4 Young Pyromancer
4 Chandra's Phoenix
3 Hellrider

Burn 12
4 Shock
4 Pillar of Flame
4 Searing Spear

Land 21
3 Mutavault
18 Mountain

1 Mizzium Mortars
2 Burning Earth
2 Electrickery
2 Act of Treason
2 Flames of the Firebrand
2 Frostburn Weird
4 Skullcrack
The sideboard is so bad.
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby Alex » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:06 pm

Frostburn Weird is fucking sweet though.

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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:09 pm

If only it had tits.
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby windstrider » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:16 pm

Warning: long post

Thoughts on the Prerelease

*Heroic is ghastly in limited. Anax and Cymede plus Phalanx Leaderwas just gross combined with Dauntless Onslaught I had that used against me, and it hurt a lot. Anax is quite powerful. Watch out for Tormented Hero. Turn one Hero plus [card]Titan's Strength[/card] hits for 6 with his trigger. Heroic could mean that board wipes aren't nearly as effective when a single
guy can hit like that.

*Whip of Erebos is a destroy-on-sight target. Giving the entire team lifelink is just nasty, especially with a monstrous Hundred-handed One or a bunch of flying tokens thanks to an Abhorrent Overlord. XD

*The amount of removal in this is not very high. Use it sparingly unless you open a lot. I had Lightning Strike, Magma Jet, and 3 Sip of Hemlock. They worked when I had them, which was rarely enough.

*Ember Swallower was nuts. Pulling the trigger on its monstrosity usually meant death for the opponent. It was very difficult to kill because of its big butt. I'm hoping it makes an impact in constructed because it's a lot of fun to drop something that big in red.

Coordinated Assault[/card] is an excellent little card. Allowed a lot of my guys to survive, especially against deathtouch, which is everywhere.

*Two-headed Cerberus did a surprising amount of work, especially with Assault.

*Fanatic of Mogis was very powerful. I crafted a minotaur deck focused around Deathbellow Raider, Minotaur Skullcleaver, Rageblood Shaman, Borderland Minotaur, and Kragma Warcaller. I got to cast those on that curve one game and just stomped my hapless opponent. I find it strange, and a little disappointing, that the Borderland Minotaur has the best stats when not in combat. Minotaurs need their lords; otherwise, they're overcosted and underpowered on their own, except for Reckoner, of course. Deathbellow may be a card to consider because of its 3 toughness,
which was relevant in a lot of matches even with the must-attack clause.

*The Ordeals can grow things very quickly, especially with other Heroic triggers. The 10 life from Ordeal of Heliod was not insignificant. Neither were the counters.

*Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx was very useful. Getting 7 mana from 5 lands was very nice. It's a powerful ramp effect that should not be overlooked.

Overall, my impression of the set matched my initial thoughts. It's a set with a lot of interactions, and it can reward skill-intensive plays built around powerful synergies. The interesting catch is that those synergies do need some time to set up, so the amount of good removal currently in Standard could suppress that for a while. The two-target heroic enablers like Coordinated Assault and Dauntless Onslaught were very good.

Despite a fairly good deck that hit hard, I went 2-4. The last two rounds I lost to mana
problems. For three games, I put down almost 9 mana each game. Drawing land after land and no creatures or removal killed me in several matches, even with a Hammer on the field. When I needed an answer, I got land. More than one match came down to if I drew anything but a land I would have won, so I drew land. I hardly ever saw any of my removal. I cast Lightning Strike and Magma Jet twice during the night. I understand variance happens, but it's still frustrating as hell when it happens that frequently.

As for the cards, I pulled nothing exceptional other than the Shrine and a Collosus of Akros. I did get a foil Gift of Immortality, which is quite striking with the foil effect. I pulled cards that I had already ordered playsets for, so it was kinda nice to play with them before I got them, but I spent less for over 40 cards than I did for the Prerelease, so that was disappointing. I felt like I was playing a shitty version of the Standard
deck I want to construct.

I did not like how the store handled the release. Rather than set aside the colors people wanted, they started and then gave people their choice of color based on the order that they paid for the release. That was stupid. The whole point of paying early is to guarantee the color choice. And they called out player's names for the matches instead of printing them on a sheet and labeling the seats. That added an unnecessary amount of time to wait.

tl;dr Set is fun and filled with powerful interactions. I complained a lot about variance and got a lot of cards I had already ordered.
Do you know what colors the top decks at your prerelease played? Mine were R/W, G/U, G/W, and G/W. My gut is telling me that splash white is probably worth it for just Divine Verdict. I think I'd go as far as to say that it's the best removal in the format.

Some of the heroic cards can get pretty nuts. I didn't get the
opportunity to try out a Fabled Hero with Dragon Mantle on him, but a Two-Headed Cerberus with Dragon Mantle won me more games than any other combination of cards. I did have a little success buffing up a Wingsteed Rider.

I only remember having 2 monstrosity cards in my deck, (M)Ember Swallower and Hundred-Handed One. Both were pretty good. I agree with you on the (M)Ember Swallower, if that monstrosity got activated, I was usually able to win soon after. Dropping them down to 3 or 4 lands is pretty brutal when there's so much expensive stuff. The handed dude was better than I thought too. Once he's monstrous, you can keep swinging in and not leave your defenses open.
No. I don't know which combination won. I was pretty disgusted with
the night as it went since the thing was supposed to start at 7pm but didn't actually get rolling until 7:30. The first matches didn't start until 8:30. By the time I left, it was almost 2am. I believe it was either a G/W or B/W since those two players rolled everyone else.

Interestingly enough, I had very little removal played against me. Most of the players relied on combat tricks, especially with the white Heroic guys. Fabled Hero gets disgustingly powerful very quickly. I suspect he's the new Silverblade Paladin.

The new lists we've got that transition to a removal-heavy build will be do a lot for us. In that regard, R/b, will be an especially powerful combination because of Doomblade, Ultimate Price, and Dreadbore.

With Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, it will be possible to get an overloaded Mizzium Mortars on turn 4, possibly even by turn 3 with
a BTE nut draw. Mountain, Mountain, Shrine, 3 BTE = 6 mana. Turn 4 with Cackler, Ash Zealot, Reckoner or Phoenix, and 3 Mountains. It can't be counted on, certainly, but those are possible. The Shrine should merit a look.
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Postby Yarpus » Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:49 pm

I've found another, pretty damn cute card.

Yes, we know it's cute. But can it be relevant in upcoming meta? I'd say yes. With two-three coloured decks being forced to focus on one colour while splashing other - suddenly most of large-impact pernaments are multicoloured while those that don't matter that much are single-coloured. Meta filters the targets for us in many of the matchups.

Here's the list of relevant pernaments that get hit by it.

Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Obzedat, Ghost Council
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Detention Sphere
Loxodon Smiter
Fleecemane Lion
Voice of Resurgence
Unflinching Courage
Boros Reckoner
Ghor-Clan Rampager
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
Domri Rade
Xenagos, the Reveler
Reaper of the Wilds
Vraska, the Unseen
Underworld Cerberus
Assemble the Legion

of them are pretty hard to be dealt with, especially Planeswalkers.
I'd say: redbro splashing W, consider this in your SB.

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Postby Link » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:17 pm

renounce, thats a card we totally missed in Kuroda Boros.

Yeah that things the tits

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Postby lorddax » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:28 pm

2-0-1 for single prerel. Uw. Was on the land a flier early and ride it or control board until landing a big flier or kraken. Was running a removal package of 4x Voyage's End 3x Divine Verdict, Griptide, Sea God's Revenge with 2x Omenspeaker and Thassa's Emissary. Endgame of 2x Precisient Chimera, 4/4 Scry2 Flier, Benethic Giant, Shipbreaker Kraken. Dropping Hopeful Eidilon onto a flier can be backbreaking. Bouncing massive heroic guys while they are top decking was far to satisfying. If you end up against a heroic deck, hold your removal until the last possible second. Many players will go too all in on heroic and neglect the endgame, if you can stabilize by turn 5/6 you should be able to pull it out once they run out of their 6-10 enablers.

Sold an Ashiok back to the shop to jump into 2HG for free.

2-1 for Two headed Giant with Gu Ramp control and Rb Minotaur Monstro (Blue and Red chosen). Curse of Swine is a very
real card and eats heroic expertly. The two green rampers may be some of the best cards in the format. Voyaging Satyr into [card]Karametra's Acolyte[/card] will suddenly have you playing dudes that shouldnt be out for another 4 turns. Turn 4 Shipbreaker Kraken ends games. Also this color pairing is beastly for 2HG thanks to Voyaging Satyr effectively ramping Rb.

Will probably play blue again if I do the MTGO release. Too stronk.

Cant remember all my pulls all I know is that I did manage to grab
Ember Swallower
Hammer of Purphoros x2
Lightning Strike x4
Magma Jet.

So now only 3 jets and 1 chandra short of Sligh for next friday. Course debating if Big Red would be better for week 1....thoughts?
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Postby Yarpus » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:36 pm

Big Red is gonna fuck any aggro deck sideways. And that's pretty good argument.

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Postby lorddax » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:36 pm

@Khaos, whenever you go to play shoot me a PM. Im not playing standard regularly and can loan you some cards for now if I have them. Should have the mortars.
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Postby Valdarith » Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:44 pm

My mind keeps telling me to go blue but my heart says red.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:19 pm

@Khaos, whenever you go to play shoot me a PM. Im not playing standard regularly and can loan you some cards for now if I have them. Should have the mortars.
Oh baby!

Add me to the clan as well, good sir.

Also, you get the booze yet???
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby Yarpus » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:21 pm

Could you add me to the clan as well?

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Postby lorddax » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:26 pm

PM me your exact user names so I can copy and paste them in.

No booze yet, but probably waiting for me at work.

Blue is getting a bit exciting, it now has one of the things it was missing beefy relevant creatures of its own color. I would not be surprised to see a mono blue build that controls the board with their cheap removal/tempo and then resolves a big beater like the giant or shipbreaker.
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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:49 pm

PM me your exact user names so I can copy and paste them in.

No booze yet, but probably waiting for me at work.

Blue is getting a bit exciting, it now has one of the things it was missing beefy relevant creatures of its own color. I would not be surprised to see a mono blue build that controls the board with their cheap removal/tempo and then resolves a big beater like the giant or shipbreaker.
Ah, yeah I forgot that I sent it to your work addy.

Also,I just remembered I can look up the damn tracking number myself lol
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby Sasky » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:51 pm

Add me to the clan? Username is Sasaky.

I haven't played there since Zen/Scars standard though.

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Postby Khaospawn » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:51 pm

Add me to the clan? Username is Sasaky.

I haven't played there since Zen/Scars standard though.
get on now! get to tha choppa!
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby lorddax » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:29 pm

So roomie asked for help with a new blue deck. Asked him what he wanted to do, he answered "Troll people at FNM" with the caveat that the cheaper it can be done the more hilarious it would be to send $300+ decks home in shame. So theres this monstrosity. Feel like it needs some things here and there, particularly in the SB.

[deck]Be a Dick Blue[/deck]
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Postby Verseau » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:01 am

Definitely one of the best Prerelease for me,
I got Elspeth and Foil Ashen Rider.

With that many amount of scry, my Elspeth almost always coming out, and when she is out, i always win.

One time, life left only 3, and my opponent on 26 and have 3 fatty.
I drop elspeth, destroy all fatty using her -
then just use her +1 till i win, i use it 5-6x, and i have about 15 soldiers on the field when i win.

Best moment, never this satisfy playing magic. I love her already, but don't worry guys,
she's still just only a mistress. please don't tell my queen, Chandra, about her, okey ? thanks guys, really appreciate it
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Postby Khaospawn » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:12 am

Best moment, never this satisfy playing magic. I love her already, but don't worry guys,
she's still just only a mistress. please don't tell my queen Chandra about her, okey ? thanks guys, really appreciate it
Chandra always finds out. Suspecting women are better than the CIA and FBI combined. So when she does, she's gonna be pissed.

But then, she'll probably be cool with it. Elspeth is a hottie. Hell, Chandra may decide she wants to spice things up, if know what I'm saying.. :unibrow:
In a pinch, Khaos' beard can help turn this around.
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Postby Yarpus » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:21 am

It all comes down to anal.
No matter what.
The difference is at which end of the dick you are.

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Postby redthirst » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:51 am

I don't ever want to go to Poland.
Originally posted by Dechs Kaison on MTGS
redthirst is redthirst, fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse. He was the leader of the Fires of Salvation, the only clan I'm aware of to get modded off the forums so hard they made their own forums.

Degenerate? Sure. Loudmouth? You bet. Law abiding? No ****ing way.

Great guy to have around? Hell yes.
I love the D...

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Postby DroppinSuga » Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:58 am

Poland is the place of nightmares.

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Postby hamfactorial » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:04 am

Meanwhile, in Poland... :gonk:

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Postby Yarpus » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:26 am

I don't ever want to go to Poland.
Meanwhile, in Poland... :gonk:

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Postby Lightning_Dolt » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:28 am

Went 1-1-1 at the second prerelease with B/w bestow. Was able to trade for almost everything I need for next FNM. Still need one Firedrinker Satyr and one Fanatic of Mogis (running Dpaine's list).

Also walked away with these:

1x Whip of Erobos
1x Bow of Nylea
1x Minotaur Lord
1x BW legend guy
1x Pro-blue Hydra
1x Polis Stomper
2x Stormbreath Dragon
2x 4cc Red Heroic Guy
1x Blue Sphinx
2x Thoughtsieze
1x Fleecemane Lion
1x G/B Gorgon
1x Gift of Inmortality
1x Hundred Handed One
1x Foil Trojan Horse

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Postby Sasky » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:33 am

With so many Poles going up peoples' holes...

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Postby F.I.A » Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:54 am

I am having problem connecting to mtgo these few days. Let's just hope I can do so 12 hours later.

As for those who logged back after a long time, you should be able to fine a free deck or two depending on how long you've registered. I got a Boltslinger and a Sliver deck that way.

For newcomers, it's not much, but I have stashed some Skullcrack. Just give me a message and I will give a playset.

Still waits for Theros to hit

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Postby hamfactorial » Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:26 am

Indeed! Occasionally MTGO will give out free promo cards to users who have logged in during a specified period or who have played in a ranked game. I have a promo Unhinged Island and a bunch of random foil Shards block cards that I found one day.

I can also loan cards to members, it's no trouble. I have a decent collection of red cards for Modern and some decent stuff from last Standard season.

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Postby Kazekirimaru » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:28 am

Khaos, who did your signature?

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Postby rcwraspy » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:42 am

I don't ever want to go to Poland.
Meanwhile, in Poland... :gonk:
Don't you mean asses?
Thanks to NerdBoyWonder for the amazing sig!
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Postby Jack » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:45 am

B'dum tsss
Sig by NBW.

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Postby Jack » Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:58 am

Khaos, who did your signature?
Yeah, looks really nice. I still like the old one better. It has that nice old-school look to it.
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Postby JWarson88 » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:15 am

For anyone on Cockatrice, what time do you usually log on to test? I live in Vermont in the U.S. to give a reference. I work as a line cook in the pub so im usually not out until after 11pm weds-sunday.

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Postby zemanjaski » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:51 am

Creatureless MBC (you know you want to):

27 Swamp

4 Corrupt
3 Demonic Tutor
2 Devour Flesh
4 Doom Blade
4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
4 Underworld Connections

1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Haunted Platemail
1 Pithing Needle
2 Ratchet Bomb
3 Trading Post

Expect some long games.
1 - Drunk, surly zem
2 - Nice, modest zem
3 - Bragpost zem
4 - Confident and funny zem
5 - Condescending jerk zem
6 - Self-aware zem
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Postby Kazekirimaru » Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:15 am

Creatureless MBC (you know you want to):

27 Swamp

4 Corrupt
3 Demonic Tutor
2 Devour Flesh
4 Doom Blade
4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
4 Underworld Connections

1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Haunted Platemail
1 Pithing Needle
2 Ratchet Bomb
3 Trading Post

Expect some long games.
I know you want it.

Blurred lineeeeessssss!

(I do want to play this list, though.)

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Postby Valdarith » Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:38 am

Welp I went 2-2-1 at the prerelease. My sealed pool was TERRIBLE. No mythics, all rares off color except for Hammer of Purphoros, no Magma Jet or Lightning Strike. Ended up in red and black with a low curve and had two of the black Mogis that gives guys haste and intimidate. Won first match and got wtfstomped in match two. Match three was a tie because my opponent alpha'd with the black Mogis guy when I was going to be swinging for lethal next turn with the exact same card. I beat him game two and we went to turns on game three and tied. Wtfstomped again in match four after a mull to four g1 and mull to five g2. Then switched to red/green for match five for shits and giggles and discovered I should have been green instead. Ah well, live and learn.

Looks like I have a lot of practicing to do for the PTQ in November. It's sealed too (ick).

At least I was able to make some trades though. I got my playset of Lightning
Strike, two Hammers, three Fanatic of Mogis, two Ember Swallower, three Spellheart Chimera, and three Satyr Hedonist. Now just need to find some Magma Jets and a couple more Ember Swallowers for Big Red and UR.
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Postby Valdarith » Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:45 am

Creatureless MBC (you know you want to):

27 Swamp

4 Corrupt
3 Demonic Tutor
2 Devour Flesh
4 Doom Blade
4 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
4 Underworld Connections

1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Haunted Platemail
1 Pithing Needle
2 Ratchet Bomb
3 Trading Post

Expect some long games.
Who needs Read the Bones when you have four maindeck Underworld Connections?
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Postby zemanjaski » Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:00 am

It's a much better card for the engine IMO. I feel that you need that raw resources very badly.
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3 - Bragpost zem
4 - Confident and funny zem
5 - Condescending jerk zem
6 - Self-aware zem
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