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by TubeHunter
Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:06 am
Forum: Hearthstone TCG
Topic: Arena - 12 Wins
Replies: 35
Views: 67125

Arena - 12 Wins

That's a pretty nice Rogue deck there, looks like a 12 win deck haha. I've gotten 11 wins a few times, but never have been able to get the mythical 12 myself.
by TubeHunter
Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:04 am
Forum: Hearthstone TCG
Topic: Totem Shaman (TGT PARTY)
Replies: 6
Views: 11634

Totem Shaman (TGT PARTY)

Well TGT has been out for a few days, so lets get this thing started with probably my favorite new deck, Totem shaman. First, my list Shaman Cards 1 Earth Shock 2 Rockbiter Weapon 1 Ancestral Knowledge 2 Flametounge Totems 2 Totem Golem 2 Hex 2 Lightning Storm 2 Tuskarr Totemic 1 Mana Tide Totem 2 T...
by TubeHunter
Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:16 am
Forum: Hearthstone TCG
Topic: Patron Warrior
Replies: 19
Views: 17856

Patron Warrior

How is the Harrison treating you? I am honestly loathe to run a 5 mana card that doesn't do anything if you aren't playing the warrior mirror/midrange hunter matchup. Has it been good enough in those matchups to justify it in your opinion?
by TubeHunter
Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:00 am
Forum: Hearthstone TCG
Topic: Hybrid Hunter Feedback
Replies: 67
Views: 40758

Hybrid Hunter Feedback

[cards]One Mana 2 Leper Gnome 1 Abusive Seargent Two Mana 1 Glaivezooka 2 Freezing Trap 1 Quick Shot 2 Haunted Creeper 1 Ironbeak Owl 2 Knife Juggler 2 Mad Scientist Three Mana 2 Eaglehorn Bow 2 Animal Companion 2 Kill Command 1 Unleash the Hounds 2 Wolfrider Four+ Mana 2 Piloted Shredder 2 Fel Reav...
by TubeHunter
Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:18 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[Feminists of Salvation] - Redsplaining

I opened 3 woodland bellowers in my 2 prereleases, is there a deck that want him out there?
by TubeHunter
Thu May 14, 2015 6:18 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

Oppoent Infernal tutors for phyrexian obliterator, tells me that grixis delver isn't a very good deck when he wins.

Thank you, Black red infernal tutor obliterator player, for showing me the error of my ways
by TubeHunter
Sun May 10, 2015 5:55 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

brought jeskai tempo to pptq against my better judgement. took second place. not that it means much since only 13 people showed up. fucking nebraska dude

Do you actually live in Nebraska? Where at?
by TubeHunter
Sat May 09, 2015 6:03 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

Just looking at the modern masters 2 in relation to Modern masters 1, there is just way more shit that i don't even want to open, regardless of the value of said rare. (yeah draft environment yada yada, i just flat out don't want to open more than half of the rares in the set, even in a casual way.)
by TubeHunter
Sat May 09, 2015 4:24 am
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

Planechase Mafia - Day 2 - Supreme Verdict

Back from finals. I'll try to make a more in depth post over the weekend.

Summary from last night. Targeted Ria with my Bodyguard, Got role blocked. Can't use my bodyguard tonight either it seems, if i am reading stardust's pm correctly.
by TubeHunter
Sat May 09, 2015 3:29 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

Though there is no question that pack 1 pick 1 i am going to open Long Forgotten Gohei for sure
by TubeHunter
Sat May 09, 2015 3:28 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

Did I miss something in the full spoiler? Daybreak Coronet and no other auras? Wtf.

Theory with that art is that it was probably slotted into theros somewhere and then just got cut so they just smushed it into MM2
by TubeHunter
Sat May 09, 2015 2:41 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

[4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

Is it bad that i didn't even know that Long Forgotten Gohei and Surrakur Spellblade were magic cards, much less Modern masters rares?
by TubeHunter
Fri May 08, 2015 9:40 pm
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

Planechase Mafia - Day 2 - Supreme Verdict

My finals end tonight, so just wait a day please.
by TubeHunter
Tue May 05, 2015 6:22 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Re: [4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

I cast Sovereigns of Lost Alara and attacked for 14 on turn four 2 games in a row, but my opponent responded by dragonstorming on turn 4 both games.

Magic is dumb.
by TubeHunter
Tue May 05, 2015 3:19 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Re: [4/5's of Siegevation], Rhino Town

why is my name on the right instead of the left? this is goofy
by TubeHunter
Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:48 pm
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

Im Gideon Jura, town bodyguard. I can target a player at night and anything that targets them will target me instead.

Its finals week, Im busy, so you can lynch me if you want. Ive got a lot on my plate at the moment
by TubeHunter
Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:29 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Sword Art was good for 1/2 of the first season. This. The first arc of SAO isn't anything particularly above average, but it at least kept me invested and was a bit of mindless fun to watch. The second arc however, might be the worst story arc I've ever watched. It was soooo bad. The show had a lot...
by TubeHunter
Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:53 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

watching Sword Art Online.

Im sorry to hear that.
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:09 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Man tonight is just not my night
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:03 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Did get a gold piloted shredder though, so thats something
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:00 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Also just did an arena and i remember how much i fucking hate actually playing hearthstone arena
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:33 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Imp Gang Boss really gets me. Whenever I want to actually rank up in hearthstone, I just play zoo. You can tell when I'm experimenting with decks because my rank will fluctuate from 4/5 down to like 7 as I try jamming shit like freeze mage, agro mage, priest, etc. Zoo and Rogue are the old faithful...
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:20 am
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

So If I have this correct, we started at dominara, and then someone already planeswalked to where we are now (i.e.: Bolas's Realm) Looking like contributing but not really adding anything. "So if I have this correct" is a nice little waffle-maker. Im kinda with Imopen on this one. I do th...
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:29 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

There is a whole lot of shit on the pile for this, not just "wah we have to pay for games." I hate the prevailing opinion in gaming where people should just accept getting fucked over because "fuck you, you entitled consumer." I mean, valve has been shitty for a while now, but t...
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:31 pm
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

So If I have this correct, we started at dominara, and then someone already planeswalked to where we are now (i.e.: Bolas's Realm) Looking like contributing but not really adding anything. "So if I have this correct" is a nice little waffle-maker. Im kinda with Imopen on this one. I do th...
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:06 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

You can always count on 3 things in life

Death, taxes and FoS choosing Mardu over the 18 viable decks (including Death and Taxes)

But i do play death and taxes
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:25 pm
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

Vote Jamie

To be honest, I think you are scum.
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:54 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

There is a whole lot of shit on the pile for this, not just "wah we have to pay for games." I hate the prevailing opinion in gaming where people should just accept getting fucked over because "fuck you, you entitled consumer." I mean, valve has been shitty for a while now, but th...
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:40 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

I mean, i guess whats new, (a game company crapping on consumers, what a twist right?), but seriously, fuck valve.
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:39 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Valve is such a shitty company
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:45 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

i was just referencing this:
by TubeHunter
Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:36 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

McDonalds Ice Tea

I drink that
by TubeHunter
Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:27 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Standard is always gonna have problems. Thats just the nature of it
by TubeHunter
Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:26 pm
Forum: Completed Games
Topic: Planechase Mafia - Game Over
Replies: 1164
Views: 439555

Am I going to have to show you guys why TubeHunter is scum? UGH!

That's not happening til the weekend at the earliest.

I mean, it wouldn't hurt your case to actually explain things lol.
by TubeHunter
Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:31 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Scars Innistrad best standard.

This standard is fine playwise. I just think maverick has a good point. The deck you choose to play sometimes is just more important that how well you can play sometimes (yes, i know im a scrub) .
by TubeHunter
Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:48 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Surprised you even get that reference Tube.
My parents showed me those movies all the time when i was a kid. I know my Land before Time!
by TubeHunter
Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:26 am
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

In the land before time, there was a dinosaur named Littlefoot.
by TubeHunter
Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:59 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

See the correct play is to not play modern because modern sucks.
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:43 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

Man, just was tuning in on the Scg stream, and was wondering who actually wants to buy a book of Cardboard Crack?
by TubeHunter
Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:25 pm
Forum: Fires of Salvation
Topic: [Fedoras of Salvation] - White Knights ITT
Replies: 59962
Views: 10350216

living that budgcaj lyfe

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