Search found 16 matches

by TptBahamut
Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:48 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: Primer: Mardu Midrange
Replies: 674
Views: 288540

I don't have much to add on the Roc debate, as I just got mine on MTGO last night and haven't had a chance to test yet. But... does anyone have Brad's updated list?
by TptBahamut
Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:39 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143052

I'm having continued success with the RW "Je'skies" deck I posted on page 6. 3 Phoenix + 2 Stormbreath just win games against junk, especially if you make it to 6 mana and they can't kill the phoenix. Jeskai doesn't stand a chance, they can't keep a threat on the field and they just fall w...
by TptBahamut
Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:45 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143052

Playing around with the following list: [deck] 4 Temple of Triumph 4 Battlefield Forge 2 Windscarred Crag 3 Plains 11 Mountain 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Seeker of the Way 4 Hushwing Gryph 3 Ashcloud Phoenix 2 Stormbreath Dragon 4 Chained to the Rock 4 Magma Jet 4 Lightning Strike 3 Searing Blood 4 St...
by TptBahamut
Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:44 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143052

So, after a few more matches... according to my opponents, my deck is awful and I'm a sack for winning. Turns out, drawing multiple rabblemasters against junk can break through for the win. Two rabbles against junk's siege rhino into siege rhino into sorin +1 got through for exactly lethal, then tri...
by TptBahamut
Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:09 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143052

A million times what RW said. Built one of the jeskai lists in the top 8, and played a few eight mans... certain draws are ridiculous, but I stumbled over mana in most of my games, playing things behind curve and just couldn't keep up vs a variety of things. Go back to my modified Boros Burn, and it...
by TptBahamut
Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:53 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
Replies: 277
Views: 143052

If we want to get rid of deflecting palm... does an extra land and two Ashcloud Phoenix warrant any consideration? Gives us a big flyer, recursive threat... Definitely more proactive than palm. That said, I've barely played any games with the deck, and it was all against aggro where palm was lacklus...
by TptBahamut
Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:04 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Mono Black Aggro
Replies: 38
Views: 27715

Except Desecration Demon is no longer legal once KTK comes out.
by TptBahamut
Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:05 am
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Slaughterhouse 5(Mardu aggro)
Replies: 55
Views: 39590

No love for War-name Aspirant as a two drop? 3 power, runs through tokens and carytids...
by TptBahamut
Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:37 pm
Forum: Mountain (Standard)
Topic: Slaughterhouse 5(Mardu aggro)
Replies: 55
Views: 39590

The only thing I worry about with your list is not having non-token creatures on the field enough to fully utilize Mardu Ascendancy. I only count 8 creatures that can trigger a T3 Ascendancy. I'm thinking that those three slots could be something else, or else you may want some more small drops. I c...
by TptBahamut
Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:07 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] RDW
Replies: 1239
Views: 324615

Uneventful, sad event. Lost to Jund walkers 2-1, after a blowout win with dynacharge, the next two games saw plenty of sweepers and roadblocks that I couldn't get past. Then lost to white based boros in two quick games to a slew of 2/1's and blowouts by ajani's presence/brave the elements. Today's g...
by TptBahamut
Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:38 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] RDW
Replies: 1239
Views: 324615

I'm gonna try changing the charms out for 4 Dynacharges, and a board of:
4 Boros Charm
4 Chained to the Rocks
4 Searing Blood
2 Frontline Medic
1 Keening Apparition
for tonight's daily event. I'll be reporting after the event!
by TptBahamut
Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:00 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] RDW
Replies: 1239
Views: 324615

Took your list (or close to it, no mutavaults) through a daily today, Vald. It's pretty great, and rabblemaster is awesome. Lost round 1 to UWR control when he topdecked searing blood to take me out with lethal on board. Round 2 I faced a white lifegain deck. I thought I was done for, with main deck...
by TptBahamut
Sat May 03, 2014 1:21 am
Forum: Temple of Triumph (Block Constructed)
Topic: RDW
Replies: 8
Views: 48114

Thanks for the thoughts, Valdarith. You're probably right on the hall - drawing the second one in a game would be soul crushing. I'm not the biggest fan of everflame, just because paying three mana for +1/+1 feels pretty miserable a lot of the time, but it's better then a second, dead hall. I play w...
by TptBahamut
Fri May 02, 2014 6:41 am
Forum: Temple of Triumph (Block Constructed)
Topic: RDW
Replies: 8
Views: 48114

Hey all, Good to see at least a bit of discussion about mono-red in the block format. I first piloted the current red deck that's been doing relatively well in the past week, and it does quite well against 2/3 of the format, but has a miserable Junk reanimator match-up. I could go into details and m...
by TptBahamut
Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:19 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1608614

Gotta love punting games away... Chains'd a bestowed lotleth troll before combat, missing two points of damage with my YP$... and lost with him at one life. Guess I need to slow down and pay more attention. This deck punishes hard for even the slightest mistakes.
by TptBahamut
Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:52 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1608614

New user here... been lurking for about a week, and decided to finally register and thank everyone in this thread for the work they've done on this archetype. I had been playing block and won the LED, which I used to purchase Zem's last posted list (Although budgetized... can't afford vaults yet.) A...

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