Search found 16 matches
- Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:48 am
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: Primer: Mardu Midrange
- Replies: 674
- Views: 288540
- Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:39 pm
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
- Replies: 277
- Views: 143052
- Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:45 am
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
- Replies: 277
- Views: 143052
Playing around with the following list: [deck] 4 Temple of Triumph 4 Battlefield Forge 2 Windscarred Crag 3 Plains 11 Mountain 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Seeker of the Way 4 Hushwing Gryph 3 Ashcloud Phoenix 2 Stormbreath Dragon 4 Chained to the Rock 4 Magma Jet 4 Lightning Strike 3 Searing Blood 4 St...
- Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:44 pm
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
- Replies: 277
- Views: 143052
So, after a few more matches... according to my opponents, my deck is awful and I'm a sack for winning. Turns out, drawing multiple rabblemasters against junk can break through for the win. Two rabbles against junk's siege rhino into siege rhino into sorin +1 got through for exactly lethal, then tri...
- Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:09 pm
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
- Replies: 277
- Views: 143052
A million times what RW said. Built one of the jeskai lists in the top 8, and played a few eight mans... certain draws are ridiculous, but I stumbled over mana in most of my games, playing things behind curve and just couldn't keep up vs a variety of things. Go back to my modified Boros Burn, and it...
- Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:53 am
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Boros Burn 2.0
- Replies: 277
- Views: 143052
If we want to get rid of deflecting palm... does an extra land and two Ashcloud Phoenix warrant any consideration? Gives us a big flyer, recursive threat... Definitely more proactive than palm. That said, I've barely played any games with the deck, and it was all against aggro where palm was lacklus...
- Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:04 am
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Mono Black Aggro
- Replies: 38
- Views: 27715
- Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:05 am
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Slaughterhouse 5(Mardu aggro)
- Replies: 55
- Views: 39590
- Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:37 pm
- Forum: Mountain (Standard)
- Topic: Slaughterhouse 5(Mardu aggro)
- Replies: 55
- Views: 39590
The only thing I worry about with your list is not having non-token creatures on the field enough to fully utilize Mardu Ascendancy. I only count 8 creatures that can trigger a T3 Ascendancy. I'm thinking that those three slots could be something else, or else you may want some more small drops. I c...
- Fri Aug 01, 2014 3:07 am
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: [Primer] RDW
- Replies: 1239
- Views: 324615
Uneventful, sad event. Lost to Jund walkers 2-1, after a blowout win with dynacharge, the next two games saw plenty of sweepers and roadblocks that I couldn't get past. Then lost to white based boros in two quick games to a slew of 2/1's and blowouts by ajani's presence/brave the elements. Today's g...
- Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:38 am
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: [Primer] RDW
- Replies: 1239
- Views: 324615
- Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:00 am
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: [Primer] RDW
- Replies: 1239
- Views: 324615
Took your list (or close to it, no mutavaults) through a daily today, Vald. It's pretty great, and rabblemaster is awesome. Lost round 1 to UWR control when he topdecked searing blood to take me out with lethal on board. Round 2 I faced a white lifegain deck. I thought I was done for, with main deck...
- Sat May 03, 2014 1:21 am
- Forum: Temple of Triumph (Block Constructed)
- Topic: RDW
- Replies: 8
- Views: 48114
Thanks for the thoughts, Valdarith. You're probably right on the hall - drawing the second one in a game would be soul crushing. I'm not the biggest fan of everflame, just because paying three mana for +1/+1 feels pretty miserable a lot of the time, but it's better then a second, dead hall. I play w...
- Fri May 02, 2014 6:41 am
- Forum: Temple of Triumph (Block Constructed)
- Topic: RDW
- Replies: 8
- Views: 48114
Hey all, Good to see at least a bit of discussion about mono-red in the block format. I first piloted the current red deck that's been doing relatively well in the past week, and it does quite well against 2/3 of the format, but has a miserable Junk reanimator match-up. I could go into details and m...
- Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:19 pm
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
- Replies: 7593
- Views: 1608614
- Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:52 am
- Forum: Archives
- Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
- Replies: 7593
- Views: 1608614
New user here... been lurking for about a week, and decided to finally register and thank everyone in this thread for the work they've done on this archetype. I had been playing block and won the LED, which I used to purchase Zem's last posted list (Although budgetized... can't afford vaults yet.) A...