Search found 26 matches

by Redzone
Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:53 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Just placed second in a GPT, deck ran fine except for one match versus mono blue where I didnt draw a single cttr or dancer over both games.
by Redzone
Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:08 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

So is t/t though.
by Redzone
Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:26 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Since we're decently in black now, have slaughter games/rakdos returned been considered? I could see myself cutting 1-2 t/ts for either of those cards
by Redzone
Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:49 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

And it wasn't even my idea, also I don't see why everyone focused on the ricochet which I used maybe once in that premier, instead of BO maindeck which was bald, gave me an edge in some matches, but isn't really maindeckable (that is until even more people hop onto burn).
by Redzone
Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:00 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

" Wild Ricochet is a maverick style card, especially for the mirror. It is high variance and narrow, so when you pull it off your opponent will be prone to tilt off, flip tables, and break things within arm's reach. Most of the time it will just sit in your sideboard though. If you're the guy (...
by Redzone
Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:48 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

here is the list I'm testing and some videos: Standard Elimination Report (Event 6926390) BW Control vs (MDU) Blind Zurm (Standard Elimination R1 Event 6926390) (Zemanjaski) Rw Burn vs (MDU) Blind Zurm (Standard Elimination R2 Event 6926390) (Red) Rw Burn vs (MDU) Blind Zurm (Standard Elimination R...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:18 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

wouldnt each burning earth trigger have to resolve before he could tap the next land?
by Redzone
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:23 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

I'm not saying that its better than burning earth vs control, it almost definitely isnt. But aside from esper/uw control I dont see a matchup where I'd be happy to topdeck burning earth late in the game, whereas ricochet is never a bad topdeck later on. (Even if it's just to copy your own spell, you...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:14 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Redzone, I keep asking this but seriously, other than maybe, maybe the mirror, what is wild ricochet good for? Maybe the mirror? It's basically the " I win" card in the mirror. Its also had its uses in esper whenever I drew it, whether it be redirecting a last breath from my phoenix to my...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:31 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

I'll try some of this new stuff, it sounds like it could work.
I probably wont try the burning earth sideboard though, having a 1-of means I wont draw it early much, and it's not a gamechanging topdeck later on (like wild ricochet ;) )
by Redzone
Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:19 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

And in the middle of the PE mtgo crashes and hasnt gone up since.. well that's that for today.
by Redzone
Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:33 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

The list is up, looks like someone else went top 8 with burn at the premier. ... rn/6865592
by Redzone
Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:08 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Sooo here goes. Grinded the deck some more on mtgo, yesterday went quite nicely, 3-1 in 2 DE's and 9-1 in the PE, finishing 1st place. First of all my statistic since friday is as follows: mirror 4-2 hexproof 1-1 mbc 3-1 esper control 3-0 bw midrange 2-0 esperhumans 1-0 mono blue 2-1 green devo 1-0 ...
by Redzone
Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:01 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

PE first, writeup tomorrow :D
by Redzone
Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:33 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

PE finals! :D
by Redzone
Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:01 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

just made top 8 in a premier daily, will do a write up tomorrow
by Redzone
Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:20 am
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

So after 2 DE wth bo main and wild ricochet side, here are my thoughts: I've started tracking my win/lose by matchup now, so far I'm at mirror 3-0 hexproof 0-1 (close) esperhumans 1-0 mono u 0-1 bw midrange 1-0 mbc 2-1 esper 1-0 Overall I've experienced a lot more mirrors (or sort of mirrors, people...
by Redzone
Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:27 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Just played a mirror g1 of a DE.
Game 3 he used peak eruption on me in like turn 8, in respone i use WILD RICOCHET, change target to one of his mountains on which he had chained my phoenix, and destroyed another mountain of his.
by Redzone
Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:37 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Sideboarding: Rw – 2 Blind Obedience, 1 Chained to the Rocks, 2 Spark Trooper in // 4 Ash Zealot, 1 Skullcrack out I'm thinking we would want to keep the Ash Zealot in the mirror. Isn't AZ good against Sparky because of first strike? I might be missing something though, so let me know if this doesn...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:34 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Currently testing the 3 guildgate 3 mutavault, 3-0 in my DE as of now, I like the mana base MUCH more than before. Great, can we get notes after? Thanks. I shouldve kept my mouth shut till after round 4 .. Round 4 was against green devotion with splash for domri and xenagod, insane acceleration att...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:14 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Currently testing the 3 guildgate 3 mutavault, 3-0 in my DE as of now, I like the mana base MUCH more than before.
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:17 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Yea. I have been thinking today at work and came to the same conclusion about cutting a shock for a gate and a mutavault for a mountain. The idea of cutting the last 2 shocks for another chains and a spark trooper main is appealing but might that be diminishing the Phoenix a lot? Ash zealot also, a...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:06 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Above someone mentioned it as an answer to blood baron for 4 mana with boros charm. While that can be true, what can also happen is 1. you play SFD, 2. you play boros charm 3. in response he kills SFD. 4. you just used 4 mana, likely tapped out, while he can swing next turn and get his 4 life back,...
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:54 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Sounds lovely.
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:46 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Yeah that's me ;)
I almost made top 8 there, unfortunately my opponent in round 7 played selesnya and destroyed me with t1 experiment t2 voice t3 voice :/

Oh another good argument for keeping mortars is brimaz.
I like the idea of going 3 mortars 1 spark trooper, definitely worth trying.
by Redzone
Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:33 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: [Primer] Boros Burn
Replies: 7593
Views: 1609025

Alright so after a lot of lurking (Ive been meaning to register like a week ago, but didn't receive my confirmation email and didn't try again til now. I've played the old list at 2 FNM's when zem posted his original article on CFB, and the day after made some changes of my own (somewhat similar to ...

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